There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

There is no mountain on the plain of Megiddo. Maybe you should read the KJV carefully and forego the Watchtower.

Maybe you should realize that all the facts i have shown you are the truth. Every kingdom has not stood against Gods king at Har-mageddon yet. Death will be no more has not happened yet, Covid, cancer,etc, is proof of that, If you cannot see this system falling apart quickly, i just dont know. Its not going to get better. The ultra rich and misuse of science is destroying life for mankind. They have no way out. Gods kingdom is the only remaining hope. It is coming soon.

Your own religion has divided into 2--Did they miss this-1Corinthians 10:21--No division, unity of thought. Mark 3:24-26--a house divided will NOT stand.

The religion that came out of Rome was the 1st trinity based religion. So if a trinity religion is true they would be it. Yet their own translations expose them as false. When they finally let men read the bible themselves in the 1500,s--protestants broke off because their own translations exposed them as false. Now after 500 years or more have become 34,000 different ones. because someone saw something wrong in the one before it.

Prior to the religion that came out of Rome a single being God was taught and served. From Moses on up until this very day. While serving the true God the Israelite religion taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) The same God taught to Jesus when he attended( dont you think he would have said something about that?) taught to every bible writer as well.
The religion that came out of Rome held councils seeking truth-a pagan false god worshipping king( Constantine) ( did not accept Jesus until on his death bed) resided over the councils. No trinity was being taught at the first council of Nicea( 325) it was added later.
A man named Terrillion was considering God as a trinity in the 2nd century-Why? Because a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) was being served. These are facts. please look carefully.

No branch off the religion that came out of Rome fixed most of the errors because the translations were altered to fit false council teachings.
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Death will be no more has not happened yet, Covid, cancer,etc, is proof of that,

The death that 'will be no more' is the death associated with failing to comply with the divine commands which is not and never was about biological death. It is and has always been a curse.

Those who always do exactly as God commands will never know what it is to die that death.

Death is already no more for them there is no longer any curse. Only the way the truth and the life.
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The death that 'will be no more' is the death associated with failing to comply with the divine commands which is not and never was about biological death.
Yes it is. Its a promise. Just like in Isaiah where it teaches When Gods kingdom is ruling-No resident will ever say i am sick.Isaiah 33:24) Jesus promised eternal life to those who know his Father( as the only true God) and know him( Jesus) at John 17:3.) Here on earth- Psalm 37:9-11-- same promise Jesus gives to the other sheep( great crowd which no man can number at Matthew 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth, The little flock( Luke 12:32) are promised heaven=144,000 Rev 14:3-to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus-This is his bride)
I have seen locust swarms, have you? They block out the sun and they come in fast and quiet.

Nothing to do with modern weapons.. This is about the seige of Jerusalem . They catapulted rocks and hot bitumen onto the city.. and many foreign garrisons fought with the Roman soldiers.
You have not seen locusts spitting fire. Just watch how things go.
Yes it is. Its a promise. Just like in Isaiah where it teaches When Gods kingdom is ruling-No resident will ever say i am sick.Isaiah 33:24) Jesus promised eternal life to those who know his Father( as the only true God) and know him( Jesus) at John 17:3.) Here on earth- Psalm 37:9-11-- same promise Jesus gives to the other sheep( great crowd which no man can number at Matthew 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth, The little flock( Luke 12:32) are promised heaven=144,000 Rev 14:3-to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus-This is his bride)

Nonsense. This is earth. People are born and die. It has always been this way and it will remain so for as long as there are people on earth.

The kingdom of God has never not been in power over the world of man..

Ask Nebuchadnezzar who saw the kingdom of God in power after living like a lower beast without enough sense to look up or get out of the rain for 7 years. Ask Jesus who said there were some standing around who would not die until they saw the kingdom of God in power and they all died.

They must have seen it.

You just can't see it. Don't be surprised. Death is the promised reward for bearing false witness.

You must have your reward already!
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Nonsense. This is earth. People are born and die. It has always been this way and it will remain so for as long as there are people on earth.

The kingdom of God has never not been in power over the world of man..

Ask Nebuchadnezzar who saw the kingdom of God in power after living like a lower beast without enough sense to look up or get out of the rain for 7 years. Ask Jesus who said there were some standing around who would not die until they saw the kingdom of God in power and they all died.

They must have seen it.

You just can't see it. Don't be surprised. Death is the promised reward for bearing false witness.

You must have your reward already!

Not wise to call Gods word a lie and think you are standing. So you think this sick system is Gods kingdom in full control? The majority of it is wicked. It is falling apart quickly. Man cannot get us out of this mess. it will get worse, we are on the verge of the great tribulation. Only Gods kingdom rule will, when its over all creation( new earth, new heaven= Gods kingdom in full control.
Jesus was speaking to true followers as a whole. Every one standing there died. The only ones who will never taste death are the ones who live to see Har-mageddon come to this earth. They have these promises-Proverbs 2:21-Matthew 24:22
Rev 21 assures-Mourning, nor outcries, nor pain even death will be no more.--This has not occurred yet.
Few on this earth are under Gods kingdom. The majority refuse to listen to Jesus. 99% of the religions that claim to be his do not even teach what he really teaches. Gods word says-proof of ones love for Jesus is by obeying him, not lip service.John 14:15-24--98% obeying-2% lip service. Hard to obey when one doesnt even know what he actually teaches. Like this warning he gives to all about the God they serve, then tells all who the true God is. John 4:22-24
Revelation has NOTHING to do with Islam.. What are you talking about? If you're Jewish, there's no reason for you to have read Revelation so I understand why you may not know.

In the early 1900s fundamentalists reinterpreted Revelation to be prophetic futurism so some Christians apply it to Russia or the US or the Euroean Union. Some Christians fiddle with scripture such as Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Exekiel so that also adds to the confusion.

Usually, when Islamists reject relation to something they try to refute,
and deflect the conversation to Jews, means it's the soft spot...

Suggesting revelation is much more fundamental to Islam- from Christianity;
than you're willing to admit, because it stands in the way of converting Christians.

First, you ridicule prophecy, then Christianity, saying - Bible doesn't talk of the future.
then tell us 'Muhammed was only a "messenger", right before selling the -
"Jesus return, and no Judgment Day till Muslim come slaughter a Jew"...

So basically you don't have the integrity to reject the prophecy of Muhammad,
but ridicule even the mere concept as mere 'futurism' in Christianity.

What is it that endangers Islam about Christian eschatology,
and the possibility of prophecy in the future?
There is no mountain on the plain of Megiddo. Maybe you should read the KJV carefully and forego the Watchtower.
Does it make a big difference it's a hill?
The future prophecy mentioning Megiddo refers to the valley.
Does it make a big difference it's a hill?
The future prophecy mentioning Megiddo refers to the valley.

What future prophecy is that? I am not familiar with Jewish eschatology.
Usually, when Islamists reject relation to something they try to refute,
and deflect the conversation to Jews, means it's the soft spot...

Suggesting revelation is much more fundamental to Islam- from Christianity;
than you're willing to admit, because it stands in the way of converting Christians.

First, you ridicule prophecy, then Christianity, saying - Bible doesn't talk of the future.
then tell us 'Muhammed was only a "messenger", right before selling the -
"Jesus return, and no Judgment Day till Muslim come slaughter a Jew"...

So basically you don't have the integrity to reject the prophecy of Muhammad,
but ridicule even the mere concept as mere 'futurism' in Christianity.

What is it that endangers Islam about Christian eschatology,
and the possibility of prophecy in the future?

You are assuming all over the place. Why would I reject the "prophecy: of Muhammed? How is Islam endangered by events that took place in the first century in Palestine.
What future prophecy is that? I am not familiar with Jewish eschatology.
For example Zechariah 12,
with the Megiddo reference.

Prophecy is only recorded when,
it has to do with the future generations.

Jewish eschatology starts already in the first book of Torah.
For example Zechariah 12,
with the Megiddo reference.

Prophecy is only recorded when,
it has to do with the future generations.

Jewish eschatology starts already in the first book of Torah.

Zechariah 12 is a prophecy that Israel's enemies will be destroyed. Didn't happen.

Zeh 12:12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
You are assuming all over the place. Why would I reject the "prophecy: of Muhammed? How is Islam endangered by events that took place in the first century in Palestine.

And here, you confirm exactly what I'm saying.
Can't have it both ways - reject the concept of prophecy,
but then refuse to reject the prophecy of Muhammad, claiming you're not a Muslim.

Now try to focus - what happens to Islam's 'seal of prophets'
when prophecy returns to Israel? Courage to address that
beyond the level of a 5 y.o.?

Can Islam handle prophets,
after Muhammad?

That - is Jewish eschatology.
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Zechariah 12 is a prophecy that Israel's enemies will be destroyed. Didn't happen.

Zeh 12:12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;

That's how you know the prophecy refers to future events.

Another rule - only comforting prophecies must fulfill,
not the prophecies of destruction.
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And here, you confirm exactly what I'm saying.
Can't have it both ways - reject the concept of prophecy,
but then refuse to reject the prophecy of Muhammad, claiming you're not a Muslim.

Now try to focus - what happens to Islam's 'seal of prophets'
when prophecy returns to Israel? Courage to address that
beyond the level of a 5 y.o.?

Can Islam handle prophets,
after Muhammad?

That - is Jewish eschatology.

I do reject all prophecy... I am not sure where you are going with this. I'm not a Muslim.
Bu evaded answering when I asked specifically
if you reject Muhammad's prophecy?

Prophecy is a prediction.. In religion its sometimes considered a divine prediction, but its more complicated than that. Its usually specific and timely.. There were schools for prophets in Israel.

I don't know much about Muhammed's prophecies except they were usually in the form of hadiths from Persia 200 years after his death.

Read this:

Prophecy: An Overview - Religious and Theological Studies ...
Jul 01, 2021 · Often, people associate prophecy with predicting the future. The Anslem Study Bible states that the prophet’s primary concern is with contemporary events within social and political
Defining Biblical Prophecy
Often, people associate prophecy with predicting the future. The Anslem Study Bible states that the prophet’s primary concern is with contemporary events within social and political contexts. They focus on public morality, social justice, religious idolatry, and proper use of power. They are not confined to only speaking of judgment and damnation, but also of encouragement, mercy, and a hopeful future (Osiek & Hoppe 2013).

Biblical prophecy began after the split of the united kingdom of Israel under Davidic rule. Prophecy began in the North due to the factor of the Northern wealth and the prophet’s role of speaking out against the culture of the Israelites. Biblical writings of the prophets have explained that “a prophet may suffer for his beliefs...

An almost stereotyped formula incorporated in the historical books and Jeremiah refers to the failure of the prophets and, implicitly, to their sufferings” (Fischel 1947) According to Matthews, “a prophet may not be identified as simply a fortune-teller, social activist, doomsayer, messenger, moralist, or even predictor of Jesus” (19).

It is important to understand some of the historical components to better gain insight into the culture of the biblical prophets. There are many potential factors that contributed to the rise of prophecy and prophetic literature including, Baal worship, economic and social development in the Northern and Southern kingdoms, and political instability (Rennie 2017).

The culture of the Hebrew prophets truly encompassed all aspects of life, and the prophets delivered their dire messages to the people instead of simply being assistants to the royal/higher classes. This is shown through Moses and all other prophets throughout the Bible.

Prophecy is a prediction.. In religion its sometimes considered a divine prediction, but its more complicated than that. Its usually specific and timely.. There were schools for prophets in Israel.

I don't know much about Muhammed's prophecies except they were usually in the form of hadiths from Persia 200 years after his death.

Read this:

Prophecy: An Overview - Religious and Theological Studies ...
Jul 01, 2021 · Often, people associate prophecy with predicting the future. The Anslem Study Bible states that the prophet’s primary concern is with contemporary events within social and political

Prophecy is the opposite of religion,
if it was a prediction, a weather report is a prophet.
That as deep as Islamists can go about their so-called monotheism.
And the Israeli schools of prophets, you've learned about those from me.
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