There are 4 million motorcycle owners in the U.S. and 4612 motorcycle 2011...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Saw this and was wondering....if there are about 4,612 motorcycle deaths in 2011 and 4 million motorcycle owners in the U.S.....are people who wear motorcycle helmets chicken s***s....or just prudent.....?

the percent of deaths to motorcycle ownership....= .001 %

violent crime in the U.S.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

Total population in 2013...


Total violent crimes 2013...


Percent of violent crimes.... = .003%

Again...since the chance of a motorcycle accident death is so small...are people who ride motorcycle helmets...chicken s***s?
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Not real clear what your point is. If bike deaths are low it could be that wearing helmets is the reason. OTOH, it could be helmets have little impact making helmet laws moot. They're already unconstitutional.
.001=.1%. That means a one percent chance of dying if you ride ten years. Given that most motorcycles are ridden only occasionally, that is a very high risk factor.
I don't get the point either. I've been riding for 42 years with maybe 200,000 miles under my belt. There was a brief time in CA when I rode without a helmet a few times but my riding gear moved to ATGATT. All the gear all the time. If you do down, it's gonna hurt. Been there done that.

As far as the law goes, I think if you sign a waver that won't force hospitals to try to mend your mellon then so be it.
.001=.1%. That means a one percent chance of dying if you ride ten years. Given that most motorcycles are ridden only occasionally, that is a very high risk factor.

Like most statistics, one must look deeper. The riders of these types of bikes....

Die far more frequently, than people who ride these sorts of bikes....

And the reason why is because of how they are ridden. Duh...
Really just responding to people who call people who carry a gun for protection chicken s***s, and yet wouldn't call motorcycle riders who wear helmets the same thing.....I have no dog in the helmet and motorcycle fight....
Saw this and was wondering....if there are about 4,612 motorcycle deaths in 2011 and 4 million motorcycle owners in the U.S.....are people who wear motorcycle helmets chicken s***s....or just prudent.....?

the percent of deaths to motorcycle ownership....= .001 %

violent crime in the U.S.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

Total population in 2013...


Total violent crimes 2013...


Percent of violent crimes.... = .003%

Again...since the chance of a motorcycle accident death is so small...are people who ride motorcycle helmets...chicken s***s?
I don't know, I have never ridden a motorcycle helmet.
As soon as one of those crotchet rockets gangsta bikes surprises me by zooming by at 100 mph I immediately look in my mirror to see if more are coming. They usually are. When they do, I make a point to hit my turn signals in both directions to indicate a potential lane change and to appear confused and that apparent confusion confuses the bike thugs and makes them either slow down or risk wrecking. I encourage that strategy for other motorists.
Saw this and was wondering....if there are about 4,612 motorcycle deaths in 2011 and 4 million motorcycle owners in the U.S.....are people who wear motorcycle helmets chicken s***s....or just prudent.....?

the percent of deaths to motorcycle ownership....= .001 %

violent crime in the U.S.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

Total population in 2013...


Total violent crimes 2013...


Percent of violent crimes.... = .003%

Again...since the chance of a motorcycle accident death is so small...are people who ride motorcycle helmets...chicken s***s?

Who owns motorcycles anymore? Old farts, that's who. So per capita fatalities among bikers are lower just based on the fact that 57 year-olds aren't in near as big a hurry to kill themselves as they were when they were 20. They're the only demographic that can afford a new Harley as well. 57 is the average age of new Harley buyers. 10% are women. Harley is concerned about the fact that the younger male demographic no longer buys Harleys because they can't afford them, so they're designing some new bikes that'll be more affordable for the younger crowd. Harley doesn't necessarily want their brand associated with geriatrics anyway...even though that's where most of their income originates. As much as they can, they want to push their image back from Cocoon to that of Easy Rider. Good luck with that.
I just wonder when wearing a helmet will become a requirement of driving/riding in a car. Just think of all the lives it will save!
Bikers get killed all the time here in Vegas. I swear I read about another one every week. I used to own a bike and have thought about getting another one, but I never rode without a helmet. That's just fucking stupid.
I just wonder when wearing a helmet will become a requirement of driving/riding in a car. Just think of all the lives it will save!
Godgammit, don't give them any ideas.

The age thing is true but a LOT of the old fart HD riders can't ride for shit. They buy a bike for occasional putting around and have no skills to speak of. Many use their rear brakes exclusively, tilt their head in the corners and ride side by side. When they wipe out it's a lower speed but with a beanie helmet. The crotch rocket guys do at least dress for the occasion but some of them are damn scary. One pisses you off, the other scares you.

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