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There are no conservatives here

Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

The worst of it is that the Republican Party does the opposite of what it promotes. The party of "small government" has expanded the size of government in each of its Administrations. The party of "fiscal responsonsibility" runs up huge deficits every time they're in power, and 3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy.

Trump crashed the economy ?

Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn't...one look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates THAT...so your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
I was referring to liberals in general, Mac! You label people and you do it to protect yourself from actually having to defend how your agenda has failed miserably every place it's been implemented!
I'm "afflicted"? With what exactly? Common sense?
And what is my agenda, precisely? You must know, to make such a statement.
What is the liberal agenda? Well lets see, the demands that you on the left are making these days are so many that it's hard to keep track of them all! Get rid of the Police? Get rid of prisons? Wipe out college debt? Make college free? Open borders? Let felons vote? Let anyone vote? Legalize drugs? Reparations? Renaming any building, street, town or county named after someone who's agenda you don't agree with? Abortions paid for by tax payers? Medicare for all? Hate crime status for anyone who opposes your views? "Safe zones" in all of our schools so that only liberal thought is presented to our youth? Gun control and the seizing of weapons? The outlawing of fossil fuels as an energy source? A "living wage" for all even those who don't work? And a total abdication of our role as leader of the Free World?
Some of those are made up but the majority of those policies would be amazing for most Americans.
Are you on crack, Tommy? What out of that list would be "amazing" for most Americans?
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

Of course today's conservatives are classical liberals, because they believe in freedom and resisting an overbearing government. The problem comes into play when dealing with today's liberals, who get very confused and can only think "liberal good", "conservative bad", so we have to gently explain to them how seriously messed up they really are.
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

Another victim of his own stupidity and in his mind also a victim of racism. Poor you and it's all those crackers' fault. Just ask any democrat including those two traitors to their race Jackson and Sharpner. Since the Great Society you falsely believe I owe you something to pay for slavery you have never spent a second in and neither have I. I 'm not blaming you I guess democrats have made sure you know one thing and one thing only it's all crackers fault.

Believe it or not there are Black Americans, the ones I call friends that believe you get out of life what you put into it. They are to busy working for a living to reflect on what others owe them. They are what you call conservatives like Martin Luther King Jr. My friends own toys. Toys they take care of since earning every dime they cost. Not the type that would hang out below sea level with a category 5 hurricane moving in they didn't want to miss the Wal-Mart Loot Till Ya Poop and Burn Till Ya Turn Midnight Madness.

All kidding aside I got my first taste of racism at age 5 Didn't like it then and don't like it now. What I have a problem with is how you and others have allowed a few democrats put you in a gulag with no way out. The same democrat party that fought against every equality bill. These dirty democrats fought against all anti-lynching laws. By the early 60's they could no longer burn a cross on your lawn or hang a couple to keep you in your place. That's when the founders of the KKK, once known as the Southern Confederacy got a plan. They will put them back on the plantation and they will even like it. We'll call it the 'Great Society'

The bill would cure the division in the races and give equality, end poverty, jobs for all, This Great Society would even cure the environment. What it did was give out chump change, some food stamps, and a roof over your head if you give up your Second Amendment and lately it looks like your Fourth too. Plus! A life sentance in a crime and shit infested rat hole with no way of escape doing nothing except eating and sleeping.

It shows after time you lose your self pride, your worth, and the ability to make a simple decision. So when it came to making a big decision as simple as 'get to high ground' it was impossible to understand. It was much easier to stay in their homes and drown in an upstairs bathroom. We are not talking hundreds, more like thousands. The night before it hit was your mayor at his bunker preparing the thousand school buses for the evacuation? No he's down on Bourbon Street, partyin. The next day the fleet of buses go under water with hundreds of car dealerships, truck fleets, and humans People stranded on high way overpasses with nothing but a wide screen TV. They even got you real stupid. What's so hard about 'high ground'. You have abandon any type of normal for humans. You beat, burn, rob, and murder as Sherman did through Georgia You pathetic few give your race a bad name, you give my friends a bad name. They know it and you don't give a rat's ass. It's not the Blacks. IT'S A TRIBE OF VIOLENT CRIMINALS and a government of cowards that hasn't been plundered enough. There is at least 100 million Americans thanks to cell phones have seen some videos where you can't call them them as animals because animals are not evil. The only thing more evil is one of those 100 millions Americans catching you fucks.

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