There are some very key differences between the republican and democratic debates


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Putting aside the differences in policy ideas, there are some other huge differences between the content of repub and dem debates.

1) Substance and facts. Say what you want about democratic ideas, but at least the dem debates are guided by factual information and substance. Sure, a couple of statements presented by the three candidates may be misleading to the actual truth (every politician does that), but at least they attempt to use facts and statistics to guide their platforms. These debates contain real substance and nuance to the issues at hand.

Republicans on the other hand actively avoid using facts and substance in their debates. Instead they rely on catchy one liners to appeal to the emotions of their knuckle-dragging base. Either that or they flat out lie, primarily to attack one another.

2) Civility. There is a great deal of civility and respect in the dem debates. Sure last night's debate was more heated than the previous dem debates, but there was still an attempt for the candidates to find common ground. They didn't resort to petty childish back and forth like Trump and Cruz did In their previous debate. Bernie himself made sure to steer clear of making Bill Clinton's personal life an issue in this election. Trump on the other hand will say just about anything to tear down his opponents. He is an embarrassment to the political process.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
Putting aside the differences in policy ideas, there are some other huge differences between the content of repub and dem debates.

1) Substance and facts. Say what you want about democratic ideas, but at least the dem debates are guided by factual information and substance. Sure, a couple of statements presented by the three candidates may be misleading to the actual truth (every politician does that), but at least they attempt to use facts and statistics to guide their platforms. These debates contain real substance and nuance to the issues at hand.

Republicans on the other hand actively avoid using facts and substance in their debates. Instead they rely on catchy one liners to appeal to the emotions of their knuckle-dragging base. Either that or they flat out lie, primarily to attack one another.

2) Civility. There is a great deal of civility and respect in the dem debates. Sure last night's debate was more heated than the previous dem debates, but there was still an attempt for the candidates to find common ground. They didn't resort to petty childish back and forth like Trump and Cruz did In their previous debate. Bernie himself made sure to steer clear of making Bill Clinton's personal life an issue in this election. Trump on the other hand will say just about anything to tear down his opponents. He is an embarrassment to the political process.

That is a joke. The Dems don't debate much of anything since they agree on 90 percent of the issues.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.


a debate halfway thru a 3 day weekend?

What kind of moron sets that up?
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.
well that says a lot about hillary then doesnt it?...go bernie....
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.


a debate halfway thru a 3 day weekend?

What kind of moron sets that up?
Yeah like I said the DNC is purposefully trying to sabotage the debate process.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.


a debate halfway thru a 3 day weekend?

What kind of moron sets that up?

A Democrat. Of course, that is being redundant.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.


a debate halfway thru a 3 day weekend?

What kind of moron sets that up?

A Democrat. Of course, that is being redundant.
How are you people not getting that the DNC is purposefully scheduling the debate to minimize viewers?
My grandkids (ages 2-12) act more adult and get along better than the GOP candidates.
As the old saying goes in reference to the GOP debates, "where's the meat?"
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
Idiot. The shear entertainment value of the GOP debates is worth the price of admission.
Given the drastic difference in viewership between the two debates, most people apparently disagree with you. No one is interested in watching Democrats politely lie to everyone.
The schedule of the debates is why the audience numbers are low. Last night's was before a federal holiday. The one before that was a few days before Christmas. The DNC is trying to protect Hillary by miminizing viewership.


a debate halfway thru a 3 day weekend?

What kind of moron sets that up?

A Democrat. Of course, that is being redundant.
How are you people not getting that the DNC is purposefully scheduling the debate to minimize viewers?

I never said it wasn't. Everyone knows Democrats are the spoon in the knife drawer.
My grandkids (ages 2-12) act more adult and get along better than the GOP candidates.
As the old saying goes in reference to the GOP debates, "where's the meat?"
I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I've raise two of my own & babysit 2 grandkids that are TWO. There is NO GETTING ALONG. There is only my way or the cryway with two year olds

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