There is no controversy over Babbett

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Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking

Then why was she trying to crawl thru a window?

Crawling through a window to get into a hallway is not same thing as being at a specific office door and trying to break in.
Less emotional retardism could go a long way for you all

Was she not crawling thru a broken window in the door to the Speakers Office?
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
"They [sic] vast majority were not fighting." That's nice.....they weren't arrested or shot then. And as for your FBI lunacies, you sure are easily manipulated by lil'tucker, aren't you?
Why was a unarmed woman shot and no one else if things were as bad as you murder condoning assholes contend?
Who else attempted to climb oven the police barricade with lawmakers still inside the House chamber?
She had not made it over and she was shot anyway. I see. There was no reason whatsoever to shoot her. Thanks for confirming that.

Dumbfuck, the only reason she was unsuccessful of making it over the police barricade is because the cop shot her. It wasn't for lack of trying.
She was shot for no reason. Nothing will ever change that fact. What we have here are a bunch of traitorous asskissers insisting they are right. That does not make you right. You and others condone murder and decent people would not piss in your asshole if your guts were on fire. So you know. Deal with the scum you have become.
As always, you prove to be insane. :cuckoo:

Of course there was justifiable cause to shoot her.
You have never proven anything. I do not see you starting now, scumbag.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.

Murder condoning scum say what?
I showed it's not murder.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.
You showed nothing. You do not have the authority or brains to show anyone anything. Babbitt was murdered so scum like you can gloat about intimidation at the federal level while our country turns into shit.

You're batshit insane, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:

In reality, which bars you admittance, I posted the DoJ investigation report which explains why it wasn't murder.

But you're nuts, so no one expects you to understand.
No one thinks you are anything but murder supporting scum. Pretty easy to understand, even for you.

How fortunate am I that assessment comes from one of the craziest posters on this forum?

I offered you the reason it's not murder. The rest from there relies on you. As futile and sad as that may be.
Murder condoning scum say what?

Repeating your lie that it was murder will never make it true. It will only make you frustrated and even more crazed than you already are.

I can live with that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking

Then why was she trying to crawl thru a window?

Crawling through a window to get into a hallway is not same thing as being at a specific office door and trying to break in.
Less emotional retardism could go a long way for you all

Was she not crawling thru a broken window in the door to the Speakers Office?

She was indeed

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
ANITFA/BLM attempt the same thing throughout the nation all the time. By your standard we are free to gun them down with impunity.
Kyle Ritterhouse (and his mom) approve your message.
Dont care. Truth is not established by approval or agreement
Truth is established by investigations of the facts. You know, like the investigation that cleared the Capitol Cop.
Any investigation by this corrupt government means nothing.
Your posts mean nothing.
And yours do? Try again.
You stink the stink of filty white trash.
Racist. :ahole-1:
There is no controversy over Babbett
Another scumbag. Murder for intimidation is what happened. Just like the fraud you will never talk it away. This illegitimate administration will be using force and violence to further that intimidation.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
"They [sic] vast majority were not fighting." That's nice.....they weren't arrested or shot then. And as for your FBI lunacies, you sure are easily manipulated by lil'tucker, aren't you?
Why was a unarmed woman shot and no one else if things were as bad as you murder condoning assholes contend?
Who else attempted to climb oven the police barricade with lawmakers still inside the House chamber?
She had not made it over and she was shot anyway. I see. There was no reason whatsoever to shoot her. Thanks for confirming that.

Dumbfuck, the only reason she was unsuccessful of making it over the police barricade is because the cop shot her. It wasn't for lack of trying.
She was shot for no reason. Nothing will ever change that fact. What we have here are a bunch of traitorous asskissers insisting they are right. That does not make you right. You and others condone murder and decent people would not piss in your asshole if your guts were on fire. So you know. Deal with the scum you have become.
As always, you prove to be insane. :cuckoo:

Of course there was justifiable cause to shoot her.
You have never proven anything. I do not see you starting now, scumbag.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.

Murder condoning scum say what?
I showed it's not murder.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.
You showed nothing. You do not have the authority or brains to show anyone anything. Babbitt was murdered so scum like you can gloat about intimidation at the federal level while our country turns into shit.

You're batshit insane, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:

In reality, which bars you admittance, I posted the DoJ investigation report which explains why it wasn't murder.

But you're nuts, so no one expects you to understand.
No one thinks you are anything but murder supporting scum. Pretty easy to understand, even for you.

How fortunate am I that assessment comes from one of the craziest posters on this forum?

I offered you the reason it's not murder. The rest from there relies on you. As futile and sad as that may be.
Murder condoning scum say what?

Repeating your lie that it was murder will never make it true. It will only make you frustrated and even more crazed than you already are.

I can live with that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Well, I am not lying about you condoning murder. Right scumbag?

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
ANITFA/BLM attempt the same thing throughout the nation all the time. By your standard we are free to gun them down with impunity.
Kyle Ritterhouse (and his mom) approve your message.
Dont care. Truth is not established by approval or agreement
Truth is established by investigations of the facts. You know, like the investigation that cleared the Capitol Cop.
The government investigating itself is always credible yes.
How about when a component of the government REFUSES to the Republicans. What are they hiding?
The government did investigate as you pointed oiut so they are refusing nothing.

IN the end the next time a cop is investigated by his own department for shooting an unarmed black guy you cannot object because you set the standard.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
"They [sic] vast majority were not fighting." That's nice.....they weren't arrested or shot then. And as for your FBI lunacies, you sure are easily manipulated by lil'tucker, aren't you?
Why was a unarmed woman shot and no one else if things were as bad as you murder condoning assholes contend?
Who else attempted to climb oven the police barricade with lawmakers still inside the House chamber?
She had not made it over and she was shot anyway. I see. There was no reason whatsoever to shoot her. Thanks for confirming that.

Dumbfuck, the only reason she was unsuccessful of making it over the police barricade is because the cop shot her. It wasn't for lack of trying.
She was shot for no reason. Nothing will ever change that fact. What we have here are a bunch of traitorous asskissers insisting they are right. That does not make you right. You and others condone murder and decent people would not piss in your asshole if your guts were on fire. So you know. Deal with the scum you have become.
As always, you prove to be insane. :cuckoo:

Of course there was justifiable cause to shoot her.
You have never proven anything. I do not see you starting now, scumbag.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.

Murder condoning scum say what?
I showed it's not murder.

You're insane, TootieFrootie. Batshit level.
You showed nothing. You do not have the authority or brains to show anyone anything. Babbitt was murdered so scum like you can gloat about intimidation at the federal level while our country turns into shit.

You're batshit insane, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:

In reality, which bars you admittance, I posted the DoJ investigation report which explains why it wasn't murder.

But you're nuts, so no one expects you to understand.
No one thinks you are anything but murder supporting scum. Pretty easy to understand, even for you.

How fortunate am I that assessment comes from one of the craziest posters on this forum?

I offered you the reason it's not murder. The rest from there relies on you. As futile and sad as that may be.
Murder condoning scum say what?

Repeating your lie that it was murder will never make it true. It will only make you frustrated and even more crazed than you already are.

I can live with that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Well, I am not lying about you condoning murder. Right scumbag?
Wrong, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
ANITFA/BLM attempt the same thing throughout the nation all the time. By your standard we are free to gun them down with impunity.
Kyle Ritterhouse (and his mom) approve your message.
Dont care. Truth is not established by approval or agreement
Truth is established by investigations of the facts. You know, like the investigation that cleared the Capitol Cop.
The government investigating itself is always credible yes.
How about when a component of the government REFUSES to the Republicans. What are they hiding?
The government did investigate as you pointed oiut so they are refusing nothing.

IN the end the next time a cop is investigated by his own department for shooting an unarmed black guy you cannot object because you set the standard.
It wasn't investigated by his own department.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?
It's so funny to watch these assholes twist themselves in knots trying justify her murder, while claiming cops have no right to protect themselves from violent criminals.

Yes, West, absolutely fascinating to watch the Left constantly twist themselves into a pretzel of hypocrisy and bullshit all over the chart first trying to demonize the police one day, worship them another on every issue of police, protests, abortion, elections, anything.

At one time or another, they have both been totally FOR then AGAINST everything, whatever it takes, trying to keep pace with the progressive agenda for that day.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

No such thing was happening and presumption of future activities and locations does not get you murdered,


Are you denying she was trying to climb through that window??

Like I said, by the time their cult is done with it, they'll have her being MURDERED at home while she was minding her own business, asleep in her own bed after an exhausting day helping widows and orphans.....MURDERED by a BLACK MUSLIM TRANSGENDER THUG!!!!
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?
It's so funny to watch these assholes twist themselves in knots trying justify her murder, while claiming cops have no right to protect themselves from violent criminals.

Yes, West, absolutely fascinating to watch the Left constantly twist themselves into a pretzel of hypocrisy and bullshit all over the chart first trying to demonize the police one day, condemn them another on every issue of police, protests, abortion, elections, anything.

At one time or another, they have both been totally FOR then AGAINST everything, whatever it takes, trying to keep pace with the progressive agenda for that day.
The police shooting of ashti babbett is very different than the 9:29 kneeling of murder derek chavin.
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

No such thing was happening and presumption of future activities and locations does not get you murdered,


Are you denying she was trying to climb through that window??

Like I said, by the time their cult is done with it, they'll have her being MURDERED at home while she was minding her own business, asleep in her own bed after an exhausting day helping widows and orphans.....MURDERED by a BLACK MUSLIM TRANSGENDER THUG!!!!

I've never seen this level of insanity in my life.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Good Question.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Didn't need to...those male thugs all stopped trying to break in after hiding behind their sacrificial female.
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

No such thing was happening and presumption of future activities and locations does not get you murdered,


Are you denying she was trying to climb through that window??

Like I said, by the time their cult is done with it, they'll have her being MURDERED at home while she was minding her own business, asleep in her own bed after an exhausting day helping widows and orphans.....MURDERED by a BLACK MUSLIM TRANSGENDER THUG!!!!

I've never seen this level of insanity in my life.

Nobody cares what a murder condoning POS thinks is insane.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Good question with a very easy answer. No one else tried to jump through the barricades
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