There HAS to be life on other planets..

And alternatively, if life is created in a lab more easily then that would relate to it happening in nature more often. That could mean that we're more likely to find life in the foreseeable future.
I doubt they will ever replicate life being created from inanimate matter in a laboratory. The accidental folding sequence needed is practically a miracle.
Accidentally? I've been arguing for quite some time now, that life and intelligence is built into the fabric of matter/energy and that given the right conditions and enough time, beings that know and create will eventually arise.
Don't rule out 'accidentally' for the reason of sticking to your Christian agenda.
Otherwise, I would consider your comments relevant. That's not to say that I agree with life and intelligence being built in...........................

That seems to be your effort to set a trap for non-believers, so the idea needs to be qualified with further discussion.
I doubt they will ever replicate life being created from inanimate matter in a laboratory. The accidental folding sequence needed is practically a miracle.
I believe that life was created in nature accidentally and so that would make it more likely than not that it will be done in a lab. It seems reasonable to those of us who are able to lay superstitious beliefs aside, long enough to have a discussion.
Don't rule out 'accidentally' for the reason of sticking to your Christian agenda.
Otherwise, I would consider your comments relevant. That's not to say that I agree with life and intelligence being built in...........................

That seems to be your effort to set a trap for non-believers, so the idea needs to be qualified with further discussion.
Ok, how is it accidental if through the laws of nature the potential for life and intelligence became manifest? You think it was accidental the way space and time evolved? I don't and I don't know anyone who does or has made a case for that.
Don't rule out 'accidentally' for the reason of sticking to your Christian agenda.
My "Christian agenda" - whatever that is supposed to mean - was informed by science. I didn't come to science through my Christianity. I came to Christianity through science. So if you think you are dealing with a religious nutjob, you better think again, lest I decide to make an example of your science illiteracy. Choose your words wisely.
Ok, how is it accidental if through the laws of nature the potential for life and intelligence became manifest?
You partly explained it yourself when you mentiioned 'potential'.
You think it was accidental the way space and time evolved? I don't and I don't know anyone who does or has made a case for that.
I know you don't, you believe one of humanity's gods did it.

I think we don't know and we haven't the intelligence to understand how space and time evolved. We don't know if it even had a beginning.
My "Christian agenda" - whatever that is supposed to mean - was informed by science. I didn't come to science through my Christianity. I came to Christianity through science. So if you think you are dealing with a religious nutjob, you better think again, lest I decide to make an example of your science illiteracy. Choose your words wisely.
Tell us how you found christianity through science. Science would surely want to know. There's only one source for all you think you know about Christianity, and that source isn't to be taken literally, as we have agreed.
Walk me through that. Explain how it was accidental for inanimate matter to make the leap to life? Explain why you believe it was accidental?
You already know the science that tells us one of the most probable beginning explanation for life on earth is out of the ooze or pond scum.

You are free to believe other explanations from science but you'll have to leave out the supernatural, now that you've said you learned christianity from science. But do tell us!

Your attempts to sound like a sophisticated Christian thinker are becoming a bit tiring.
Walk me through that. Explain how it was accidental for inanimate matter to make the leap to life? Explain why you believe it was accidental?
One of science's theories is that a bolt of lightning may have hit the right pond of primordial ooze. Do you like the theory that you evolved from pond scum? The CC has given you permission to believe it!
I believe that life was created in nature accidentally and so that would make it more likely than not that it will be done in a lab. It seems reasonable to those of us who are able to lay superstitious beliefs aside, long enough to have a discussion.
Not accidentally.

Selection by physical laws is not random. Massive objects in space are not "accidentally" spherical.
Somewhat unproductive .
Whatever you choose as your most fundamental point , it will always be open to the same questions
How and Why .

So , even if you take Consciousness as the Start point , it gets you nowhere in terms of a first cause explanation .
The Ancients understood this .
You partly explained it yourself when you mentiioned 'potential'. I know you don't, you believe one of humanity's gods did it. I think we don't know and we haven't the intelligence to understand how space and time evolved. We don't know if it even had a beginning.
You are skipping steps. First explain how life evolving was accidental. Because if you can't at least offer up at least some kind of reasoning, then you don't have a leg to argue it wasn't intentional. We absolutely do know that the universe popped into existence. And we do know how space and time (i.e. everything in it evolved). It's almost as if you are taking it on faith that life evolving was an accident. Because you haven't offered one single explanation for your belief and you are dismissing a shit load of science by arguing we don't know if the universe began and we don't know how everything evolved. We know a great deal.
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Tell us how you found christianity through science. Science would surely want to know. There's only one source for all you think you know about Christianity, and that source isn't to be taken literally, as we have agreed.
By studying the creation and evolution of space and time and concluding it was intentionally created for the express purpose of creating beings that know and create.
You already know the science that tells us one of the most probable beginning explanation for life on earth is out of the ooze or pond scum.

You are free to believe other explanations from science but you'll have to leave out the supernatural, now that you've said you learned christianity from science. But do tell us!

Your attempts to sound like a sophisticated Christian thinker are becoming a bit tiring.
Actually I doubt very seriously life evolved from ooze or pond scum. I already told you what I believe. Long chains of organic molecules that mimicked amino acids folding themselves in the correct sequence.

Why are you - an atheist - the only one discussing God, and me - a Christian - the only one discussing science?
Your attempts to sound like a sophisticated Christian thinker are becoming a bit tiring.
I think the reality is that you don't know the first thing about science and I do. How do you believe that is possible? Do you believe that too was an accident?
One of science's theories is that a bolt of lightning may have hit the right pond of primordial ooze. Do you like the theory that you evolved from pond scum? The CC has given you permission to believe it!
Do you have a link for that "theory?"

Do you know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

Was the basis for that "theory" Frankenstein?

Would you like for me to tell you where I believe life began and why I believe it began there?
100% there is. i saw a UFO years ago, along with scores of other people/cars at a drive-in. people honked their horns & got out of their cars.
Do you like the theory that you evolved from pond scum? The CC has given you permission to believe it!
I think one of the differences between you and I is that I don't have a preference for an outcome and you do. I'm just interested in the truth. I follow it wherever it leads me. If we evolved from pond scum struck by lightening, so be it, but it seems to me that pond scum is actually life. I'm not sure what you believe it is though. I rather like your Frankenstein theory of life being created from life though as Frankenstein did have a creator. ;)

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