There is no controversy over Babbett

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Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?
It's so funny to watch these assholes twist themselves in knots trying justify her murder, while claiming cops have no right to protect themselves from violent criminals.

Yes, West, absolutely fascinating to watch the Left constantly twist themselves into a pretzel of hypocrisy and bullshit all over the chart first trying to demonize the police one day, condemn them another on every issue of police, protests, abortion, elections, anything.

At one time or another, they have both been totally FOR then AGAINST everything, whatever it takes, trying to keep pace with the progressive agenda for that day.
The police shooting of ashti babbett is very different than the 9:29 kneeling of murder derek chavin.
Huh? So? Did Floyd finally die of fentanyl poisoning at 9:29 in the morning?
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Good question with a very easy answer. No one else tried to jump through the barricades
The easy answer is to side with the media and lying politicians. You support murderers.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
You've been answered several times....maybe if we answer in orange? Didn't need to...those male thugs all stopped trying to break in after hiding behind their sacrificial female.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Didn't need to...those male thugs all stopped trying to break in after hiding behind their sacrificial female.
Those tough white maga fuckups used her has a human shield.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?
It's so funny to watch these assholes twist themselves in knots trying justify her murder, while claiming cops have no right to protect themselves from violent criminals.

Yes, West, absolutely fascinating to watch the Left constantly twist themselves into a pretzel of hypocrisy and bullshit all over the chart first trying to demonize the police one day, condemn them another on every issue of police, protests, abortion, elections, anything.

At one time or another, they have both been totally FOR then AGAINST everything, whatever it takes, trying to keep pace with the progressive agenda for that day.
The police shooting of ashti babbett is very different than the 9:29 kneeling of murder derek chavin.
Huh? So? Did Floyd finally die of fentanyl poisoning at 9:29 in the morning?
Just read the conviction by the jury.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Now you're lying again. Something you wouldn't feel compelled to do if truth and reality were on your side.

Again... the goal of the police was to keep that mob out of the House chamber until every last lawmaker and staff member was safely evacuated. The police wouldn't have even needed to shoot Ashli Targetpractice had she not attempted to gain entrance into the Speaker's Lobby through that broken out window. The police only needed to shoot anyone about to enter. She was the only one foolish enough to try to climb over that police barricade. Everyone else trying to smash through the doors and windows backed off; so there was no need to shoot anyone else.

I have no doubt this will not be the last time you lie about this and falsely clsim it's never been explained to you. You're that nuts, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:
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Here is where we are going when you condone murder by the people in power.

Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
Didn't need to...those male thugs all stopped trying to break in after hiding behind their sacrificial female.
Here is where we are going when you condone murder by the people in power.

Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Now you're lying again. Something you wouldn't feel compelled to do if truth and reality were on your side.

Again... the goal of the police was to keep that mob out of the House chamber until every last lawmaker and staff member was safely evacuated. The police wouldn't have even needed to shoot Ashli Targetpractice had she not attempted to gain entrance into the Speaker's Lobby through that broken out window. The police only needed to shoot anyone about to enter. She was the only one foolish enough to try to climb over that police barricade. Everyone else trying to smash through the doors and windows backed off; so there was no need to shoot anyone else.

I have no doubt this will be the last time you lie about this and falsely clsim it's never been explained to you. You're that nuts, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:
Murder condoning scumbag say what?

Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

No such thing was happening and presumption of future activities and locations does not get you murdered,


Are you denying she was trying to climb through that window??

Like I said, by the time their cult is done with it, they'll have her being MURDERED at home while she was minding her own business, asleep in her own bed after an exhausting day helping widows and orphans.....MURDERED by a BLACK MUSLIM TRANSGENDER THUG!!!!

I've never seen this level of insanity in my life.

Obviously, that orange kool-aid con-tains a chemical hallucinogen.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Didn't need to...those male thugs all stopped trying to break in after hiding behind their sacrificial female.
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Now you're lying again. Something you wouldn't feel compelled to do if truth and reality were on your side.

Again... the goal of the police was to keep that mob out of the House chamber until every last lawmaker and staff member was safely evacuated. The police wouldn't have even needed to shoot Ashli Targetpractice had she not attempted to gain entrance into the Speaker's Lobby through that broken out window. The police only needed to shoot anyone about to enter. She was the only one foolish enough to try to climb over that police barricade. Everyone else trying to smash through the doors and windows backed off; so there was no need to shoot anyone else.

I have no doubt this will not be the last time you lie about this and falsely clsim it's never been explained to you. You're that nuts, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:
Murder condoning scum say what?
Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Now you're lying again. Something you wouldn't feel compelled to do if truth and reality were on your side.

Again... the goal of the police was to keep that mob out of the House chamber until every last lawmaker and staff member was safely evacuated. The police wouldn't have even needed to shoot Ashli Targetpractice had she not attempted to gain entrance into the Speaker's Lobby through that broken out window. The police only needed to shoot anyone about to enter. She was the only one foolish enough to try to climb over that police barricade. Everyone else trying to smash through the doors and windows backed off; so there was no need to shoot anyone else.

I have no doubt this will not be the last time you lie about this and falsely clsim it's never been explained to you. You're that nuts, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:
Murder condoning scum say what?
30JUN21 is gonna be so much fun! :clap:(tho I have no doubt that delusional poster were try to squirm out of his/her prediction)
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Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?

Then why didn't the police gun down the whole crowd?
I asked myself why there were not more people shot if Babbitt was so dangerous. I have yet to get an answer.
Now you're lying again. Something you wouldn't feel compelled to do if truth and reality were on your side.

Again... the goal of the police was to keep that mob out of the House chamber until every last lawmaker and staff member was safely evacuated. The police wouldn't have even needed to shoot Ashli Targetpractice had she not attempted to gain entrance into the Speaker's Lobby through that broken out window. The police only needed to shoot anyone about to enter. She was the only one foolish enough to try to climb over that police barricade. Everyone else trying to smash through the doors and windows backed off; so there was no need to shoot anyone else.

I have no doubt this will not be the last time you lie about this and falsely clsim it's never been explained to you. You're that nuts, TootieFrootie. :cuckoo:
Murder condoning scum say what?
30JUN21 is gonna be so much fun! :clap:
Not for everyone.

Babbett was a domestic terrorist. She got just what she deserved

Any pig slop degenerate asshole like you who would call a fine, patriotic woman who served her country a terrorist deserving a horrible murder and death for simply walking into her Capitol unarmed, unviolent, claiming she somehow intended the "violent overthrow of the government" with nothing more than her bare hands and a red ball cap is a filthy, degenerate, ignorant pustule piece of filth. Remember this when your time comes, you'll regret what you said today at the moment your time comes, Ashli will be there as well looking on.

View attachment 502908

she was a trump humping Qanon freak that threatened the lives of congress.

nothing more.
She was an unarmed woman who threatened no one.

she was right at the door participating in the break down to the only barrier to the last protection of the house chambers - where congress was hiding. there was no reason to believe she wasn't strapped - either with a weapon, bomb or both.

stop it, cause you lost this debate just as hard as donny losing the election.
Ummmm...cops aren't allowed to assume that someone has a weapon when not only is there no weapon but nothing that even looks like a weapon. She had 3 secret service cops in front of her, that the shooter hid from when he snuck up on the side to shoot her, two regular cops to the Left of her that in front of the door and moved to the side, and 4 cops behind her less than 8 feet away from her when the murderer shot her------notice that none of the other 9 cops shot her or anyone else?

I guess what Playtoy is claiming is that the capitol rentacops are such pussies that they couldn't hold back or deal with a simple, unarmed 35 year old lady without shooting her in the neck.
Was she not part of a larger crowd?
You dont get murdered based on what other people may or may not do.
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking

Then why was she trying to crawl thru a window?

Speculation on “why” does not permit murder
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

It’s not purpose nor potentially future actions that get you shot. It’s what you are presenting as a lethal threat in the here and now that does.
We don’t shoot based on speculative potentiality when the here and now poses no lethal threat in the present moment of encounter.
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking

Then why was she trying to crawl thru a window?

Speculation on “why” does not permit murder

In this case it does, so answer the statement of fact.
Sadly, you have to resort to lying because reality doesn't agree with you. Of course I've explained it. Many times. Who knows why you have to lie?
There was no threat that justified lethal force.

And, you know it.
This violent mob trying to break down the doors and windows says otherwise...

Was Ashli Babbett in that mob ?

You know there was no justification for lethal force.

You are being disingenuous.

Was she or was she not attempting to break into a Capitol office while being directed by police to stop?

She was not
Thanks for asking


Oh? Then what was her purpose for trying to breach a police barricade into the Speaker's Lobby?

It’s not purpose nor potentially future actions that get you shot. It’s what you are presenting as a lethal threat in the here and now that does.
We don’t shoot based on speculative potentiality when the here and now poses no lethal threat in the present moment of encounter.

Thank you for admitting that a protestor should be shot based on what they could possibly do later on.
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