Theories on Bill Cosby's New Found Infamy

I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.

It becomes a feeding frenzy...
I have no idea if any of theis is true...
But is that the point.
All that seems to matter is something gets thrown out there and it's feeding time at the zoo....

My guess is this will blow over as soon as something new catches the media's eye....
But Cosby's reputation is now shit...

Maybe that's what this was all about.

No doubt. When you hear some of these accusations, it isn't even "he raped me!" One just claimed that he kissed her without her consent. This reeks of desperation and fame seeking.
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars

There are laws against defamation of character. Problem is that none of this can be proven either way at this point. If the woman had filed a complaint after the incident, if it actually happened, there would have been rape tests done and at least it could have been determined if Cosby had sex with them. Now, there is no way to prove it one way or the other, so the women can say what they want and Cosby can deny it. Of course, the public is likely to believe the women simply because there are quite a few of them against the word of one guy. They could file a civil suit for damages and might win some money. Too late for a criminal conviction, which I would think women would want if he was truly a rapist. Being that they would settle for money tells me that gaining some wealth is likely the real motive rather than going after someone who hurt them.

Only in 17 states are there actual laws against such.

Go ahead and prosecute them. I think they would all love to have their day in court. Then the Coz will have to say something other than, "please con't use that tape about me..."
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....
Take them to court?

To what ends? They have like $5 to their names , combined.
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....

I have some questions for you, half-wit:

1. How do you sue women who remain anonymous?
2. Why are we forced to believe women or be labeled a "woman hater?" They never lie? Ever hear of Duke La Cross?
3. How is the decision not to sue an admission of guilt?
4. Since when are people guilty just based on an accusation?
5. When are you going to move out of your Mom's house?

The last question might be seized upon as irrelevant, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder.
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....
Do you even realize what an idiot you sound like? Here is an idea for all you moronic left wing loons if a crime has been committed how about pressing charges and getting facts looking at evidence and following a little thing called innocent till proven guilty. As we have seen following the rule of law is difficult for some of you on the left but give it shot.
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....

I have some questions for you, half-wit:

1. How do you sue women who remain anonymous?
2. Why are we forced to believe women or be labeled a "woman hater?" They never lie? Ever hear of Duke La Cross?
3. How is the decision not to sue an admission of guilt?
4. Since when are people guilty just based on an accusation?
5. When are you going to move out of your Mom's house?

The last question might be seized upon as irrelevant, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder.

Oh they are no anonymous. They have been all over the TV. The COZ wants nothing to do with them. He even asked the NPR reporter to do away with his "silence" tape. I do expect there will be less women who are willing to follow him backstage now. I guess he can cancel his prescription to his knock out pills.

It will just continue to get worse for the poor man. Of course there are always the weak minded who never believe he could have hurt a fly.
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....
Do you even realize what an idiot you sound like? Here is an idea for all you moronic left wing loons if a crime has been committed how about pressing charges and getting facts looking at evidence and following a little thing called innocent till proven guilty. As we have seen following the rule of law is difficult for some of you on the left but give it shot.

I wll wait for the COZ to sue one of them. JUST ONE OF THEM! Go ahead COZ!
I found this rather interesting about the 2 BILL C's!

The Politics of Cosby, or Why the Liberal Protection Racket Failed to Protect THIS Bill C

Victor J. Massad

Why is it that people who have become symbols of decency in our culture are being systematically destroyed in their golden years? Perhaps they are living too long. A few years ago, Joe Paterno -- a man who was golden in the eyes of the American public -- died a disgraced man based on allegations having to do with his covering up the sexual peccadilloes of a subordinate. Today we are witnessing the systematic destruction of another formerly-golden icon, Bill Cosby, who by all accounts led a life that was far removed from his public image.

There is much voyeuristic pleasure to be gained from the personal testimonies of the many women Cosby either hooked-up with or raped, as the media is well-aware. For me, the lurid stories only serve to illuminate a bigger phenomenon that exposes the new "puritan left" and its use of sex as a tool to destroy reputations and advance its political agenda.

Whether Cosby actually drugged and then raped numerous women in the distant past is somewhat murky. Most of these women were drinkers and drug users, and all of them were parasites who attached themselves to the fame and glamour of Hollywood celebrities in the hope that some of it would spill over to them. In the 1970's and 80's it was pretty common to party with booze and 'Ludes then go fornicate like rabbits. And it is not unusual for women to have regrets afterwards.

The bottom line is that Cosby was a serial adulterer who took advantage of a lot of women and used booze and drugs to improve his chances. So what differentiates him from any frat boy on any college campus in this country? The fact that he is famous? No. The fact that he is black? Maybe. The fact that his name has come to be associated with all that is good and wholesome in the United States of America, and that he has been courageous enough to stand up to the "leaders" in the black community who do everything they can to retard upward mobility? That would be it.

Bill Cosby is a male Democrat serial adulterer. He is far from the first. Take Bill Clinton. Bill Cosby is accused of forcing himself on women. So was Bill Clinton. In both cases, the testaments from the women were compelling, cogent and credible. In Bill Clinton's case, the mainstream media went into overdrive to protect the man. They participated in a corrupt conspiracy with the Clinton political machine to trash his public accusers and silence those who had not yet gone public. Today, Clinton openly campaigns for candidates -- including women -- and is treated like a rock star in liberal circles.

One might conclude that what differentiates Cosby from Clinton is that Cosby is black. It is an easy accusation to make, and given the predilection of the American culture, easily salable. However, there are many cases of liberal black leaders getting a pass in the media for marital indiscretion. Martin Luther King's indiscretions are well-documented. Are we to believe that none of the women associated with King ended up in compromising positions after a night of boozing or pill popping? And what about the case of Cosby's foil in the black community: Jesse Jackson? His fathering a daughter out of wedlock is well-documented. There have been whispers among reporters for many years that there are numerous indiscretions in Jackson's past, and yet none of these reporters sought out Jackson's women for a story, even after the revelation of Jackson's daughter.

So why must Bill Cosby's reputation be trashed, even as Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson are rehabilitated?

The answer seems obvious to this political observer. Although Cosby was a card-carrying, money-donating Democrat, his views were simply too socially conservative for the extreme left in that party to accept. He preached self-reliance and personal responsibility in a place where hopelessness and victimization are accepted as gospel truth. In the minds of his adversaries, Cosby was selling a myth, and the particular myth that Cosby was preaching -- that it is possible for an African-American to succeed on his own -- needs to be discredited at all costs. An entire political industrial complex has been built on the alternative hypothesis, and its survival in the face of a nation now tired of ethnically-driven excuses and complaints depends on Cosby's vision being discredited.

What better way to discredit the philosophy than to expose the hypocrisy of the man behind it? And so, Cosby's head was cut off and it is now being held out for the American public to gaze upon. And it is being done with so much skill that ISIS terrorists are no doubt looking on in admiration.

The question of what happens between men and women in private is psychologically complex and subject to differing interpretation based on perception. What a man might recall as a "fun night of getting high and getting it on" a woman might easily remember as a night she was taken advantage of, particularly if the night in question turned out to be a one night stand. By today's sensibilities, we defer to the woman's judgment. If she thinks it was rape, it was. Even if he thought she agreed beforehand. This has been taken to such a ludicrous extreme that there are actually pre-sex contracts that people can download and sign before they engage in short-term mutual bliss. Any sensible young man today should carry one folded-up in his pocket, right next to his condom. Either that, or stick with Skype sex, which is infinitely safer.

The only class of people exempt from these rules is powerful, liberal men. What better incentive to become one?
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....

I have some questions for you, half-wit:

1. How do you sue women who remain anonymous?
2. Why are we forced to believe women or be labeled a "woman hater?" They never lie? Ever hear of Duke La Cross?
3. How is the decision not to sue an admission of guilt?
4. Since when are people guilty just based on an accusation?
5. When are you going to move out of your Mom's house?

The last question might be seized upon as irrelevant, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder.

Oh they are no anonymous. They have been all over the TV. The COZ wants nothing to do with them. He even asked the NPR reporter to do away with his "silence" tape. I do expect there will be less women who are willing to follow him backstage now. I guess he can cancel his prescription to his knock out pills.

It will just continue to get worse for the poor man. Of course there are always the weak minded who never believe he could have hurt a fly.
Some of them are still anonymous. Thanks for keeping up with the story...or not. Why don't you catch up so we can have a discussion on the facts?
Yes, because the Hulk's wife really wants to slam the Coz. How about the Hulk slamming the Coz. You woman hating right wing loons are so frigin is beyond sad.

How about Coz take these women to court? Nah....then the entire world wills see what a pervert he is. He will just be mum....
Do you even realize what an idiot you sound like? Here is an idea for all you moronic left wing loons if a crime has been committed how about pressing charges and getting facts looking at evidence and following a little thing called innocent till proven guilty. As we have seen following the rule of law is difficult for some of you on the left but give it shot.

I wll wait for the COZ to sue one of them. JUST ONE OF THEM! Go ahead COZ!
Why would he sue? What would he gain by doing so? Allegations are made against him involving rape and or sexual misconduct and in your mind the burden is on him to prove his innocence by suing you are one wacky far leftie.
I don't know if any of the claims against Cosby are true maybe they are maybe they aren't what bothers me is when the media starts running wild with story even though Cosby has never been charged with anything and no one has brought out a single piece of evidence against him that I'm aware of.

It becomes a feeding frenzy...
I have no idea if any of theis is true...
But is that the point.
All that seems to matter is something gets thrown out there and it's feeding time at the zoo....

My guess is this will blow over as soon as something new catches the media's eye....
But Cosby's reputation is now shit...

Maybe that's what this was all about.
Actually it's about rape.

And he's toast, and should have been long ago it seems: Timeline Abuse Charges Against Bill Cosby -- Vulture

Standing ovations = toast these days?

Bill Cosby Gets Standing Ovation at Florida Theater - NBC News

Maybe if he was gay he'd get a picture on a postage stamp?
I found this rather interesting about the 2 BILL C's!

The Politics of Cosby, or Why the Liberal Protection Racket Failed to Protect THIS Bill C

Victor J. Massad

Why is it that people who have become symbols of decency in our culture are being systematically destroyed in their golden years? Perhaps they are living too long. A few years ago, Joe Paterno -- a man who was golden in the eyes of the American public -- died a disgraced man based on allegations having to do with his covering up the sexual peccadilloes of a subordinate. Today we are witnessing the systematic destruction of another formerly-golden icon, Bill Cosby, who by all accounts led a life that was far removed from his public image.

There is much voyeuristic pleasure to be gained from the personal testimonies of the many women Cosby either hooked-up with or raped, as the media is well-aware. For me, the lurid stories only serve to illuminate a bigger phenomenon that exposes the new "puritan left" and its use of sex as a tool to destroy reputations and advance its political agenda.

Whether Cosby actually drugged and then raped numerous women in the distant past is somewhat murky. Most of these women were drinkers and drug users, and all of them were parasites who attached themselves to the fame and glamour of Hollywood celebrities in the hope that some of it would spill over to them. In the 1970's and 80's it was pretty common to party with booze and 'Ludes then go fornicate like rabbits. And it is not unusual for women to have regrets afterwards.

The bottom line is that Cosby was a serial adulterer who took advantage of a lot of women and used booze and drugs to improve his chances. So what differentiates him from any frat boy on any college campus in this country? The fact that he is famous? No. The fact that he is black? Maybe. The fact that his name has come to be associated with all that is good and wholesome in the United States of America, and that he has been courageous enough to stand up to the "leaders" in the black community who do everything they can to retard upward mobility? That would be it.

Bill Cosby is a male Democrat serial adulterer. He is far from the first. Take Bill Clinton. Bill Cosby is accused of forcing himself on women. So was Bill Clinton. In both cases, the testaments from the women were compelling, cogent and credible. In Bill Clinton's case, the mainstream media went into overdrive to protect the man. They participated in a corrupt conspiracy with the Clinton political machine to trash his public accusers and silence those who had not yet gone public. Today, Clinton openly campaigns for candidates -- including women -- and is treated like a rock star in liberal circles.

One might conclude that what differentiates Cosby from Clinton is that Cosby is black. It is an easy accusation to make, and given the predilection of the American culture, easily salable. However, there are many cases of liberal black leaders getting a pass in the media for marital indiscretion. Martin Luther King's indiscretions are well-documented. Are we to believe that none of the women associated with King ended up in compromising positions after a night of boozing or pill popping? And what about the case of Cosby's foil in the black community: Jesse Jackson? His fathering a daughter out of wedlock is well-documented. There have been whispers among reporters for many years that there are numerous indiscretions in Jackson's past, and yet none of these reporters sought out Jackson's women for a story, even after the revelation of Jackson's daughter.

So why must Bill Cosby's reputation be trashed, even as Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson are rehabilitated?

The answer seems obvious to this political observer. Although Cosby was a card-carrying, money-donating Democrat, his views were simply too socially conservative for the extreme left in that party to accept. He preached self-reliance and personal responsibility in a place where hopelessness and victimization are accepted as gospel truth. In the minds of his adversaries, Cosby was selling a myth, and the particular myth that Cosby was preaching -- that it is possible for an African-American to succeed on his own -- needs to be discredited at all costs. An entire political industrial complex has been built on the alternative hypothesis, and its survival in the face of a nation now tired of ethnically-driven excuses and complaints depends on Cosby's vision being discredited.

What better way to discredit the philosophy than to expose the hypocrisy of the man behind it? And so, Cosby's head was cut off and it is now being held out for the American public to gaze upon. And it is being done with so much skill that ISIS terrorists are no doubt looking on in admiration.

The question of what happens between men and women in private is psychologically complex and subject to differing interpretation based on perception. What a man might recall as a "fun night of getting high and getting it on" a woman might easily remember as a night she was taken advantage of, particularly if the night in question turned out to be a one night stand. By today's sensibilities, we defer to the woman's judgment. If she thinks it was rape, it was. Even if he thought she agreed beforehand. This has been taken to such a ludicrous extreme that there are actually pre-sex contracts that people can download and sign before they engage in short-term mutual bliss. Any sensible young man today should carry one folded-up in his pocket, right next to his condom. Either that, or stick with Skype sex, which is infinitely safer.

The only class of people exempt from these rules is powerful, liberal men. What better incentive to become one?


I fully concur.

Notes on Bill Cosby: What Every Father Should Tell His Daughters

Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars
Well, if they actually make a statement to the police regarding this situation and it's false, it's a crime. Bill Cosby does have a chance to go after them in a Civil case (Libel, slander, etc.) if their statements and accusations are proven false.
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars
Well, if they actually make a statement to the police regarding this situation and it's false, it's a crime. Bill Cosby does have a chance to go after them in a Civil case (Libel, slander, etc.) if their statements and accusations are proven false.

That's where we need to draw the distinction between criminal law and tort. In most ordinary cases, slander is a civil issue pursued by litigators. Besides, I truly believe what I said, that Bill Cosby is too old to really care. Righteous people care less about the court of public opinion than the impious and that becomes progressively even more true as they get older. Think about how George W. Bush weathered the most vicious lies and slander and slept like a baby and woke up every morning with a cheerful disposition. Even today it's clear he is travelling light. I think Bill Cosby travels light too.
Simple solution. Make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a crime. And I don't mean formally files charges that they know aren't true.

I mean make it a crime to even make statements that accuse someone of a crime whether you seek to press charges or not.

Yes, Bill could sue these women and then they would have to prove that he raped them in order to prevail, but what would that gain Cosby? They don't have any money, so there is no current incentive for them to remain honest.

A potential year in jail might dissuade some liars
Well, if they actually make a statement to the police regarding this situation and it's false, it's a crime. Bill Cosby does have a chance to go after them in a Civil case (Libel, slander, etc.) if their statements and accusations are proven false.

True, but I'm saying making such public statements without proof should be a crime.
I'm not saying that it would be a crime if Cosby weren't found guilty because of the vaguries of our jury system of law; but rather that it should be a crime to make such statements if they can't produce credible evidence that supports their claims.

Free speech shouldn't mean being able to willy nilly suggest someone is a criminal.

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