There HAS to be life on other planets..

You are skipping steps. First explain how life evolving was accidental.
One theory is that lightning hit the pond scum, and phhhhhht, life began. I like that one but you can like something else.
Because if you can't at least offer up at least some kind of reasoning, then you don't have a leg to argue it wasn't intentional.
Then I guess that science doesn't have a leg?
We absolutely do know that the universe popped into existence.
Nope. Elementary. Science thinks we know that our universe popped into existence with the big bang, but that's now questionable. Or do you know more than science cause the god told you?
And we do know how space and time (i.e. everything in it evolved).
It's almost as if you are taking it on faith that life evolving was an accident.
Nope, just parroting one theory of science.
Because you haven't offered one single explanation for your belief and you are dismissing a shit load of science by arguing we don't know if the universe began and we don't know how everything evolved.
Answer found above.
We know a great deal.
On that we can agree.
Actually they're not. You've misunderstood my point. The difficulty or near impossibility of creating life in a lab would be related to the improbability of life being created accidentally in nature in many locations that we are able to access
And alternatively, if life is created in a lab more easily then that would relate to it happening in nature more often. That could mean that we're more likely to find life in the foreseeable future.

And of course we both know that the Adam and Eve story is not meant to be true, co we can open up our minds to thinking in terms of evolution.
NA$A Is All About Funding Useless Escapist Nerds

If somebody in Atlanta wins the Powerball jackpot, does that mean that Atlanta is a good place to play the lottery? The fact is that it was almost impossible for life to form on Earth, even under the conditions that astrogeeks wishfully claim made it inevitable.
By studying the creation and evolution of space and time and concluding it was intentionally created for the express purpose of creating beings that know and create.
You need to phone a scientist and tell him/her what the god told you. You could win a Nobel prize for having outstanding faith!
Actually I doubt very seriously life evolved from ooze or pond scum. I already told you what I believe. Long chains of organic molecules that mimicked amino acids folding themselves in the correct sequence.

Why are you - an atheist - the only one discussing God, and me - a Christian - the only one discussing science?
That's not true but let's suppose it is.
I think the reality is that you don't know the first thing about science and I do. How do you believe that is possible? Do you believe that too was an accident?
Apparently you know more than the brightest scientists know.. The reason why I don't know anything is because I don't have the god's phone number. And I don't get down on my knees to talk into his direct phone line.

You're starting to get a bit goofy now!
Do you have a link for that "theory?"

The link isn't god approved so beware of hair growing on the palms of your hands.
Do you know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
Yes, and a dictionary will tell us, but the answer likely doesn't apply to your faith agenda. Be more specific.
Was the basis for that "theory" Frankenstein?
As posted above.
Would you like for me to tell you where I believe life began and why I believe it began there?
Not particularly, but go right ahead. As I told you, I don't have access to the god for an answer. Could I find one in the bibles? And then would be optional for an atheist in the same way it's optional for Catholicks?
I think one of the differences between you and I is that I don't have a preference for an outcome and you do. I'm just interested in the truth. I follow it wherever it leads me. If we evolved from pond scum struck by lightening, so be it, but it seems to me that pond scum is actually life. I'm not sure what you believe it is though. I rather like your Frankenstein theory of life being created from life though as Frankenstein did have a creator. ;)
Yeah o.k. ding. This is getting too crazy for me now.
The god created lifeless pond scum and then shot lightning at it to make it live pond scum!
One theory is that lightning hit the pond scum, and phhhhhht, life began. I like that one but you can like something else.
Again... do you know what the difference is between a theory and a hypothesis?
Then I guess that science doesn't have a leg?
No. You don't have a leg to stand on. But please keep spouting you unsupported opinions which you can't even explain the reason for believing it. Sounds like you have faith.
Nope. Elementary. Science thinks we know that our universe popped into existence with the big bang, but that's now questionable. Or do you know more than science cause the god told you?
You might as well deny evolution while you are at it. :rolleyes:
You need to phone a scientist and tell him/her what the god told you. You could win a Nobel prize for having outstanding faith!
Feel free to find one that can do a better job of explaining how life and intelligence was an accident. Because you haven't done that yet.
I have only posted once in this thread but...

Anybody who thinks that this minuscule, smaller than a grain of sand planet Earth is the only place with

life in this INFINITE Cosmos...

Well....the arrogance.....that's all I can say.

The ignorance..... that's all.
Abiogenesis study today is focused on how self replicating chemicals come about. The rest just kind of follows from there. Cell membrane formation is fairly well understood and is not much of a leap. That simple organisms would come live together in these membranes is not a leap.

So now we try to understand how self replicating chemicals form and how they can train -- and be trained by -- their environment.

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