There Are 1,800 Reasons Why the Controversy Over Hillary Clinton's Emails Is Far From Over


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Of course this won't make a difference to the left, the dirtier the better. More fun to shove someone onto the American people who is dirty.

But don't you leftists worry. As I have been saying for a long time, the country and the democrat party not have the moral background to indict Mrs Tuluza Clinton.

There Are 1,800 Reasons Why the Controversy Over Hillary Clinton's Emails Is Far From Over | VICE News

The 30,000 emails the State Department released over the past 10 months in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by VICE News in January 2015 did not contain any smoking guns about Clinton's tenure at State. But it was the emails the department deemed too sensitive to publicly disclose that attracted the most attention from the media and Clinton's detractors — and they will continue to do so.

More than 1,800 emails were withheld under exemptions to the FOIA law, including nearly 50 that were not released because they were deemed Top Secret and Secret. VICE News is currently fighting in federal court for a summary of the information contained in those emails.

Moreover, VICE News and dozens of other news organizations and good government groups are still in the process of obtaining emails from Clinton's top aides in response to separate FOIA lawsuits filed against the State Department, and the FBI is investigating Clinton's use of a private email server. There is little doubt the issue will continue to play out through November's election.
Can we stick a fork in her now? How


What about

Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


hey, I never said she was going to jail. Capone didn't go to jail for his many crimes, did that make him innocent?

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