There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

mental illness you dont have to break a law for a mental health evaluation
If you are on Medicaid, it's a challenge to find good mental health professionals that will take you, primarily because the reimbursement is likely to be 40% to 50%. In my area getting an appointment with a psychiatrist that accepts Medicaid can take months and that's with a referral. If you try to kill yourself, you get pretty fast action, 3 to 5 days of evaluation, discharge, a hand full of pills, and a better luck next time.

Unfortunately those that need help the most are likely to be on Medicaid and likely to get the worst care. Nowhere is income inequality so obvious as mental health care for the poor.

indeed that is all true and maybe worse in some cases

medicaid just does not cover the cost

out here at our full service facility we only accept x amount of medicaid and medicare enrollments

however in the case of a court ordered mental evaluation the state picks up the tab
This ridiculous situation got started with some studies of effectiveness of inpatient mental health care back in the 70's and 80's. The conclusion was that most patients could be treated more effectively with outpatient services at significant savings. With big cost savings in mind, we started dumping institutional patients and tightening the criteria for inpatient care. The only thing missing from the plan was sufficient out patient mental healthcare for the poor. Medicaid has never provided anywhere near what is needed. Today Medicaid is paying for over 25% of the mental healthcare bill of the country which commonly is evaluations, 3 to 5 day stays, a handful of pills, and very limited long term treatment for the people in the country who need it the most.

Every time some mentally unbalance teen, father, or mother kills their family, friends, co-workers, or class mates, someone will point how badly intervention was needed and nothing was done. Well, there is good reason why nothing is done, lack of money and coordination of service.

perhaps however in both cases inpatient and outpatient medicaid reimbursements are less then other carriers

again once it is ordered by the state the state pays the bill

they may do that through a state hospital or contact it out

there is no financial obligation to the client other then he/she may have to pay down while committed
Not quite.
Almost all Medicaid reimbursements are less than other carriers and mental health is one of the worst in most states. However, the actual percent reimbursement is set by the state.

Medicaid is a partnership between the state and the federal government. States must meet certain guidelines for federal payments, however states set many of the rules. There are certain state programs that are 100% state funded. However most of Medicaid is 50% funded by the federal government and the rest comes from the state.

One of my kids was on Medicaid for two years. The only good thing good about Medicaid is it's free if you qualify. Low reimbursement rates can make finding treatment difficult. Medicaid will tell you there are many providers in your area that accept Medicaid but when you call for an appointment they tell you they aren't accepting Medicaid patients at this time or they tell you they are booked for 2 months.

Another problem with Medicaid is they have rules and rules and more rules, most of which are unknown to patient. For example, you may need a certain treatment and Medicaid will hold it for certification or 2nd opinion. For various mental health problems, you may have be evaluated before you can even make an appointment. In some instances, you can get only so many appointments. In fact, many services you get with Medicaid are not determined by your need.

yes i understand all this i have dealt with medicaid and medicare for years

and as providers we are obligated to serve X amount of medicaid recipients regardless of reimbursement
You are trolling now. Moron.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers.
Shooting down your idiocy is “trolling?” There was an armed police officer assigned to be there.

It didn’t deter Cruz.

Your argument is DOA.

One armed officer on a campus of 2,000 really are fucking stupid..aren't you?
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.
If you had read my other posts to you, you would have seen they stated in may have been the officers day off, or was pulled away from the school for something else.
He could have also known their day off...
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldn’t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didn’t deter him.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers....
And Cruz would have known there could be an armed police officer there.

It didn’t deter him.
Who said there was a day of the week without an officer present?
I read that. That assumes there isn’t another officer working at the school on such days. Which brings me back to my unanswered question — Who said there was a day of the week without an officer present?
Shooting down your idiocy is “trolling?” There was an armed police officer assigned to be there.

It didn’t deter Cruz.

Your argument is DOA.

One armed officer on a campus of 2,000 really are fucking stupid..aren't you?
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
One armed officer on a campus of 2,000 really are fucking stupid..aren't you?
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
One armed officer on a campus of 2,000 really are fucking stupid..aren't you?
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
The deep state is at fault...
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Dumb-fucking conservative, trained police have had their guns wrestled from them. You’re beyond stupid to think that’s not gonna happen when Mr. Hand carries a weapon in class.
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
The deep state is at fault...
Dumb-fucking conservative, you clearly don’t know the meaning of “deep state.”

I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Dumb-fucking conservative, trained police have had their guns wrestled from them. You’re beyond stupid to think that’s not gonna happen when Mr. Hand carries a weapon in class.
Gun free zones equals a bunch of dead kids... happy?

I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
The deep state is at fault...
Dumb-fucking conservative, you clearly don’t know the meaning of “deep state.”
The federal government fucking over the American citizen...
You know the collective.
I asked you for what you thought an adequate ratio is but you can’t say. Still, as far as Cruz knew, there would be an armed police officer on campus.

Didn’t deter him.

Your point remains DOA.


I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Gun free zone prevent Rambo from saving kids. :lmao:

Unfortunately, we don't have Rambo's in our schools. We have school teachers and student that are not likely to ever see a shooter in there school and even less likely to know what to do about it.
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how many times had the country received calls about the shooter dangerous behavior

try 20 times 911 had been called regarding this guy

A sheriff said Friday that his office received around 20 calls about Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old suspect in this week's shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead and wounded more than a dozen others.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters that his office had uncovered "approximately 20" 911 calls relating to Cruz over the last few years, and that his office would investigate how those calls were handled.

"We have uncovered at the Broward Sheriff's Office that we've had approximately 20 calls for service over the last few years regarding the killer," Israel said. "Every one of these calls for service will be looked at and scrutinized."

"If we find out, like in any investigation, that one of our deputies or call-takers could have done something better or was remiss, I'll handle it accordingly," he added.

Israel added that seven wounded people remained in the hospital following Wednesday's shooting.

The sheriff's comments follow an admission from the FBI earlier Friday that the bureau failed to follow standard "protocols" when it received a tip about Cruz to a national hotline earlier this year.

Sheriff says office got 20 calls about suspected school shooter in recent years

I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Gun free zone prevent Rambo from saving kids. :lmao:

Unfortunately, we don't have Rambo's in our schools. We have school teachers and student that are not likely to ever see a shooter in there school and even less likely to know what to do about it.
The fact remains every gun free zone that remains is a future killing field.
Think of them as red light districts, Criminals know what to expect...
The legacy of gun free zones will always be a whole bunch of dead kids in Memorial

I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Gun free zone prevent Rambo from saving kids. :lmao:

Unfortunately, we don't have Rambo's in our schools. We have school teachers and student that are not likely to ever see a shooter in there school and even less likely to know what to do about it.

that is really not true at all

schools are filled with ex military and weekend warriors

plus there are training methods like we offer out here for the sentinel program

South Dakota Attorney General

I gave you the best response...get rid of the gun free school zone, and you cover the entire property with doubt for the shooter, there is no way to know who will be armed, and they will go somewhere else....
No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Dumb-fucking conservative, trained police have had their guns wrestled from them. You’re beyond stupid to think that’s not gonna happen when Mr. Hand carries a weapon in class.
. I don't know, if Mr. Hand had control of his classroom there would be no problem, and if a danger student exist, then zero tolerance is or should be the criteria set for such students to be regulated by.

No serious disruptive/problem child should be allowed to remain or be in the main population of a public school. They should be identified immediately, removed, and reasigned to another school that handles such students.

Most problem students did the schools a favor back in the day, and this was by self deporting from the campus or in other words they quit. Now when that happened they had to seek employment, so most went into auto paint and body, auto or big truck mechanicing, construction, electrical, the oil fields, logging, state jobs (road work etc.), trucking, landscaping, power line work, block & brick laying, carpentry, plumbing, farming, forestry, army, Marines, commercial fishing etc.

If they didn't do these things, then soon they became jailbirds or prisoners working for the state for free. It is a choice, and it always should be, but one thing good, and that is that they were no longer allowed to disrupt the education of those who wanted to learn or stay in school.

Taking away choice as if these problem students will just die if they aren't forced to remain in school thus became a deadly game as has been proven.

The proper assimilation into any environment that one chooses (previously stripped from the citizens by these do good leftist), has caused some grave things to arise in society over time.

Then here we have millions of Mexicans who many were illegal doing the jobs these wrestless potential American students use to do as workers that needed desperately these jobs, in which has since (because of displacement), has created this whole dam problem we are seeing today.
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No, what you gave was the dumb-fucking conservative idea. Which is typically the dumbest idea on the table. Putting guns in schools does not make them safer, it makes them far more dangerous than they are now. Now any kid who maybe wants to shoot someone at school but can’t obtain a weapon to do so has a bunch to choose from. All they need to do is get their hands on one at school and start shooting. What is needed is sensible gun control to make it more difficult for assholes like Cruz to get their hands on a weapon like that. Which can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time.

Lemme guess — you’re one of those dumb-fucking conservatives. Am I right?
Obviously gun free zones never have worked, never will work and do not work.
We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Dumb-fucking conservative, trained police have had their guns wrestled from them. You’re beyond stupid to think that’s not gonna happen when Mr. Hand carries a weapon in class.
Gun free zones equals a bunch of dead kids... happy?
Putting guns in schools will result in even more dead kids, which is what you’re promoting.
Has everyone seen the awesome photos of our esteemed president comforting the victims of this massacre?

I’d you haven’t, please look at the moron’s twitter page. He put them there.

Thumbs up!

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