There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.

they should because they are wasting her time

which she could better spent on trumps twitter

which reaches 50 million of more views daily

blowing the "networks" out of the water
We are witnessing a changing of the guard in DC. All of the fancy party's and picnics and get together's between the democrat white house and the media is OVER and they are pissed.
Trump is in charge now.
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.

they should because they are wasting her time

which she could better spent on trumps twitter

which reaches 50 million of more views daily

blowing the "networks" out of the water

And then the networks report it incessantly... trying to spin it....

There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.

they should because they are wasting her time

which she could better spent on trumps twitter

which reaches 50 million of more views daily

blowing the "networks" out of the water

And then the networks report it incessantly... trying to spin it....


trump = win/win

There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.
The media has jumped the shark at least 100 times this election.

Now the theme music from JAWS will come to mind each time I will see her on TV... KellyAnne begins to stalk her prey.... (que the music)..
Uncle Ferd says, "She's a honey...

... she got dat look about her...

... like she could be mean to ya...

... an' make ya like it."
It's almost like the media (mainstream) is slowly trying to kill itself. Information has never been more available. Whether it be thru Twitter or the internet. The biggest strangle hold most media has had in the past is that it reaches the most people with the least amount of effort. However since the invention of the internet, and more recently social media, people can find information on their own. The problem is that those alternatives require more effort to obtain those facts. The media, in the days of Woodward and Bernstein actually cared about the truth. Woodard has even disparaged today's major media for being too much about agenda as opposed to truth. This guy is liberal as it gets but still realizes that journalistic integrity is what is most important to the country and he realizes that that integrity is disappearing. That says a lot about the current climate of the media.
CNN doesn't want to carry the press briefings. Good. The silly CNN reporter is still there. The net works should keep shunning, banning and prohibiting
The only real news will be at Brietbart and TMZ.
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.
TRANSLATION: They are running like rabbits from someone who (a) keeps hitting them with facts they don't like, (b) No matter how much they pound on her, she STILL keeps repeating them until they discuss them with her, (c) The facts support President Trump.

They are among the many Democrats who are realizing that the facts are not their friends, and that if the truth gets out their entire careers could blow up in their faces. And now we have a President whose spokesmen don't care if the networks are hurt by the truth, and are determined to keep handing them the truth anyway. It's a very bad combination for them.

Gee, that's too bad.
Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.
A few generations ago, when they didn't like what someone was saying, they would jail him and/or burn large numbers of books.

Now they ban him from their shows.

A difference in style but not in substance.
She admitted she was making things up, she didn't call it "Make believe" but I mean "Alternative Facts" are the same damned thing.
I almost had to choke on my coffee. Does the radical left maintain with a freaking straight face that Ms. Conway is too articulate to risk being interviewed by the substandard lazy drones in the liberal media?
I think they should. She evades questions and uses air time to spread Trump's propaganda.
It is hilarious that the butthurt MSM cannot stand getting beat up by Kellyanne Conway. Chuck Todd was one of her most recent victims at the last Meet The Press episode. The thing is she listens carefully to the interviewer and responds not only to the question but how and why they present the question. In addition, she is extremely effective because she is polite, quick witted, and articulate and basically ended up making Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for example, look like a mental patient without "Blinky" realizing it.
Trump is a celebrity, largely due to a 'television reality' (talk about the definition of oxymoron) show. His business 'success' has mostly been through 'show', for 'show'. There is no evidence of any change. Rather, he has capitalized on this in becoming President of the (relatively speaking) United States. We should not be surprised that this administration's relationship with 'facts' is like a television show or series. Call it "Alt-facts Wing", if you like.

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