Then they insist to disarm us

a convicted felon freed under the Obama Administration early release program

murdered mom and both children

Press Release
Prosecutor Ron O’Brien announces that the Franklin County Grand Jury has returned a ten count death penalty indictment on Wendell Callahan, age 35, in connection to the January 12, 2016 triple murders of his ex-girlfriend Erveena Hammonds, age 32, and her two young daughters Anaesia Green, age 10, and Breya Hammonds, age 7, that occurred in Hammond’s apartment located at 995 Atlantic Avenue on the north side of Columbus.

The counts in Callahan’s indictment, which make him death penalty eligible, include Aggravated Murder of EH (prior calculation and design), Aggravated Murder of EH (during the commission of Agg Burg), Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (prior calculation and design), Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (during the commission of Agg Burg), and Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (victims under the age of 13). The specifications to these counts that make Callahan eligible for the death penalty include killing two or more people during his course of conduct, committing the homicides during an Aggravated Burglary or while fleeing thereafter, killing person(s) to escape apprehension, and killing children under the age of 13. In total, there are two counts of Aggravated Murder with two specs, one count of Murder, six counts of Aggravated Murder with four specs, and one count of Aggravated Burglary. “There are multiple charges regarding the three victim deaths because there are different methods to commit the crime of murder and the Prosecutor’s Office typically charges all methods”, O’Brien stated.

It is alleged that Callahan broke into the apartment and brutally stabbed all three victims and that Hammond’s current boyfriend arrived at the home to find the bloody crime scene, at which time a fight ensued between the men. Callahan fled the scene and was apprehended shortly thereafter. O’Brien commended the Columbus Fire and Police Departments for their processing of this crime scene and for their apprehension and investigation of Callahan. Arraignment for this death penalty case is set for Friday, March 4th, 2016, at 1:30 pm in courtroom 2B at 345 South High Street.

Posted: 03/01/2016 | Defendant: Wendell L. Callahan are just being negative....this guy murdered these three people yes....and that is kinda bad.....but.............he did not use a gun to do it....he used a knife, and according to the anti gunners this is a win........

So please....try to see the silver lining in the cloud......
And this points out how wrong the anti gunners are.........they would say that normal people murder their families because they have a bad day.......even though all of the research shows that people who actually commit murder have long histories of violence and long criminal records.........

The anti gunners believe that normal people are barely controlled sociopaths...which is why they hate normal people having guns.....what the truth, the facts and the reality are.....normal, law abiding people will not commit murder....even if they carry and own guns.......
Another DOA thread...

"The changes to his federal sentence came as part of retroactive attempts by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to rectify sentencing disparities between dealers who sold crack and those who dealt powdered cocaine.

In a 2011 motion for Callahan’s last reduction, Callahan’s attorney said federal prosecutors agreed that Callahan’s good behavior in prison and other factors led both sides “to conclude that his early release did not present a danger to the safety of the public.”

Federal prison records show that Callahan was released on Aug. 8, 2014. If the new federal guidelines hadn’t gone through, he likely would have been in prison at least until late this year, even with time off for good behavior."
Man charged with killing woman, 2 daughters had early prison release

Yeah, that extra nine months would have meant all the difference eh? Ah, no...

I love when they use "good behavior in prison" as an indicator of why they should release these guys...they are watched 24/7 by armed guards and every movement they make is controlled...yet they were good in prison......and then they get out and murder 3 people...when supervision is a bit more relaxed.....
Really? How do you know? Oh right, you don't. Probably another person we just grabbed in our panic, like so many others.
He was arrested because he had received military training and had information etc
BTW, I want to add that bush released this guy. I thought it said he was released in 2014, not 2004.

now we kill them on the battlefield

take no prisoners policy
At least that's way more fucking honest than Gitmo.

why is that
Because they still have the chance to kill your ass, unlike being imprisoned without trail.

what the fuck are you rambling about

He was arrested because he had received military training and had information etc
BTW, I want to add that bush released this guy. I thought it said he was released in 2014, not 2004.

now we kill them on the battlefield

take no prisoners policy
At least that's way more fucking honest than Gitmo.

why is that
Because they still have the chance to kill your ass, unlike being imprisoned without trail.

So you want em to have a chance at killing Americans?
Sounds like sedition to me....

that is pretty much the way it is with this turd
now we kill them on the battlefield

take no prisoners policy
At least that's way more fucking honest than Gitmo.

why is that
Because they still have the chance to kill your ass, unlike being imprisoned without trail.

So you want em to have a chance at killing Americans?
Sounds like sedition to me....

that is pretty much the way it is with this turd

And she screams about right wing terrorist....
Another DOA thread...

"The changes to his federal sentence came as part of retroactive attempts by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to rectify sentencing disparities between dealers who sold crack and those who dealt powdered cocaine.

In a 2011 motion for Callahan’s last reduction, Callahan’s attorney said federal prosecutors agreed that Callahan’s good behavior in prison and other factors led both sides “to conclude that his early release did not present a danger to the safety of the public.”

Federal prison records show that Callahan was released on Aug. 8, 2014. If the new federal guidelines hadn’t gone through, he likely would have been in prison at least until late this year, even with time off for good behavior."
Man charged with killing woman, 2 daughters had early prison release

Yeah, that extra nine months would have meant all the difference eh? Ah, no...

I love when they use "good behavior in prison" as an indicator of why they should release these guys...they are watched 24/7 by armed guards and every movement they make is controlled...yet they were good in prison......and then they get out and murder 3 people...when supervision is a bit more relaxed.....

actually it should be the standard to expect good behavior and get out at the end of your sentence

bad behavior should be met with tacking more time on
a convicted felon freed under the Obama Administration early release program

murdered mom and both children

Press Release
Prosecutor Ron O’Brien announces that the Franklin County Grand Jury has returned a ten count death penalty indictment on Wendell Callahan, age 35, in connection to the January 12, 2016 triple murders of his ex-girlfriend Erveena Hammonds, age 32, and her two young daughters Anaesia Green, age 10, and Breya Hammonds, age 7, that occurred in Hammond’s apartment located at 995 Atlantic Avenue on the north side of Columbus.

The counts in Callahan’s indictment, which make him death penalty eligible, include Aggravated Murder of EH (prior calculation and design), Aggravated Murder of EH (during the commission of Agg Burg), Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (prior calculation and design), Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (during the commission of Agg Burg), and Aggravated Murder of AG and BH (victims under the age of 13). The specifications to these counts that make Callahan eligible for the death penalty include killing two or more people during his course of conduct, committing the homicides during an Aggravated Burglary or while fleeing thereafter, killing person(s) to escape apprehension, and killing children under the age of 13. In total, there are two counts of Aggravated Murder with two specs, one count of Murder, six counts of Aggravated Murder with four specs, and one count of Aggravated Burglary. “There are multiple charges regarding the three victim deaths because there are different methods to commit the crime of murder and the Prosecutor’s Office typically charges all methods”, O’Brien stated.

It is alleged that Callahan broke into the apartment and brutally stabbed all three victims and that Hammond’s current boyfriend arrived at the home to find the bloody crime scene, at which time a fight ensued between the men. Callahan fled the scene and was apprehended shortly thereafter. O’Brien commended the Columbus Fire and Police Departments for their processing of this crime scene and for their apprehension and investigation of Callahan. Arraignment for this death penalty case is set for Friday, March 4th, 2016, at 1:30 pm in courtroom 2B at 345 South High Street.

Posted: 03/01/2016 | Defendant: Wendell L. Callahan are just being negative....this guy murdered these three people yes....and that is kinda bad.....but.............he did not use a gun to do it....he used a knife, and according to the anti gunners this is a win........

So please....try to see the silver lining in the cloud......


These people would literally still be alive if Obama wasn't president.

You mean it wasn't the gun's fault?

I've said it many times—Democrats/liberals are on the side of violent criminals, and against that of honest citizens.

Democrooks, libturds, regressives, moonbats, bed wetters, socialists, communists, "progressives", marxists, troglodytes, fascists or whatever you want to call leftists are all violent criminally insane collectivist sociopaths. The ordinary democrook voter is the epitome of a mindless drone programmed to parrot insipid shit and block any information that compromises their brainwashing.

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