There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Republicans didn't destroy unions, unions destroyed unions. When companies could no longer sell their products to the American consumers because they cost so much, they had to leave the state or country just to get away from expensive unions.
Terrorists who would protect the environment, raise minimum wage, make higher education affordable, enhance healthcare

Damned Terrorists !

The terrorism part is when they send the bill to people to pay for these things. In spite of what you are told by your ilk, nothing is free. You can only charge somebody else and give it to another at no cost to them.

Taxes contribute to public revenue.
Less taxes means less revenue

Beyond that, it all comes down to priorities on how you spend it. The working American has not been a priority.
Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Republicans didn't destroy unions, unions destroyed unions. When companies could no longer sell their products to the American consumers because they cost so much, they had to leave the state or country just to get away from expensive unions.
The American worker has been terrorized

Give up your wages and benefits or we will send your job elsewhere. Despite record profits and skyrocketing executive pay.......workers have been told to suck it up or leave
The American worker has been terrorized

Give up your wages and benefits or we will send your job elsewhere. Despite record profits and skyrocketing executive pay.......workers have been told to suck it up or leave

What choice did manufactures have, close up? If Americans are not going to buy their products due to cost, they only have two choices: leave and get rid of this union, or join my former employees in the unemployment line.
Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class when he sold us on Supply Side Economics

The only people responsible for destroying the middle-class were the unions.

Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Unions never looked out for the employee. They were always busy greasing their own pockets while pretending they were working for the little man and that extra nickel an hour. What a scam.
Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class when he sold us on Supply Side Economics

The only people responsible for destroying the middle-class were the unions.

Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Unions never looked out for the employee. They were always busy greasing their own pockets while pretending they were working for the little man and that extra nickel an hour. What a scam.
Unions protected worker rights, wages, benefits and SAFETY

The erosion of worker unions destroyed the middle class
Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class when he sold us on Supply Side Economics

The only people responsible for destroying the middle-class were the unions.

Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Unions never looked out for the employee. They were always busy greasing their own pockets while pretending they were working for the little man and that extra nickel an hour. What a scam.
Unions protected worker rights, wages, benefits and SAFETY

The erosion of worker unions destroyed the middle class

Initially, they helped.....that was 70-90 years ago. Theyve been a racket over the last 50 years.
Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class when he sold us on Supply Side Economics

The only people responsible for destroying the middle-class were the unions.

Republicans destroying unions was a major step in destroying the middle class

Wages and benefits have never recovered from the loss of strong unions

Unions never looked out for the employee. They were always busy greasing their own pockets while pretending they were working for the little man and that extra nickel an hour. What a scam.
Unions protected worker rights, wages, benefits and SAFETY

The erosion of worker unions destroyed the middle class

Initially, they helped.....that was 70-90 years ago. Theyve been a racket over the last 50 years.

That misinformation has been used by Republicans to destroy unions.

We don’t need unions anymore
They are corrupt anyway
Global Free Trade had a bigger role in exporting jobs and importing cheap labor that undermined wage scales and demand for American labor.

It contributed, but the major change was in the American consumer. We've always had imported products, but as US goods prices increased, the American consumer moved to buy those cheaper products and of course, any successful vendor gives the customer what they want.
Unions never looked out for the employee. They were always busy greasing their own pockets while pretending they were working for the little man and that extra nickel an hour. What a scam.

And greed is what led to their demise. The more their members made, the more the union took. So they kept pushing companies and pushing companies to pay them more.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Did you mean HIPAA? That is the law of the land, dumbass! It applies to Presidents too.
I never whine. That's what you and left have been doing for four years.

It sure will suck to be you when the Reps take the House, keep the Senate and Trump is reelected.

You can continue your whine then.

They'll whine even more if we get the House and Senate, but Biden gets the presidency. He'll be impeached within the first year on BS, just like they did to Trump.

If Biden demands personal favors in return for Military aid, he deserves to be impeached
Why didn't they do that when he was VP for Obama?
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

Really? How is he doing that?
If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners

That would assume that pelosi and schumer are terrorists. We know they both hate the country and the people. So, your hope may become reality but then their are millions who may not recognize them as leaders and the administration as illegitimate.

Terrorists who would protect the environment, raise minimum wage, make higher education affordable, enhance healthcare

Damned Terrorists !

Theyve already done that and yet it destroys the country. They are beyond pathetic.
Actually, protecting the Superwealthy destroys the country

Dems continually destroy the middle class. We are now sinking into the abyss now because of their policies. Now Dems are even seeking the complete annihilation of the US as they push us into a one world order.
Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class when he sold us on Supply Side Economics

It was Reagan's reforms that led to the growth in the 90s.

It was the emergence of the internet and cellular communications that led to the 90s boom.

Reagan had nothing to do with either

Reagan decreased govt regs in order for that to happen.

Actually, Al Gore had more to do with it
He got the Senate to pass laws guaranteeing an open and nonprofit internet at a time most had no idea what an internet was
Show us those laws
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

What is crazy? Did you confuse him and Biden again?
Trump just went on unhinged rant on Iran.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

Do this, do that!! Who the fuck do you think you are Asshat? Don't try to condescend to me and order me around dipshit. You want something, get it yourself. The women are done with Republicans. DONE.
You are a fucking Canadian! When are you going to get a life and STFU about America politics?
She doesn’t have to and there are posters from around the world that post on this site.

I do not agree with Dragonlady politically but she has every right to express her opinion on this site just like you and I do daily...

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

Are your fingers broken? Do you not have Google on your computer?

Why should we take the time and trouble to post links when you don't read them, and will just call them "fake news" anyway. As my mother used to say to me "You're a lot younger and stronger than I am. You want something, get it yourself".

Trump cultists are the laziest fuckers out there. Always wanting others to do something they're perfectly capable of doing for themselves, and then being nasty and abusive if they don't. Kind of like their hero, Covita.

It because you cannot make a post without lying your filthy ass off!

I’m not lying. Trump refuses to refuses to release any of this test results which means he’s still shedding virus. The CDC Guidelines say that a Patient with Covid pneumonia should quarantine for 20 days.

It’s been less than 10 days and Trump broke quarantine and went to work in the Oval Office less than 24 hours after he got home, in spite of the danger he posed to staffers, Secret Service, or household staff, many of whom are getting sick and taking it home to their families. The White House is now a hot spot thanks to Trump and Staff fear going to work.

Today we had the horrific spectacle of Captain Covid, maskless, speaking from the Truman Balcony, looking for all the world like a Third World Dictator, shedding virus down on a few hundred maskless black and Hispanic attendees. Why would Captain Covid speak to a crowd of maskless blacks and Hispanics while infectious.

Given the rates of infection and death in these communities my first thought is Trump is willing to sicken and kill these people, to get a picture of hundreds of minorities wearing MAGA hats. Not cutting any slack to the people who showed up to any of Captain Covid’s super spreaders. Not the stupid rich white people at the Rose Garden Party who hugged and smiled and behaved like they were invincible, or the stupid minorities who stood shoulder to shoulder today.

Billed as a Candace Owens’ support the police rally to get these minorities to go. Attendees were given and all seemed to be wearing MAGA hats and Trump used his speech to disparage Biden. All of violates which the Hatch Act.

I think it’s telling that the President had to disguise the rally as a pro police event to get even a small number of minorities to turn out. Owens’ Foundation said they flew many attendees in from out of town to attend. If you can’t find 2000 black and brown people in Washington to turn up to a free event without lying to them, you’re way underwater with minorities.

Watch Trump use this event to claim that black people love him.

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