There is hope for Trump, for there is a precedent

The Right, which seems to be anarchy lite***, can have hope for a Donald Trump renaissance. When the Mueller Investigation provides proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt of the corruption he has brought to the office and our nation, Trump can continue his hate and fear rhetoric from prison, and no doubt the Trumpanzees will march in the streets in his support.

It's happening in Brazil, and it can happen here: "Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support"+++

***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

+++ Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support
hate and fear --hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahh
you mean facts and truth

Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.
just as I thought and TYPICAL of you anti-Trumpers = you talk SHIT!
I call you out and you can't defend your claims
plain and simple
Time will tell who is on the right side of history; pro-Trump or anti-Trump US citizens.

The people I know who voted for Trump feel he is a disgusting human being but the end justifies the means. Those who do not see Trump as a disgusting human are the ones who concern me. LIKE YOU!

Gee Elmer, Trump is disgusting, evil and inept, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, and seems to me to be rather dumb. Those who voted for him has never confided in me that they did, and I suspect most who did are embarrassed and will never vote for him again.

You've admitted he is a lousy role model (not in so many words), and no parents I know would ever allow Trump to be mentor for their child.

As for the Ends and Means, I suppose his border policy and the death of the 7 year old girl from Guatemala is ok with you. Yes?
we've been over that death in the thread on it
you just fked up
that had nothing to do with the border policy/etc
MORE crap from you
Trump's sin is putting Americans first and improving their lot in life. For that, the loony left is apocalyptic.
hate and fear --hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahh
you mean facts and truth

Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.
just as I thought and TYPICAL of you anti-Trumpers = you talk SHIT!
I call you out and you can't defend your claims
plain and simple
Time will tell who is on the right side of history; pro-Trump or anti-Trump US citizens.

The people I know who voted for Trump feel he is a disgusting human being but the end justifies the means. Those who do not see Trump as a disgusting human are the ones who concern me. LIKE YOU!

Gee Elmer, Trump is disgusting, evil and inept, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, and seems to me to be rather dumb. Those who voted for him has never confided in me that they did, and I suspect most who did are embarrassed and will never vote for him again.

You've admitted he is a lousy role model (not in so many words), and no parents I know would ever allow Trump to be mentor for their child.

As for the Ends and Means, I suppose his border policy and the death of the 7 year old girl from Guatemala is ok with you. Yes?
we've been over that death in the thread on it
you just fked up
that had nothing to do with the border policy/etc
MORE crap from you

Denial? Or are you stupid?
Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.

Trump is producing positive results. That's what really matters.

Trump has produced positive results?

Huh, he has
  • Alienated our allies
  • Embolden are foes
  • Gave Kim the world stage (something all prior president's rejected)
  • Created a Trade War, that,
  • Created instability in the Markets
  • Lost the H. of Rep. [that's positive)
  • Proved he's not a deal maker
  • Lied and Lied and Lied to the American People
  • And, made the U.S. of America into a banana republic.
he has turned the US into a banana republic?...... parts of S.California have been turning into sub-par areas long before trump...
Trump's sin is putting Americans first and improving their lot in life. For that, the loony left is apocalyptic.

"Americans" covers the entire Western Hemisphere, of course I wouldn't expect you to know that. You meant all US Citizens, but even then you were wrong.
Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.
just as I thought and TYPICAL of you anti-Trumpers = you talk SHIT!
I call you out and you can't defend your claims
plain and simple
Time will tell who is on the right side of history; pro-Trump or anti-Trump US citizens.

The people I know who voted for Trump feel he is a disgusting human being but the end justifies the means. Those who do not see Trump as a disgusting human are the ones who concern me. LIKE YOU!

Gee Elmer, Trump is disgusting, evil and inept, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, and seems to me to be rather dumb. Those who voted for him has never confided in me that they did, and I suspect most who did are embarrassed and will never vote for him again.

You've admitted he is a lousy role model (not in so many words), and no parents I know would ever allow Trump to be mentor for their child.

As for the Ends and Means, I suppose his border policy and the death of the 7 year old girl from Guatemala is ok with you. Yes?
we've been over that death in the thread on it
you just fked up
that had nothing to do with the border policy/etc
MORE crap from you

Denial? Or are you stupid?
if I decided to cross a hundred mile desert with no food and water--guess what??
I might die--I guess that would be your fault?
I'd blame you
***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

Just a slight correction here... well, not so slight, actually. The whole thing has nothing to do with anarchy, for starters. They are also fully aware that nothing whatsoever the left proposes is illegal or amoral. Rather, they probably consider it lame and ludicrously incommensurate to the task of rectifying what went wrong over the last half century, which however doesn't prevent them from decrying any and all proposals as illegal and immoral, or worse: socialist, as if that meant anything.

Now, for the last item, they are fully aware that they are serving a tiny elite, with nothing to offer ordinary Americans other than the snake oil of racial supremacy. Since that won't suffice to win any elections except in the most backward, reactionary places, they have to subvert any rule or law aiming at fairness, and fully in the know how unlawful and immoral the whole shebang has become, they just don't care. From WMD in Iraq to their fabulous invisible health care plan, from gerrymandering districts to the hilt to purging voter rolls, from elevating a sexually assaulting drunk to the Supreme Court to brutalizing children at the borders, from decrying law enforcement up and down the country as autocratic to whining about their crooks, liars and criminals being "entrapped", victims all, they still don't care.

They've abandoned honor, honesty, reason, science, and formed a moneyed juggernaut steamrolling over everything that was supposed to keep this Republic intact and working as a country governed by laws. It's essential Americans finally find the language, and the sense of urgency, in order to deal with that problem before the Goobers tear it all down.

Oh, and BTW: Since the Justice Department will refuse to indict the Trumpy while the man is still loitering in the Oval Office, AND a Goober Senate won't remove him from office under any circumstances, he won't need to run his re-election campaign from prison.
Trump's sin is putting Americans first and improving their lot in life. For that, the loony left is apocalyptic.

"Americans" covers the entire Western Hemisphere, of course I wouldn't expect you to know that. You meant all US Citizens, but even then you were wrong.

Nobody else calls themselves "Americans", dumbass.

OAS :: Member States

You speak for all citizens in the nations in the link?

I'm not dumb, but you sure are an ignorant ass.
***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

Just a slight correction here... well, not so slight, actually. The whole thing has nothing to do with anarchy, for starters. They are also fully aware that nothing whatsoever the left proposes is illegal or amoral. Rather, they probably consider it lame and ludicrously incommensurate to the task of rectifying what went wrong over the last half century, which however doesn't prevent them from decrying any and all proposals as illegal and immoral, or worse: socialist, as if that meant anything.

Now, for the last item, they are fully aware that they are serving a tiny elite, with nothing to offer ordinary Americans other than the snake oil of racial supremacy. Since that won't suffice to win any elections except in the most backward, reactionary places, they have to subvert any rule or law aiming at fairness, and fully in the know how unlawful and immoral the whole shebang has become, they just don't care. From WMD in Iraq to their fabulous invisible health care plan, from gerrymandering districts to the hilt to purging voter rolls, from elevating a sexually assaulting drunk to the Supreme Court to brutalizing children at the borders, from decrying law enforcement up and down the country as autocratic to whining about their crooks, liars and criminals being "entrapped", victims all, they still don't care.

They've abandoned honor, honesty, reason, science, and formed a moneyed juggernaut steamrolling over everything that was supposed to keep this Republic intact and working as a country governed by laws. It's essential Americans finally find the language, and the sense of urgency, in order to deal with that problem before the Goobers tear it all down.

Oh, and BTW: Since the Justice Department will refuse to indict the Trumpy while the man is still loitering in the Oval Office, AND a Goober Senate won't remove him from office under any circumstances, he won't need to run his re-election campaign from prison.

A minor correction, I used the term anarchy as lite. Maybe I was not clear, but the Right feels entitled to cloud the rule of law, such as McConnell's nonfeasance in not bringing Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court to working around R v. W in many state legislatures, to using machinations in limiting the ability to vote to those they do not and never will represent.

There is noting in Art. II or anywhere else in COTUS which puts the President of the United States above the law. The Right seems very content in taking the wording in COTUS at face value when it benefits their agenda, and not so much whenever it does not benefit their party or the few they represent.
The Right, which seems to be anarchy lite***, can have hope for a Donald Trump renaissance. When the Mueller Investigation provides proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt of the corruption he has brought to the office and our nation, Trump can continue his hate and fear rhetoric from prison, and no doubt the Trumpanzees will march in the streets in his support.

It's happening in Brazil, and it can happen here: "Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support"+++

***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

+++ Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support
hate and fear --hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahh
you mean facts and truth
Exactly. Facts and truth. The two things that will bring down the Trump crime family. See we can agree.
For Republicans a BJ is enough to impeach a Democratic president.

But Felonies aren’t enough to impeach a republican president.

Double standard much?

You keep dreaming about your "imaginary felonies", and the courts will call them non-crimes. Mueller is the one who is getting way out of his lane.

Tell me that you still think that Bubba doing an intern in the WH was okay? Any other manager in the country would have been fired immediately for that kind of behavior.
The Right, which seems to be anarchy lite***, can have hope for a Donald Trump renaissance. When the Mueller Investigation provides proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt of the corruption he has brought to the office and our nation, Trump can continue his hate and fear rhetoric from prison, and no doubt the Trumpanzees will march in the streets in his support.

It's happening in Brazil, and it can happen here: "Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support"+++

***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

+++ Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support
Nothing there, but keep on hoping.
Hey, all big time crooks have a contingency plan so that they can keep running their criminal empire from prison if so needed.

Big time crooks were leaders who didn't toss their LT's under the bus. No one likes Donald Trump.

“No one” but America’s Best, those whom occupy 30 states and 2,623 counties.
Look bud, Trump NEVER set out to be “liked” by this nations filth, he refuses to govern on behalf our lowest grade, that’s why he appeals to legit Americans.
Don’t worry bud, you’ve been conditioned by the Kenyan; you had eight long years of Hussein rolling the red carpet out for wetbacks and America’s bottom feeders, the drastic change still has you pissing yourself.
Here’s a little reminder for you.
The Right, which seems to be anarchy lite***, can have hope for a Donald Trump renaissance. When the Mueller Investigation provides proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt of the corruption he has brought to the office and our nation, Trump can continue his hate and fear rhetoric from prison, and no doubt the Trumpanzees will march in the streets in his support.

It's happening in Brazil, and it can happen here: "Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support"+++

***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

+++ Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support
hate and fear --hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahh
you mean facts and truth
Exactly. Facts and truth. The two things that will bring down the Trump crime family. See we can agree.
again your post makes no sense
the ''hate and fear'' crap is NOT true
Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.

Trump is producing positive results. That's what really matters.

Trump has produced positive results?

Huh, he has
  • Alienated our allies
  • Embolden are foes
  • Gave Kim the world stage (something all prior president's rejected)
  • Created a Trade War, that,
  • Created instability in the Markets
  • Lost the H. of Rep. [that's positive)
  • Proved he's not a deal maker
  • Lied and Lied and Lied to the American People
  • And, made the U.S. of America into a banana republic.
he has turned the US into a banana republic?...... parts of S.California have been turning into sub-par areas long before trump...

Linda and I went to LA a couple of weeks ago. Our son had the week off and was able to take care of our dog. We stayed a block off of Hollywood Blvd. & used public transportation and Uber to get around. I've been to 40 US States and sub-par areas exist in each one of them.

It seems we've been told we are wealthiest nation in the world, and Trump claims we have the best economy in our history, so why do we have sub-par communities?
Only fools and the biddable believe anything Donald Trump says or tweets. Which one are you? Maybe in the deepest part of your sole your know he is what he is, but denial and/or embarrassment makes you continue to defend the indefensible.

Trump is producing positive results. That's what really matters.

Trump has produced positive results?

Huh, he has
  • Alienated our allies
  • Embolden are foes
  • Gave Kim the world stage (something all prior president's rejected)
  • Created a Trade War, that,
  • Created instability in the Markets
  • Lost the H. of Rep. [that's positive)
  • Proved he's not a deal maker
  • Lied and Lied and Lied to the American People
  • And, made the U.S. of America into a banana republic.
he has turned the US into a banana republic?...... parts of S.California have been turning into sub-par areas long before trump...

Linda and I went to LA a couple of weeks ago. Our son had the week off and was able to take care of our dog. We stayed a block off of Hollywood Blvd. & used public transportation and Uber to get around. I've been to 40 US States and sub-par areas exist in each one of them.

It seems we've been told we are wealthiest nation in the world, and Trump claims we have the best economy in our history, so why do we have sub-par communities?

so why do we have sub-par communities?”
One third of this nation is made up of illegal and barely legal thirdworlders. Simple shit.
The Right, which seems to be anarchy lite***, can have hope for a Donald Trump renaissance. When the Mueller Investigation provides proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt of the corruption he has brought to the office and our nation, Trump can continue his hate and fear rhetoric from prison, and no doubt the Trumpanzees will march in the streets in his support.

It's happening in Brazil, and it can happen here: "Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support"+++

***Anarchy Lite is the ideological foundation for the 21st Century Conservative, those who believe whatever they do is lawful and moral, and anything done or proposed by the left is illegal and immoral.

+++ Brazil's Lula launches presidential bid from jail as thousands march in support
You cannot justify evil by saying it is not.
Evil people are hijacking the conservative movement to spread evil and self-serving initiatives.

"The Conservative Movement"? I don't see anything positive that the conservative movement has done to make anyone's life better, except the wealthy, global corporations and the clergy.

Educated me: Explain how wars of choice, supply side economic theory and fiscal conservatism (allowing our nation's infrastructure to rust) have benefited We the People and our progeny.
Hey, all big time crooks have a contingency plan so that they can keep running their criminal empire from prison if so needed.

Big time crooks were leaders who didn't toss their LT's under the bus. No one likes Donald Trump.

“No one” but America’s Best, those whom occupy 30 states and 2,623 counties.
Look bud, Trump NEVER set out to be “liked” by this nations filth, he refuses to govern on behalf our lowest grade, that’s why he appeals to legit Americans.
Don’t worry bud, you’ve been conditioned by the Kenyan; you had eight long years of Hussein rolling the red carpet out for wetbacks and America’s bottom feeders, the drastic change still has you pissing yourself.
Here’s a little reminder for you.

See my post #39, and defend conservatism.

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