There Goes the Stimulus Check! Goodbye!

No hand gun registration when they kill 18times as many people lol
What a big, disingenuous JOKE :lol:
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
Maybe you should define "assault weapon"
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
Maybe you should define "assault weapon"
When we've had bans on assault weapons, the law defined what they were. And they were a small, small percentage of rifles.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
Maybe you should define "assault weapon"
When we've had bans on assault weapons, the law defined what they were. And they were a small, small percentage of rifles.
Please define "assault weapon"
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (
What the fuck does this have to do with a stimulus check?
It's obvious to everyone, I'm sorry you are uneducated.
Coming from you..the undisputed stupidest jackass on this board..that's rich.

You should just be glad that the founders didn't put an intelligence clause in the 2nd..because you'd be limited to a water pistol.

BTW..Trump lost.
So you still don't understand LOL
Nope..I thought about it for a moment..saw some strained relationship between the 1200 bucks in taxes..fictionally placed on guns..and the 1200 in stimulus money--guessed some juvenile linkage that purports to say that the Gov.-- Dems-- give with one hand and take with the other...laughed..and moved on.
Yeah..when you stipulate a hypothetical tax..based on some campaign statements....and construct an elaborate chain of events based on this's called fiction.
So we shouldnt discuss the outcomes of policies of the president-elect. Gotcha
Err..possible outcomes of possible policies--which is..again..fiction. Given that Tax powers are Congress's province--we're talking low-probability possibilities.
Although the OP acts as though this is an imminent reality..pushing that 'gun-grabber' button you all love.
I guess this liar is just going to ignore all the videos showing joe saying would take guns and get old gun grabbing beto to do it. Beto said so too, in videos. So keep lying,it's why no one ever believes anything you say.
"Saying so.." is not doing..ignorant douche. They say that shit for the same reason your guys yap about grabbing guns--it gins up the base.
Anyone who has a clue about how our Govt. operates and is structured would know that there has never been a serious effort to undermine the 2nd...and there really couldn't the SCOTUS would squash it.

Yes, I ignore the videos..just as I ignore the right wing Agit/prop as well.

I don't know about "no one believing me"....but if you started agreeing with me..I'd have to check my hole card!
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
In truth..there are no 'assault' weapons--only assault people. But that issue is too people treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
Maybe you should define "assault weapon"
When we've had bans on assault weapons, the law defined what they were. And they were a small, small percentage of rifles.
Please define "assault weapon"

Look up the law that defines it, baby bird.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
In truth..there are no 'assault' weapons--only assault people. But that issue is too people treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
Of course there isnt. The word itself was just made up by the emotionally ignorant.
Treating symptoms is the lazy way of doing things. IE our fed govt. They give themselves more power while not even fixing the issue. BUT the good news is, after their band aid proves to be a failure, the retarded citizenry will be ok with giving them MORE power as a reward for being failures.
Thats our system!
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements.

Joe is just trying to make for a safer America by punishing law abiding people for wanting the same protection he has had for free all his life. The good news is that Biden voters keep telling us how many guns they own too so won't it be great when Joe shoves their vote right up their asses! :21:

JOE BIDEN: Can't wait to make America just like the Europe millions of Americans fought and died for to leave!
Lol you are absolutely pathetic for so many reasons.
Of which, you are unable to cite one,
Well to start you still believe Trump will be president on 1/21.

And he believed that the election was over, and that the Supreme Court was going hand Trump victory.

And even more adorably gullible, that the Congress is going to overturn the States' electoral determinations and give the election to Trump on January 6th

That poor soul will believe *anything* if it matches what he wants to believe.

Though it is a lovely demonstration of how useless OAN and NewsMax are in predicting what's going to happen with the election.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

You'll be fine. The plan in question only potentially effects assault weapons. Not hand guns, almost no rifles, no shot guns. And would come with at least a 30 day grace period (likely 90 day) to register assault weapons for free.
Ummm "assault weapons" ARE rifles.

A tiny percentage of rifles are 'assault weapons'. Since all we know about his weapon is that its a rifle, the odds of any given rifle being an assault weapon are quite low. Handguns don't qualify at all. Nor do shotguns.

My 30-06 doesn't quality. Almost no rifles do.
In truth..there are no 'assault' weapons--only assault people. But that issue is too people treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
Of course there isnt. The word itself was just made up by the emotionally ignorant.
Treating symptoms is the lazy way of doing things. IE our fed govt. They give themselves more power while not even fixing the issue. BUT the good news is, after their band aid proves to be a failure, the retarded citizenry will be ok with giving them MORE power as a reward for being failures.
Thats our system!
So it is..but do remember that our Govt. is a reflection of our desires. There are no great solutions to our great ills..because every real solution involves pain..a lot of someone.
Everyone protects their rice bowl. Some people's rice bowls are quite large--by extension this means that many have no bowl at all--but who gives a shit, right?
Same as it ever was.
every real solution involves pain..a lot of someone.
And what they do is erode our civil, human and natural rights. Thats their solution"

How is a tax on assault weapons eroding your 'natural rights'?

Or perhaps you're referring to the right to vote that Republcians tried to strip from 20 million people in their Texas petition.
I hope they also allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
WHY ? You liberals are nuts. This is why we have to get you out of this country, or at least separate you from us somehow. Why don't you just go away, and form your own crazy country, based on your own crazy ideas ? GO!
every real solution involves pain..a lot of someone.
And what they do is erode our civil, human and natural rights. Thats their solution"

How is a tax on assault weapons eroding your 'natural rights'?

Or perhaps you're referring to the right to vote that Republcians tried to strip from 20 million people in their Texas petition.
I meant that in a general way, not a specific way. Buuut i guess guns, or any property you have is considered a "natural right" as it pertains to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
A tax on "assault weapons" is an attack on all kinds of rights. Like a poll tax.
Im not going to comment on your deflection.

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