There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Very sad all the effort you have put in but will find out the hard way it is coming. This world cannot go on much longer, at the least mother nature would wipe mortals off of her if it werent truths i shared. Your teachers reside in darkness if they are telling you what you believe. Jesus is coming and leading Gods armies to this earth, every kingdom( govt,armies,supporters) will gathered against him. You do not want to be standing on that side.

JW has been making up its own religion since 1870. There is no battle of Armageddon in the future and no Har-mageddon exists.
There is no Har Maggedon. There is the plain of Megiddo .. and a location where the foreign armies of the Roman Empire gathered in 66 D.

You have never been to the Holy Lands, have you?

Do you ever post anything correct?

It's a hill, in the Jezr'ael valley,
a place where major civilizations,
collide at the crossroads of history.

That's the place, like Rome or Egypt before them,
and many others after, including recently in modern times.

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Do you ever post anything correct?

It's a hill, in the Jezr'ael valley,
a place where major civilizations
collide on the crossroads of history

Its a hill NOT a mountain.. and the armies gathered there on the plain of Megiddo to fight alongside the Roman garrisons of Titus in 66 AD.
Yes, I know.. but, Revelation was written in the first century BC .. not for thousands of years into the future. It was written to the first generation of Christians.

Why do assume that negative?
Apparently, your denial says otherwise.
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Revelation tells you exactly who the letter is written to and when it will happen.

Does revelation have a set expiration date?
I'm rather questioning your rejection of the idea
of any Christian or Hebrew texts addressing future generations...

What about the Quran, is it likely irrelevant beyond the 7th century?
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Does revelation have a set date really?
I'm rather questioning your rejection of the idea
of any Christian or Hebrew texts addressing future generations...

What would you say about Quran,
is it likely irrelevant beyond 7th century?

Prophets were like the conscience of the people.... paying attention and warning them.. They weren't really like magical fortune tellers. Most prophecy was amended after the fact. They had schools for prophets from the time of king Saul.

Revelation writes to the 7 churches and says soon, before this generation passes. Like Daniel its history not prophecy.

Prophecy in the Koran? Not so much.. Its teaching the path to life giving water. That's what Sharia means.
Prophecy in the Koran? Not so much.. Its teaching the path to life giving water. That's what Sharia means.

Quran addresses nothing beyond the 7th century?

Cue for the jihadi duck dance...
You make no sense at all. You could also say that about the Torah or the Bible if you were so inclined.

I'm simply questioning your false assumption, that they don't address
future events and generations, compared with your entirely
reversed position on Koran and Sharia.

Either reject prophecy at all,
or admit you're a Muslim.
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I'm simply questioning your false assumption,
that they address only past events, compared
to your entirely reversed position on Koran.

Revelation says who its written to and when these events took place. Have you ever read it?

What are you speaking of specifically in the Koran?
Revelation says who its written to and when these events took place. Have you ever read it?

What are you speaking of specifically in the Koran?

Fallacy by omission.
The future battle of Megiddo was only mentioned in
revelation, and only in the context of past Christian events?

Why are you so afraid to even allow the possibility of eschatology outside Islam?
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Fallacy by omission.
The future battle of Megiddo was only mentioned in
revelation, and only in the context of past Christian events?

Why are you so afraid to even allow the possibility of eschatology outside Islam?

Revelation has NOTHING to do with Islam.. What are you talking about? If you're Jewish, there's no reason for you to have read Revelation so I understand why you may not know.

In the early 1900s fundamentalists reinterpreted Revelation to be prophetic futurism so some Christians apply it to Russia or the US or the Euroean Union. Some Christians fiddle with scripture such as Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Exekiel so that also adds to the confusion.
You are wrong, surada.
U.S. Transferred $1.3 Billion More in Cash to Iran After Initial Payment - WSJ
The Obama administration briefed lawmakers on Tuesday, telling them that two further portions of the $1.3 billion were transferred though Europe on Jan. 22 and Feb. 5. The payment “flowed in the same manner” as the original $400 million that an Iranian cargo plane picked up in Geneva, Switzerland, according to a congressional aide who took part in the briefing.
U.S. Transferred $1.3 Billion More in Cash to Iran After Initial Payment - WSJ
The $400 million was converted into non-U.S. currencies by the Swiss and Dutch central banks, according to U.S. and European officials.
The Treasury Department confirmed late Tuesday that the subsequent payments were also made in cash.
“The form of those principal and interest payments—made in non-U.S. currency, in cash—was necessitated by the effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions regimes over the last several years in isolating Iran from the international financial system,” Treasury spokeswoman Dawn Selak said.
Administration officials from Treasury, State and Justice convened the congressional briefing on Tuesday morning in the basement of the Capitol building in Washington. Staff from the House committees on Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, Armed Services and Appropriations were among those who also attended, according to congressional aides.
The Obama administration previously had refused to disclose the mechanics of the $1.7 billion settlement, despite repeated calls from U.S. lawmakers. The State Department announced the settlement on Jan. 17 but didn’t brief Congress that the entire amount had been paid in cash.

Thing is, bank transfers are so much easier than flying cash to Switzerland to launder. Why do you think the money was laundered through Swiss banks first? And why didn't our lawmakers know about it? Truth is we wouldn't know a thing about it, but a picture was taken of the Iranians unloading all that yummy money Obama sent them to help their nuke factory continue to operate. And that drone he had perfectly landed in Iran for them to deconstruct? They did.

Obama is, if you haven't guessed yet, not just Muslim. He is radical Muslim. He just gave Muslim terrorists their very own weaponized country, left the Americans there, brought Afghans here to continue his browning of America agenda. 2 birds with one stone. He wins. Muslims win. Colonial America loses.
Read about his father's dreams. They are his dreams also....
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