Zone1 Theory About Conspiracies

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The interesting thing about conspiracy theories is that not all of them are false! Sometimes conspiracies are very very real (or true). Yet threads put in Conspiracy Theories are assumed nutjob threads.

I've seen some topics in Conspiracy Theories that I wondered why they were there? The OP brought up a very FACTUAL topic. No one had an answer.

So I just did a count: of the 46 threads I counted on Page One,

41 of them were Right-Leaning. (89%)

Only 5 of them were Left-Leaning. (11%)

Yet there is never any attempt to justify nor explain their being there. Shouldn't the mod post a link to some proof the topic is Coco Puffs?

So all that leaves us with are two guesses:
  1. Everyone on the Right are crackers, ready for the padded cell, while people on the Left are well-grounded in reality. I'm sure democrats would just love to believe and accept that!
  2. There is a political bias by whomever is targeting Right-leaning threads unfairly putting them in Conspiracies so as to hope to bury them.
If a thread is moved to Conspiracies against the OPs wishes, shouldn't it be accompanied by some proof from the mod showing how or why the topic is so crackers it had to be put there?

If anything, it disproves the notion that the left is curious, open-minded, and accepting of new ideas.

They are in fact rigid, closed-minded, and unable comprehend anything outside of what they've been programmed to believe.
But I just read earlier today that Earth’s days are getting longer!! 😮

Only by a millisecond. The Earth occasionally makes minute speed changes but no one is quite sure why.

Theories include:
  • Volcanic eruptions.
  • Earthquakes.
  • Earth's core hiccoughed.
  • Asteroid impacts.
  • Space launches.
  • Chinese-made Stratum 1 atomic clocks.
  • Joe Biden hanging his ass out of the East Wing window blowing gas.
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Only by a millisecond. The Earth occasionally makes minute speed changes but no one is quite sure why.

Theories include:
  • Volcanic eruptions.
  • Earthquakes.
  • Asteroid impacts.
  • Space launches.
  • Chinese-made Stratum 1 atomic clocks.
  • Joe Biden hanging his ass out of the East Wing window blowing gas.
Brandon’s farts are collected in his Depends. But they are thought to also alter the planet’s gravity. Science can’t explain it.
If anything, it disproves the notion that the left is curious, open-minded, and accepting of new ideas.

You mean anyone was actually trying to or needing to prove that? If they were curious and open-minded, one of the 50 or so Lefties I've asked here would just tell me how the 2020 election fraud was factually debunked!
You mean anyone was actually trying to or needing to prove that? If they were curious and open-minded, one of the 50 or so Lefties I've asked here would just tell me how the 2020 election fraud was factually debunked!
They all like to tell us about how many court cases there were.

But they ain’t so hot about how many led to evidentiary hearings.
Basically, it boils down to a case of Coyote doing whatever Coyote wants. All the other mods know this, but all they do is support the corruption.

Well, I'm not willing to permit anyone pointing fingers at anyone here. I don't think you really know what the mods here say and do back in moderator-land. But I understand you have your suspicions.
Well, I'm not willing to permit anyone pointing fingers at anyone here. I don't think you really know what the mods here say and do back in moderator-land. But I understand you have your suspicions.
More of a conspiracy theory.
They all like to tell us about how many court cases there were.

True. Trump actually had something like 28 separate court cases, some of which were tried several different times or ways leading to the artificial number much higher in the 60s. And all but a few were tossed. But as you say, some were tossed for time of filing (too late), or some other procedural error, and not really for lack of evidence or case.

And many cases are still ongoing, though the MSM reports on nearly none of it. Still it looks bad for Trump, it reflects poorly on the courts, and yes, some of them were even Trump appointees which I guess means that the Left expects Trump appointees to automatically corruptly side with the GOP just as many judges on the Left do.

In the end, all of this could be resolved by simply reforming elections, but like voter ID, everyone in the system fights it tooth and nail telling me election corruption is even worse than I suspect!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. People can live in fact-free bubbles all they like but no one is under any obligation to preserve their delusions.

Exactly. So, let's see your extraordinary proof that:
  1. Trump is a dangerous psycho.
  2. Trump was going to start WWIII.
  3. That Trump tried to overthrow the government.
  4. That Trump wants to be a dictator.
  5. That Trump stole the 2016 election with Russia's help.
  6. That Trump's election fraud claims have all been debunked.
But start your own thread, not here.
True. Trump actually had something like 28 separate court cases, some of which were tried several different times or ways leading to the artificial number much higher in the 60s. And all but a few were tossed. But as you say, some were tossed for time of filing (too late), or some other procedural error, and not really for lack of evidence or case.

And many cases are still ongoing, though the MSM reports on nearly none of it. Still it looks bad for Trump, it reflects poorly on the courts, and yes, some of them were even Trump appointees which I guess means that the Left expects Trump appointees to automatically corruptly side with the GOP just as many judges on the Left do.

In the end, all of this could be resolved by simply reforming elections, but like voter ID, everyone in the system fights it tooth and nail telling me election corruption is even worse than I suspect!
I believe (after seeing some of the sloppy pleadings filed by the Kraken attorney) that some of the dismissals were perfectly appropriate. Some, imho, were not appropriate at all. And I can’t find any that led to actual evidentiary hearings.

That’s the big problem. We can’t know what the evidence might have shown. Arguably, not too much. But, possibly, some pretty important and disconcerting things.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. People can live in fact-free bubbles all they like but no one is under any obligation to preserve their delusions.
Yet I had a very long fracas yesterday with a poster who made a claim and tap-danced six ways to Sunday to avoid having to show his proof, which he never actually did.

Leftists do this ALL the fucking time and are never held to any standards of proof.

Nice try, but your shit don't fly.
I believe (after seeing some of the sloppy pleadings filed by the Kraken attorney) that some of the dismissals were perfectly appropriate. Some, imho, were not appropriate at all. And I can’t find any that led to actual evidentiary hearings.

That’s the big problem. We can’t know what the evidence might have shown. Arguably, not too much. But, possibly, some pretty important and disconcerting things.

I know one problem was just too little time to even begin to properly get court cases like these in order. At that, sometimes they were blocked due to late filing; one judge even told them they should have filed BEFORE the election before there was even a case! They had a total of six weeks from the election to basically get all their cases put together, filed and heard. Meantime, the J6 committee with vastly greater resources is STILL gathering evidence from 1/6/21!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Like "Russian Collusion?"

Oh wait, conjecture, rumor, and innuendo were MORE than enough for 4 years of bullshit with that conspiracy theory - in fact the fascist left STILL vomits it out, even after being proven wrong.
People can live in fact-free bubbles all they like but no one is under any obligation to preserve their delusions.

Sounds like an apt description of the TDS addled left.
Actually 71.3% of statistics on the Internet are made up on the spot

That's a quote from George Washington, right?

But let's test it, shitflinger. Let's look at the threads in Conspiracy Theories and see if they really are?

I mean, bigfoot. fake moon landings, and Russian Collusion are the low hanging fruit, but I don't see any of those over there.
That's a quote from George Washington, right?

But let's test it, shitflinger. Let's look at the threads in Conspiracy Theories and see if they really are?

I mean, bigfoot. fake moon landings, and Russian Collusion are the low hanging fruit, but I don't see any of those over there.
Stolen Election claims are Conspiracy Theories
So shitflinger and the other fascist democrats are questioning my claim that most right wing threads in Conspiracy Theories are not actually conspiracy theories at all.

Lets look:

About the Stolen Election - obviously a contentious subject, but a conspiracy theory? Hardly. What?

Fraternities and Freemasons -​

What? Nothing to do with conspiracy

Breaking! Biden is now bringing in illegal aliens by boat from ports in Central America -​

Proven, documented fact - by definition the opposite of conspiracy theories.

I was recruited by Ray Epps -​

Links a news story recounting the statement of one of the political prisoners being held in the gulag.

11 years ago today junk scientist Al Gore predicted north pole would be completely ice free in 5 yrs

How is stating facts a "CT?"
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