There are only a few banned words here

There is no excuse for all the vulgarities allowed on this board.

Who needs or wants to see that serves no useful purpose.

Many confuse allowing vulgarities with free in the powers that be will not censor anyone for having a potty mouth but will censor those who may have a political opinion that is not politically correct.

So thus in a sense I think the allowance of vulgarities is a cover for their in let the children and dumbasses cuss all they want then they will believe we are for free speech and not notice how we censor out political opinions such as telling the truth about the horrible things done in the name of Allah, the fact that 2.5 percent of our population comitts over half of all the violent crime in America....etc. things that people really need to understand.
Since I've heard plenty about both of those subjects here, I have a feeling there is more to it than "censorship," Mac. In other words, you most likely blew it.

Could be-- but quite honestly I could not care less about that. I will always speak to things I think need to be addressed.

Most boards suffer from the fact that posters are too easily intimidated and thus they go along to get along. If people want freedom of speech(I refer to real freedom of speech) they will have to stand up and fight for it.
I hear there are boards where you can exercise that "free speech" as you call it.
But I digress. I appreciate that you agree vulgarities are not a "free speech" issue.

Lewd, Vulgar, Plainly-Offensive, and Obscene Speech: Education Book Chapter | IGI Global


The Supreme Court has never interpreted freedom of speech to include obscenity, which is generally considered to fall outside the protection of the First Amendment. But the debate over what constitutes obscenity and how it should be regulated has long troubled Americans.

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship - Does the First Amendment protect obscenity?
Oh dear. To my mind, what I am asking is so simple, really.
Front hole is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word I won't repeat here again. To me it's sensible to rub it out if a mod should stumble upon it.
Now we're embroiled in free speech and definitions of sn*tch and what is obscenity and all this other stuff that is way beyond my little point.
Since there are so few banned words here, let's be sure to keep adding more as they evolve. :rolleyes-41:
When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
some info and article on the 'Transexual Inclusive' term Front Hole . --- Move Over Vagina, Make Room for the Trans-Inclusive 'Front Hole' --- mentioned in the article is that many puzzy Hat and puzzy Costume wearing 'womens' Freedom march Marchers may have to do Hat and Costume redesigns if they want to be inclusive . Also 'vagina monologues' might need a name change if they want to remain inclusive .
There is no excuse for all the vulgarities allowed on this board.

Who needs or wants to see that serves no useful purpose.

Many confuse allowing vulgarities with free in the powers that be will not censor anyone for having a potty mouth but will censor those who may have a political opinion that is not politically correct.

So thus in a sense I think the allowance of vulgarities is a cover for their in let the children and dumbasses cuss all they want then they will believe we are for free speech and not notice how we censor out political opinions such as telling the truth about the horrible things done in the name of Allah, the fact that 2.5 percent of our population comitts over half of all the violent crime in America....etc. things that people really need to understand.
Since I've heard plenty about both of those subjects here, I have a feeling there is more to it than "censorship," Mac. In other words, you most likely blew it.

Could be-- but quite honestly I could not care less about that. I will always speak to things I think need to be addressed.

Most boards suffer from the fact that posters are too easily intimidated and thus they go along to get along. If people want freedom of speech(I refer to real freedom of speech) they will have to stand up and fight for it.
I hear there are boards where you can exercise that "free speech" as you call it.
But I digress. I appreciate that you agree vulgarities are not a "free speech" issue.

Lewd, Vulgar, Plainly-Offensive, and Obscene Speech: Education Book Chapter | IGI Global


The Supreme Court has never interpreted freedom of speech to include obscenity, which is generally considered to fall outside the protection of the First Amendment. But the debate over what constitutes obscenity and how it should be regulated has long troubled Americans.

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship - Does the First Amendment protect obscenity?
Oh dear. To my mind, what I am asking is so simple, really.
Front hole is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word I won't repeat here again. To me it's sensible to rub it out if a mod should stumble upon it.
Now we're embroiled in free speech and definitions of sn*tch and what is obscenity and all this other stuff that is way beyond my little point.
----------------------------------------------- yeah , your little point is simply that TODAY 'YOU' want a couple words BANNED by the Authorities that can do your bidding if they like eh ??
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but ETIQUETTE has absolutely nothing to do with FREE SPEECH and Americas Founders designed FREE SPEECH to be FREE and not necessarily polite 'mis manners' err , Tehon
You are not a martyr for free speech.

No one is preventing you from exercising your right to disseminate ideas by banning derogatory language in a public forum.
----------------------------------------------- its as i say , lefty Liberals have NO Standards , See above post by Tehon who also objects to Americas and seemingly the Boards Standard of Free Speech .
Sometimes I leave this place with a sense of amazement at how effectively ignorance has been weaponized in this country.

I did not once suggest that a word or phrase should be banned by the operators of this forum. What I suggested was that you could use some decorum as opposed to acting like an insolent child at having just learned a new phrase.
all i can say is that 'front holer' is defined here Mac . --- Urban Dictionary: front hole --- and this privately owned board can Ban any Free Speech that they like Mac .

Well, of course we know they can ban anything they want to ban...that is well understood...what some of us are doing is to try and persuade them to be a little more understandable of what true freedom of speech is and to be as transparent as possible...especially in their issue of infractions.

We are all adults here but there is so much childish behavior....why would anyone want to use well recognized vulgarities anyhow? Children do that to shock...some I suppose think it makes them cool aka maher the comedian who is not funny and always uses the F that is somehow so liberating for him? Where do these fools come from?
but ETIQUETTE has absolutely nothing to do with FREE SPEECH and Americas Founders designed FREE SPEECH to be FREE and not necessarily polite 'mis manners' err , Tehon
You are not a martyr for free speech.

No one is preventing you from exercising your right to disseminate ideas by banning derogatory language in a public forum.
----------------------------------------------- its as i say , lefty Liberals have NO Standards , See above post by Tehon who also objects to Americas and seemingly the Boards Standard of Free Speech .
Sometimes I leave this place with a sense of amazement at how effectively ignorance has been weaponized in this country.

I did not once suggest that a word or phrase should be banned by the operators of this forum. What I suggested was that you could use some decorum as opposed to acting like an insolent child at having just learned a new phrase.

A little common sense goes a long ways. Some people get so hung up on their agendas and personal bias that any common sense they may have suppressed.
Since there are so few banned words here, let's be sure to keep adding more as they evolve. :rolleyes-41:
When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
but ETIQUETTE has absolutely nothing to do with FREE SPEECH and Americas Founders designed FREE SPEECH to be FREE and not necessarily polite 'mis manners' err , Tehon
You are not a martyr for free speech.

No one is preventing you from exercising your right to disseminate ideas by banning derogatory language in a public forum.
----------------------------------------------- its as i say , lefty Liberals have NO Standards , See above post by Tehon who also objects to Americas and seemingly the Boards Standard of Free Speech .
Sometimes I leave this place with a sense of amazement at how effectively ignorance has been weaponized in this country.

I did not once suggest that a word or phrase should be banned by the operators of this forum. What I suggested was that you could use some decorum as opposed to acting like an insolent child at having just learned a new phrase.
------------------------------------------------------ hey Tehon , suggestions are fine although your suggestions sound ' kinda sorta' and maybe lefty inspired to me Tehon . --- Move Over Vagina, Make Room for the Trans-Inclusive 'Front Hole' ---
Since there are so few banned words here, let's be sure to keep adding more as they evolve. :rolleyes-41:
When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
:113: Instead of answering my questions (you know, feedback) you play the victim.
but ETIQUETTE has absolutely nothing to do with FREE SPEECH and Americas Founders designed FREE SPEECH to be FREE and not necessarily polite 'mis manners' err , Tehon
You are not a martyr for free speech.

No one is preventing you from exercising your right to disseminate ideas by banning derogatory language in a public forum.
----------------------------------------------- its as i say , lefty Liberals have NO Standards , See above post by Tehon who also objects to Americas and seemingly the Boards Standard of Free Speech .
Sometimes I leave this place with a sense of amazement at how effectively ignorance has been weaponized in this country.

I did not once suggest that a word or phrase should be banned by the operators of this forum. What I suggested was that you could use some decorum as opposed to acting like an insolent child at having just learned a new phrase.
------------------------------------------------------ hey Tehon , suggestions are fine although your suggestions sound ' kinda sorta' and maybe lefty inspired to me Tehon . --- Move Over Vagina, Make Room for the Trans-Inclusive 'Front Hole' ---
From your vantage point everything must look lefty.
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When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
:113: Instead of answering my questions (you know, feedback) you play the victim. can I possibly answer your questions when I'm on the fainting couch for being called fragile? I am SUCH A VICTIM!

I did not ask for "sterile." You know me better than that. I made a pretty simple point. You apparently think it is perfectly all right for posters to use "front hole" to dismiss and insult women en masse and I'm sure you don't agree with the C word being banned either.
So we disagree. No need to call names.
well , if you read my 25 thousand or more posts i think that you will find that the vast majority are polite . But yeah , anyone that calls for civility from ME doesn't know what they are talking about because i have proof that i am civil in 25 thousand posts Tehon . And as far as telling any poster on this board to practice Civil behavior or Etiquette i simply say , hey mind your own business Tehon .
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
:113: Instead of answering my questions (you know, feedback) you play the victim. can I possibly answer your questions when I'm on the fainting couch for being called fragile? I am SUCH A VICTIM!

I did not ask for "sterile." You know me better than that. I made a pretty simple point. You apparently think it is perfectly all right for posters to use "front hole" to dismiss and insult women en masse and I'm sure you don't agree with the C word being banned either.
So we disagree. No need to call names.
Call names?! :eusa_naughty: You refuse to answer a direct question. No, I don't like to be called the C word. And no I don't think it should be banned. But it is. You do think the C word plus other words that can be used in the same way should be banned. I'm trying to understand why. Again. Do you think every word that "denigrates" women should be banned? Doesn't being called stupid or silly or fragile "denigrate" too? Do you think all these words should be banned?

And do you really believe that one woman being called a front hole dismisses and insults all women?
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Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
:113: Instead of answering my questions (you know, feedback) you play the victim. can I possibly answer your questions when I'm on the fainting couch for being called fragile? I am SUCH A VICTIM!

I did not ask for "sterile." You know me better than that. I made a pretty simple point. You apparently think it is perfectly all right for posters to use "front hole" to dismiss and insult women en masse and I'm sure you don't agree with the C word being banned either.
So we disagree. No need to call names.
Call names?! :eusa_naughty: You refuse to answer a direct question. No, I don't like to be called the C word. And no I don't think it should be banned. But it is. You do think the C word plus other words that can be used in the same way should be banned. I'm trying to understand why. Again. Do you think every word that "denigrates" women should be banned? Doesn't being called stupid or silly or fragile "denigrate" too? Do you think all these words should be banned?

And do you really believe that one woman being called a front hole dismisses and insults all women?
I already answered all your questions. Quit repeating them. That is badgering.
ya either got FREE SPEECH or you don't !! First they came for the C Word and then they came for the N Words and some push for Bans on Fighting words and Hate Speech Words and other Bans on FREE Speech and if you don't knuckle under they will call the Police . Its a slippery slope as lefties now want to ban the words 'front holer' and even that is a lefty invention . [chuckle] [aw haw ]
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
Oh, here we go "Snowflake," "fragile," "pussy," "you're melting.."
I'm just crushed. Never heard that one before...
:113: Instead of answering my questions (you know, feedback) you play the victim. can I possibly answer your questions when I'm on the fainting couch for being called fragile? I am SUCH A VICTIM!

I did not ask for "sterile." You know me better than that. I made a pretty simple point. You apparently think it is perfectly all right for posters to use "front hole" to dismiss and insult women en masse and I'm sure you don't agree with the C word being banned either.
So we disagree. No need to call names.
Call names?! :eusa_naughty: You refuse to answer a direct question. No, I don't like to be called the C word. And no I don't think it should be banned. But it is. You do think the C word plus other words that can be used in the same way should be banned. I'm trying to understand why. Again. Do you think every word that "denigrates" women should be banned? Doesn't being called stupid or silly or fragile "denigrate" too? Do you think all these words should be banned?

And do you really believe that one woman being called a front hole dismisses and insults all women?
I already answered all your questions. Quit repeating them. That is badgering.
How disappointing that you are unwilling to explain yourself. Don't sweat it, I won't victimize you any further with my badgering!
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?

I said the same thing a long time ago about the "N" word. I remember reading a long time ago a mod saying that if someone got caught trying to circumvent the rule in that way it would be manually edited if reported. I saw someone do it and reported it, and was told no one ever said they would manually edit it... as you said here, it is the same thing if they just change a letter or use a character it is still an offensive word and people know they meant the term that is actually being referred to.

Here's the thing, I don't think they censored out the words because of them being offensive towards other posters, they did it so that if some racist idiot or some misogynistic idiot search for those terms, they won't find this site, and that Google and other search engines won't flag this site for using those terms and make it so that this site is black listed at libraries, school, and other places.
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?

I said the same thing a long time ago about the "N" word. I remember reading a long time ago a mod saying that if someone got caught trying to circumvent the rule in that way it would be manually edited if reported. I saw someone do it and reported it, and was told no one ever said they would manually edit it... as you said here, it is the same thing if they just change a letter or use a character it is still an offensive word and people know they meant the term that is actually being referred to.

Here's the thing, I don't think they censored out the words because of them being offensive towards other posters, they did it so that if some racist idiot or some misogynistic idiot search for those terms, they won't find this site, and that Google and other search engines won't flag this site for using those terms and make it so that this site is black listed at libraries, school, and other places.
Just a day or two ago, I saw where a mod x'd out the word n*gger in a post and chewed everyone out for going around the filter, so I thought maybe they cared. Your explanation makes perfect sense though.

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