There is no controversy over Babbett

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The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
Its hilarious watching blacks praise a cop for shooting an unarmed person.
Its more hilarious watching white people whine about a crazy bitch getting shot for trying to breach the capitol.
We know condoning murder is the thing to do for the State. Good Commie.
She wasn't murdered. She was shot after receiving a warning to back off. Crazy Drumpf supporting bitch got exactly what she deserved.
Did the warning include they would shoot? No, it did not, murder. There was NO REASON to shoot her. It was solely for intimidation purposes.
You mean

Did the guy with the gun holding it and pointing it at her
and shouting for her to back away, not also shout that he would shoot?
How you gun types rant about shooting "on site" but when it's a Whitey getting shot? We need warnings! We also need vests and eye protection! And if we happen to be committing a crime? Just let us go. After all, WE'RE WHITE!


Assuming I had a firearm and not the other stuff I have
As part of a home invasion some guy's breaking in through my bedroom window.
I've no obligation to warn him that his illegal actions could result in my using deadly force
I can just blast away.
The only difference with LEO is that they must first ID themselves unless there is no opportunity.
Cop was wearing a uniform
Was on the inside of the building she was invading
Warned her to stop...

I'd say you have zero legal case and even less of a moral one.
the capitol building is your bedroom?
If that's what curdles your cream, sally.
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot

At what is a protest no longer a protest? When they start assaulting police? When they smash windows and doors to get? When they roam the halls looking for Pence? When the drag an officer down the stairs and beat him nearly to death with a pole? When they steal stuff and loot?

Keep in mind, if that is “just a protest”...then your outrage over the Floyd protests and riots becomes a joke.

. . . actually?

I agree with you.

But? I believe we are all one. We are one nation, under god, indivisible, and only united can we stand.

Nefarious forces would seek to create narratives. . . for profit, and for power, that are not entirely true.

It is the elite, and their toadies that are dividing us.

When does a protest become a riot? And when is a riot an insurrection? When is an insurrection a revolt? When is a revolt a revolution?

. . . and who are "they?" :dunno: Just as treating the crowds and the individual actors in these crowds, in this instance is. . IMO, disingenuous, it was the same for the Floyd protests. Most of those who supported the Floyd protests made those distinctions and could see those differences. . yet no one seems to want to do so in this instance here. . .

Isn't it just possible, that all those folks roaming the Capitol, since it was not a coordinated "conspiracy," all had different motives? :dunno: They all had different reasons for being there, and different desired outcomes?

. . . and isn't possible, just possible, that the establishment media, and the political elites have an agenda, to create a narrative out of the whole thing, regardless of the motives of the individual participants?

I view it this way, and said in another post here.

There were people who came just to hear Trump’s rally.

There were people who prepared for violence and intending “to stop the steal”.

There were people who just got swept into the mob emotion.

There were elements of coordination From some groups and attempted coordination.

Once a portion of that crowd decided to violently enter the capital instead of turning back as others did...they crossed a line, regardless of motive. I am not sure what different desired outcomes they may have had when they all seemed intent on stopping the steal. I suspect some sought a violent out come (get Pence!) while others were more caught up in the moment. Either way, it isn’t the media or political elite at fault, there were tons of video and statements from the participants.
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I want to see the coward that shot the woman
He would be one of the LEO that were recognized by Congress for their heroism that day.

Why do you hate law enforcement?
Probably with a official Congressional paper bag over his head. They won't put his name out like the whistle blowers because he cannot risk any scrutiny.
Why do you hate the heroes who saved our country from a dictatorship?
Why do you hate Law Enforcement?

Good grief. Hyperbole much?
Read the words.
Try to understand the meaning of hyperbole.

He called LE, cowards and said they appeared in Congress with paper bags on their heads.

It's only English!
The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
Its hilarious watching blacks praise a cop for shooting an unarmed person.

that 'unarmed person' KNEW EXACTLY where she was AND sealed her fate the moment she entered the capital building UNAUTHORIZED; trying to breach the doors to the house of representatives, where CONGRESS was holed up, hoping not to get killed.

Woman shot and killed at Capitol was security forces airman, QAnon adherent

By Stephen Losey
Thu Jan 7 2021 04:40 PM

The woman who was shot and killed Wednesday during a riot that ransacked the Capitol has been identified as an Air Force veteran from California.

The Air Force on Thursday confirmed that Babbitt, who served under the name Ashli Elizabeth McEntee, was a security forces airman who achieved the rank of senior airman, or E-4, while on active duty.

According to service records released by the Air Force Personnel Center, Babbitt served more than 12 years in different parts of the Air Force.

Woman shot and killed at Capitol was security forces airman, QAnon adherent
Makes sense now. She sounds like a dirt bag. How you gone be in the Air Force 12 years and only get to E-4?
Why don't you try saying that to her husband?
LOL, so know you're going to try to hide behind another man?
I want to see the coward that shot the woman
He would be one of the LEO that were recognized by Congress for their heroism that day.

Why do you hate law enforcement?
Probably with a official Congressional paper bag over his head. They won't put his name out like the whistle blowers because he cannot risk any scrutiny.
Why do you hate the heroes who saved our country from a dictatorship?
Why do you hate Law Enforcement?

Good grief. Hyperbole much?
Read the words.
Try to understand the meaning of hyperbole.

He called LE, cowards and said they appeared in Congress with paper bags on their heads.

It's only English!

Dude, I don't give two shits about your arm flapping crap

You're full of hyperbole
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot

At what is a protest no longer a protest? When they start assaulting police? When they smash windows and doors to get? When they roam the halls looking for Pence? When the drag an officer down the stairs and beat him nearly to death with a pole? When they steal stuff and loot?

Keep in mind, if that is “just a protest”...then your outrage over the Floyd protests and riots becomes a joke.

. . . actually?

I agree with you.

But? I believe we are all one. We are one nation, under god, indivisible, and only united can we stand.

Nefarious forces would seek to create narratives. . . for profit, and for power, that are not entirely true.

It is the elite, and their toadies that are dividing us.

When does a protest become a riot? And when is a riot an insurrection? When is an insurrection a revolt? When is a revolt a revolution?

. . . and who are "they?" :dunno: Just as treating the crowds and the individual actors in these crowds, in this instance is. . IMO, disingenuous, it was the same for the Floyd protests. Most of those who supported the Floyd protests made those distinctions and could see those differences. . yet no one seems to want to do so in this instance here. . .

Isn't it just possible, that all those folks roaming the Capitol, since it was not a coordinated "conspiracy," all had different motives? :dunno: They all had different reasons for being there, and different desired outcomes?

. . . and isn't possible, just possible, that the establishment media, and the political elites have an agenda, to create a narrative out of the whole thing, regardless of the motives of the individual participants?

This is why we arrest criminals and have trials.
So they can say "we didn't mean to beat the shit out of those cops."
And the jury can giggle and say GUILTY on all counts.

who is "we" ? in my town the cops are not arresting criminals-----the EMT people are
just clearing the gutters of dead bodies

You should move to a better town.
One with few "conservatives."
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot

At what is a protest no longer a protest? When they start assaulting police? When they smash windows and doors to get? When they roam the halls looking for Pence? When the drag an officer down the stairs and beat him nearly to death with a pole? When they steal stuff and loot?

Keep in mind, if that is “just a protest”...then your outrage over the Floyd protests and riots becomes a joke.

. . . actually?

I agree with you.

But? I believe we are all one. We are one nation, under god, indivisible, and only united can we stand.

Nefarious forces would seek to create narratives. . . for profit, and for power, that are not entirely true.

It is the elite, and their toadies that are dividing us.

When does a protest become a riot? And when is a riot an insurrection? When is an insurrection a revolt? When is a revolt a revolution?

. . . and who are "they?" :dunno: Just as treating the crowds and the individual actors in these crowds, in this instance is. . IMO, disingenuous, it was the same for the Floyd protests. Most of those who supported the Floyd protests made those distinctions and could see those differences. . yet no one seems to want to do so in this instance here. . .

Isn't it just possible, that all those folks roaming the Capitol, since it was not a coordinated "conspiracy," all had different motives? :dunno: They all had different reasons for being there, and different desired outcomes?

. . . and isn't possible, just possible, that the establishment media, and the political elites have an agenda, to create a narrative out of the whole thing, regardless of the motives of the individual participants?

This is why we arrest criminals and have trials.
So they can say "we didn't mean to beat the shit out of those cops."
And the jury can giggle and say GUILTY on all counts.

who is "we" ? in my town the cops are not arresting criminals-----the EMT people are
just clearing the gutters of dead bodies

You should move to a better town.
One with few "conservatives."

I live in a very CULTURALLY DIVERSE town----and on the edge of a "hood" and
very democrat. You are introducing a very important issue-----to wit, PEOPLE

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
If you guys believe in a fictional character like Ashli Babbit. And so then you may as well believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny.
The way the people behaved in the video, isn't the proper way people will act during a crisis. And the way they have handled her was like she wasn't shot. No one didn't tried to remove from off of her that will cause discomfort. And no one tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound.
And everyone behaved the same in the video, but in real life, everybody reacts differently in a situation like that. It is like everyone has gotten their Que cards.

He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot
Tell that to the four students at Kent State. Four dead in O HI O.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
If you guys believe in a fictional character like Ashli Babbit. And so then you may as well believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny.
The way the people behaved in the video, isn't the proper way people will act during a crisis. And the way they have handled her was like she wasn't shot. No one didn't tried to remove from off of her that will cause discomfort. And no one tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound.
And everyone behaved the same in the video, but in real life, everybody reacts differently in a situation like that. It is like everyone has gotten their Que cards.

Jesus X Christ. You guys could make a conspiracy out of someone scratching their ass.
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot
Tell that to the four students at Kent State. Four dead in O HI O.
I was referring to the demonstrations I attended-----the deaths
at Kent State were the result of serious error. As far as I understood
it-----it was a seriously unnerved military kid

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
If you guys believe in a fictional character like Ashli Babbit. And so then you may as well believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny.
The way the people behaved in the video, isn't the proper way people will act during a crisis. And the way they have handled her was like she wasn't shot. No one didn't tried to remove from off of her that will cause discomfort. And no one tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound.
And everyone behaved the same in the video, but in real life, everybody reacts differently in a situation like that. It is like everyone has gotten their Que cards.

Yeah, I agree. I watched it over and over. . . they were not acting like people do in a crisis, IMO.

That whole shooting looked like a crises actor thing. . . which. . . then brings up the whole question, were the informants seeded in those patriot militia's part of the "plan?"

Was that whole QAnon thing really just a military psyop? :dunno:

Quick question. How would you know how people react in a crisis?
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
It is becoming clear that FBI agents were the instigators on Jan. 6th. The FBI is incompetent and get caught all the time. Now they just do not care because an illegitimate administration will deny it happened.

That is becoming a sure sign it did happen, just like the massive fraud and the glaring guilt their objections to audits show.
Oh boy. Not going to argue with the outright delusional.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED by a capitol cop for trespass. Maybe it is time to open season on the rioters of the last year--ALL LIVES MATTER.
Why arent you doing this now instead of posting on an internet board?
Cowards only talk the talk.
They also shoot unarmed women.
Calling Capitol Police Officers protecting members of Congress "cowards"......that's clearly a projecting comment from a True Coward.

30JUN21 (13 days)
I do not care what you say about anything. This topic is no different. Understand troll?
and.......................we are anxiously awaiting this election fraud proof you claim will be shown by 30JUN21
The Rapture!
I suspect if no election fraud is found by the end of this month, that poster is gonna wish for a Rapture. :heehee: Maybe a Rapture of all his predicting posts....but I have screenshot taking care that they don't disappear.

i have bigley concerns that - if true & those ballots are in a freakin' cabin somewhere in bumfuck montana; just what kinda info they have on those voters & if that shit can happen in any hayseed nutter state.
I wasn't aware that you considered PA, GA, WI, MI, IL, NY and AZ hayseed nutter states--moron--bigly.
Are you suggesting Trump really won all those states?
Jury's still out. There WERE improprieties that have gone unanswered.
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
It is becoming clear that FBI agents were the instigators on Jan. 6th. The FBI is incompetent and get caught all the time. Now they just do not care because an illegitimate administration will deny it happened.

That is becoming a sure sign it did happen, just like the massive fraud and the glaring guilt their objections to audits show.
Oh boy. Not going to argue with the outright delusional.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED by a capitol cop for trespass. Maybe it is time to open season on the rioters of the last year--ALL LIVES MATTER.
Why arent you doing this now instead of posting on an internet board?
Cowards only talk the talk.
They also shoot unarmed women.
Calling Capitol Police Officers protecting members of Congress "cowards"......that's clearly a projecting comment from a True Coward.

30JUN21 (13 days)
I do not care what you say about anything. This topic is no different. Understand troll?
and.......................we are anxiously awaiting this election fraud proof you claim will be shown by 30JUN21
The Rapture!
I suspect if no election fraud is found by the end of this month, that poster is gonna wish for a Rapture. :heehee: Maybe a Rapture of all his predicting posts....but I have screenshot taking care that they don't disappear.

i have bigley concerns that - if true & those ballots are in a freakin' cabin somewhere in bumfuck montana; just what kinda info they have on those voters & if that shit can happen in any hayseed nutter state.
I wasn't aware that you considered PA, GA, WI, MI, IL, NY and AZ hayseed nutter states--moron--bigly.
Are you suggesting Trump really won all those states?
Jury's still out. There WERE improprieties that have gone unanswered.
No the jury is not out. Drumpf lost. Biden is your POTUS. Nothing is going to change that.
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
It is becoming clear that FBI agents were the instigators on Jan. 6th. The FBI is incompetent and get caught all the time. Now they just do not care because an illegitimate administration will deny it happened.

That is becoming a sure sign it did happen, just like the massive fraud and the glaring guilt their objections to audits show.
Oh boy. Not going to argue with the outright delusional.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED by a capitol cop for trespass. Maybe it is time to open season on the rioters of the last year--ALL LIVES MATTER.
Why arent you doing this now instead of posting on an internet board?
Cowards only talk the talk.
They also shoot unarmed women.
Calling Capitol Police Officers protecting members of Congress "cowards"......that's clearly a projecting comment from a True Coward.

30JUN21 (13 days)
I do not care what you say about anything. This topic is no different. Understand troll?
and.......................we are anxiously awaiting this election fraud proof you claim will be shown by 30JUN21
The Rapture!
I suspect if no election fraud is found by the end of this month, that poster is gonna wish for a Rapture. :heehee: Maybe a Rapture of all his predicting posts....but I have screenshot taking care that they don't disappear.

i have bigley concerns that - if true & those ballots are in a freakin' cabin somewhere in bumfuck montana; just what kinda info they have on those voters & if that shit can happen in any hayseed nutter state.
I wasn't aware that you considered PA, GA, WI, MI, IL, NY and AZ hayseed nutter states--moron--bigly.
Are you suggesting Trump really won all those states?
Jury's still out. There WERE improprieties that have gone unanswered.
No the jury is not out. Drumpf lost. Biden is your POTUS. Nothing is going to change that.
The people will know he is illegitimate. That will change a lot.
The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
It's not like she stuck a gun in the belly of a pregnant woman like Saint George Floyd
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
It is becoming clear that FBI agents were the instigators on Jan. 6th. The FBI is incompetent and get caught all the time. Now they just do not care because an illegitimate administration will deny it happened.

That is becoming a sure sign it did happen, just like the massive fraud and the glaring guilt their objections to audits show.
Oh boy. Not going to argue with the outright delusional.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED by a capitol cop for trespass. Maybe it is time to open season on the rioters of the last year--ALL LIVES MATTER.
Why arent you doing this now instead of posting on an internet board?
Cowards only talk the talk.
They also shoot unarmed women.
Calling Capitol Police Officers protecting members of Congress "cowards"......that's clearly a projecting comment from a True Coward.

30JUN21 (13 days)
I do not care what you say about anything. This topic is no different. Understand troll?
and.......................we are anxiously awaiting this election fraud proof you claim will be shown by 30JUN21
The Rapture!
I suspect if no election fraud is found by the end of this month, that poster is gonna wish for a Rapture. :heehee: Maybe a Rapture of all his predicting posts....but I have screenshot taking care that they don't disappear.

i have bigley concerns that - if true & those ballots are in a freakin' cabin somewhere in bumfuck montana; just what kinda info they have on those voters & if that shit can happen in any hayseed nutter state.
I wasn't aware that you considered PA, GA, WI, MI, IL, NY and AZ hayseed nutter states--moron--bigly.
Are you suggesting Trump really won all those states?
Jury's still out. There WERE improprieties that have gone unanswered.
No the jury is not out. Drumpf lost. Biden is your POTUS. Nothing is going to change that.
The people will know he is illegitimate. That will change a lot.
Nothing is going to change with your fake audits. The people that believed Drumps lie in the first place will continue to believe it and the rest of us will laugh at you for being so easily conned exactly as we do now.
The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
It's not like she stuck a gun in the belly of a pregnant woman like Saint George Floyd
She was some tired crazy bitch that got conned but was braver than you and showed up at the capitol trying to overturn the election. She her ass popped. She died. Good riddance.
You tell me,
He never heard of the German army being decimated by hoards of Russian peasants armed with knives and pitchforks.

People with guns should never fear them?
It is unbelievable to me that they are defending this mob as harmless simply because they did not carry guns in with them.

Most Lynch mobs don’t need guns.
How do you know?
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.
History. Mob violence preceded firearms.

So did hate and lies, and that is all you got.
what lies?
The insurrection that wasn't for starters. Babbitt did nothing that warranted her murder. Condoning murder is what scumbuckets do.
So what was it? A group of tourists?

You agree then, that if a mob breaks down your door, and you have your family barricaded behind you, you have no right to shoot them?
it was a protest. Way back in the 60s----even I attended protests. No one got shot

At what is a protest no longer a protest? When they start assaulting police? When they smash windows and doors to get? When they roam the halls looking for Pence? When the drag an officer down the stairs and beat him nearly to death with a pole? When they steal stuff and loot?

Keep in mind, if that is “just a protest”...then your outrage over the Floyd protests and riots becomes a joke.

You tell me. You've called the riots in Portland and Seattle protests. When do you call them riots. Retail business was burned and looted. Federal buildings were set afire with people in them. People were murdered in Portland. CHOP/CHAZ burned and closed a police precinct, people were denied access to their property and people were murdered. In Minneapolis many of the same things happened and no rioters were murdered. Ashli Babbitt was taking pictures with a telephone and trespassing. Certainly not even close to the violence that was exhibited every night following George Floyd and he was a more violent thug than Ashli Babbitt. The penalty for trespass in not death and then identity masking.
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