There are no conservatives here

Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
I was referring to liberals in general, Mac! You label people and you do it to protect yourself from actually having to defend how your agenda has failed miserably every place it's been implemented!
I'm "afflicted"? With what exactly? Common sense?
And what is my agenda, precisely? You must know, to make such a statement.
What is the liberal agenda? Well lets see, the demands that you on the left are making these days are so many that it's hard to keep track of them all! Get rid of the Police? Get rid of prisons? Wipe out college debt? Make college free? Open borders? Let felons vote? Let anyone vote? Legalize drugs? Reparations? Renaming any building, street, town or county named after someone who's agenda you don't agree with? Abortions paid for by tax payers? Medicare for all? Hate crime status for anyone who opposes your views? "Safe zones" in all of our schools so that only liberal thought is presented to our youth? Gun control and the seizing of weapons? The outlawing of fossil fuels as an energy source? A "living wage" for all even those who don't work? And a total abdication of our role as leader of the Free World?
Sure, both dishonest ends of the spectrum ignore, minimize, distort and avoid realities that don't fit their ideological agenda. As long as they play such a large role in the conversation, we'll continue to decay.

In this context, I use "binary" to mean a person who chooses to only see one side of an issue. They will then change the subject so that they don't have to admit to or honestly examine their own side's faults.

Like you've done here. A standard tactic of both ends.

Binary in all applications is associated with 'dual'.

You made false, blanket statements regarding a particular group of people - my comments are not a deflection, they are a response. I have a mirror you're welcome to borrow. :)
Yes, "dual". Each end behaves similarly, putting essentially all the blame on the other, taking none. Binary thinking. All or nothing. Neither end sees any house-cleaning that it has to do.

They are the minority, but they are also the loudest and most influential. Currently. Unfortunately.

...and isn't that exactly what you are doing?

btw - who said this in reference to 'conservatives'?? " In this context, I use "binary" to mean a person who chooses to only see one side of an issue. "
I'm seeing both ends of an issue, as usual. You don't have to agree with that.

If you want to know my view of what has happened to liberalism, start a thread and tag me. I'll be happy to contribute.

Not all of us are binary in our thinking. Thankfully.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.
Oh, bullshit! The left leaning media is attempting to paint conservatives with all of those lies and have been doing so for decades now! Anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is "labeled" and dismissed! You can't argue that your agenda works because obviously it doesn' look at Democratically controlled cities demonstrates your only means of staying in power is to accuse the other side of being "evil"!
Why did you put "evil" in quotes, as if I used that word?

One of the primary symptoms of being infected with a hardcore ideology: The afflicted can no longer recognize reality from fantasy.
I was referring to liberals in general, Mac! You label people and you do it to protect yourself from actually having to defend how your agenda has failed miserably every place it's been implemented!
I'm "afflicted"? With what exactly? Common sense?
And what is my agenda, precisely? You must know, to make such a statement.
What is the liberal agenda? Well lets see, the demands that you on the left are making these days are so many that it's hard to keep track of them all! Get rid of the Police? Get rid of prisons? Wipe out college debt? Make college free? Open borders? Let felons vote? Let anyone vote? Legalize drugs? Reparations? Renaming any building, street, town or county named after someone who's agenda you don't agree with? Abortions paid for by tax payers? Medicare for all? Hate crime status for anyone who opposes your views? "Safe zones" in all of our schools so that only liberal thought is presented to our youth? Gun control and the seizing of weapons? The outlawing of fossil fuels as an energy source? A "living wage" for all even those who don't work? And a total abdication of our role as leader of the Free World?
That's not my agenda. So there ya go.
The worst of it is that the Republican Party does the opposite of what it promotes. The party of "small government" has expanded the size of government in each of its Administrations. The party of "fiscal responsonsibility" runs up huge deficits every time they're in power, and 3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy.
Yeah, that's certainly a big part of it. They just don't care -- the usual suspects have convinced them that they're in a "war" (literally), and in war, the ends justify the means.

So it's not about advancing conservatism or making anything better. It's just about "winning" their "war".

They've become like Jihadis: Just destroy and figure things out later. And it's spreading across the spectrum.

Yeah it's the republicans who are rioting and looting currently, justifying it all.

Ridiculous post.
I can't make you want to understand the experiences, perceptions and perspectives of others.

That's usually a normal trait of just being a human.

What I stated is not a perspective but a FACT you IMBECILE.

If you can't understand that, there are plenty of far left nations that prioritize feels and agendas over facts. Take your pick.

Your post describes the democrats currently, not the republicans. Social justice warriors always project. Literally the organization they are supporting is soon to be branded terrorist organization.
I know. You expect others to understand YOUR perspectives and perceptions, but you're under no obligation to return that fundamental human respect.

Usually an individual will develop a certain understanding of, and empathy for, the perspectives of others by the time they graduate from high school or so.

One very positive benefit of this is that it opens our eyes to the world and makes us more observant and better-equipped to function in life with others.

Some just don't reach that point.
How can one develop ANY understanding for the perspectives of others in High School when liberals have created "Safe Zones" where the perspective of others isn't allowed because liberal teachers and administrators feel that doing so put their impressionable charges in danger! You don't teach understanding or empathy in our public school systems anymore, Mac! You create followers!
No one is anything any more as nothing means anything.
Language has been subverted to the point of discussion being impossible.
Those of us who do not agree with the binary common thinking are the most rejected, the most isolated, the most separated.
Reason has become anathema. Only agreement is acceptable. One must be either "conservative" or "liberal". That these terms mean nothing, or are at least no longer definable, matters not to the dualists, the duopoly dupes. If one is not in one camp, one is automatically relegated to the other. If one is neither, one is attacked by both. If one does not agree with a minority, one is judged as being anti-, an enemy. A person who would say he is not Zionist is an antisemite. A person who might say all lives matter is a racist. A person who suggests that Wall Street is not wonderful is a Stalinist authoritarian.
Extreme views, especially totally uneducated ones, are extremely dangerous to a democratic republic. It is odd that America would eat itself up from the inside over pitifully shallow arguments.
It is odd that America would eat itself up from the inside over pitifully shallow arguments.
you can blame that on the die hard party assholes....
I'm seeing both ends of an issue, as usual. You don't have to agree with that.

If you want to know my view of what has happened to liberalism, start a thread and tag me. I'll be happy to contribute.

Not all of us are binary in our thinking. Thankfully.

Yet you felt compelled to volunteer a number of accusations directed toward 'conservatives'...which you now refuse to address.
Interesting - I'm afraid all that your claim on a 'non-partisan' moral high ground will get you is a nose-bleed.
People here calling themselves conservatives really don't know...

Classical Liberalism

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

Indeed. That is classical liberalism. The path of the Founding Fathers. It has no relationship to modern-day, misnamed "liberals".

The real question is, why have the Democrats and the slaves they drag around moved so affectionately and rapidly into Communism?
Actually what so called conservatives today believe have nothing to do with the founders except for the racism. Those who have hijacked the term are closer to fascists than to the founders.

You are as ignorant as you are crazy.
Conservatism has been so mangled and perverted by talk radio and distorted by a weird pseudo-libertarianism that it's unrecognizable at this point.

Anti-science, anti-intellectualism, anti-curiosity, binary, willful ignorance: That's what passes as conservatism today.

For someone who bills themselves as neither Right nor Left I'm fascinated by the parroting of the far-Left's talking points. Let's look at them, ok?

anti-science - whose philosophy denies the science of DNA?...the science of human embryonic development?

anti-intellectualism - which group denies the right to a quality education to inner-city kids in favor of donations from a 'public service' union?

anti-curiosity - which president appointed a NASA administrator who said this -“When I became the NASA administrator–or before I became the NASA administrator—(the president) charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.” (#1 is great, 2 & 3?, not really a role for NASA)

binary - what does that even mean?

willful ignorance - here is an excellent example of willful ignorance...
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Well, you start off with a fallacy (I "bill" myself as left-leaning) and move on to a list of deflections.

I'm used to it.

Oh, and you're on the "internet". You could look up "binary" if you wanted to.

Well if you leaned anymore you'd fall on your face. ;)

Actually, what I offered are not deflections but uncomfortable realities that faux-liberals prefer to ignore.

The definition of binary doesn't apply in the context of your post. I'm eagerly anticipating your own personal definition - inquiring minds want to know.

Binary responses are responses like 'All Democrats are this', or 'All conservatives are that' - It does absolutely nothing to move the conversation along. Mental masturbation.
I'm seeing both ends of an issue, as usual. You don't have to agree with that.

If you want to know my view of what has happened to liberalism, start a thread and tag me. I'll be happy to contribute.

Not all of us are binary in our thinking. Thankfully.

Yet you felt compelled to volunteer a number of accusations directed toward 'conservatives'...which you now refuse to address.
Interesting - I'm afraid all that your claim on a 'non-partisan' moral high ground will get you is a nose-bleed.
Please read the title of the thread. I was addressing it, and not trying to change the subject. As you are.

Oh, and line two of my sig, linking to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Leftist: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

You can keep trying to put me on the defensive if you want. It won't work.
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You can keep trying to put me on the defensive if you want. It won't work.

Oh, I know that - your broadly stereotypical comments re 'conservatives' are indefensible. ;)
From your perspective, sure. ;)

Now don't try to weasel out of it - the statements are yours. If you can't back them up, just say so. :)
You're still trying. I made my point, and I don't need your approval. Your leg-humping and attempts to put me on the defensive are gratifying, though. ;)
Jeez, we are still in a pandemic mode, anarchists flood the city streets and the democrats still don't have a viable candidate for the election in the fall but lefties want to quibble about political labels. How about this one, democrats have drifted so far to the socialist left in the last half century that JFK seems like a conservative republican.
You can keep trying to put me on the defensive if you want. It won't work.

Oh, I know that - your broadly stereotypical comments re 'conservatives' are indefensible. ;)
From your perspective, sure. ;)

Now don't try to weasel out of it - the statements are yours. If you can't back them up, just say so. :)
You're still trying. I made my point, and I don't need your approval. Your leg-humping and attempts to put me on the defensive are gratifying, though. ;)

'leg-humping' lol
Jeez, we are still in a pandemic mode, anarchists flood the city streets and the democrats still don't have a viable candidate for the election in the fall but lefties want to quibble about political labels. How about this one, democrats have drifted so far to the socialist left in the last half century that JFK seems like a conservative republican.


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