There are no conservatives here

Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

LOL Anti-science because we don't BELIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the CO2 molecule. How fucking retarded are you?
Anti science because you're told to be, and you're very obedient.

And yes, if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're "retarded". Stipulated.

Anti-science because you consider Mann's tree rings "science"

It's a good sign that you feel you have to keep tossing out straw men.

It's nice to see you guys get so defensive. It indicates that, at some level, you know I'm right.

You're calling your "science" a straw man?
No. Obviously you don't understand the term.

Play games with someone else. This gets boring quickly.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

LOL Anti-science because we don't BELIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the CO2 molecule. How fucking retarded are you?
Anti science because you're told to be, and you're very obedient.

And yes, if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're "retarded". Stipulated.

Anti-science because you consider Mann's tree rings "science"

It's a good sign that you feel you have to keep tossing out straw men.

It's nice to see you guys get so defensive. It indicates that, at some level, you know I'm right.
View attachment 350265

All the proof you need that manmade global warming is raising temperature right there under my pinkie.
Hey, super.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

LOL Anti-science because we don't BELIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the CO2 molecule. How fucking retarded are you?
Anti science because you're told to be, and you're very obedient.

And yes, if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're "retarded". Stipulated.

Anti-science because you consider Mann's tree rings "science"

It's a good sign that you feel you have to keep tossing out straw men.

It's nice to see you guys get so defensive. It indicates that, at some level, you know I'm right.

You're calling your "science" a straw man?
No. Obviously you don't understand the term.

Play games with someone else. This gets boring quickly.

What's the relationship between between rounding errors of CO2 and temperature? At these low levels, 400ppm, you must have thousands of laboratory experiments showing the temperature differential caused by each 1PPM increase in CO2, no?


Each 10PPM?

What? You have no lab work?
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

LOL Anti-science because we don't BELIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the CO2 molecule. How fucking retarded are you?
Anti science because you're told to be, and you're very obedient.

And yes, if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're "retarded". Stipulated.

Anti-science because you consider Mann's tree rings "science"

It's a good sign that you feel you have to keep tossing out straw men.

It's nice to see you guys get so defensive. It indicates that, at some level, you know I'm right.

You're calling your "science" a straw man?
No. Obviously you don't understand the term.

Play games with someone else. This gets boring quickly.

What's the relationship between between rounding errors of CO2 and temperature? At these low levels, 400ppm, you must have thousands of laboratory experiments showing the temperature differential caused by each 1PPM increase in CO2, no?


Each 10PPM?

What? You have no lab work?
Okay, you win.

An obedient Trumpster on the internet has completely changed my mind about science.

Now I know The Truth.
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

Do you understand the point of the OP because I don’t. Does the OP realize a classical liberal is far different from a “liberal” as used in today’s terms?
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

There certainly are conservatives here:

Authoritarian – check

Reactionary* – check

Frightened of positive, beneficial change – check

Seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – check

Nativist – check

Hostile to diversity and inclusion – check

* a person or entity holding political views that favor a return to a previous political state of society that they believe possessed characteristics that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society.
These guys claim to be for what is defined by classical liberalism. However you are 100 percent correct about what they really believe.
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

Do you understand the point of the OP because I don’t. Does the OP realize a classical liberal is far different from a “liberal” as used in today’s terms?

I am talking about you conservatives who are a bunch of arrogant fucks who run down liberals when what you espouse is a form of liberalism. The liberalism that you guys claim to be so superior to is modern liberalism.
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

There certainly are conservatives here:

Authoritarian – check

Reactionary* – check

Frightened of positive, beneficial change – check

Seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – check

Nativist – check

Hostile to diversity and inclusion – check

* a person or entity holding political views that favor a return to a previous political state of society that they believe possessed characteristics that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society.
Whatever you typed, the collective IQ of our nation is dropping. Check!
Conservatives are in fact authoritarian – they despise consensus and refuse to compromise:

With you nutbags? Damn right.
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

Do you understand the point of the OP because I don’t. Does the OP realize a classical liberal is far different from a “liberal” as used in today’s terms?

I am talking about you conservatives who are a bunch of arrogant fucks who run down liberals when what you espouse is a form of liberalism. The liberalism that you guys claim to be so superior to is modern liberalism.

Again what’s your point. Is it because the word “modern” implies that it is therefore better than “classical”? It’s just a label. But the left does love their labels. If that’s the case why not rename the party to be super-duper-better-than-all-others liberalism. You can rename “classical liberalism” to bucket-of-piss liberalism for all I care. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is the IDEAS that go with the label. Free speech, yay. Gun rights, yay. Smaller government, lower taxes, yay. Free market, yay. Constitution, BOR, yay.
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

Do you understand the point of the OP because I don’t. Does the OP realize a classical liberal is far different from a “liberal” as used in today’s terms?

I am talking about you conservatives who are a bunch of arrogant fucks who run down liberals when what you espouse is a form of liberalism. The liberalism that you guys claim to be so superior to is modern liberalism.

As a few others already said, classical liberalism is entirely different than the "liberalism" of today. So your comment above makes no sense. You seem to be saying that conservatives are hypocrites because we espouse a form of liberalism? Again, it's nothing like the "liberalism" of today.

The world liberalism in and of itself is not bad. As sakinago said, it's ideas and principles that matter, not mere words.

ETA: I do agree, however, that many modern-day conservatives are not true conservatives.
/ Thread fail.

Funny that you think you can "conservatives" by posting a wiki article defining classic "liberalism?"

A definition that leftardz like you don't even try to live up to, .

So fucking lazy....that's how TrumpTards are. LAZY.

The O/P is right on track.

"""Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government."""

"""Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and Laissez-Faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government.""""

Do you understand the point of the OP because I don’t. Does the OP realize a classical liberal is far different from a “liberal” as used in today’s terms?

I am talking about you conservatives who are a bunch of arrogant fucks who run down liberals when what you espouse is a form of liberalism. The liberalism that you guys claim to be so superior to is modern liberalism.

When you use only sources like Huffpo and Wiki and Daily Kos to support your views and arguments and you reject actual laws, legal and scientific definitions and the exact wording of the Constitution?

Yeah, you are fucking retarded and you will be treated as such.
Last edited:
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
Like you blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems?
You are a fucking moron.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
Like you blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems?
You are a fucking moron.
I'm blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems? Huh?

For the zillionth time, I have to ask a Trumpster to QUOTE me, to back up their words, instead of just making shit up.

Quote me, please. Looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
Like you blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems?
You are a fucking moron.
I'm blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems? Huh?

For the zillionth time, I have to ask a Trumpster to QUOTE me, to back up their words, instead of just making shit up.

Quote me, please. Looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.
I dont support that dumbfuck. I just find it hilarious how you are so infatiated with him.
I bet your poster of him above your bed is covered in gross stuff.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
Like you blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems?
You are a fucking moron.
I'm blaming Trump for 40 or 50 year old problems? Huh?

For the zillionth time, I have to ask a Trumpster to QUOTE me, to back up their words, instead of just making shit up.

Quote me, please. Looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.
I dont support that dumbfuck. I just find it hilarious how you are so infatiated with him.
I bet your poster of him above your bed is covered in gross stuff.
Yeah, I didn't think so. Just another nasty Trump-level grade school insult.

You're a coward and a liar.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
I was referring to liberals in general, Mac! You label people and you do it to protect yourself from actually having to defend how your agenda has failed miserably every place it's been implemented!
I'm "afflicted"? With what exactly? Common sense?
And what is my agenda, precisely? You must know, to make such a statement.
What is the liberal agenda? Well lets see, the demands that you on the left are making these days are so many that it's hard to keep track of them all! Get rid of the Police? Get rid of prisons? Wipe out college debt? Make college free? Open borders? Let felons vote? Let anyone vote? Legalize drugs? Reparations? Renaming any building, street, town or county named after someone who's agenda you don't agree with? Abortions paid for by tax payers? Medicare for all? Hate crime status for anyone who opposes your views? "Safe zones" in all of our schools so that only liberal thought is presented to our youth? Gun control and the seizing of weapons? The outlawing of fossil fuels as an energy source? A "living wage" for all even those who don't work? And a total abdication of our role as leader of the Free World?
Some of those are made up but the majority of those policies would be amazing for most Americans.
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

Your Dimwinger party is now unabashedly proud to be the Socialist Party.

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