There HAS to be life on other planets..

Apparently you know more than the brightest scientists know.. The reason why I don't know anything is because I don't have the god's phone number. And I don't get down on my knees to talk into his direct phone line.

You're starting to get a bit goofy now!
I know way more than you. You really are ignorant of science. Seriously. How is it that a Christian can know more science than an atheist?
Abiogenesis study today is focused on how self replicating chemicals come about. The rest just kind of follows from there. Cell membrane formation is fairly well understood and is not much of a leap. That simple organisms would come live together in these membranes is not a leap.

So now we try to understand how self replicating chemicals form and how they can train -- and be trained by -- their environment.
And where did they say this occurred at? Paint me a picture.

The link isn't god approved so beware of hair growing on the palms of your hands.

Yes, and a dictionary will tell us, but the answer likely doesn't apply to your faith agenda. Be more specific.

As posted above.

Not particularly, but go right ahead. As I told you, I don't have access to the god for an answer. Could I find one in the bibles? And then would be optional for an atheist in the same way it's optional for Catholicks?
Good Lord, did you even read that link? Microbial? Do you know what that is? It's already alive. They are saying that these life forms were the foundations for early animal life to arise.

Microbial mats that existed on sea floors prior to the “Cambrian explosion” provided the foundation for early animal life to arise, new research looking at trace fossils of that early life has found.
Where did the microbial mat life forms come from? Come on, you are so close. Stop thinking of ponds. Stop thinking of scum. Start thinking about long chains of organic molecules folding themselves in the exact right sequence.
Yeah o.k. ding. This is getting too crazy for me now.
The god created lifeless pond scum and then shot lightning at it to make it live pond scum!
Life began in the ocean, dummy. Not in ponds. Not from pond scum. Not from lightening strikes like Frankenstein's monster.

Come on man, learn some science. Stop being an unthinking atheist.
And where did they say this occurred at? Paint me a picture.
On earth, where else?it's even happening right now. But enough biomass is already working as organisms, so the ingredients get appropriated in other ways by existing life.
On earth, where else?it's even happening right now. But enough biomass is already working as organisms, so the ingredients get appropriated in other ways by existing life.
Where on earth, dummy? And let's limit it to life from inanimate matter.
Where on earth, dummy? And let's limit it to life from inanimate matter.
I was. It's happening right now. Inanimate matter is organizing and the same selective forces are operating on the same chemicals right now, on earth. .

In water on earth, dummy. If you play stupid for too long, you forget to stop.
I was. It's happening right now. Inanimate matter is organizing and the same selective forces are operating on the same chemicals right now, on earth. .

In water on earth, dummy. If you play stupid for too long, you forget to stop.
Where in water, dummy. Be specific. Then describe the process.
Life began in the ocean, dummy. Not in ponds. Not from pond scum. Not from lightening strikes like Frankenstein's monster.

Come on man, learn some science. Stop being an unthinking atheist.
Didn't the god make man the day after it made the oceans? or was it the day after he made light?
It is 100% true. You don't have a clue what I am talking about.
When you post a dozen times you risk not having your messages read. You were warned before so if you care then don't.
If I've missed anything you've said that's important, try again.

Curiosity? I'm not really sure?

Likely .
But another odd speculation .

There is a "firewall "at the ege of the Solar System which the Voyagers found .
Therefore no waves can enter or exit . Fact , as far as I can determine
Yet in 1984 we commenced SETI but only to investigate "chat"in our solar system .As it has turned out .
As a result of information from visitors we have picked up from crash retrievals . ?????

Crazy ?
Probably . But not certainly .
That is , there is considerable Chat but beyond Top Secret .
Apparently you know more than the brightest scientists know.. The reason why I don't know anything is because I don't have the god's phone number. And I don't get down on my knees to talk into his direct phone line.

You're starting to get a bit goofy now!
By Design, All Contemporary Debates Are Contemptible

You're evading a rational discussion by pretending the answer is either Creationism or decadent Postmodern science. The one says we are created in a supernatural image; the other makes Nature supernatural and man nothing but a curse on Gaia.
Where on earth, dummy? And let's limit it to life from inanimate matter.
It's enough for now that you're accepting the link to pond scum and so you've asked yourself the important question, in effect. Who or how was the animate life in the pond made by? Or how?

Now at least we've reached the point at which you've carelessly rejected creation. Other progress: You've admitted that the bibles can't re relied upon for truth.

If this wasn't the religion section then we could just let that part of the discussion go.
There's a lot of truth in your comment on you talking science instead of religion!

You're not going to find comfort for your doubts here, no matter how many people you put down as dummies. Nobody is going to give you something that can make any of the superstitious beliefs work for you.
Didn't the god make man the day after it made the oceans? or was it the day after he made light?
The Twinkling Void

That's another Biblical attitude that is far more realistic than the contempt for mankind created by the same irrational use of time as a measure of importance. Comparing it to man, we should dismiss the rest of the universe just as if it was all created shortly before man arrived. It is inanimate, so it is all on a far lower level.
By Design, All Contemporary Debates Are Contemptible

You're evading a rational discussion by pretending the answer is either Creationism or decadent Postmodern science.
Decadent post modern science? What would be an example?
The one says we are created in a supernatural image; the other makes Nature supernatural and man nothing but a curse on Gaia.
Man is a curse on the earth? I see life on earth as an experiment that was brought about by 'accidental' means.
The possibility of that happening on some other planet in the multiverse isn't measurable at this point in time.

Estimates range from all planets to none at all. My opinion fits somewhere within those bounds.
The Twinkling Void

That's another Biblical attitude that is far more realistic than the contempt for mankind created by the same irrational use of time as a measure of importance. Comparing it to man, we should dismiss the rest of the universe just as if it was all created shortly before man arrived. It is inanimate, so it is all on a far lower level.
I don't see anything realistic about the bible's attitude. It's far from decided by Christians themselves what is true and what is not true. The Catholic church has adopted a position that can accommodate everybody's beliefs. Even an atheist's I think!

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