Zone1 Theory About Conspiracies

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Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The interesting thing about conspiracy theories is that not all of them are false! Sometimes conspiracies are very very real (or true). Yet threads put in Conspiracy Theories are assumed nutjob threads.

I've seen some topics in Conspiracy Theories that I wondered why they were there? The OP brought up a very FACTUAL topic. No one had an answer.

So I just did a count: of the 46 threads I counted on Page One,

41 of them were Right-Leaning. (89%)

Only 5 of them were Left-Leaning. (11%)

Yet there is never any attempt to justify nor explain their being there. Shouldn't the mod post a link to some proof the topic is Coco Puffs?

So all that leaves us with are two guesses:
  1. Everyone on the Right are crackers, ready for the padded cell, while people on the Left are well-grounded in reality. I'm sure democrats would just love to believe and accept that!
  2. There is a political bias by whomever is targeting Right-leaning threads unfairly putting them in Conspiracies so as to hope to bury them.
If a thread is moved to Conspiracies against the OPs wishes, shouldn't it be accompanied by some proof from the mod showing how or why the topic is so crackers it had to be put there?
The interesting thing about conspiracy theories is that not all of them are false! Sometimes conspiracies are very very real (or true). Yet threads put in Conspiracy Theories are assumed nutjob threads.

I've seen some topics in Conspiracy Theories that I wondered why they were there? The OP brought up a very FACTUAL topic. No one had an answer.

So I just did a count: of the 46 threads I counted on Page One,

41 of them were Right-Leaning. (89%)

Only 5 of them were Left-Leaning. (11%)

Yet there is never any attempt to justify nor explain their being there. Shouldn't the mod post a link to some proof the topic is Coco Puffs?

So all that leaves us with are two guesses:
  1. Everyone on the Right are crackers, ready for the padded cell, while people on the Left are well-grounded in reality. I'm sure democrats would just love to believe and accept that!
  2. There is a political bias by whomever is targeting Right-leaning threads unfairly putting them in Conspiracies so as to hope to bury them.
If a thread is moved to Conspiracies against the OPs wishes, shouldn't it be accompanied by some proof from the mod showing how or why the topic is so crackers it had to be put there?
Sounds good to me. :rock: :rock: :rock:
Odd that the only disagreement I've gotten here is from an ex-mod who changed his name after being ex-moddified! But he offers no reason here for the disagreement.

People who disagree while not willing to back up the reason for their disagreement are thereby DISCOUNTED.
I think it should be changed to Conservative Theories since they are the ones most likely to be dismissed by Lefties on this site.
The interesting thing about conspiracy theories is that not all of them are false! Sometimes conspiracies are very very real (or true). Yet threads put in Conspiracy Theories are assumed nutjob threads.

I've seen some topics in Conspiracy Theories that I wondered why they were there? The OP brought up a very FACTUAL topic. No one had an answer.

So I just did a count: of the 46 threads I counted on Page One,

41 of them were Right-Leaning. (89%)

Only 5 of them were Left-Leaning. (11%)

Yet there is never any attempt to justify nor explain their being there. Shouldn't the mod post a link to some proof the topic is Coco Puffs?

So all that leaves us with are two guesses:
  1. Everyone on the Right are crackers, ready for the padded cell, while people on the Left are well-grounded in reality. I'm sure democrats would just love to believe and accept that!
  2. There is a political bias by whomever is targeting Right-leaning threads unfairly putting them in Conspiracies so as to hope to bury them.
If a thread is moved to Conspiracies against the OPs wishes, shouldn't it be accompanied by some proof from the mod showing how or why the topic is so crackers it had to be put there?
Putin done it.
Yep. There is a very clear pattern in the ideology behind the bias. the same thing happens in the racism forum where those conducting a race war against white people are favored.

Yeah, I had not even thought about the Race Relations. I suppose that is a different topic.

As a trained scientist, I'm not ready to say that coincidence equates to connection (or conspiracy), and while there ARE some people on the Right running on fumes, most of the real screwballs I met here are definitely hard left-leaning, so it makes me wonder why Conspiracy threads run roughly 9:1 Right-leaning?

To be sure, I've seen a few crazy TDS left-leaning threads really cracked posted to Politics and elsewhere that SHOULD have been put in the Conspiracy folder.

Seems that topics most likely to get "Conspiracied" are:
  • Any thread questioning the highly questionable election. And NO ONE can tell me 2020 wasn't highly questionable.
  • Any thread challenging the racial or political bias of Blacks.
Those are my observations as a trained observer and analyst, but I'm not prepared to offer any conclusions because I cannot prove anything, but I still think in the future that when a thread is moved to the Conspiracy or Rubber Room folders, etc., the mod doing so should at least post the reason for the move, with something attached to reasonably back up their feelings!

I mean, if their feelings are RIGHT, that couldn't be too hard to do. And as a mod, I think I would WANT to do that.

If nothing else, aside from obviously lending credibility to the action, wouldn't that give members a better basis to know better in the future what not to do thus ultimately making mod jobs EASIER by reducing their work?
No, I already checked, Putin is too busy planning to invade Belarus to care right now. :smoke:

"So Mr. Putin, you got Trump elected single handedly and just invaded the Ukraine and are the sole cause of all inflation and high gas prices and the disappeance of all baby formula and all shortages in general. What will you do now?"

"Why I'm going to Disney World, of course."
Not to mention that none of the very real conspiracy crap the Stalinists promote is ever even moved there to begin with

I would suggest the next time you see such a thread that you report it as belonging in the Conspiracy Folder. I've been told this can take up to six hours, or 1/4 turn on the Earth's axis, so be patient.
I would suggest the next time you see such a thread that you report it as belonging in the Conspiracy Folder. I've been told this can take up to six hours, or 1/4 turn on the Earth's axis, so be patient.
But I just read earlier today that Earth’s days are getting longer!! 😮
Yeah, I had not even thought about the Race Relations. I suppose that is a different topic.

As a trained scientist, I'm not ready to say that coincidence equates to connection (or conspiracy), and while there ARE some people on the Right running on fumes, most of the real screwballs I met here are definitely hard left-leaning, so it makes me wonder why Conspiracy threads run roughly 9:1 Right-leaning?

To be sure, I've seen a few crazy TDS left-leaning threads really cracked posted to Politics and elsewhere that SHOULD have been put in the Conspiracy folder.

Seems that topics most likely to get "Conspiracied" are:
  • Any thread questioning the highly questionable election. And NO ONE can tell me 2020 wasn't highly questionable.
  • Any thread challenging the racial or political bias of Blacks.
Those are my observations as a trained observer and analyst, but I'm not prepared to offer any conclusions because I cannot prove anything, but I still think in the future that when a thread is moved to the Conspiracy or Rubber Room folders, etc., the mod doing so should at least post the reason for the move, with something attached to reasonably back up their feelings!

I mean, if their feelings are RIGHT, that couldn't be too hard to do. And as a mod, I think I would WANT to do that.

If nothing else, aside from obviously lending credibility to the action, wouldn't that give members a better basis to know better in the future what not to do thus ultimately making mod jobs EASIER by reducing their work?
Basically, it boils down to a case of Coyote doing whatever Coyote wants. All the other mods know this, but all they do is support the corruption.

With this in mind, there are really only two possibilities. Either they are taking part in the corruption willingly, and so are corrupt, themselves, or they CAN'T do anything about the corruption which begs the question of who ultimately controls this site.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. People can live in fact-free bubbles all they like but no one is under any obligation to preserve their delusions.
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