There has been no "global warming" for eight years

What do you think this is?

An example of a climate fluctuation of which the geologic record is littered with similar examples in both glacial and interglacial periods. But if man is influencing it at all it is more likely due to urbanization and deforestation which seems to be OK with you because you never mention it at all.
Satellite data always showed NO WARMING, before it was FUDGED in 2005....
Normal people, if they want to know surface temperatures, they use temperature measured at the surface with these amazing devices called "thermometers."

Deniers ... don't. They exclusively use UAH. It uses satellite microwave measurements from across the troposphere. It then runs them through a model, which has all kinds of fudge factors in it, and which has been revised many times. Some revisions were due to major errors, and some because they wanted to manipulate the outcomes.

Honest people use the best data. That's us. Pseudoscience cultists throw away the best data and use garbage. That's you. Because you deliberately throw away the best data, we know with 100% certainty that you're being deliberately dishonest.

Go on. Tell everyone why you discard measurements taken at the surface with thermometers in favor of a fudgy model. We know you do it beause the cult tells you to, but I'd enjoy hearing your weirdass conspiracy theory.
They are ONLY working on the phony problem.
And what else did the voices tell you?

Let me guess. You're one of the loonies who screamed that Bill Gates was evil because he mentioned population control.

Golly, could it be the death threats coming from your side that make people more reluctant to talk about the topic?
I have given the 8 years of "cooling" all the attention it deserves. I know how the thread title reads. That's why I said "the OP only wants to talk about the past 8 years". Again, where have I been dishonest?

All you demonstrated in post #18 is that you failed to comprehend a one line post. The idea is that we have a warming trend that has gone far too long to say after 8 years of a very questionable pause, "it has stopped", particularly when not one of you has provided the slightest hint of WHY your think it might have stopped. None of the factors that mainstream science credits with the warming have stopped and none of the alternative factors YOU folks have tried to show is the cause has stopped. So WHY HAS IT STOPPED? These fucking things don't happen for no reason.
Why has it stopped? A good question. No one knows. Why did the warming start? Another good question, because no one knows.
Why has it stopped? A good question. No one knows. Why did the warming start? Another good question, because no one knows.
These guys refuse to accept that the planet's climate fluctuates naturally, especially in the northern hemisphere and especially since the planet became bipolar glaciated. And they don't understand the reasons why this is the case. As such they have eliminated all possibility for natural causes even though the geologic record is litter with examples of warming and cooling trends in glacial and interglacial periods. Their models are flawed. The feedback effect is 3 times the GHG effect of CO2 which is diametrically opposite what the empirical climate data shows as the planet cooled for millions of years with CO2 greater than 600 ppm. They routinely tune out natural variations in their models which they call drift. They use urban station temperatures which include the urban heat island effect and use the low variability solar output dataset instead of the high variability dataset used by the team in charge of NASA’s ACRIM sun-monitoring satellites.

Old Yeller the next time some idiot argues that the recent warming trend is unprecedented, hit the with this.

"Climate records for the last ice age (which ended 11,500 years ago) show enormous climate fluctuations in the North Atlantic region - the so-called Dansgaard/Oeschger events. During these events air temperatures in Greenland changed on the order of 10 degrees Celsius within a few decades."

Then show them this graph. It shuts them up everytime.

D-O events.png

Why has it stopped? A good question. No one knows. Why did the warming start? Another good question, because no one knows.
There is an enormous amount of evidence that it started from the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increasing from the combustion of fossil fuels and, since that combustion has done nothing but increase, there is no reason to suspect that the long term trend has stopped rising.
There is an enormous amount of evidence that it started from the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increasing from the combustion of fossil fuels
Incorrect. There is an enormous amount of empirical climate evidence that says the exact opposite. Your evidence is correlation and computer modeling. My evidence is the oxygen isotope curve and computer modeling. You have falsely correlated a warming event - which the geologic record is littered with natural warming trends - to CO2. Unfortunately the oxygen isotope curve disproves that correlation.
Yes, hit me with that. There is nowhere on that graph with temperatures rising as fast as they are rising right now.
Has it warmed 10C in a couple of decades?

"Climate records for the last ice age (which ended 11,500 years ago) show enormous climate fluctuations in the North Atlantic region - the so-called Dansgaard/Oeschger events. During these events air temperatures in Greenland changed on the order of 10 degrees Celsius within a few decades."

Solar Forced Dansgaard/Oeschger Events? - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Has it warmed 10C in a couple of decades?

"Climate records for the last ice age (which ended 11,500 years ago) show enormous climate fluctuations in the North Atlantic region - the so-called Dansgaard/Oeschger events. During these events air temperatures in Greenland changed on the order of 10 degrees Celsius within a few decades."

Solar Forced Dansgaard/Oeschger Events? - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Not global, not consistent and not present on any of your graphs. There also seems to be a substantial chance that they are caused by increases in atmospheric CO2.
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Not global, not consistent and not present on any of your graphs. There also seems to be a substantial chance that they are caused by increases in atmospheric CO2.
What mechanism caused CO2 to go up and down over several decades? Because that's an idiotic argument on face value and just shows how desperate you are. But the point of this is to disprove that the recent 1C rise in temperature is unprecedented. There have been tons of 1C warming and cooling trends throughout the geologic recored and especially so after the planet transitioned to an icehouse world. Climate fluctuations are a hallmark and a consequence of our bipolar glaciated planet where the northern hemisphere is close to it's threshold for extensive continental glaciation. Your lack of knowledge about the features of the planet which affect its climate is appalling.
Normal people, if they want to know surface temperatures, they use temperature measured at the surface with these amazing devices called "thermometers."

Deniers ... don't. They exclusively use UAH. It uses satellite microwave measurements from across the troposphere. It then runs them through a model, which has all kinds of fudge factors in it, and which has been revised many times. Some revisions were due to major errors, and some because they wanted to manipulate the outcomes.

Honest people use the best data. That's us. Pseudoscience cultists throw away the best data and use garbage. That's you. Because you deliberately throw away the best data, we know with 100% certainty that you're being deliberately dishonest.

Go on. Tell everyone why you discard measurements taken at the surface with thermometers in favor of a fudgy model. We know you do it beause the cult tells you to, but I'd enjoy hearing your weirdass conspiracy theory.


Co2 is supposed to be in the atmosphere, dummy.

Surface Ground is the only series showing organic unfudged warming, which is to be expected, since surface ground has been mostly measured in




Every other series of RAW unfudged data shows NO WARMING

Non urban land

Yes, hit me with that. There is nowhere on that graph with temperatures rising as fast as they are rising right now.

And yet we still get

Regular RECORD LOW temps

And the actual data still shows

NO WARMING in the atmosphere
NO WARMING in the oceans
NO net ice melt
NO breakout in cane activity
No ocean rise
Co2 is supposed to be in the atmosphere, dummy.
And, it is. Are you claiming it's not? How very peculiar.

Surface Ground is the only series showing organic unfudged warming, which is to be expected, since surface ground has been mostly measured in

And back in reality, there's been no difference in the warming between urban and rural areas.

I realize that you don't think you're lying. You're just completely clueless about the topic. You repeat what you're told to repeat. Understand, however, that the intelligent people know you're peddling cult nonsense.
And yet we still get

Regular RECORD LOW temps
But we get RECORD HIGH temps three times as often.

And that demonstrates the warming trend.

And the actual data still shows

NO WARMING in the atmosphere
NO WARMING in the oceans
NO net ice melt
NO breakout in cane activity
No ocean rise
No, that's all cuckoobananas delusional. You're off in some weird alternate-reality dimension.
there's been no difference in the warming between urban and rural areas

Glad we have such an "expert" here....

Who cares if urban areas are 1 to 10 degrees warmer than surrounding undeveloped land. Surely a city like Indianapolis has no more "urban heat" than 100 years ago....

Since you are such an expert, how about the question.... you and crick cannot answer.

How did Co2 thaw North America while at the same time freeze Greenland?

Jeopardy! music still playing....

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