There is no conflict between religion and science. Never has been.


There is no conflict between religion and science. Never has been.

there in lies your fallacy ... and for which religion, conflicts do abound.
No, there's not a single conflict between Jesus' teaching and science. Both are truth. Christianity is simply science we have yet to understand, and perhaps lack the ability to ever understand.
Incorrect. The concept of good and evil is a human construct because the concept of good and evil are artifacts of intelligence. Every argument you make is a moral argument about fairness. When you violate the concept of good and evil rather than abandoning the concept you rationalize you didn’t violate it. This holds true for all humans. That’s how deeply imbedded the concept of right and wrong is imbedded in humans. We can’t get rid of it.

This is why you missed the point as well. My point is that ontologically my dog and I are both nothing more than animals.

Your "side excursion" into "right and wrong" is essentially meaningless to this conversation.

But thanks for presenting your usual level of stupidity into the conversation.
This is why you missed the point as well. My point is that ontologically my dog and I are both nothing more than animals.

Your "side excursion" into "right and wrong" is essentially meaningless to this conversation.

But thanks for presenting your usual level of stupidity into the conversation.
I got your point, dummy. Everyone got your point. Don’t confuse us not agreeing with your point as us not understanding your point.
Apparently CC doesn’t experience love. She experiences electrochemical responses instead much like a dog.
Apparently CC doesn’t experience love. She experiences electrochemical responses instead much like a dog.

Yeah. So do you, dipshit.

Do you think love is a special magical element that manifests itself in your brain and ONLY HUMANS can feel that? How stupid are you?

Love and all other emotional states are emergent properties of purely chemical reactions. In fact we can use chemicals to make you feel different ways.

But that's science and you wouldn't know anything about that.
I got your point, dummy. Everyone got your point. Don’t confuse us not agreeing with your point as us not understanding your point.

Nope, you clearly didn't. But you are so ASTOUNDINGLY dumb you can't even understand it when people EXPLAIN things to you.
Yeah. So do you, dipshit.

Do you think love is a special magical element that manifests itself in your brain and ONLY HUMANS can feel that? How stupid are you?

Love and all other emotional states are emergent properties of purely chemical reactions. In fact we can use chemicals to make you feel different ways.

But that's science and you wouldn't know anything about that.
Love is an artifact of intelligence.

I’ve forgotten more science than you ever knew.
Textbook dunning effect.

Isn't it strange that YOU think you know more about my thoughts than I do?

Look, ding, I've got SO MUCH MORE education than you do. A proper full on liberal arts education. You clearly struggled to get through your associates degree. Don't DEIGN to tell me what my thoughts are considering that you are about as dense as a box of hammers.

ANd, again, almost no one calls it "dunning effect". Everyone calls it either Dunning-Kruger or DK. And they CAPITALIZE IT you half-wit.
Isn't it strange that YOU think you know more about my thoughts than I do?

Look, ding, I've got SO MUCH MORE education than you do. A proper full on liberal arts education. You clearly struggled to get through your associates degree. Don't DEIGN to tell me what my thoughts are considering that you are about as dense as a box of hammers.

ANd, again, almost no one calls it "dunning effect". Everyone calls it either Dunning-Kruger or DK. And they CAPITALIZE IT you half-wit.
I don’t need to know your thoughts to identify textbook dunning effect behavior by you.
LOL. I'd ask you where you got that but I'm sure it won't be interesting.

LOL. Sure you have. Remember when you said the Arctic was "landlocked"? LOL. Was that one of those things?
It’s common sense.

I remember explaining that glaciation cannot occur in the polar regions without being thermally isolated from warm marine currents.

And I remember you arguing against that.
Atheists will go to great lengths to deny any higher meaning to human qualities despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
No, there's not a single conflict between Jesus' teaching and science. Both are truth. Christianity is simply science we have yet to understand, and perhaps lack the ability to ever understand.
This is a philosophical mistake made by creationists and the hyper-religious, that is to confuse methodological naturalism (which all science depends upon) with appeals to supernaturaism and such silliness as "the bible is a science text". Science is not waiting to catch up to "science" in Christianity. A Flat Earth, global flood, men living to be 900 years old are not relevant.

A common response to extremist / creationer arguments by Christians who are also scientists or those having some knowledge about science is that the extremists / creationers are doing more to harm Christianity than help it. Many atheists who were once creationers have acknowledged they lost their faith when they understood the disciplines of science and the concensus it brings. They also understood the falsehoods needed to be held to maintain views that require supernatural intervention.
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It’s common sense.

No it's not.

While I understand your simplified view that it requires "intelligence" that isn't necessarily true. Love is really nothing more than a neurochemical reaction. I have little doubt it has some emergent properties that play well with the overall neural state, but love isn't something magical or special.

In fact, with the right drugs I can make you love ME. With the proper massive headwound your entire personality could change (who knows...maybe you could even become a productive member of society who doesn't lie literally all the time!)

Your "common sense" is exactly what a non-scientist would say.

You seem like you might be a bit "new-agey", kind of a mushy thinker.

Atheists will go to great lengths to deny any higher meaning to human qualities despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Ahhh, here we have it! Ding is a religious man! Good to know. I have nothing against religion per se having formerly been religious myself. But it's nice to see something akin to a religious position from you, Ding.

It makes your non-stop lying about other people a bit of a mystery as well as your overall dishonesty but at least it gives a handle.

I'm no longer religious so I don't need to give "higher meaning" just because of a fragile ego. There's no "overwhelming evidence to the contrary"...there's just your intense WISH for deeper meaning, for a big daddy in the sky who loves you even when the rest of the world sees you as an irredeemable troll.

That's fine. If it brings you comfort that's great. Enjoy it.

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