There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Except it doesnt stop until the end. This world is in trouble. Its on the verge of the tribulation, that is the closing of the door. Its good news for the righteous. Jesus teaches they are FEW.

The tribulation is long past.
And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: and they shall see his face; Revelation 22:3

Remember. When Moses revealed the law he made it clear that whether understood and followed, or not, it presented a choice between life and death, a blessing or a curse..

This is the death that will be no more, the curse (religious and secular insanity) will be no more...

Jesus said that he came to bring a sword. "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drin\k it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them. Jeremiah 25:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

The 'sword' is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

:wine: "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

This is the death, the curse that will be no more whenever Jesus shows up (like a thief in the night)and destroys the antichrist, the triune edible mangod, ends the tribulation, and creates a new heaven and a new earth so finally, on earth, Satan, in fact, all species of serpents, will be crawling on its belly like the low life he is and instead of being heralded and praised like the wealthy, a star, celebrity, royalty, king, or pope, he'll finally be condemned by humans the wealthy, stars, celebrities, royalty, kings, etc., even parasites, swine, dogs, and petty criminals, as the lowest form of human life possible in of all creation, lower than cattle and the wild beasts of the field, just as God condemned the talking serpent from and "in the beginning" (of the fairy tale).

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." to understand the will of God see Genesis 3:14

P.S. If you know anybody who has been perjuring themselves in the name of God - all beware-
time is running out.

Jesus also said the members of ones own household would be ones enemies--Spiritually. Yes time is running out. The start of the tribulation is the locking of the door. We are on the verge.
The tribulation is long past.
You are in for a shock. This world will not get better, just worse. Until Every kingdom on earth( Gog of Magog, attacks Gods true people. Then instant Har-mageddon. The king of the north( Russia) has allready made their attack on Gods true people.
You are in for a shock. This world will not get better, just worse. Until Every kingdom on earth( Gog of Magog, attacks Gods true people. Then instant Har-mageddon. The king of the north( Russia) has allready made their attack on Gods true people.

Gog and Magog were from Lydia.. They were Scythians.. They attacked coming thru Syria in 624 BC.. Some stragglers stayed and built a town at the edge of the Decapolis called Scythiopolis.

The charlatans try to assign identity to modern nations like Russia or China or Iran or even the USA or Europeam Union.
Jesus also said the members of ones own household would be ones enemies--Spiritually. Yes time is running out. The start of the tribulation is the locking of the door. We are on the verge.

Jesus told them to flee Jerusalem to the mountains when they saw the abomination of desolation again... and they did.. How do Jehovaha's witnesses change that verse?
Gog and Magog were from Lydia.. They were Scythians.. They attacked coming thru Syria in 624 BC.. Some stragglers stayed and built a town at the edge of the Decapolis called Scythiopolis.

The charlatans try to assign identity to modern nations like Russia or China or Iran or even the USA or Europeam Union.
Revelation is 100% clear simple english--Every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead by 3 inspired expressions from satans side, to stand in opposition to Gods king at Har-mageddon where it says-Jesus rides the white horse and leads Gods armies against them-Rev 19:11-21 Rev 16:13,14--This is coming.
Satan has not been abyssed his will is being done all over the earth, all can see the hatred rising.
Jesus also said the members of ones own household would be ones enemies--Spiritually.

Not only spiritually, virginia.. Many still sacrifice their children to Moloch for material gain.

And Jesus said that in the context of saying that he had come to cause division which is an allusion to genesis where God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night.

Yes time is running out. The start of the tribulation is the locking of the door. We are on the verge.

Like I said, as Jesus said and Surada pointed out, the tribulation began at the destruction of Judea by rome which Jesus called "the beginning of sorrows".

Pssst! Your entire life has been lived during the tribulation. If you think the future will somehow be worse than the past you are not only under a delusion you and are in for a big surprise. God is merciful. The tribulation will end before you even realize that it has been openly raging for almost 2000 years.

Ask the victims of the war on drugs, the Inquisition, or the survivors of the holocaust. All atrocities perpetrated by the minions of the antichrist.

And BTW, "the end" was never about cosmic catastrophe. It is about social upheaval and change.

I hope that doesn't disappoint you.
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Revelation is 100% clear simple english--Every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead by 3 inspired expressions from satans side, to stand in opposition to Gods king at Har-mageddon where it says-Jesus rides the white horse and leads Gods armies against them-Rev 19:11-21 Rev 16:13,14--This is coming.
Satan has not been abyssed his will is being done all over the earth, all can see the hatred rising.

Yes, its very simple and very clear that it will happen soon within that 1st generation of Christians.

There were several foreign armies that fought with the Roman garrisons of Titus when The Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed.

The message of Revelation is that Jesus won.
The tribulation is long past.

If that was true there would never have been an inquisition, the holocaust, or a worldwide plague of talking serpents, TV preachers, lying politicians, religious fanatics, suicide bombers, and door to door fear other words no kjw47's gibbering their gibberish...(for a nominal service charge)
If that was true there would never have been an inquisition, the holocaust, or a worldwide plague of talking serpents, TV preachers, religious fanatics, suicide bombers, and door to door fear other words no kjw47's gibbering their gibberish...(for a nominal service charge)

Maybe you aassociate the tribulation with the end of the world.

It was a terrible time of death, disease, famine and war in Jerusalem.. . at least according to Josephus and it was the end of Temple Judaism.
Maybe you aassociate the tribulation with the end of the world.

It was a terrible time of death, disease, famine and war in Jerusalem.. . at least according to Josephus and it was the end of Temple Judaism.

No. I associate the end of the tribulation and the beginning of the new age at the second appearance of the Christ when he destroys the antichrist with the breath of his mouth and the brilliance of His coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

Now that could mean that Jesus has deadly bad breath or it is about the words he shall speak which destroys the false counterfeit Jesus created with malicious intent in rome who used the power of death consequent to violating divine law to easily subjugate the nations.

It really was an evil genius plan from the start. Get people to openly defy the law, worship a false god, and then entire nations will be cursed by God and as easy to control and rob as the dead.
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No. I associate the end of the tribulation and the beginning of the new age at the second appearance of the Christ when he destroys the antichrist with the breath of his mouth.

Now that could mean that Jesus has deadly bad breath or it is about the words he shall speak which destroys the false counterfeit Jesus created with malicious intent in rome who used the power of death consequent to violating divine law to easily subjugate the nations.

It was really was a brilliant evil plan from the get go.. Get people to worship a false god and then they will be cursed by God and as easy to control and rob as the dead.

It doesn't work , sugar.

Rev 1:9

"I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
It doesn't work , sugar.

Rev 1:9

"I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
All that shows, sweetie, is that the tribulation wasn't over when that was written.
It doesn't work , sugar.

Rev 1:9

"I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."

You need new material.
Revelation was written AD 95. Christ was crucified in AD 33....what does that mean? It means John was simply identifying with the tribulation Jesus endured. Their tribulation was not concurrent. Sorry.
You need new material.
Revelation was written AD 95. Christ was crucified in AD 33....what does that mean? It means John was simply identifying with the tribulation Jesus endured. Their tribulation was not concurrent. Sorry.


There is some debate as to whether Revelation was written in 75 AD or 95 AD..

Notice that John writes WAS in the Isle of Patmos. That too is past tense. Jesus didn't endure the tribulation from 66 to 70 AD.

I think you really can't change what scripture says.

There is some debate as to whether Revelation was written in 75 AD or 95 AD..

Notice that John writes WAS in the Isle of Patmos. That too is past tense. Jesus didn't endure the tribulation from 66 to 70 AD.

I think you really can't change what scripture says.

I am correct, it maters not whether it was AD 70 or AD 95. You are just trying to justify your incorrect interpretation of scripture. They were not suffering concurrently. ALL Christians are companions in His "tribulation". Give it up Margot.
I am correct, it maters not whether it was AD 70 or AD 95. You are just trying to justify your incorrect interpretation of scripture. They were not suffering concurrently. ALL Christians are companions in His "tribulation". Give it up Margot.

When Jesus was asked about ‘the end’, He talked about the temple being destroyed…and told those listening that it would happen to them. The Jewish temple was destroyed in 70AD, as Jesus predicted.
Not only spiritually, virginia.. Many still sacrifice their children to Moloch for material gain.

And Jesus said that in the context of saying that he had come to cause division which is an allusion to genesis where God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night.

Like I said, as Jesus said and Surada pointed out, the tribulation began at the destruction of Judea by rome which Jesus called "the beginning of sorrows".

Pssst! Your entire life has been lived during the tribulation. If you think the future will somehow be worse than the past you are not only under a delusion you and are in for a big surprise. God is merciful. The tribulation will end before you even realize that it has been openly raging for almost 2000 years.

Ask the victims of the war on drugs, the Inquisition, or the survivors of the holocaust. All atrocities perpetrated by the minions of the antichrist.

And BTW, "the end" was never about cosmic catastrophe. It is about social upheaval and change.

I hope that doesn't disappoint you

Yes i understand the true will not enter darkness. All will be shown soon.
Yes, its very simple and very clear that it will happen soon within that 1st generation of Christians.

There were several foreign armies that fought with the Roman garrisons of Titus when The Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed.

The message of Revelation is that Jesus won.
Then since satan is destroyed, according to revelation. Why are people so wicked? Why are they so blind? Revelation teaches after those events Gods tent comes down and covers mankind=full protection forever. Look at this world, satan is the god of this system. Get out of your darkness.
A second fulfillment of the abomination of desolation occurred in A.D. 70 when Roman armies under Titus sacked the city of Jerusalem. In the process, Titus’ forces destroyed the temple building and altar.

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