There is No Fix: “The Entire System Will Detonate Within the First Year”

How do increased profits cause the collapse of a system? Yeah, I know there I go asking questions you can't answer or have to make shit up for.
But really just once I'd like to see a lib who can formulate a statement and defend it coherently without ranting about
-Income inequality
-Wall St
-The Tea Party

When the largest segment of the consumer market can no longer afford to buy the products that corporations manufacture, there's a problem. When the largest segment of our economy magically creates money from money, there's a problem. When our central bank props this system up so it doesn't collapse, there's a problem. When a major political party can offer nothing but juvenile obstruction, there's a problem.

So working class people are not buying products? Rly?
There is no "magically creating money from money" unless you have zero understanding of the financial system. Which you don't.
What has the Democratic Party offered? Yeah, bailouts to corporations, sweetheart deals to corporations, bailouts for unions, giveaways for unions, opporessive regulation, higher insurance costs--do you see a pattern here? No, of course you dont.

What's the great contribution you see coming from Wall Street? Microsecond trading? Default swaps? Casino capitalism? Bundling shit assets with good ones to eliminate any kind of a paper trail?

And the implication that because you're conservative you automatically have an intimate understanding and prescience in all things financial? Laughable. Certainly statistics argue against it.

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