There is another trial besides Zimmerman!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
In Ft. Hood, Texas, the jury is being seated for the trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army officer who gunned down 13 Americans in a shooting rampage, back in 2009. How many news stories have you seen on it this week? Is the media focusing on this case, with anywhere near the intensity of Zimmerman? Has the President held a press conference to weigh in? Where is Al Sharpton? Oh yeah, that's right, he's busy organizing a witch hunt by the Justice Department to continue hounding Zimmerman. All over the news, we see more of this Zimmerman "aftermath" unfolding, what's the next step, can Federal charges be brought under Civil Rights Race Crimes law? This is a story that should be OVER! DONE! FINISHED! The man was acquitted by a jury of his peers, of both the murder and manslaughter charges, but now they are going to try and go after him under the much more difficult-to-prove charge of a race crime... never mind he is Hispanic, with and African-American grandfather! Never mind that not one shred of evidence presented in his trial, depicted him as some racist vigilante. Nooo... there HAS to be "Justice for Trayvon!"

What about justice for the 13 Americans Hasan murdered in cold blood, and it wasn't even self defense? Ya think we can get a Justice Department investigation into "hate crime" there? No way! No freaking way! We can't even get MSNBC or CNN to give us a news story, much less, pull themselves away from Zimmerman. Noo... we have to genuflect toward Al Sharpton on the Sunday shows, to see what he is going to do next about Zimmerman. It's as if we have totally forgotten about Tawana Brawley, and the tax evasion charges, and gather around this FRAUD like he is the second-coming of MLK.

Are we allowed to mention that Hasan is a radical Islamic jihadist who is proud of what he did, and wishes he could have killed more? Or is that off limits? No, Boss, we can't appear to be "racists" like that, we have to say he was just a troubled Arab man, and leave it at that, we probably don't even need to put him on trial at all, because he is obviously mentally incompetent. Meanwhile, let's send Eric Holder and the Justice Department off down to Florida to follow Al Sharpton's lead, and see if we can further harass Zimmerman?

And you want to know why I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson trucked off down to Florida on the Zimmerman case? I think it's because they thought he was Jewish! That's right, I said it! I think they thought they had them a white Jew who killed a black guy, and they wanted to make sure the Jew paid. After all, "Zimmerman" is a name that is often considered exclusively Jewish, so I would imagine a couple of anti-Semites such as Sharpton and Jackson, would have probably assumed he was, in fact, Jewish.

It's somewhat ironic to me, it seems that the same general group of people who have defended Zimmerman (a Hispanic), are also the very same people the left accuse of being "racist" because they want to seal the borders and check voter ID. Has anyone picked up on that? When the right wants tougher border control, they are racist against Hispanics... When a Hispanic shoots a black guy, they are racist against the black guy! Seems a little too bizarre to believe, doesn't it?

What we are seeing from the Left in this country, is MOB RULE! This is how third-world tinhorn dictatorships behave. Vigilante justice! To hell with a judicial system! To hell with a trial and jury of peers! Let's organize a big MOB to go down to Florida (and elsewhere) and DEMAND "justice" ....which in this case, means Zimmerman's head on a stake! Meanwhile, all these mush-brains out there Tweeting their outrage over the verdict, probably don't even know who the hell Hasan is! Why? Because the media isn't reporting the story. That, and because most of them are the equivalent of Peter Griffin (Family Guy).
What's the matter? Is Obama giving another speech on Trayvon? Is Al Sharpton having a press conference? Where the hell are the race-baiting morons? I came back expecting to find all kinds of accusations and allegations about how I am a racist, but not a peep!
that has been classified already as "workplace violence", right?
What's the matter? Is Obama giving another speech on Trayvon? Is Al Sharpton having a press conference? Where the hell are the race-baiting morons? I came back expecting to find all kinds of accusations and allegations about how I am a racist, but not a peep!
Why do you hate black people?
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?

Is that the same president who is pushing further civil rights prosecution of an innocent man??
The Hasan case is open and shut.

The Zimmerman case had a great deal of uncertainty, and thus more drama.

Plus, there is, at best, a growing apathy about military deaths. And in the case of the more rabid faux right wingers and their lord and savior Alex Jones, the military is evil and murderous and a bunch of baby killers. They will be coming soon to your neighborhood to cart you off to a FEMA camp, if you are lucky. They may just shoot you for owning a gun!

So some guy killed a few of them. Big deal. Maybe he had the right idea, amiright? Molon labe, motherfuckers!!!!

I'm only surmising what may be going on inside the heads of these deranged right wingers who hate our military.
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?

Is that the same president who is pushing further civil rights prosecution of an innocent man??

Link to obama doing that please. If he was found not guilty yet there is evidence he did commit a crime, whats wrong with getting him. A la oj? Be it civil or whatever.

By the way, not guilty does not mean innocent. I hope he gets sued everyday for the rest of his life.
In Ft. Hood, Texas, the jury is being seated for the trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army officer who gunned down 13 Americans in a shooting rampage, back in 2009. How many news stories have you seen on it this week? Is the media focusing on this case, with anywhere near the intensity of Zimmerman? Has the President held a press conference to weigh in? Where is Al Sharpton? Oh yeah, that's right, he's busy organizing a witch hunt by the Justice Department to continue hounding Zimmerman. All over the news, we see more of this Zimmerman "aftermath" unfolding, what's the next step, can Federal charges be brought under Civil Rights Race Crimes law? This is a story that should be OVER! DONE! FINISHED! The man was acquitted by a jury of his peers, of both the murder and manslaughter charges, but now they are going to try and go after him under the much more difficult-to-prove charge of a race crime... never mind he is Hispanic, with and African-American grandfather! Never mind that not one shred of evidence presented in his trial, depicted him as some racist vigilante. Nooo... there HAS to be "Justice for Trayvon!"

What about justice for the 13 Americans Hasan murdered in cold blood, and it wasn't even self defense? Ya think we can get a Justice Department investigation into "hate crime" there? No way! No freaking way! We can't even get MSNBC or CNN to give us a news story, much less, pull themselves away from Zimmerman. Noo... we have to genuflect toward Al Sharpton on the Sunday shows, to see what he is going to do next about Zimmerman. It's as if we have totally forgotten about Tawana Brawley, and the tax evasion charges, and gather around this FRAUD like he is the second-coming of MLK.

Are we allowed to mention that Hasan is a radical Islamic jihadist who is proud of what he did, and wishes he could have killed more? Or is that off limits? No, Boss, we can't appear to be "racists" like that, we have to say he was just a troubled Arab man, and leave it at that, we probably don't even need to put him on trial at all, because he is obviously mentally incompetent. Meanwhile, let's send Eric Holder and the Justice Department off down to Florida to follow Al Sharpton's lead, and see if we can further harass Zimmerman?

And you want to know why I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson trucked off down to Florida on the Zimmerman case? I think it's because they thought he was Jewish! That's right, I said it! I think they thought they had them a white Jew who killed a black guy, and they wanted to make sure the Jew paid. After all, "Zimmerman" is a name that is often considered exclusively Jewish, so I would imagine a couple of anti-Semites such as Sharpton and Jackson, would have probably assumed he was, in fact, Jewish.

It's somewhat ironic to me, it seems that the same general group of people who have defended Zimmerman (a Hispanic), are also the very same people the left accuse of being "racist" because they want to seal the borders and check voter ID. Has anyone picked up on that? When the right wants tougher border control, they are racist against Hispanics... When a Hispanic shoots a black guy, they are racist against the black guy! Seems a little too bizarre to believe, doesn't it?

What we are seeing from the Left in this country, is MOB RULE! This is how third-world tinhorn dictatorships behave. Vigilante justice! To hell with a judicial system! To hell with a trial and jury of peers! Let's organize a big MOB to go down to Florida (and elsewhere) and DEMAND "justice" ....which in this case, means Zimmerman's head on a stake! Meanwhile, all these mush-brains out there Tweeting their outrage over the verdict, probably don't even know who the hell Hasan is! Why? Because the media isn't reporting the story. That, and because most of them are the equivalent of Peter Griffin (Family Guy).

HLN is still on the Zimmerman case. Sheesh.

Do you know if it will be televised?
yeah, well why isn't Holdah down in Texas? Isn't the criminal justice system supposed to protect brave white soldiers too? Why isn't the Dept of Justice (laugh) interested in this trial? The jury will probably be 13 radical kenyan islamists!
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?

Is that the same president who is pushing further civil rights prosecution of an innocent man??

Link to obama doing that please. If he was found not guilty yet there is evidence he did commit a crime, whats wrong with getting him. A la oj? Be it civil or whatever.

By the way, not guilty does not mean innocent. I hope he gets sued everyday for the rest of his life.
First, you say this:
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is
Then you say this:
By the way, not guilty does not mean innocent. I hope he gets sued everyday for the rest of his life
Clearly, you have neither accepted the verdict nor moved on.
Why do you so openly disobey your secular messiah?
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?

BS....ya he asked everyone to stay calm. He said the Jury has spoken....these were all very carefully chosen words. ESPECIALLY the statement about gun violence...

"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
Obama Releases Statement On George Zimmerman Verdict - Yahoo! Finance

NOTHING said about people having the right to defend themselves......
And he expects people to HONOR Trayvon Martin? Why? What did he do to be honored? Was he a soldier that died at war? Was he protecting someone and lost his life? No, he attacked another person and got killed for it....
I feel sorry for the parents and family, I'm sure they loved their son. But they ALSO knew what he was capable of, instead of blaming themselves they blame the system. Typical liberals....and racists.
You are faulting the president for asking this country to calm down, accept the decision and move on?is this the press conference you speak of?

Is that the same president who is pushing further civil rights prosecution of an innocent man??

Link to obama doing that please. If he was found not guilty yet there is evidence he did commit a crime, whats wrong with getting him. A la oj? Be it civil or whatever.

By the way, not guilty does not mean innocent. I hope he gets sued everyday for the rest of his life.

So the phrase "innocent until proven guilty" means absolutely NOTHING to you?

It's not about "justice" for you, it's about REVENGE!

There was not evidence he committed a crime, this was the finding of the jury who heard the case. Yet, you adamantly insist he committed a crime. There is no comparison to O.J. Simpson, in any way whatsoever. For the record, I think it was a mistake to allow a civil damages trial on Simpson, after he had been acquitted. It should have been dismissed on that basis alone, but it wasn't. Pointing to a mistake to justify another mistake, is not very smart at all. What you are doing, is undermining our system of justice. There is a very important thing we call "double jeopardy" and it's not a segment of a game show. It means you can't be charged for the same crime twice, yet that is what you are demanding in Zimmerman's case.

So is this to be the standard from now on? Whenever WE don't like what a jury finds, WE can demand another trial, until WE get the results WE want? Why even bother having trials? Couldn't we just save a whole lot of money, energy and time, by appointing a panel of TV-watching morons, to weigh in with their emotions and decide guilt or innocence? Maybe just have Nancy Grace determine whether they are guilty or not? Perhaps we can set up some 800 numbers, like American Idol, and let people call in to vote? Yeah... screw the evidence and testimony.... let's just have random people call an 800 number to cast their votes based on emotion and personality! Because what we personally FEEL, is far more important than giving a man a fair and impartial trial by a jury of peers.

I sincerely hope, that you don't ever have to endure what Mr. Zimmerman has. But if you ever do, you can expect me to be standing on the sidelines demanding they lock you away, regardless of your testimony, regardless of lack of evidence to convict, and regardless of whether you are innocent of the charges. Because, you see, I don't like you personally! I think you are a maggot who we'd all be better off without. So if you were to ever find yourself in a predicament where you're being charged with a crime you didn't commit, I would be right there demanding they lock you up anyway, because that's what we're all about now. It doesn't matter if you are falsely accused, it only matters that I don't like you personally, and therefore, I am justified in relentlessly trying to have you locked away.
Is that the same president who is pushing further civil rights prosecution of an innocent man??

Link to obama doing that please. If he was found not guilty yet there is evidence he did commit a crime, whats wrong with getting him. A la oj? Be it civil or whatever.

By the way, not guilty does not mean innocent. I hope he gets sued everyday for the rest of his life.

So the phrase "innocent until proven guilty" means absolutely NOTHING to you?

It's not about "justice" for you, it's about REVENGE!

There was not evidence he committed a crime, this was the finding of the jury who heard the case. Yet, you adamantly insist he committed a crime. There is no comparison to O.J. Simpson, in any way whatsoever. For the record, I think it was a mistake to allow a civil damages trial on Simpson, after he had been acquitted. It should have been dismissed on that basis alone, but it wasn't. Pointing to a mistake to justify another mistake, is not very smart at all. What you are doing, is undermining our system of justice. There is a very important thing we call "double jeopardy" and it's not a segment of a game show. It means you can't be charged for the same crime twice, yet that is what you are demanding in Zimmerman's case.

So is this to be the standard from now on? Whenever WE don't like what a jury finds, WE can demand another trial, until WE get the results WE want? Why even bother having trials? Couldn't we just save a whole lot of money, energy and time, by appointing a panel of TV-watching morons, to weigh in with their emotions and decide guilt or innocence? Maybe just have Nancy Grace determine whether they are guilty or not? Perhaps we can set up some 800 numbers, like American Idol, and let people call in to vote? Yeah... screw the evidence and testimony.... let's just have random people call an 800 number to cast their votes based on emotion and personality! Because what we personally FEEL, is far more important than giving a man a fair and impartial trial by a jury of peers.

I sincerely hope, that you don't ever have to endure what Mr. Zimmerman has. But if you ever do, you can expect me to be standing on the sidelines demanding they lock you away, regardless of your testimony, regardless of lack of evidence to convict, and regardless of whether you are innocent of the charges. Because, you see, I don't like you personally! I think you are a maggot who we'd all be better off without. So if you were to ever find yourself in a predicament where you're being charged with a crime you didn't commit, I would be right there demanding they lock you up anyway, because that's what we're all about now. It doesn't matter if you are falsely accused, it only matters that I don't like you personally, and therefore, I am justified in relentlessly trying to have you locked away.

Seriously, did anyone ever yell you, you talk to damn Much? Here is a hint, most people lose interest after your second line. I sure did. :)
Seriously, did anyone ever yell you, you talk to damn Much? Here is a hint, most people lose interest after your second line. I sure did.

And that is the root of your problem, unless it's a shiny object, your attention span is nil. The fact that you are unable to read through a few paragraphs, tells us all we need to know about your judgement in a complicated legal proceeding of any kind. It explains why your idiot ass is out there clamoring for a conviction of a guy who has been acquitted of all charges. You're too fucking shallow to grasp the details in this case... all you know is Trayvon was black, and Zimmerman wasn't, and the black guy is dead, so Zimmerman must pay. It's far too difficult for you to pay attention to the evidence and testimony, too much reading and comprehending for you!

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