There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

So is this a news story until midnight today or is that too much coverage and infringement on an Amendment2cultist right to worship weapons and watch school kids die?

CC news media. Move on. No news here.

Another mentally ill person who everybody knew was a threat..and yet who wasn't institutionalized before he killed people.

Cuz leftists think the inmates should run the asylum. They WANT crazy people to shoot up schools, because it justifies their demands that we remove guns from the population.

Gun nut move #1 . Immediately declare that any gun control = a total ban on guns .

Progressive moron move #1, ignore the fact that their vaunted government knew who the asshole was and DID NOTHING. Thanks, asshole.
It's not a gun problem, liberal policies are the fault of this problem. My gosh, kids today can't figure out which bathroom to use. Thanka

The school knew this kid was a threat.
But nothing was done. And so he came and killed a shitload of kids.

Just like that whackadoodle who killed the kindergarten class. Everybody knew he was nuts, everybody was scared of him. He, like this one, had been reported and people had been warned about him. But the *government* did nothing. And the *government* makes it impossible for anybody else to do we let them shoot up our kids.

Thanks to leftists who maintain mentally ill men aren't a threat and should be accommodated, rather than incarcerated, we now have bi weekly school shootings. And in the event that the crazies aren't absolutely 100 percent sure that they won't be challenged if they bring a gun to school, the left likes to advertise and broadcast the fact that nobody at the schools is ever armed. Gun free zones! Come one come all and mow down American children, it's okay!
Machine guns.

We all need them.

Repeal the Hughes amendment!
I'm willing to take a somewhat pragmatic & Constitutional approach on the issue. We the citizenry were/are primarily afforded our right to bear arms as a check against tyranny. It has always been the intent that the citizenry be armed commensurate to the civil authorities "policing them (us)". Not talking Military here. Police should be armed commensurate with those that they are policing... Period.- Limit them... limit us. Enable them... enable us. A two way street of 'armed' equality is essential to our Constitutional Republic made up of us the ('free man') people.
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18th school shooting of 2018...

A lie. Try using real numbers instead of the progressive bullshit propaganda that everytown shovels down your throat.
So is this a news story until midnight today or is that too much coverage and infringement on an Amendment2cultist right to worship weapons and watch school kids die?

CC news media. Move on. No news here.

That's odd. When someone points out that any of the teachers having a gun could have saved lives, the leftists all come out and say their objection is that politicing is too soon after the shooting.

Yet here you are, and where are they? OMG, you're not saying they were lying are you? Are you calling leftists liars? Interesting.

And your name should be "FooledbyO"
koshergrl, post: 19290429
They WANT crazy people to shoot up schools,

And what do you base "what leftists want" on? The left would restrict access to weapons. The rightwing gun cult want less restrictions. Your comment makes no sense at all,

Have you lost touch with reality?
Another mentally ill person who everybody knew was a threat..and yet who wasn't institutionalized before he killed people.

Cuz leftists think the inmates should run the asylum. They WANT crazy people to shoot up schools, because it justifies their demands that we remove guns from the population.

Gun nut move #1 . Immediately declare that any gun control = a total ban on guns .

I'm sure if your kid were at the school, your first thought would have been, thank God that no one has a gun to shoot back, right?

The reason shooters keep going to schools and other gun free zones is ... wait for it ... that's where they know there are no ... wait for it again ... guns ...
So is this a news story until midnight today or is that too much coverage and infringement on an Amendment2cultist right to worship weapons and watch school kids die?

CC news media. Move on. No news here.

Acceptable risk to live in America

It's not a gun problem, liberal policies are the fault of this problem. My gosh, kids today can't figure out which bathroom to use. Thanka

The school knew this kid was a threat.
But nothing was done. And so he came and killed a shitload of kids.

Just like that whackadoodle who killed the kindergarten class. Everybody knew he was nuts, everybody was scared of him.

But thanks to leftists who maintain mentally ill men aren't a threat and should be accommodated, rather than incarcerated, we now have bi weekly school shootings.

Lol. Bend yourself into a pretzel trying to blame liberals for the behavior of gun nuts !

Righties stand in the way of any law that would stop criminals and crazy from getting guns .
"Firearms are not allowed at any school or college athletic event not related to firearms.

"Florida law broadens this prohibition by applying it to all school-sponsored events and school property.

"A person may not possess a firearm or other weapon at a school-sponsored event or on the property of any school, school bus, or school bus stop, subject to the exceptions explained below, found in Florida statute 790.115.

"This includes the grounds of any elementary or secondary school facility or administration building and career centers.

"Florida does not allow for the concealed or open carry of firearms on university or college campuses."

Back to School: Firearms Laws You Need to Know in Florida

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