There HAS to be life on other planets..

I think life depends on water and water requires a given climate range. Too hot or too cold and life will not survive.

That would mean limited numbers of planets that can sustain life. Complex life is not a given with most life probably being some type of slime or single cell.

The bigger question is not is it possible for life in the vastness of the universe, but could we ever reach them?

That is doubtful

Water and oxygen yes.. but water is so key as it's molecular structure makes it a natural solvent alowwing for the breakdown of other substances, creating food sources.
It's ward to imagine robust life forms wthout water. I think there is a planet or moon nearby that has a sea of methane, but its useless to evolve any form of life because its molecular structure is stable.
Out of the how many trillions of suns in the known universe?

The numbers are just to big to make any sort of prediction on how many forms of life there might be

Thats true. And also we know the recipe for life based on all the elements of our corner of the universe, but is it even possible that somewhere there are still elements unknown which could support life in a different way? I think perhaps, but who knows
Water and oxygen yes.. but water is so key as it's molecular structure makes it a natural solvent alowwing for the breakdown of other substances, creating food sources.
It's ward to imagine robust life forms wthout water. I think there is a planet or moon nearby that has a sea of methane, but its useless to evolve any form of life because its molecular structure is stable.
Water is a simple chemical compound
The more complex, the less likely to form
You assume too much. I only mentioned that because, for there to be a complete absence of life anywhere else in the entire universe, it would defy all statistical probability, which would point to the creation theory. But my topic was not intended to push that idea, my topic was intended to explore the fact that, due to the sheer size of our universe and the possible trillions of galaxies in it, that it would be nearly impossible for there to not be intelligent (humanoid) life elsewhere.
Okay - maybe I got you wrong

As for "statistical probability" - so far there is only one planet with "known" lifeforms, Even Mars probes AFAIK could not come up with lifeforms, so how should one work out an equation?
The "thought" that other planets in an "infinite" universe, might harbor lifeforms - is just a thought. That seems to be based rather on wishful thinking, then on "evidence".

What is a "life-form" according to your definition? a microbe, an E coli cell?

As such the furthest human mankind might get one day - is to create/induce life on a "suitable" planet.
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No more than the light from distant stars or galaxies. Even the radiation from the Big Bang can be plainly heard.
Not the same.

That is an IMMEMSE amount of radiation. The light of 100 billion stars? The radiation from the most energetic single event in the history of the universe?

The radio signals from a single civilization would not be as energetic or luminous. Not even close.
Humans are also brainwashed with Science Fiction.

We are convinced that we can go star trekking across the universe and screw Orion Slave girls. After all, didn't we see Cpt Kirk do it on TV?

The harsh reality is that we absolutely no proof of any life outside earth and that any speculation that it might be elsewhere is nothing more speculation. Nothing based on fact. The only thing we have is "it gotta be elsewhere".

The other reality is that the distance between the stars is so great that the chances of us ever getting to another star is so remote as to be impossible. It is very probable that the human race will die out before we ever answer the question of if there is life elsewhere.

About the only hope is if we make it to Mars and find evidence of ancient microbial life.

It doesn't look good.

There is another fact that puts a damper on the speculation of life elsewhere.

After decades and decades of high level research humans have not been able to create life in a lab.

That means that the creation of life is extremely complex. The more complex it is the lesser chance of it being elsewhere.

We may have won the lottery here on earth. Whatever the number of factors that must have some together to produce life we got them here on earth but that doesn't mean life is elsewhere. If the universe is finite then it will have unique things in it. We may be unique with life.

Then on top of the creation of microbial life we have some very unique things on earth hat allowed advance evolution. That didn't even happen until the earth was four billion years old.

Uh oh!!!

How did life on Earth begin? The chemical puzzle just became clearer.​

Uh oh!!!

How did life on Earth begin? The chemical puzzle just became clearer.​

They make advances in understanding abiogenesis all the time. Hopefully they will make more advances.

However, we have yet to create life. Until we do then we really don't understand the conditions on earth that led to life and what environment and conditions it needs to be elsewhere.
They make advances in understanding abiogenesis all the time. Hopefully they will make more advances.

However, we have yet to create life. Until we do then we really don't understand the conditions on earth that led to life and what environment and conditions it needs to be elsewhere.

"chemists have partly unlocked the recipe by creating a complex compound essential to all life — in a lab"

"researchers have successfully created a compound critical for metabolism in all living cells, which is essential for energy production and regulation. The pathway, which has evaded scientists for decades, involved relatively simple molecules probably present on early Earth that combined at room temperature over months"

I'd say the handwriting is on the wall.
One reason I want to go to Heaven is so I learn all these secrets and mysteries. I want to experience the fourth spatial diimension, for example. I want to travel through space instantaneously and see other galaxies. And your spirit won't freeze or burn to death, doesn't need oxygen, isn't affected by black holes. You can see all of it and not be harmed. I want to learn the things I had no idea were there to be learned.

How depressing for atheists to think they will never know these mysteries.
Not the same.

That is an IMMEMSE amount of radiation. The light of 100 billion stars? The radiation from the most energetic single event in the history of the universe?

The radio signals from a single civilization would not be as energetic or luminous. Not even close.
How do you know that exactly an advanced civilization couldn't focus their signal enough to be detected throughout our galaxy? We could likely do it today with our radio telescopes if we wanted to.
"chemists have partly unlocked the recipe by creating a complex compound essential to all life — in a lab"

"researchers have successfully created a compound critical for metabolism in all living cells, which is essential for energy production and regulation. The pathway, which has evaded scientists for decades, involved relatively simple molecules probably present on early Earth that combined at room temperature over months"

I'd say the handwriting is on the wall.
You would think that as much as we know about chemistry and as much as we know about biology we would have been able to create life life in a lab a long time ago but we haven't been able to do it.

If we ever do that will tell us what the basic condition and elements for life are. Then we have to figure out how those things are brought together in Nature. It is one thing to do something in a lab and do the same thing on a primordial planet.

We have a lot more work to do.
How do you know that exactly an advanced civilization couldn't focus their signal enough to be detected throughout our galaxy?
You mean, like a LASER?

A radio-frequency laser? That's a "MASER".

They possibly could, with a very large amount of energy. But think about what you are suggesting. This MASER would be a small area of radio waves, at its destination.

So they would have to be specifically aiming at us with perfect accuracy.

And that would be quite a feat. If they were 10,000 light years away, they would have to perfectly anticipate the location of our plant 10,000 years from the time they turned on the maser.

If you are talking about an omnidirectional radio signal, whose imparted energy per square meter decreases exponentially, the amount of energy required would be prohibitive, I would think.
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You mean, like a LASER?

A radio-frequency laser? That's a "MASER".

They possibly could, with a very large amount of energy. But think about what you are suggesting. This MASER would be a small area of radio waves, at its destination.

So they would have to be specifically aiming at us with perfect accuracy.

And that would be quite a feat. If they were 10,000 light years away, they would have to perfectly anticipate the location of our plant 10,000 years from the time they turned on the maser.

If you are talking about an omnidirectional radio signal, whose imparted energy per square meter decreases exponentially, the amount of energy required would be prohibitive, I would think.
Or it could slowly rotate in the plane of the galaxy and hit every planet eventually. Of course that begs the question, why would they bother. More likely they are already here, just staying hidden as per the Prime Directive.
You would think that as much as we know about chemistry and as much as we know about biology we would have been able to create life life in a lab a long time ago but we haven't been able to do it.

If we ever do that will tell us what the basic condition and elements for life are. Then we have to figure out how those things are brought together in Nature. It is one thing to do something in a lab and do the same thing on a primordial planet.

Nope. Your assumptions are ignorant and unsophisticated.

"If we ever..." ?????????????????????? Naysayers of your ilk have been saying this about every discovery man has made -- before the discoveries were made. Your belief system(s) are being challenged, and you refuse to see what is right in front of you: facts, not supernatural beliefs.

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