There is no conflict between religion and science. Never has been.

No it's not.

While I understand your simplified view that it requires "intelligence" that isn't necessarily true. Love is really nothing more than a neurochemical reaction. I have little doubt it has some emergent properties that play well with the overall neural state, but love isn't something magical or special.

In fact, with the right drugs I can make you love ME. With the proper massive headwound your entire personality could change (who knows...maybe you could even become a productive member of society who doesn't lie literally all the time!)

Your "common sense" is exactly what a non-scientist would say.

You seem like you might be a bit "new-agey", kind of a mushy thinker.
Evolution says otherwise. Or don’t you believe in evolution?

It’s so obvious from your posts that you are angry. People disagreeing with you shouldn’t make you this angry.
Ahhh, here we have it! Ding is a religious man! Good to know. I have nothing against religion per se having formerly been religious myself. But it's nice to see something akin to a religious position from you, Ding.

It makes your non-stop lying about other people a bit of a mystery as well as your overall dishonesty but at least it gives a handle.

I'm no longer religious so I don't need to give "higher meaning" just because of a fragile ego. There's no "overwhelming evidence to the contrary"...there's just your intense WISH for deeper meaning, for a big daddy in the sky who loves you even when the rest of the world sees you as an irredeemable troll.

That's fine. If it brings you comfort that's great. Enjoy it.
I don’t need your origin story.
No, there's not a single conflict between Jesus' teaching and science. Both are truth. Christianity is simply science we have yet to understand, and perhaps lack the ability to ever understand.

the other guy ran away ...

So now, when God answers the prayers of millions and provides a safe and readily available life-saving vaccine, many who bear the Christian brand are skeptical or downright oppositionalasking why they should believe science and scientists at this particular time.

the desert religions are antithetical to comprehensive and applicable end results - they are religions of servitude to an unknown without redress for practical self awareness.

- do not confuse the exemplar with 4th century christianity.
Reason and faith go hand in hand

There is abundant reason in Catholicism

too bad so many refuse to see it even when you try to show them... They just argue their asses off and put up their barriers... i mean keep them up

they think just because not all popes are saintly, we dont have to listen to... the good ones.. the ones who loved God and the Church

and there are more who did than did not
Again, what does this have to do with religion and science not having conflict between the two?
Ahhh, here we have it! Ding is a religious man! Good to know. I have nothing against religion per se having formerly been religious myself. But it's nice to see something akin to a religious position from you, Ding.

It makes your non-stop lying about other people a bit of a mystery as well as your overall dishonesty but at least it gives a handle.

I'm no longer religious so I don't need to give "higher meaning" just because of a fragile ego. There's no "overwhelming evidence to the contrary"...there's just your intense WISH for deeper meaning, for a big daddy in the sky who loves you even when the rest of the world sees you as an irredeemable troll.

That's fine. If it brings you comfort that's great. Enjoy it.
Everything is made manifest by mind. Mind, rather than being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time has always existed as the source or matrix of the physical world. The material world is made of mind stuff. It is the constant presence of mind that created a material world and imbued his creation with his attributes such that beings that know and create eventually arose.

It’s not a coincidence that the universe popped into existence created from nothing being hardwired to produce intelligence. It’s the nature of intelligence to create intelligence.
Everything is made manifest by mind.

Wow. Aphorisms that carry no meaning but sound really cool. Really interesting personal "philosophy" you've cobbled together there.

Mind, rather than being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time has always existed as the source or matrix of the physical world.

Does that sentence mean anything?

The material world is made of mind stuff.

"Mind stuff"? Is this the stuff that landlocks the Arctic?

It is the constant presence of mind that created a material world and imbued his creation with his attributes such that beings that know and create eventually arose.

How many mg of shrooms did you ingest?

It’s not a coincidence that the universe popped into existence created from nothing being hardwired to produce intelligence. It’s the nature of intelligence to create intelligence.

Well, it's clear you are definitely new-agey. Strange for an "engineer". But it's cool nonetheless to see something that might comport more with what you are IRL than on this forum.

This really is the kind of stuff you should stick to instead of trying to make people think you are some sort of "engineer" or "scientist". You excel at this kind of post
More precisely, Galileo was put under house arrest because he was insisting the Church change the Bible to reflect his theory/discovery that the earth revolved around the sun. Remember, at the time, the Bible was one of the few books around, certainly the most circulated. Galileo thought people should be informed of this new knowledge. The Church, whatever side people chose, pretty much agreed, no matter what advances were made in knowledge, they shouldn't be making changes to the Bible.

What is ironic is that if Galileo could envision a time where there would be just as many science books, articles, as Bibles, he probably wouldn't have persisted in insisting changes needed to be made to the Bible to reflect his theory. (Even Galileo noted his work at the time was just a theory--but one he expected would be proven.)
The Catholic Church still didn't spread the Bible around. They continued to make it illegal to read it for quite along time. And, the people mostly were illiterate. The Bible never says the universe physically circles the earth. From the earth, it looks like everything is going around because the earth is rotating in a circle. To make this doctrine just shows more of an apostacy than poor science. Imprisoning people for believing otherwise is just like the same apostasy that caused torture chambers to be used by the RCC. But, this isn't the purpose to talk specifically about the Church. Because, in the spiritual world, the earth is the center of our universe and the only world that the people in it were wicked enough to kill their only Lord God and Savior. And, this is the only world that the Savior would come to in order to atone for the believer's sins and transgressions beginning with Adam and ending in our own transgressions and sins. Science can't do any of this. So, it is separate and always will be. It's not needed then for repentance and the things of God. And, science isn't necessary to prove the existence of God.
the other guy ran away ...

the desert religions are antithetical to comprehensive and applicable end results - they are religions of servitude to an unknown without redress for practical self awareness.

- do not confuse the exemplar with 4th century christianity.
Scientifically, prove this. You can't. So, your ideology is not anymore valid than any religion whether from the desert or otherwise. Faith does not require empirical scientific evidence to be true. Nor, does empirical evidence have to be used to prove faith exists. They are mutually exclusive.
"Mind stuff"? Is this the stuff that landlocks the Arctic?
Everything is mind stuff.


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