Theories on Bill Cosby's New Found Infamy

Nov 1, 2014
Right now only 16 women have come forward to give their testimony of the ignominious conduct of Bill Cosby. If that number doubled, and I think it will, I still wouldn't believe a single one of these liars.

I don't think Bill Cosby gives a jello pop either, he's too old to be mired in silliness; a very consensual kiss turning into a "sex assault" decades later by fame starved women who have nothing to their resume except the ability to take down somebody greater than themselves through baseless slander.

My theory is simple. People CRAVE fame these days and seek it through social networking sites, the sensationalist media, or sometimes even committing hideous crimes such as mass shootings. People who've done nothing of merit to earn real fame, such as Bill Cosby, pine for it nonetheless and seek the shortest route to fame possible. Some will get naked, some will do outrageous attention seeking feats, and some will smear somebody greater than themselves though creative revision of a past encounter with a celebrity. They know they're lying, they know they're destroying somebody's reputation, but they don't care because they live in the ME generation, and that's all that matters.

So that's my theory on why this is happening and why....shock!.....Bill Cosby won't be the last victim of this new and disturbing fad.
After seeing false allegations in the past against famous people, I am not ready to form an opinion yet.

Herman Cain was knocked out of the race by allegations that later proved to be false. It seemed designed to eliminate him as a candidate since race was an issue and having a Republican minority would have made that impossible.

The previous head of IMF was taken down by false charges of assault. The hotel maid later confessed that she made the whole thing up. I am betting that her bank account grew considerably for those lies. That was nothing but a set up to force him to resign and replace him with a person far more willing to embrace the far left agenda.

I like the way it's done in France when someone is accused of a crime. The identity of the accused isn't made public to ensure a fair trial. Only those declared guilty will be known to the public. Reason is that mere accusations can ruin a person and you can't undo the damage, even when a jury comes back with a not guilty verdict. In America, the press tries and convicts people before they set foot in a court room. So backwards. I don't think anyone should have their reputation destroyed until allegations are actually proven. Even when a person is truly innocent, the public is outraged at acquittals because the press does such a bang up job of convincing everyone that the person is guilty.

No matter what happens now, some people will always think of Cosby as some sort of sexual deviant.

The women might be nothing more than fame seekers. There is no shortage of con artists and the morally bankrupt people are always willing to jump on the bandwagon to make claims that cannot be proven one way or the other at this point. They'll be paid well to go on talk shows and spill the "dirt" on Cosby. They might be looking for a hefty settlement from Cosby, who no doubt has deep pockets. Then they'll be on their way.

One wonders why now are these women coming out. It's like one came forth and some others realized that there may be money or something else to gain. These accusations are much easier to believe when they come out immediately after the actual incident, not years later.

In the case of Herman Cain, the women all managed to hire the same pricey lawyer, Gloria Allred, whom I call the Kracken. When liberal candidates are in trouble, they call for the release of the Kracken to save them. Gloria always answers that call.
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Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby. There seems to be a trend of the Left using sex scandals to try to undo conservative black men.
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars
10 of those women are still anonymous. Since that is about the worst way to go about becoming famous, how do you explain them?

For that matter, have we heard about any male protégés? At the moment it seems like the Coz exclusively takes young females under his wing...
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars

There are laws against defamation of character. Problem is that none of this can be proven either way at this point. If the woman had filed a complaint after the incident, if it actually happened, there would have been rape tests done and at least it could have been determined if Cosby had sex with them. Now, there is no way to prove it one way or the other, so the women can say what they want and Cosby can deny it. Of course, the public is likely to believe the women simply because there are quite a few of them against the word of one guy. They could file a civil suit for damages and might win some money. Too late for a criminal conviction, which I would think women would want if he was truly a rapist. Being that they would settle for money tells me that gaining some wealth is likely the real motive rather than going after someone who hurt them.
Right now only 16 women have come forward to give their testimony of the ignominious conduct of Bill Cosby. If that number doubled, and I think it will, I still wouldn't believe a single one of these liars.

I don't think Bill Cosby gives a jello pop either, he's too old to be mired in silliness; a very consensual kiss turning into a "sex assault" decades later by fame starved women who have nothing to their resume except the ability to take down somebody greater than themselves through baseless slander.

My theory is simple. People CRAVE fame these days and seek it through social networking sites, the sensationalist media, or sometimes even committing hideous crimes such as mass shootings. People who've done nothing of merit to earn real fame, such as Bill Cosby, pine for it nonetheless and seek the shortest route to fame possible. Some will get naked, some will do outrageous attention seeking feats, and some will smear somebody greater than themselves though creative revision of a past encounter with a celebrity. They know they're lying, they know they're destroying somebody's reputation, but they don't care because they live in the ME generation, and that's all that matters.

So that's my theory on why this is happening and why....shock!.....Bill Cosby won't be the last victim of this new and disturbing fad.


I guess the limelight provokes behavior similar to full moon lunacy.

Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars

There are laws against defamation of character. Problem is that none of this can be proven either way at this point. If the woman had filed a complaint after the incident, if it actually happened, there would have been rape tests done and at least it could have been determined if Cosby had sex with them. Now, there is no way to prove it one way or the other, so the women can say what they want and Cosby can deny it. Of course, the public is likely to believe the women simply because there are quite a few of them against the word of one guy. They could file a civil suit for damages and might win some money. Too late for a criminal conviction, which I would think women would want if he was truly a rapist. Being that they would settle for money tells me that gaining some wealth is likely the real motive rather than going after someone who hurt them.

Only in 17 states are there actual laws against such.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.

It becomes a feeding frenzy...
I have no idea if any of theis is true...
But is that the point.
All that seems to matter is something gets thrown out there and it's feeding time at the zoo....

My guess is this will blow over as soon as something new catches the media's eye....
But Cosby's reputation is now shit...

Maybe that's what this was all about.
The left using sex scandals? Yup, how true. The left went after Bill Clinton and Michael Weiner, for starters.

Cosby? Yeah, something happened, and more than once.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.
It's news and they are in business to make money.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.

It becomes a feeding frenzy...
I have no idea if any of theis is true...
But is that the point.
All that seems to matter is something gets thrown out there and it's feeding time at the zoo....

My guess is this will blow over as soon as something new catches the media's eye....
But Cosby's reputation is now shit...

Maybe that's what this was all about.
Actually it's about rape.

And he's toast, and should have been long ago it seems: Timeline Abuse Charges Against Bill Cosby -- Vulture
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I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.
It's news and they are in business to make money.
Sorry I wasn't aware that in some cases here 20 to 30 year old
unsubstantiated allegations were news if there was some actual evidence to support the allegations then it would be news.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.
It's news and they are in business to make money.
Sorry I wasn't aware that in some cases here 20 to 30 year old
unsubstantiated allegations were news if there was some actual evidence to support the allegations then it would be news.
It's news regardless. Sorry.
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars

There are laws against defamation of character. Problem is that none of this can be proven either way at this point. If the woman had filed a complaint after the incident, if it actually happened, there would have been rape tests done and at least it could have been determined if Cosby had sex with them. Now, there is no way to prove it one way or the other, so the women can say what they want and Cosby can deny it. Of course, the public is likely to believe the women simply because there are quite a few of them against the word of one guy. They could file a civil suit for damages and might win some money. Too late for a criminal conviction, which I would think women would want if he was truly a rapist. Being that they would settle for money tells me that gaining some wealth is likely the real motive rather than going after someone who hurt them.

Only in 17 states are there actual laws against such.

I have seen so many celebrities sue tabloids for slander, so I know it can be done. Of course, since the burden of proof is on the accuser in lawsuits, it means Cosby would have to prove the allegations are false. At this point, can't really be done. The woman can't prove anything either and can go after Cosby while remaining anonymous so I am guessing they want a payday for their efforts.

Cosby tends to sound conservative with his criticism of our youth and I can't help but think that alone makes him a target. It always seems orchestrated and funny how so many of the accusers have the same lawyer or spokesperson. I don't know about this case, but in past instances, one person spoke for all and that reeks of conspiracy.
Lots of Black icons have checkered pasts. MLK was an alleged adulterer, communist sympathizer and womanizer but he was "down for the struggle" so it was OK.
The Rev Sharpton was involved in stuff that should have ostracized him from society but he was also "down for the struggle" so nobody in the liberal Black community dares to call him out about it. Cosby ruffled the feathers of the liberal Black establishment years ago when he advocated family values and responsibility for young Black men and they got him for it.
The current feeding frenzy was purportedly started by a black comedienne making jokes about Cosby's long history of hushing up scandals including rape. Me, I don't know the truth in this case.

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