There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

I’m not lying. Trump refuses to refuses to release any of this test results which means he’s still shedding virus. The CDC Guidelines say that a Patient with Covid pneumonia should quarantine for 20 days.

It’s been less than 10 days and Trump broke quarantine and went to work in the Oval Office less than 24 hours after he got home, in spite of the danger he posed to staffers, Secret Service, or household staff, many of whom are getting sick and taking it home to their families. The White House is now a hot spot thanks to Trump and Staff fear going to work.

Today we had the horrific spectacle of Captain Covid, maskless, speaking from the Truman Balcony, looking for all the world like a Third World Dictator, shedding virus down on a few hundred maskless black and Hispanic attendees. Why would Captain Covid speak to a crowd of maskless blacks and Hispanics while infectious.

Given the rates of infection and death in these communities my first thought is Trump is willing to sicken and kill these people, to get a picture of hundreds of minorities wearing MAGA hats. Not cutting any slack to the people who showed up to any of Captain Covid’s super spreaders. Not the stupid rich white people at the Rose Garden Party who hugged and smiled and behaved like they were invincible, or the stupid minorities who stood shoulder to shoulder today.

Thank you so much for your input Dr. know-nothing:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s doctor said Saturday the president is no longer at risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

In a memo, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley says Trump meets
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for safely discontinuing isolation and that by “currently recognized standards” he is no longer considered a transmission risk.

The memo follows Trump’s first public appearance since returning to the White House after being treated for the coronavirus. Hundreds of people gathered Saturday afternoon on the South Lawn for a Trump address on his support for law enforcement from a White House balcony.

Trump took off a mask moments after he emerged on the balcony to address the crowd on the lawn below, his first step back onto the public stage with just more than three weeks to go until Election Day. He flouted, once more, the safety recommendations of his own government just days after acknowledging that he was on the brink of “bad things” from the virus and claiming that his bout with the illness brought him a better understanding of it.

His return was a brief one. With bandages visible on his hands, likely from an intravenous injection, Trump spoke for 18 minutes, far less than at his normal hour-plus rallies. He appeared healthy, if perhaps a little hoarse, as he delivered what was, for all intents and purposes, a short version of his campaign speech despite the executive mansion setting.

Oh geez, were you wrong again? Get used to it. The election is coming up.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

Are your fingers broken? Do you not have Google on your computer?

Why should we take the time and trouble to post links when you don't read them, and will just call them "fake news" anyway. As my mother used to say to me "You're a lot younger and stronger than I am. You want something, get it yourself".

Trump cultists are the laziest fuckers out there. Always wanting others to do something they're perfectly capable of doing for themselves, and then being nasty and abusive if they don't. Kind of like their hero, Covita.

It because you cannot make a post without lying your filthy ass off!

I’m not lying. Trump refuses to refuses to release any of this test results which means he’s still shedding virus. The CDC Guidelines say that a Patient with Covid pneumonia should quarantine for 20 days.

It’s been less than 10 days and Trump broke quarantine and went to work in the Oval Office less than 24 hours after he got home, in spite of the danger he posed to staffers, Secret Service, or household staff, many of whom are getting sick and taking it home to their families. The White House is now a hot spot thanks to Trump and Staff fear going to work.

Today we had the horrific spectacle of Captain Covid, maskless, speaking from the Truman Balcony, looking for all the world like a Third World Dictator, shedding virus down on a few hundred maskless black and Hispanic attendees. Why would Captain Covid speak to a crowd of maskless blacks and Hispanics while infectious.

Given the rates of infection and death in these communities my first thought is Trump is willing to sicken and kill these people, to get a picture of hundreds of minorities wearing MAGA hats. Not cutting any slack to the people who showed up to any of Captain Covid’s super spreaders. Not the stupid rich white people at the Rose Garden Party who hugged and smiled and behaved like they were invincible, or the stupid minorities who stood shoulder to shoulder today.

Billed as a Candace Owens’ support the police rally to get these minorities to go. Attendees were given and all seemed to be wearing MAGA hats and Trump used his speech to disparage Biden. All of violates which the Hatch Act.

I think it’s telling that the President had to disguise the rally as a pro police event to get even a small number of minorities to turn out. Owens’ Foundation said they flew many attendees in from out of town to attend. If you can’t find 2000 black and brown people in Washington to turn up to a free event without lying to them, you’re way underwater with minorities.

Watch Trump use this event to claim that black people love him.
do you really want some government employee tracking your every move every day? If you do, then you are truly a brain dead sheep-------------moron!

If someone contracts COVID, I want some government employee tracking their movement for the past week to notify people that they need to be tested.

I would like to know that I have been in close contact with someone who has COVID so that I can get tested and protect my friends and family.

Wouldn’t you?

NO, because that would lead to a government that spys on us all day every day. Covid has a 99.8% survival rate unless you are already half dead with some other disease or medical issue. It does not warrant shutting down our economy, destroying small businesses, causing suicides, drug problems, depression, and domestic violence.

this whole thing was created by China to try to stop Trump and put senile Joe in power since the can't buy Trump and the already own biden.

If you think masking makes YOU safe, do it. If your mask does not protect YOU, then why wear it?

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