There ain't no such thing


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
as a must pass bill- MY OPINION >>>>>>>- grid lock is a good thing for we, "the stinky tourist".


This year, we’ve got a two-fer on that secondary feature, and a game of chicken between President Trump and Congress.

In his four years in office, Trump has vetoed eight bills, fewer than any president since Warren G. Harding. Unless this NDAA fight goes south on him, he’s also set to become the first president since Lyndon Baines Johnson to finish his presidency without Congress overriding at least one veto.

Who’s going to blink? Who knows?
You know you are screwed when one of two things happen

1. Congress pushed through legislation with the consent of only one party

2. Both parties pass legislation together.
At issue: The annual National Defense Authorization Act, which as usual has little to do with actual defense.

they just don't make enough booze for me to serve in Congress...


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