There is No Fix: “The Entire System Will Detonate Within the First Year”

There is No Fix: ?The Entire System Will Detonate Within the First Year? | The D.C. ClotheslineThe D.C. Clothesline


[ame=]Chicken Little- The Sky is Falling - YouTube[/ame]
Bet you a dollar that The Constitution is still here when you're gone.

There's a scrap of paper preserved in the federal archives, but it has no relevance to what our government does. Congress and the Administration began ignoring it in 1860.
The Dims are hoping they can recover from this mess. It ain't going to happen. They'll be the minority party for the next 50 years, at least.

There's a very easy way out of this for the Democrats, blame the black guy. I'm not kidding either, that's exactly what they'll do because it's the only thing they can do.

That will be kind of hard when many of them are on record mouthing the same lies that Obama just got nailed for.
Mary Landrieu is already doing it. If she moves up in the polls at all then watch all of the other PC Progs abandon their so-called principles and do the same thing.
Cons have been saying this about Social Security and Medicare since they began.
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There's little doubt in my mind that our system will collapse before long but it won't be Obamacare that brings it down. It'll be corporate and Wall Street greed, the continuing downward spiral of profits over people and the absurd wealth disparity that will grow unabated.

Communists have been saying that for 150 years.

Maybe but the commies weren't wrong about everything. What's your point, that we're still here? We're in line for a 30's style reboot that puts the ordinary citizen back into the system.
I don't think we're in line for it just yet, Mainly because too many Americans are still much too dense to understand what's been happening and it will take the prolonged misery of another Great Depression to wake them up sufficiently to elect and support another FDR.

In other words, it's gotta get worse before it gets better.
It's going down. Doesn't matter what he does, it can't work. People are starting to feel the pain now, and pain has a way of waking you up real fast. The question is, will the new Republican Congress move to impeach him in 2015 or just keep him from doing more damage until the fucker is out of office?
It's going down. Doesn't matter what he does, it can't work. People are starting to feel the pain now, and pain has a way of waking you up real fast. The question is, will the new Republican Congress move to impeach him in 2015 or just keep him from doing more damage until the fucker is out of office?
The latter, Obamacare is a regional problem. ACA is supposed to slow down the collapse of the D base. Jobs and investment are moving from the blue and purple states to the red states. The "unserved" poor are moving from the red states to the blue states. These trends have been in place for decades.

Since the pain of collapse of NYC in the oughts and 70s of the last century did not cause change I doubt the coming collapse will have any effect either. The left coast has been boom and bust since gold rush days and has not changed yet. Becoming Appalachia west in the near future (10-20 years) will not change it either.
Bet you a dollar that The Constitution is still here when you're gone.

There's a scrap of paper preserved in the federal archives, but it has no relevance to what our government does. Congress and the Administration began ignoring it in 1860.

:eusa_think: Interesting...
Four years later, with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the Republicans firmly established themselves as a major political party.

Our History - GOP

So you're saying that disregard for The Constitution began with the Republicans? :eusa_eh:

I think the 50 year estimate for the dems is a bit stretched. If republicans win back enough control to repeal this disaster the public will soon forget it existed once future democrats place a shiney new object in front of them.
Bet you a dollar that The Constitution is still here when you're gone.

There's a scrap of paper preserved in the federal archives, but it has no relevance to what our government does. Congress and the Administration began ignoring it in 1860.

:eusa_think: Interesting...
Four years later, with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the Republicans firmly established themselves as a major political party.

Our History - GOP

So you're saying that disregard for The Constitution began with the Republicans? :eusa_eh:


It began with Abraham Lincoln.
The Dims are hoping they can recover from this mess. It ain't going to happen. They'll be the minority party for the next 50 years, at least.

There is No Fix: ?The Entire System Will Detonate Within the First Year? | The D.C. ClotheslineThe D.C. Clothesline

Just remember who was doing THIS next time it comes to vote, even if they're one of the ones now trying to back peddle... fuck 'em... they're the reason we have this catastrophe, vote 'em out...

[ame=]House Democrats cheer as Health Care reform bill passes - YouTube[/ame]
There's little doubt in my mind that our system will collapse before long but it won't be Obamacare that brings it down. It'll be corporate and Wall Street greed, the continuing downward spiral of profits over people and the absurd wealth disparity that will grow unabated.

Communists have been saying that for 150 years.

Yes. Here is also what the Dems want and are rooting for: :lol:


Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.

The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants. [ :cuckoo: ]

Read more: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat - Washington Times
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The only "fix"/salvation for Obabblecare is all the other things that Obabble has/is fucking up will distract from the abomination of health care debacle. That has been his formula all along.
Obama won elections on a lie that obamacare was going to save "all" Americans money in healthcare while at the same time making sure "everyone" will be covered.

Well....not everyone is going to be covered by obamacare, in fact it might cause more to have no insurance after having insurance they paid for with their money. Those people might just pay the fine since their "new shiny" insurance plan under obamacare will be double/triple in costs.

What a deal, lose your current plan and get to pay more than before so that some asshole living in the ghetto can get more free shit.
There's little doubt in my mind that our system will collapse before long but it won't be Obamacare that brings it down. It'll be corporate and Wall Street greed, the continuing downward spiral of profits over people and the absurd wealth disparity that will grow unabated.

How do increased profits cause the collapse of a system? Yeah, I know there I go asking questions you can't answer or have to make shit up for.
But really just once I'd like to see a lib who can formulate a statement and defend it coherently without ranting about
-Income inequality
-Wall St
-The Tea Party

When the largest segment of the consumer market can no longer afford to buy the products that corporations manufacture, there's a problem. When the largest segment of our economy magically creates money from money, there's a problem. When our central bank props this system up so it doesn't collapse, there's a problem. When a major political party can offer nothing but juvenile obstruction, there's a problem.
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There's little doubt in my mind that our system will collapse before long but it won't be Obamacare that brings it down. It'll be corporate and Wall Street greed, the continuing downward spiral of profits over people and the absurd wealth disparity that will grow unabated.

How do increased profits cause the collapse of a system? Yeah, I know there I go asking questions you can't answer or have to make shit up for.
But really just once I'd like to see a lib who can formulate a statement and defend it coherently without ranting about
-Income inequality
-Wall St
-The Tea Party

When the largest segment of the consumer market can no longer afford to buy the products that corporations manufacture, there's a problem. When the largest segment of our economy magically creates money from money, there's a problem. When our central bank props this system up so it doesn't collapse, there's a problem. When a major political party can offer nothing but juvenile obstruction, there's a problem.

So working class people are not buying products? Rly?
There is no "magically creating money from money" unless you have zero understanding of the financial system. Which you don't.
What has the Democratic Party offered? Yeah, bailouts to corporations, sweetheart deals to corporations, bailouts for unions, giveaways for unions, opporessive regulation, higher insurance costs--do you see a pattern here? No, of course you dont.
It takes real balls ( and a fair amount of koolaid) for a guy to make a statement like that on the back of the worst product roll-out since the Edsel.....:rolleyes:

and...... because the morons that voted for obamacare didn't read it and are now shocked as in Claude Raines shocked, that its doing EXACTLY what it was intended and designed to do; separate money from middle class folks and youngens to finance oldsters on such a scale that it was bound to hurt.

Wrap your head around this; obama is in a box, the plan has to work this way or its a giant fail......and will require massive injections of federal taxpayer money directly, obliterating that $900 Bn budget neutral BS, completely wiping out the bill as its written.

His postponement, didn't do a thing, people will ask ok, so what happens in 2014? Exactly the same thing that is happening now, that is the answer, the problem did not and will not go away........ all this nonsense did was get him past a news-cycle and stop an embarrassing repudiation of the main pillar of how the plan has got to work by his very own party.

Actually, this could cause an early demise because Obamacare won't be getting the high premiums they has planned to get in 2013 and early 2014. If the people are paying the lower premiums, they won't be giving the kitty the money to pay for the people who are using the insurance.

Then they will just dip back into the government coffers. Remember that the admin is running with the idea that 2009 trillion dollar debts are the standard. I think that the likely outcome is that they will eventually try and raise the subsidies to compensate for the increased premiums (which is likely to start getting worse as more and more usage becomes the norm). Then they can once again frame the arguments that the right is against the poor and middle class – an argument that the right continually loses.

good points, but the gop may be all over this already-

Rubio presses to repeal Obamacare provision allowing insurance industry 'bailout' |

if they raise the subsidy formula that will blow the budget they set quicker and I am not sure they can fudge that without asking for an appropriation which they will not get.
I think the 50 year estimate for the dems is a bit stretched. If republicans win back enough control to repeal this disaster the public will soon forget it existed once future democrats place a shiney new object in front of them.
Quite true. But the election numbers for the senate mean that cannot happen until after Obama leaves office and the growth of loopholes will make repeal unneeded and unwanted by that time.

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