Then they came for us...

Clearly, Republicans are working for "voter suppression".

Clearly, Republicans put the welfare of corporations ahead of helping Americans, which the party of "let him die" sees as "socialism".

Clearly, Republicans are even targeting women who have been raped.

Clearly, Republicans are slashing funding for education.

Clearly, the first step towards a "national religion" is a "national language".

Clearly, Republicans have targeted gays for decades.

Clearly, the right wing has attempted to force their religion on us again and again.

Clearly there is a war going on. Right this minute. Republicans against America and the American middle class.

Clearly RDean is a Subversive working for the North Koreans. ;)

He is a failed Fiction Writer, that has lost his way between reality and his special place. :D

There is not a single thing there that's not factual. In a way, I feel bad for your "type". The denial. The fear. The hate. It's quite sad and pitiful.

The Day you learn to stand for the defense of Individual Liberty, rather than Oppress it with distortions and lies, I will listen to what you have to say. Until then, you are just a tool of Oppression.
Next, they're coming for those of us who refuse to feed the health insurance industry.

No. Republicans have already told us what they want to do with people without healthcare. "Let them die".

Actually, the Democrats won that battle. The insurance industry laid out their demands and Obama delivered. They'll have their pound of flesh!

Unless of course the Court comes to the rescue, but they've not exactly been reliable on confronting corporatism.

Actually the Republicans won the battle. The Democrats got scraps.
So implying sarcasm and irony is a political tool to shut down opposition?

Huh... really?

So what is Stephen Colbert other than a fascist stooge. Or Jon Stewart? Or every other leftwing crackpot comedian making hay off of mocking conservatives since 1920?

Calling you a hypocrite is not a compliment you know. I wish I could attribute knowingly useing Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, but I don't think you are even aware enough to realize what an innefectual tool you are.

Here. Enjoy some more humor about you at your expense.


You make attacks ineffective when you laugh at them. Conservatives attack reason. Laughter is the best defense.
Hairnet... the day you use reason is the day your food service employer will up you to dishwasher from fry handler.

You just don't recognize reason because you have none. You're posts prove that much.
So implying sarcasm and irony is a political tool to shut down opposition?

I seem to have rendered you even more incoherent than before. Which is saying something.

"Morality" is actually a sliding scale. Not that it's "defined" by morality, but a new morality is defined by right wing extremism. And I believe you are correct, it is "tribal". And the Democratic party being a coalition party is the opposite of "tribal" unless you look closely at the individual components. But those Democratic tribes are small. They are forced to work together.

Oops, I missed part of what you were saying. Yes. I agree.
Wow Hairnet... you have a fan. Would this be a 6% of the 6% of the 6%?

I better check the weather channel. Hell must have frozen over.


The percentage of scientists that will admit to being Republican.
Clearly RDean is a Subversive working for the North Koreans. ;)

He is a failed Fiction Writer, that has lost his way between reality and his special place. :D

There is not a single thing there that's not factual. In a way, I feel bad for your "type". The denial. The fear. The hate. It's quite sad and pitiful.

The Day you learn to stand for the defense of Individual Liberty, rather than Oppress it with distortions and lies, I will listen to what you have to say. Until then, you are just a tool of Oppression.

What "distortion"? Be specific.
No. Republicans have already told us what they want to do with people without healthcare. "Let them die".

Actually, the Democrats won that battle. The insurance industry laid out their demands and Obama delivered. They'll have their pound of flesh!

Unless of course the Court comes to the rescue, but they've not exactly been reliable on confronting corporatism.

Actually the Republicans won the battle. The Democrats got scraps.

Obama signed the bill. Blaming the Repubicans for a bill that Democrats wrote, and a Democrat president signed is pretty pathetic.
Yeah... when they come with tanks and drones... good luck with the Remingtons.
You can't arrest a man with a tank.

As long as the gubmint thugs know that a few of them aren't going home to their families if they try to take me away from mine, it's all good. :FIREdevil:
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Actually, the Democrats won that battle. The insurance industry laid out their demands and Obama delivered. They'll have their pound of flesh!

Unless of course the Court comes to the rescue, but they've not exactly been reliable on confronting corporatism.

Actually the Republicans won the battle. The Democrats got scraps.

Obama signed the bill. Blaming the Repubicans for a bill that Democrats wrote, and a Democrat president signed is pretty pathetic.

You can't be serious.

Look at the Bush Tax Cut extension. Republicans say, "Obama signed it. He must have wanted it".

Then look at what the conservative Christian Science Monitor has to say:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Republicans held millions of American hostage. The reason they can get away with this is because the Republican leadership doesn't give a flying fuck about America or the American people. For a dime, they would royally screw them over. Even most right wingers have to know that. Obama can't do it. He's been on food stamps. He's paid off student loans. He knows what it's like.

Every time you guys make these charges, I go and read up on it and find out you fuckers are lying your asses off once again. Win elections through good policy. Not by lying.
Republicans held millions of American hostage. The reason they can get away with this is because the Republican leadership doesn't give a flying fuck about America or the American people. For a dime, they would royally screw them over. Even most right wingers have to know that. Obama can't do it. He's been on food stamps. He's paid off student loans. He knows what it's like.

Every time you guys make these charges, I go and read up on it and find out you fuckers are lying your asses off once again. Win elections through good policy. Not by lying.

Hmmm not really sure who 'you guys' refers to, but I ain't a Republican. They're every bit as much lying slimeballs as your Democrats.

Obama signed PPACA. It's his flagship "accomplishment". He's got no one to blame but himself for that. In fact, if he'd refused to sign it - if he'd sent the fucking thing back to Congress and said "Get it right!", I might be supporting him in a second term. But he didn't. And I'm not.
Everything needs progress or it stagnates and dies. History should have taught you that.
Uh...NO, it doesn't! History should have taught you that if it ain't broke...DON'T FIX IT!

The ONLY reason women or blacks got the right to vote is because the founders provided a process for the peaceful altering of laws to reflect the will of the majority. Anyone who thinks there is another country on this planet that applies their laws as uniformly as the US...they are COMPLETELY uninformed!

Let's see, how did women in Afghanistan get the right to vote, go to school, own properties or run for office...oh yeah. 4000 DEAD AMERICANS!

And just for a little historical perspective for all the America hating progressive/socialist who always look to Europe and your beloved France for guidance, just exactly WHEN do you suppose women got the right to vote in France? I'll save you google bots the trouble. 1944....and when was it in America....oh yeah, the 19th amendment in 1920. Huh, imagine that.

And by the way, the BIRTH PLACE of modern socialism, England got suffrage in 1928. Not even the great Fabian socialist that you follow could speed that up.

Of course, blacks got the right to vote in 1870 in this country. LONG before women in just about any other country on the planet. By the way, ALL those countries had cultures and societies in place for a thousand years before we ever got to this continent. So I'd say we got around to it relatively soon compared to the rest of the world.

Oh, and just for you children whose only come back when confronted with truth is to say prove it, nunt nua or a link to Wiki like it's any more authoritative than some blogger setting in their footy pj's in momma's basement...we'll educate you just a little.

First, the definition of progressivism from the horse's mouth, the PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT! "A political ideology advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform or changes through the state." Translation, state ownership...controlled by the intellectual elite.

Socialism...state ownership controlled by the intellectual elite. Communism....state ownership controlled by the bureaucratic elite. Marxism...state ownership controlled by the social elite. Fascism...state ownership controlled by the ruling elite. I'm detecting a pattern here.

The ONLY difference in any of them is which son of a bitch is going to take your shit and give it to someone else!

Educational message number 2.

Article III - The Judicial Branch---Section 1 - Judicial powers---"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."

Just for those of you who are reading comprehension compromised...I'll translate the bits I've made bold. "...and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." All we need is Garret Morris SCREAMING IT AT YOU. But since he ain't and just so you get the inference, if Congress can establish a Court...THEY CAN ABOLISH IT!

Thank you Garret. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Then there is the second part about, "...shall hold their Offices during good Behavior..." Now what the HELL do you suppose is meant by good behavior?

Let's see, elsewhere in the Constitution when the founders described a reason for removing someone from office, say a president or congressman, it says, for crimes and misdemeanors. Huh, wonder why men who held language so precious that they spent so few words to establish the longest running government in the history of man said "good behavior" instead? Maybe it's because it's WHAT THEY MEANT!!!

If they don't behave as an impartial applicant of the law in accordance with the Constitution, they got to GO!

During times of good behavior means they are to be held to a HIGHER standard than just being lawful personally. In fact, allowing personal predigest to affect their duties IS bad behavior!

And the last part, "...during their Continuance in Office." Do you know what Continuance means? I'll give you a clue. It does NOT mean till death do us part. Nor does it mean till they can't be wheeled up to the bench any more. It means while they are in office. Judges were NEVER intended to be lifetime appointments...NEVER!

And in fact...they WEREN'T for much of our history!

So, the questions is still, progress to what? You don't have a freakin' clue! Just progress. We don't need to progress our government. We need to RECLAIM our government to it's founding principles!

And I know DAMN WELL what those are. It's spelled out plainly in our founding documents. The Declaration is the WHAT and the Constitution is the HOW!

Simple, effective and it's worked well till a bunch of self righteous, pseudo intellectuals who are barely smarter than a fifth grader decided they were smarter than the greatest collection of TRUE intellectuals ever gathered in one place at one time in the history of the world!

I'll take the smart guys and the Constitution thank you. You can KEEP your damn progress!
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Thanks for illustrating your further ignorance of the roots and basic philosophy that formed progressivism and their bastard offspring and philosophical heir, fascism.

I'd say educate yourself, but all the schooling in the world is wasted on a rancid turnip like yourself.

SAT said:
What a wonderful use of irony! Comparing one's ideological opponents to animals, insects, diseases, or to something that disgusts the senses, is of course a fascist tactic. :eusa_clap:
Fitz said:
So implying sarcasm and irony is a political tool to shut down opposition?

Huh... really?

So what is Stephen Colbert other than a fascist stooge. Or Jon Stewart? Or every other leftwing crackpot comedian making hay off of mocking conservatives since 1920?

I think you meant "employing" and not "implying". I wasn't saying that you were employing, or even implying, sarcasm. I was saying that in attacking someone else as a fascist, you were yourself using a fascist tactic. The irony was unwitting. I wasn't calling you clever.
Everything needs progress or it stagnates and dies. History should have taught you that.
Uh...NO, it doesn't! History should have taught you that if it ain't broke...DON'T FIX IT!

The ONLY reason women or blacks got the right to vote is because the founders provided a process for the peaceful altering of laws to reflect the will of the majority. Anyone who thinks there is another country on this planet that applies their laws as uniformly as the US...they are COMPLETELY uninformed!

Peacefully? You forgot the Civil War. The Civil War ended the founder's error of legalized ownership of other humans. Please drop your attendance at Glenn Beck University.
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Thanks for illustrating your further ignorance of the roots and basic philosophy that formed progressivism and their bastard offspring and philosophical heir, fascism.

I'd say educate yourself, but all the schooling in the world is wasted on a rancid turnip like yourself.

SAT said:
What a wonderful use of irony! Comparing one's ideological opponents to animals, insects, diseases, or to something that disgusts the senses, is of course a fascist tactic. :eusa_clap:
Fitz said:
So implying sarcasm and irony is a political tool to shut down opposition?

Huh... really?

So what is Stephen Colbert other than a fascist stooge. Or Jon Stewart? Or every other leftwing crackpot comedian making hay off of mocking conservatives since 1920?

I think you meant "employing" and not "implying". I wasn't saying that you were employing, or even implying, sarcasm. I was saying that in attacking someone else as a fascist, you were yourself using a fascist tactic. The irony was unwitting. I wasn't calling you clever.

You use of Alinsky rules for radicals has been noted.
Even you don't believe that, Avatar.

No, of course not. Why on earth would i answer your question? Silly me. I thought you actually wanted to understand.

It has become readily apparent that he doesn't care at all to understand the completely authoritarian nature of progressiveism/socialism....It's much safer to live in your little Utopian cocoon and assume that the do-gooder will always seek the power under such a system, rather than the tyrant.

Like I said....Dumber than dirt.
Even you don't believe that, Avatar.

No, of course not. Why on earth would i answer your question? Silly me. I thought you actually wanted to understand.

It has become readily apparent that he doesn't care at all to understand the completely authoritarian nature of progressiveism/socialism....It's much safer to live in your little Utopian cocoon and assume that the do-gooder will always seek the power under such a system, rather than the tyrant.

Like I said....Dumber than dirt.

You continue to conflate ideas and make uninformed statements about those ideas, while ignoring the world around you, and refusing to make your own views at all clear. There are social democracies-which I assume you would call a social democracy either progressive or socialist-on this planet that are not authoritarian. How can you pretend that you don't see that? I guess the same way that you can pretend that progressives are like Hitler. You just prefer it that way, so you think it.
Thanks for illustrating your further ignorance of the roots and basic philosophy that formed progressivism and their bastard offspring and philosophical heir, fascism.

I'd say educate yourself, but all the schooling in the world is wasted on a rancid turnip like yourself.

SAT said:
What a wonderful use of irony! Comparing one's ideological opponents to animals, insects, diseases, or to something that disgusts the senses, is of course a fascist tactic. :eusa_clap:
Fitz said:
So implying sarcasm and irony is a political tool to shut down opposition?

Huh... really?

So what is Stephen Colbert other than a fascist stooge. Or Jon Stewart? Or every other leftwing crackpot comedian making hay off of mocking conservatives since 1920?

I think you meant "employing" and not "implying". I wasn't saying that you were employing, or even implying, sarcasm. I was saying that in attacking someone else as a fascist, you were yourself using a fascist tactic. The irony was unwitting. I wasn't calling you clever.
Your argument's fooked so you complain about grammar which was correct regardless of your complaints. Yeah, snarky Lenin is still right. U still nawt useful idiot.

:badgrin: You were busted like a cherry.

Your post made me laugh. Sorry. The right wingers on the board can only shout that progressives and liberals are like fascists. Once you ask them how, they can't begin to back it up, all they can do is start reciting what their talk radio masters have said.

Alinsky rules for radicals tactics are a fail when used on some. You can't hide, cover them up or mask them. I suggest that you try a new tactic.

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