There HAS to be life on other planets..

I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

You don't need to believe in "creation" - since science and evolution explains it pretty well.

What is "intelligent" life? an ant? factually it is.
Therefore I would not dispute other "intelligent lifeforms" - however there is no proof so far towards other earthly human like lifeforms.

But nevertheless a cute try on your behalf - to get into the topic regarding "creation"
I’ve also thought of that. Perhaps God created many worlds but, for some reason, chose not to tell us about them. Maybe they all have their own Bibles, maybe the intention is for us to eventually find each other..who knows.
I long ago stopped trying to tell God what he thinks and why. I figure if we puny mortals could really know what God thinks r why or even how God acts,, He wouldn't be much of a God. And the God I know, that I pray to, is pretty awesome.

But one thing I do know, and God has never presumed to discourage my belief at least so far, is that we know only the tiniest fraction of all there is to know. We know only the tiniest bit of all that science is. And with thousands of years of knowledge more than the people of the Bible had, we would seem as advanced to them as would any aliens with the technology to visit Planet Earth now would be more advanced than we are.

The ancient people understood the universe according to their extremely limited experience of it and the Bible was written through their eyes from their culture and their understanding and with the word/language that they had to describe and explain it all. A massive flood in their eyes indeed would appear that the whole world was under water. Jesus Himself traveled less than 100 miles from his birthplace and Nazareth where he grew up.

I believe if we are being visited by beings from other worlds, they intend us no harm for they surely have the capability to destroy us at will. I hav
What EVIDENCE do you have for that belief
Just mathematical probability and ability for critical thinking.
That is false statistics.

Because life on earth is dependent up factors that are not present on Mars, Venus, Mercury or any of the other planets as far as we know. The samples are not comparable. That is like saying there is a 50-50 chance that either a dog or a frog would have fur. The reality is that only the dog would have fur. You can look at ten trillion frogs and never find one with fur.

Now if we visit other planets and find life or evidence that life existed in the past then that changes everything. We can start quantifying the factors that produce life. Just being a rock planet in a habitable zone doesn't mean jackshit.

Like having the right temperature, water and carbon elements in a lab doesn't produce life. If it did then every Jr High science class in the world would be creating life. There are many other factors and even after decades of pretty high level research we can't reproduced the factors to create life.
But you’re not thinking big enough. You are just assuming that the conditions, physics and situation that allowed life to exist here must be the same everywhere else. Perhaps some other planet in some other galaxy went through a completely different evolution process, maybe they breathe a different substance, maybe they can survive in colder or hotter temperatures.

Remember, WE only survived because we adapted to our environment, what’s to say that isn’t the same elsewhere.
That’s kinda what I was getting at here. So many planets, so many galaxies…and yet earth is the only place all of this could have happened? Just seems improbable to me
And the more we learn about our planet and universe, the more improbable it seems.

The most common ingredients in the universe...

Happened because of selection by forces governed by physical laws, which are the same everywhere...

Happened quickly, in geographical or cosmological time. There were maybe as few as 200 million years from inanimate soup to DNA life on Earth. Maybe fewer. The selective forces that caused DNA to form operate the same way everywhere in the universe.

Happened in an environment that has existed more than a trillion trillion times in our universe, give or take...

Life has persisted through cataclysm after cataclysm on Earth for billions of years. I don't see how you could eradicate all life on earth, short of removing the Earth from existence entirely. It's here to stay, until Earth is swallowed by the Sun.

Put all these things together...
But even if something is vanishingly rare...

If you run 1 trillion trillion trials... you could still get many, many instances of that rare outcome.

Unfortunately, 1 trillion trillion is nowhere near enough trials to assemble either of the following: amino acids into DNA or proteins into a functioning cell

Also, interesting to note that the sulphric Bridges that hold the DNA together occur at strands 10, 5, 6, and 5 and repeat in that exact sequence the whole way through.

In Hebrew these numbers are equal to Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey
I have no doubt that life is common in the universe, maybe even in our solar system but intelligent life is another matter entirely. Alas, no magic will reveal that. We've been looking for radio signals for decades and, so far, nothing.
See, I tend to think that my theory does extend to intelligent life. Not just microbes
You don't need to believe in "creation" - since science and evolution explains it pretty well.

What is "intelligent" life? an ant? factually it is.
Therefore I would not dispute other "intelligent lifeforms" - however there is no proof so far towards other earthly human like lifeforms.

But nevertheless a cute try on your behalf - to get into the topic regarding "creation"
You assume too much. I only mentioned that because, for there to be a complete absence of life anywhere else in the entire universe, it would defy all statistical probability, which would point to the creation theory. But my topic was not intended to push that idea, my topic was intended to explore the fact that, due to the sheer size of our universe and the possible trillions of galaxies in it, that it would be nearly impossible for there to not be intelligent (humanoid) life elsewhere.
I long ago stopped trying to tell God what he thinks and why. I figure if we puny mortals could really know what God thinks r why or even how God acts,, He wouldn't be much of a God. And the God I know, that I pray to, is pretty awesome.

But one thing I do know, and God has never presumed to discourage my belief at least so far, is that we know only the tiniest fraction of all there is to know. We know only the tiniest bit of all that science is. And with thousands of years of knowledge more than the people of the Bible had, we would seem as advanced to them as would any aliens with the technology to visit Planet Earth now would be more advanced than we are.

The ancient people understood the universe according to their extremely limited experience of it and the Bible was written through their eyes from their culture and their understanding and with the word/language that they had to describe and explain it all. A massive flood in their eyes indeed would appear that the whole world was under water. Jesus Himself traveled less than 100 miles from his birthplace and Nazareth where he grew up.

I believe if we are being visited by beings from other worlds, they intend us no harm for they surely have the capability to destroy us at will. I hav

Just mathematical probability and ability for critical thinking.
It's a good attitude. All of science might just be the study of God's creation.
I long ago stopped trying to tell God what he thinks and why. I figure if we puny mortals could really know what God thinks r why or even how God acts,, He wouldn't be much of a God. And the God I know, that I pray to, is pretty awesome.

But one thing I do know, and God has never presumed to discourage my belief at least so far, is that we know only the tiniest fraction of all there is to know. We know only the tiniest bit of all that science is. And with thousands of years of knowledge more than the people of the Bible had, we would seem as advanced to them as would any aliens with the technology to visit Planet Earth now would be more advanced than we are.

The ancient people understood the universe according to their extremely limited experience of it and the Bible was written through their eyes from their culture and their understanding and with the word/language that they had to describe and explain it all. A massive flood in their eyes indeed would appear that the whole world was under water. Jesus Himself traveled less than 100 miles from his birthplace and Nazareth where he grew up.

I believe if we are being visited by beings from other worlds, they intend us no harm for they surely have the capability to destroy us at will. I hav

Just mathematical probability and ability for critical thinking.

I’m not trying to “tell God” anything. Why would you assume that. I merely suggested the possibility of other “creations” and He chose not to make it known
It's a good attitude. All of science might just be the study of God's creation.
For sure if God created the Earth, created the universe, He created science. All my life I have wondered what's out there that we don't know about yet, what there is to know that we don't know yet, what possibilities exist that we haven't discovered yet. I do believe with all my heart there's a great huge unknown that we will get to know, learn, explore on down the line.
What makes you think Atheists don’t have those values?
They embrace them because it is the right thing to do, not because they fear God or expect some reward

You will never in a million years encounter an atheist who opposes sex outside of marriage because "it's the right thing to do".
The sample pool has to include planets with the same conditions that we know produced life. At this time the only life we know about would be one similar to earth.

It would be stupid to have a sample pool with the Moon, Pluto, Mercury or any gas planet. You could even include any planet orbiting a Red Dwarf because they are so variable. It is hard to have life when it is 70F one day and 700F the next day. By the way, most of the stars in the universe are cool and very variable Red Dwarfs. Our stable warm Yellow Dwarf star is in the minority.

Since we don't know what the factors are that created life on earth then we really don't know what the sample pool should be.

I posted a video earlier discussing the fact that of the 3K or so planets we have discovered none of them really fit the earth model. There were three possibilities but upon closer examination they were unsuitable. One of them they are not even sure is a planet.

Until we can create life in a lab so we know the conditions or until we find life or evidence of life elsewhere then we have nothing and any statements to the contrary is nothing more than half ass speculation.

"There just gotta be" doesn't hack it and has no scientific validity. The first video I posted discussed that fallacy in detail.

You're calling the OP "stupid" ... then why are you participating? ... you're just being an ignorant strawman right now ...

We don't know what conditions are need for life to begin ... you've stated that repeatedly ... it's a really lame engineer who doesn't know what 1 divided by 2 is ...

we really don't know what the sample pool should be.

Because you can't read ... "The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high." ... you choose to limit that sample pool to not even include Earth ... the odds are zero with an N2/O2 atmosphere ... life CANNOT come to be on Earth today ... not after the oxygen started collecting in the biosphere ...

You set impossible conditions ... which means you're dividing by zero ... even Chick doesn't try that with me ...
You do make a good point, about why it didn’t happen anywhere else in our solar system, but that doesn’t exclude it from happening in any number of other solar systems in galaxies. Out observable universe is 93 billion light years. Who knows how many trillions of light years the entire universe is.

so we’ve looked at 3000 planets, out of possible trillions. The number is actually unknown.

Hard to fathom that much space and that much time, and we’re the only ones in it.

Get used to it ... that radio signal from Andromeda galaxy took 2 millions to get here, another 2 million years before they get our answer ... they won't be there anymore, and neither will we ... not to mention temporal differences ... humans have only existed for 200,000 years, less than an eyeblink compared to 93 billion years ...

How'bout throwing a left-handed monkey wrench into all this ... Carl Sagan presented a logic that basically says humans would be at the forefront of intelligence in the whole universe ... the early universe had no carbon, so no life until enough was produced in stellar interiors ... and it just takes 4.6 billion years of evolution to get to humans once there is enough carbon ...

Swifties are the most advanced form of intelligence in the whole universe ...
How big of an IF is that?
Oceans, Oxygen atmosphere and Vegetation on and off the landmasses. The number of suns in the Milky Way galaxy alone is estimated at 100 billion. We have discovered 5000 planets from an article so far. There has to be life. The odds are too great.
Oceans, Oxygen atmosphere and Vegetation on and off the landmasses. The number of suns in the Milky Way galaxy alone is estimated at 100 billion. We have discovered 5000 planets from an article so far. There has to be life. The odds are too great.

Out of the how many trillions of suns in the known universe?

The numbers are just to big to make any sort of prediction on how many forms of life there might be

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