There is an ideological war going on in the United States.

The right has always blamed hippies and the liberal media for losing the Vietnam war. There are no hippies left although there are a lot of potheads. The draft has been virtually done away with. The media is fractured, and we still manage to lose wars. I believe the right is confused about who to blame now so they just blame this nebulous, vaguely defined thing called the left.
You were obviously never a hippie.

Being a hippy was about doing your own thing and NOT about forcing everybody to do yours or else you would cancel their sorry ass.
There is no war. Either you stand for what's right or you don't. The Republican party is shot to hell all for the sake of Trump.

And he ain't worth it.
Younkin beat Fast Terry here in Virginia by keeping Trump at arm's length while at the same time not bad mouthing him. When he was asked about Trump by the MSM he was smart enough to give them the little two-step.

There's nothing hard about that. While you can certainly remember/learn from the past it does not mean you have to live in it when there's dems to be defeated.

Virginians both moved on but also took their revenge on the dems for the shabby way they have acted and I believe that it's a winning formula going forward that the dems can do shit-all about.

The dems believe it too......Why do you think they are so keen on messing with voting on a national level? They be skeered shitless and I say "keep up the skeer on em". ;)
There's a war going on alright, the fight between good and evil, right and wrong.

However, you are correct about Trump, that son-of-a-bitch ain't worth it.

Amen! The following book sums it up.

It's not really an ideological war. It is a group of Leftists and their toadies in the Media doing their best to distract the voting public's attention from the horrible trainwreck of Democrat governance and the oblivious performance of the Worst President Ever.

But all should be aware that this will be going on from now until the first Tuesday in November. And when you combine half the government with the entire non-Fox Media, that is an ideological "full-court press," so it cannot be ignored.
This has nothing to do with the left.

Confusing Democrat derangement/fascism with the left is like thinking the Nazis were Jews.

But yeah, the Democrats are monstrous fuck ups and MUST be removed from power.
Carl and Leo discuss the narrative surrounding January 6, why there is an ideological war going on in the United States. You

Very interesting that they are using the term "Sacred" and "Hallowed", considering the Democratic party has removed all reference to God from its platform. Do they intend to transform the federal government into a religion unto itself? Their version of the Federal Government is a Deity?

I disagree with the moderator's assertion that the USA was formed using "English Social Contract Theory" as a basis. It was based on the strong, vibrant, and independent American theory that was forged through hardship and blood in the 2 or 3 centuries before and leading up to the Revolutionary War.
Very interesting that they are using the term "Sacred" and "Hallowed", considering the Democratic party has removed all reference to God from its platform. Do they intend to transform the federal government into a religion unto itself? Their version of the Federal Government is a Deity?

I disagree with the moderator's assertion that the USA was formed using "English Social Contract Theory" as a basis. It was based on the strong, vibrant, and independent American theory that was forged through hardship and blood in the 2 or 3 centuries before and leading up to the Revolutionary War.

Isn’t American law based on the English?

l was unaware of this till a lawyer/attorney explained it to me at an event a few weeks ago.
Is the catholic church sacred? Much worse has been done by priests to young children under their roof than what's happened in the halls of congress. Yet you would not have the few who would defile the institution, so soil it, that it loses it's standing. The few do not define it.
There are many sacred sites and sacred burial grounds within the US. TMK however, the land under the US Capitol was never considered sacred . I did a quick search and the following source lists US sacred sites:

Regarding your remark about defiling a top government building: under the rule of law (which is necessary to maintain a free market society) individuals are held accountable for their individual actions. A man is not guilty for the actions of his father, although our courts don’t always show that outcome.

Added thought: your statement regarding religious denominations and their activities is not the topic, so no response is needed.
Younkin beat Fast Terry here in Virginia by keeping Trump at arm's length while at the same time not bad mouthing him. When he was asked about Trump by the MSM he was smart enough to give them the little two-step.

There's nothing hard about that. While you can certainly remember/learn from the past it does not mean you have to live in it when there's dems to be defeated.

Virginians both moved on but also took their revenge on the dems for the shabby way they have acted and I believe that it's a winning formula going forward that the dems can do shit-all about.

The dems believe it too......Why do you think they are so keen on messing with voting on a national level? They be skeered shitless and I say "keep up the skeer on em". ;)
Bullshit. Virginia changes Governors practically every election cycle. Youngkin will be no exception.
You actually think that the Democrats are "standing for what is right"? Oh I get it, you don't mean what is right for Americans, got it.
The Democrat Party over the years has passed more legistlation & put more programs into place that benefit the working class & the poor then the GOP ever thought of.

You don't know what you're talking about which is why you keep voting against your own self interests.
The Democrat Party over the years has passed more legistlation & put more programs into place that benefit the working class & the poor then the GOP ever thought of.

Is that why Baltimore looks run down and third world in some parts, every time I pass through?
Bullshit. Virginia changes Governors practically every election cycle. Youngkin will be no exception.
Our last gop governor was in 2013 and there was no reason to expect that trend was going to change (I did not even expect it) up till Fast Terry messed-up in the debate, Youngkin took full advantage of it, and the polls tightened-up in the blue-burbs. Then, with hard work, there was a chance.

That added to Biden's ineptitude and ever increasing inflation, a 45 day voting period the dems put in place that we took full advantage of when we got our feet under us, and pent-up rage over the 2020 election results that drove the red percentages up in the red counties, and, just as important, 2K more right-leaning poll watchers to keep a watchful eye on the dems sealed the deal.

I don't see that iron we struck the dems down with being any less hot next year in Virginia and in other states once voters have the chance to make their displeasure known at the polls.

That and they will have extra months to further sour to the dems approach to EVERYTHING.....I suspect it's going to be a historic defeat for the dems, both on the state and national level.
Outdated but relevant stats:

In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:

Sept/Oct 2020 data:
Democratic: 47,106,084
Republican: 35,041,482
ind & misc: 33,696,700
Libertarian: 652,261
Green: 240,222
Constitution: 129,556
Wk Families: 49,758
Reform: 9,004
Other parties 1,814,973

This data uses the most available figures for each jurisdiction. All are as of September or October 2020, except that New York has no data newer than February 2020, and Massachusetts is August 2020.

In February 2020 the numbers were:

Democratic: 45,715,952
Republican: 33,284,020
ind & misc: 33,530,123
Libertarian: 609,234
Green: 246,377
Constitution: 118,088
Wk Families: 50,532
Reform: 6,665
Other parties 1,712,747

Looking at the bulk of voters within the independent/unaffiliated sector, I’m counting on an anti-authoritarian, conservative majority to give us a Republican win in 2024.

We need to see what’s happening now with registered voters. A quick search didn’t pull up Jan 2022 estimated numbers, but I’ll continue looking.
Outdated but relevant stats:

In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:

Sept/Oct 2020 data:
Democratic: 47,106,084
Republican: 35,041,482
ind & misc: 33,696,700
Libertarian: 652,261
Green: 240,222
Constitution: 129,556
Wk Families: 49,758
Reform: 9,004
Other parties 1,814,973

This data uses the most available figures for each jurisdiction. All are as of September or October 2020, except that New York has no data newer than February 2020, and Massachusetts is August 2020.

In February 2020 the numbers were:

Democratic: 45,715,952
Republican: 33,284,020
ind & misc: 33,530,123
Libertarian: 609,234
Green: 246,377
Constitution: 118,088
Wk Families: 50,532
Reform: 6,665
Other parties 1,712,747

Looking at the bulk of voters within the independent/unaffiliated sector, I’m counting on an anti-authoritarian, conservative majority to give us a Republican win in 2024.

We need to see what’s happening now with registered voters. A quick search didn’t pull up Jan 2022 estimated numbers, but I’ll continue looking.
I tried the same thing the other day trying to figure out how much Tater was underwater with his own party.

I believe that the dem run states are playing fuck-fuck games with reporting those they claim are dems. I'm seeing as much as a 8% disparity in the reported national dem party member numbers with some claiming as high as a 49% total.....I don't know what they think they will gain by it but it's sorta odd.
I tried the same thing the other day trying to figure out how much Tater was underwater with his own party.

I believe that the dem run states are playing fuck-fuck games with reporting those they claim are dems. I'm seeing as much as a 8% disparity in the reported national dem party member numbers with some claiming as high as a 49% total.....I don't know what they think they will gain by it but it's sorta odd.
Good observation 1srelluc about LSM declaring Tater has 49% approval a stretch. In talking with friends and neighbors who happen to be Democrats, that’s not the true picture in my area. One good friend (who is a Democrat and has been for years) said she is “stuck between a rock and a hard place and a doesn’t like it”. She has, since that time, stated to me that she doesn’t support “moves towards authoritarian rule”. I believe her comment was directly related to Tater’s (great descriptor btw and if I’m right I believe you coined it? Lol) mandates because that was what prompted the remark. Hey, I might back off a little about remarking against these mandates, because it’s just going to ensure a 2024 conservative win, if not a subsequent 2028 anti-authoritarian win as well! So keep up the hyperbole leftists! Ruffle the feathers of all other political persuasions!

LSM will do anything it takes to appear to be “winning” the war of rhetoric. These entertainment/news shows and commentary in print will soon have to slowly walk back their false medical statements, but will do so in a way to save face. Statements like, “New findings reveal” when the findings have been out for over 18 months. IOW- more BS to up their returns on Moderna’s and Pfizer’s fake vaccines, false headlines to generate more clicks for profit, and upping publicly cited falsehoods for influence stemming from their networks.

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