There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Once Trump cancelled the Nuclear Agreement with Iran they went back to work on their nuclear weapons projects. Trump wanted a big headline.. The Israelis now realize what a mistake that was.
Do you truly believe that they have not been fervently chasing that glorious goal all along? Strangling them is a better option than sending them plane loads of, laundered through Switzerland first, money like their Muslim brother Obama did and what Biden intends to support...
Do you truly believe that they have not been fervently chasing that glorious goal all along? Strangling them is a better option than sending them plane loads of, laundered through Switzerland first, money like their Muslim brother Obama did and what Biden intends to support...

I know the history.. Iran has needed nuclear power for 60 years.. and they were going to build them under Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace Plan. The US was training their tecs and Germany was building their "reactors"... After 1979 Israel stopped buying oil from Iran.. Owed them hundred of millions of dollars plus interest. They finally paid up 13 years later.. Then Israel began to threaten Iran and call them an existential threat.. The more Israel threatened the more Iran fired back and began to believe maybe they needed nukes as a deterrent.

I kept thinking the Israelis would lay off the crap since there was a huge, prosperous Jewish community in Iran that had been there 2500 years, but I was dead wrong. This is as much about Israeli internal politics as it is about Iran and their crackpot Mullahs. The Ariel Sharons and the Bib Netanyahu use this threat to stay in power.

Obama isn't a Muslim and neither am I.

It wasn't "laundered money"............ It was Iran's money frozen since 1979.
Do you truly believe that they have not been fervently chasing that glorious goal all along? Strangling them is a better option than sending them plane loads of, laundered through Switzerland first, money like their Muslim brother Obama did and what Biden intends to support...

from one desert religion to another ...

Mar 31, 2020 — Israel is widely believed to possess 90 plutonium-based nuclear warheads and to have produced enough plutonium for 100-200 weapons.

the lunatic jews have outdone themselves - better as they once knew to have scattered than to have become what they are today.
The futurist interpretation is the basic interpretive framework behind the hugely popular Left Behind series of novels by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

You are listening to the wrong people--Revelations words are coming to pass now. At Rev 16 it is clear--EVERY kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Gods king. Mislead by 3 inspired expressions from satans side--This is Gog of magog attacking Gods people on earth, its made up of every kingdom--this has not occurred yet. Never were every kingdom gathered together. The king of the north( Russia) has allready made their attack. They banned the JW,s about 7 years ago.
Seems like an unlikely scenario that all kingdoms on earth at once turn on Gods true worshippers. But God assures it will occur. Rev 20:8 shows its all the nations on earth being lead by satan. This has not occurred. Those 3 expressions will be lies.
You are listening to the wrong people--Revelations words are coming to pass now. At Rev 16 it is clear--EVERY kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Gods king. Mislead by 3 inspired expressions from satans side--This is Gog of magog attacking Gods people on earth, its made up of every kingdom--this has not occurred yet. Never were every kingdom gathered together. The king of the north( Russia) has allready made their attack. They banned the JW,s about 7 years ago.
Seems like an unlikely scenario that all kingdoms on earth at once turn on Gods true worshippers. But God assures it will occur. Rev 20:8 shows its all the nations on earth being lead by satan. This has not occurred. Those 3 expressions will be lies.

John of Patmos was writing to the first generation of Christians not thousands of years into the future..

There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Did that get your attention?

Revelation 16:16, "And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."

Movies are made about it. Theologies are built around it. Book series are written about it. Fear is cultivated because of it.

It doesn't exist, nor will it exist in the future. The word is made up of two parts... Ar (har) which means "mountain" and Megiddo which is in the valley of Jezreel. There is no mountain there. (There is a small "tell" which is just where cities have built and rebuilt on top of each other but no mountain).

So what is this passage about? Revelation is to be interpreted according to the first verse of the book... "the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."

Apocalyptic language through signs. ie, there are nearly 400 references to the Hebrew scriptures that sign point to a previous event so we can understand that the destruction of Jerusalem will take place in such a manner. Apocalyptic is written in cataclysmic, cosmic, grandiose, language to paint a strong heart picture.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

It is true the world goes through many upheavals and transitions, but Is. 9 says, "of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." We have a hope filled future that the "KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!"

They say that because he comes as a thief in the night there will be no signs preceding this rapture coming of the Lord.


Well, you do realized the Earth will die one day, right?
John of Patmos was writing to the first generation of Christians not thousands of years into the future..
Then show us where every king and their armies and followers were all destroyed and eaten by the birds and beasts of the field, and where Gods tent has come down to cover all of mankind forever---It has NOT occurred yet. You are lead by blind guides.
Revelations words are coming to pass now.

The horsemen are looking somewhat less than threatening...

Well, it might mean that theology is a crock of shit.

John of Patmos is writing about current events in symbolic language that 1st century Jews and new Christian understood perfectly. People who are too lazy to read the whole Bible spend their time trying to reinvent the story as being about Rome or the European Union or Russia or Islam thousands of years into the future. "Armageddon" sells books and splinter groups use the story to dupe uneducated people.
John of Patmos is writing about current events in symbolic language that 1st century Jews and new Christian understood perfectly. People who are too lazy to read the whole Bible spend their time trying to reinvent the story as being about Rome or the European Union or Russia or Islam thousands of years into the future. "Armageddon" sells books and splinter groups use the story to dupe uneducated people.

Well, the Bible was all about selling books to "dupe uneducated people". It's what religion is.

Christianity especially is so convenient. It ticks all the boxes that humans need. Both those in power and those plebs. People have moved away from religion because they've found other, better things, to keep their lives going, alcohol, drugs, sports, pets, TV, computer games.....
The horsemen are looking somewhat less than threatening...

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Actually-rev 6--The ride of the white horse = righteous war-the war in heaven occurred here, Michael beat satan and his angels and cast them down to the earth, never allowed in heaven again. He came as a devouring lion, angry knowing his time is short--Notice and-peace was taken from the earth. Not a single war but a world war-ww1-1914-- After ww1--millions upon millions died all over the earth( other 3 riders) from the things described of what they did.
Actually-rev 6--The ride of the white horse = righteous war-the war in heaven occurred here, Michael beat satan and his angels and cast them down to the earth, never allowed in heaven again. He came as a devouring lion, angry knowing his time is short--Notice and-peace was taken from the earth. Not a single war but a world war-ww1-1914-- After ww1--millions upon millions died all over the earth( other 3 riders) from the things described of what they did.

The war is about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD.
We are seeing signs now. Plaugues, natural disasters, wars, rumors of wars, and much more. I do believe that Revelations is talking about a war the likes we have never seen in which only divine intervention stops the destruction of the planet.
The war is about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD.
There are description of things shown to John that can only be interpreted as modern weapons. Locusts spitting fire=helicopters firing missiles and flamethrowers. And if you heard a buch of helicopters during a vision you were shown as John was in ancient times they would sound like a horde of locusts.
There are description of things shown to John that can only be interpreted as modern weapons. Locusts spitting fire=helicopters firing missiles and flamethrowers. And if you heard a buch of helicopters during a vision you were shown as John was in ancient times they would sound like a horde of locusts.

I have seen locust swarms, have you? They block out the sun and they come in fast and quiet.

Nothing to do with modern weapons.. This is about the seige of Jerusalem . They catapulted rocks and hot bitumen onto the city.. and many foreign garrisons fought with the Roman soldiers.
The war is about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD.

Very sad all the effort you have put in but will find out the hard way it is coming. This world cannot go on much longer, at the least mother nature would wipe mortals off of her if it werent truths i shared. Your teachers reside in darkness if they are telling you what you believe. Jesus is coming and leading Gods armies to this earth, every kingdom( govt,armies,supporters) will gathered against him. You do not want to be standing on that side.
Do you truly believe that they have not been fervently chasing that glorious goal all along? Strangling them is a better option than sending them plane loads of, laundered through Switzerland first, money like their Muslim brother Obama did and what Biden intends to support...

The Iran agreement was good for Iran and Israel as Israelis have come to realize. Trump and Bibi sold them out for a headline.

No money was laundered. You don't even know the meaning of that word.. And Muslims don't go to church for 20 years.

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