There Is Evidence For God

Unbeknownst to themselves, dummies decry traditional religion while bowing their head to their own religion, Militant Secularism. One denomination of MS religion is the cult of Darwinism. As much as it is trumpeted by Secularists, there is no proof of same.

"Darwinism, by contrast, is an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches -- like the National Museum of Natural History.ā€ The Branding of a Heretic

There is far more evidence for the God of the Bible. Examples on this thread.

1.We donā€™t often think about it, but we are lucky on this board to have some of the dumbest human beings around, folks for whom it wouldnā€™t be uncharacteristic to put the opposite shoes on their feet. Youā€™d see ā€˜em walkinā€™ around, oblivious, as they are about even important things. Anyway, weā€™d miss out on a lot of humor, and also, the inspiration to dash off responses, sometimes impolite ones.

Sometimes those dummies open the door to the discussion.

2. The other day, one of the dumbest was irate that I posted criticism of a saint in his religion, Darwinism, and he wrote this:

ā€œthere is MORE evidence that evolution is TRUE than that the bible is true.
in fact...THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that god exists at all!ā€
Real Scienceā€¦Not Darwin

BIG LETTERS!!! He sure was mad. But, he did cause me to consider if there is any evidence for the existence of God.

3. And he represents many of those who, no doubt, vote Democrat, and call themselves Liberals or Progressives, you know, the ā€˜tolerantā€™ folks. And they get really nasty if you donā€™t bow down to their god.
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! "
Scientists should be humble, not arrogant

4. Funny thing is, lots of actual scientists write critical papers disputing Darwinism, and many are religious folks, as well.
"According to a survey of members of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center in May and June this year, a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.
ā€¦the public does not share scientistsā€™ certainty about evolution. While 87% of scientists say that life evolved over time due to natural processes, only 32% of the public believes this to be true, according to a different Pew poll earlier this year.

[As for Darwin himself, the] concluding sentence of ā€œOrigin of Speciesā€ speaks of a ā€œCreatorā€ breathing life ā€œinto a few forms or into one.ā€
What do scientists think about religion? - Los Angeles Times

Is that what the Darwinist fanatics so afraid of??

5. Hereā€™s an interesting point from Dennis Prager:
ā€œIn my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with scienceā€¦.[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).ā€

And thatā€™s not the only corresponding point between modern science and a belief in Godā€¦.

And the Darwinists cannot abide by it.
You are definitely have pareidolia, which means you probably have apophenia.
You are definitely have pareidolia, which means you probably have apophenia.

What I have is your number: you're an imbecile.

ā€¦youā€™re like a Pez Dispenser of stupidity.
What I have is your number: you're an imbecile.

ā€¦youā€™re like a Pez Dispenser of stupidity.
You see how evolution in all things, especially life works in this physical universe and you attribute it all to a non-physical, very possibly nonexistent entity. And you call me an imbecile. I think you get to wear the pointed hat and sit in the corner.
You see how evolution in all things, especially life works in this physical universe and you attribute it all to a non-physical, very possibly nonexistent entity. And you call me an imbecile. I think you get to wear the pointed hat and sit in the corner.

" I think...."

Do not use that phrase again: fact not in evidence.
" I think...."

Do not use that phrase again: fact not in evidence.
Play your silly word games all you want, I believe then like you believe in a fake invisible unreal tribal God. No back there either and that's the whole point. Faith is something you either believe or you don't believe in. And far too many in this world still clean to the old notion of a judgmental God and all that does is help divide us and cause more misery on this beautiful planet which was supposed to enjoy and cherish and protect.
Play your silly word games all you want, I believe then like you believe in a fake invisible unreal tribal God. No back there either and that's the whole point. Faith is something you either believe or you don't believe in. And far too many in this world still clean to the old notion of a judgmental God and all that does is help divide us and cause more misery on this beautiful planet which was supposed to enjoy and cherish and protect.

"Bidenā€™s Speech Should Be Renamed ā€œThe State of Delusionā€

ā€œThe state of our union has Americans upset about division, inflation, supply chains, crime, border security, foreign policy, competency in government, drug abuse and much more. The public isnā€™t looking to be spun on how everything they see in front of their faces isnā€™t actually reality. The public is smart enough to form their own independent judgment on the challenges they face and the crises we as a nation face. They want solutions, common sense, safety, freedom, and prosperity.ā€

Who'd you vote for?

"Bidenā€™s Speech Should Be Renamed ā€œThe State of Delusionā€

ā€œThe state of our union has Americans upset about division, inflation, supply chains, crime, border security, foreign policy, competency in government, drug abuse and much more. The public isnā€™t looking to be spun on how everything they see in front of their faces isnā€™t actually reality. The public is smart enough to form their own independent judgment on the challenges they face and the crises we as a nation face. They want solutions, common sense, safety, freedom, and prosperity.ā€

Who'd you vote for?
I proudly voted for Biden, having a sane person in the white house once again is a pleasure. Now maybe the hard issues will finally be addressed instead of ignored.
I proudly voted for Biden, having a sane person in the white house once again is a pleasure. Now maybe the hard issues will finally be addressed instead of ignored.

You are neither sane nor smart.....two qualifications for voting Democrat.

You do as the party of obey orders you to.....because you haven't the intelligence to make a considered vote.

And I can use you to prove it.

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

When you can do neither.....change your avi to "Imbecile."
You are neither sane nor smart.....two qualifications for voting Democrat.

You do as the party of obey orders you to.....because you haven't the intelligence to make a considered vote.

And I can use you to prove it.

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

When you can do neither.....change your avi to "Imbecile."
You asked a question I answered it and you're calling me an idiot you knew what the answer was going to be so how smart is that. You are crazy you're not worth talking to anymore.
You see how evolution in all things, especially life works in this physical universe and you attribute it all to a non-physical, very possibly nonexistent entity. And you call me an imbecile. I think you get to wear the pointed hat and sit in the corner.
Aren't you the same guy who claimed to have visited other worlds and time traveled? Who claims we are spiritual beings? Seems pretty idiotic to me for someone who makes the claims you make to NOT believe that God creating the material world from nothing. Cause that's exactly what the science shows.

Now do you see why I question you?
Aren't you the same guy who claimed to have visited other worlds and time traveled? Who claims we are spiritual beings? Seems pretty idiotic to me for someone who makes the claims you make to NOT believe that God creating the material world from nothing. Cause that's exactly what the science shows.

Now do you see why I question you?
She is talking about a tribal god. I know the truth of this world which you will forever question so I gave up on you. You already have your mind made up.
She is talking about a tribal god. I know the truth of this world which you will forever question so I gave up on you. You already have your mind made up.
I have no questions concerning the first cause.

A tribal god? You mean the God of Abraham? That just makes me question you more. You're a socialist, aren't you?
You asked a question I answered it and you're calling me an idiot you knew what the answer was going to be so how smart is that. You are crazy you're not worth talking to anymore.

You asked a question I answered it and you're calling me an idiot you knew what the answer was going to be so how smart is that. You are crazy you're not worth talking to anymore.

As you can neither state the policies you voted for, nor the policies you voted against, you are simply a rubber stamp for the party.

An imbecile......
As you can neither state the policies you voted for, nor the policies you voted against, you are simply a rubber stamp for the party.

An imbecile......
You do not know me, you just love to attack people, it's a sickness. I hope you get some help. As far as why I voted for Biden the number one reason would have to be he realizes how bad off the Earth is and we need to do something about it now not later now. Trump had no solution except to use more oil which is going to run out in about less than 40 years anyway. Biden is building things for the future so we have something to look forward to. Trump was living in the past. Biden cares about people that are already here the children, the women. Everyone not just the people who support him like Trump did. Biden doesn't bad mouth people on the other side he tries to compromise with them which is how our government works. And I'm done talking to you anyway cuz you're just going to bad mouth me some more about some other garbage. I honestly don't know how you live with yourself. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
You do not know me, you just love to attack people, it's a sickness. I hope you get some help. As far as why I voted for Biden the number one reason would have to be he realizes how bad off the Earth is and we need to do something about it now not later now. Trump had no solution except to use more oil which is going to run out in about less than 40 years anyway. Biden is building things for the future so we have something to look forward to. Trump was living in the past. Biden cares about people that are already here the children, the women. Everyone not just the people who support him like Trump did. Biden doesn't bad mouth people on the other side he tries to compromise with them which is how our government works. And I'm done talking to you anyway cuz you're just going to bad mouth me some more about some other garbage. I honestly don't know how you live with yourself. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.

It was a very specific question.....test.

And you failed miserably.

I'm gonna have to remove the scientific designation Homo sapiens from certainly aren't wise.

Watch this:



.....Or this.....


Judging by the results of your vote, you must be feelin' pretty stupid about now......

....because you are.
It was a very specific question.....test.

And you failed miserably.

I'm gonna have to remove the scientific designation Homo sapiens from certainly aren't wise.

Watch this:



.....Or this.....


Judging by the results of your vote, you must be feelin' pretty stupid about now......

....because you are.
Very cute, unfortunately life isn't that simple, never has been. We can't all live in a fantasy world. Good good luck with that.

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