There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Fire up your electric fan.

Stand in front of it.

Drop your drawers.


Wait 2-seconds.

Shiff the air in front of the ban.

Now you understand about humankind's life on this planet.

Unless, of course, you're a fully indoctrinated liberal hence not allowe to think deep thoughts.
I linked it for you..

Yeah, and if that level of intellectual integrity convinces you,
no wonder you'd fall even for an illiterate 'weatherman',
accusing us, of daring ask too many questions...

Here's an idea,
a prophecy addressing specific people,
has the best chance understood, when asked the people whom it addresses.
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Yeah, and if that level of intellectual integrity convinces you,
no wonder you'd fall even for an illiterate 'weatherman',
accusing us, of daring ask too many questions...

Here's an idea,
a prophecy addressing specific people,
has the best chance understood, when asked the people whom it addresses.

Most prophecy was written after the fact and scripture was amended ...
Not wise to call Gods word a lie and think you are standing. So you think this sick system is Gods kingdom in full control? The majority of it is wicked. It is falling apart quickly. Man cannot get us out of this mess. it will get worse, we are on the verge of the great tribulation. Only Gods kingdom rule will, when its over all creation( new earth, new heaven= Gods kingdom in full control.

The world falling apart is evidence of divine condemnation, the clear and detailed maledictions promised if people failed to conform to the instruction of divine law. If God is God he has always been God. There is no future Gods kingdom that does not already exist and is not already in power.

What you are doing is like a person born in prison trying to define the United States of America from inside a prison

You really have no idea what life is like on the outside. That is the new heaven and new earth for people being released from prison. If you are freed one day don't fuck it up by perpetuating lies.

If you do you'll be jacking off, standing in line for commissary, eating crap, again and again again, over and over and over, before you even know what hit you.

Gods word says-proof of ones love for Jesus is by obeying him, not lip service.John 14:15-24--98% obeying-2% lip service. Hard to obey when one doesnt even know what he actually teaches.

Right. Jesus taught obedience to Mosaic law. (Matthew 5. 17-20) His command to 'eat my flesh' was a direct reference to kosher law, a teaching from God (manna from heaven) that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

Did you know this? If not consider yourself defrocked.

If you do not do this, eat his flesh, receive his teaching, and drink his blood, do it, you cannot have the eternal life promised for complying with the law in you. There is only one way to follow the law and one truth that fulfills the promise of that life.

For as long as you fail to heed this teaching of Jesus your guilt will remain and keep you in your prison.

Even if forever.
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Yeah, and if that level of intellectual integrity convinces you,
no wonder you'd fall even for an illiterate 'weatherman',
accusing us, of daring ask too many questions...

Here's an idea,
a prophecy addressing specific people,
has the best chance understood, when asked the people whom it addresses.

The first generation of Christians understood it and the symbolism.. That's why education helps.
The world falling apart is evidence of divine condemnation, the clear and detailed maledictions promised if people failed to conform to the instruction of divine law. If God is God he has always been God. There is no future Gods kingdom that does not already exist and is not already in power.

What you are doing is like a person born in prison trying to define the United States of America from inside a prison

You really have no idea what life is like on the outside. That is the new heaven and new earth for people being released from prison. If you are freed one day don't fuck it up by perpetuating lies.

If you do you'll be jacking off, standing in line for commissary, eating crap, again and again again, over and over and over, before you even know what hit you.

Right. Jesus taught obedience to Mosaic law. (Matthew 5. 17-20) His command to 'eat my flesh' was a direct reference to kosher law, a teaching from God (manna from heaven) that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden.

Did you know this? If not consider yourself defrocked.

If you do not do this, eat his flesh, receive his teaching, and drink his blood, do it, you cannot have the eternal life promised for complying with the law in you. There is only one way to follow the law and one truth that fulfills the promise of that life.

For as long as you fail to heed this teaching of Jesus your guilt will remain and keep you in your prison.

Even if forever.
The bible is clear--Gods kingdom is established, it took full control of heaven when satan and his angels were cast to this earth. He is in control of most of it at the moment. FEW listen to the kingdom path. Few listen to God and his son.
The bible is clear--Gods kingdom is established, it took full control of heaven when satan and his angels were cast to this earth. He is in control of most of it at the moment. FEW listen to the kingdom path. Few listen to God and his son.

Ok. So you may never become a deep thinker Estragon, I mean Gogo. I can live with that.....Enjoy dreaming about the kingdom of God coming one day....a hell loop in the comfort of your very own prison cell.
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Ok. So you may never become a deep thinker Estragon, I mean Gogo. I can live with that.....Enjoy dreaming about the kingdom of God coming one day....a hell loop in the comfort of your very own prison cell.
Its coming very soon, We are on the verge of the tribulation if it hasnt begun all ready. There is much confusion in this world its astounding. Mortals who think they are intelligent are nothing compared to satan. He was there from the beginning. The bible warns all-Beware if you think you are standing strong. One thing beats him though-learning and applying every single thing Jesus taught and obeying him.
His teachings are the same in every translation on earth, barring a single word-Earth -land at Matthew 5:5-- Comparing his truth to what one is being taught proves it all. Men have twisted much of the rest, that is why there are about 34,000 different religions claiming to be christian, That is a mass of confusion. Jesus is with 1. By learning all he teaches one can compare to the things they are being taught. Few bother though.
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Its coming very soon, We are on the verge of the tribulation if it hasnt begun all ready. There is much confusion in this world its astounding. Mortals who think they are intelligent are nothing compared to satan. He was there from the beginning. The bible warns all-Beware if you think you are standing strong. One thing beats him though-learning and applying every single thing Jesus taught and obeying him.

The tribulation began at the destruction of Judea a very very long long time ago. The reign of the antichrist began in 325 c.e. when Rome unleashed on the world the virgin diddling edible triune mangod, a counterfeit substitute pusillanimous Jesus that never existed conjured from the depths of hell by superstitious Pagans completely ignorant of figurative language used by ancient Jewish authors who penned both the Old and New testaments.

What is actually happening is the end of the tribulation dimwit when the antichrist is destroyed.

BTW -all-beware- take that fear mongering evangelical twaddle and shove it up your ass.
The tribulation began at the destruction of Judea a very very long long time ago. The reign of the antichrist began in 325 c.e. when Rome unleashed on the world the virgin diddling edible triune mangod, a counterfeit substitute pusillanimous Jesus that never existed conjured from the depths of hell by superstitious Pagans completely ignorant of figurative language used by ancient Jewish authors who penned both the Old and New testaments.

What is actually happening is the end of the tribulation dimwit when the antichrist is destroyed.

BTW -all-beware- take that fear mongering evangelical twaddle and shove it up your ass.
Wow--Then in Revelation it is clear--No mourning, outcry or pain, even death will be no more. Could you show us this? And satan and his angels have been thrown into the lake of fire( destroyed) Thus no more satan influences on the earth, Can you show us this? As well when Gog-of Magog( Every kingdom on earth) attacks Gods people, At Daniel 2:44 it promises, Jesus will crush them all off the face of Gods earth and his kingdom will be in full control forever.
Or could be a possibility that covid maybe one of the promised plagues and mankind is on the verge of the tribulation and then Har-mageddon. The door to door work has stopped. If this is the removal of the constant feature mentioned in Daniel, It gives the earth 42 months until the final 30 days which is Harmageddon. Remember--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in the entire inhabited earth, then the end will come.( Matthew24:14) That door to door good news stopped 20 months ago.
Wow--Then in Revelation it is clear--No mourning, outcry or pain, even death will be no more. Could you show us this? And satan and his angels have been thrown into the lake of fire( destroyed) Thus no more satan influences on the earth, Can you show us this? As well when Gog-of Magog( Every kingdom on earth) attacks Gods people, At Daniel 2:44 it promises, Jesus will crush them all off the face of Gods earth and his kingdom will be in full control forever.
Or could be a possibility that covid maybe one of the promised plagues and mankind is on the verge of the tribulation and then Har-mageddon. The door to door work has stopped. If this is the removal of the constant feature mentioned in Daniel, It gives the earth 42 months until the final 30 days which is Harmageddon. Remember--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in the entire inhabited earth, then the end will come.( Matthew24:14) That door to door good news stopped 20 months ago.

Gog and Magog invaded in 624 BC.. They moved quickly and quietly (like locusts) on horseback and were skilled with bow and arrow,
Then in Revelation it is clear--No mourning, outcry or pain, even death will be no more.

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: and they shall see his face; Revelation 22:3

Remember. When Moses revealed the law he made it clear that whether understood and followed, or not, it presented a choice between life and death, a blessing or a curse..

This is the death that will be no more, the curse (religious and secular insanity) will be no more...

Jesus said that he came to bring a sword. "From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drin\k it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them. Jeremiah 25:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

The 'sword' is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

:wine: "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

This is the death, the curse that will be no more whenever Jesus shows up (like a thief in the night)and destroys the antichrist, the triune edible mangod, ends the tribulation, and creates a new heaven and a new earth so finally, on earth, Satan, in fact, all species of serpents, will be crawling on its belly like the low life he is and instead of being heralded and praised like the wealthy, a star, celebrity, royalty, king, or pope, he'll finally be condemned by humans the wealthy, stars, celebrities, royalty, kings, etc., even parasites, swine, dogs, and petty criminals, as the lowest form of human life possible in of all creation, lower than cattle and the wild beasts of the field, just as God condemned the talking serpent from and "in the beginning" (of the fairy tale).

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." to understand the will of God see Genesis 3:14

P.S. If you know anybody who has been perjuring themselves in the name of God - all beware-
time is running out.
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And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: and they shall see his face; Revelation 22:3

Remember. When Moses revealed the law he made it clear that whether understood and followed, or not, it presented a choice between life and death, a blessing or a curse..

This is the death that will be no more, the curse (religious insanity) will be no more...

Jesus said that he came to bring a sword.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drin\k it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them. Jeremiah 25:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

The 'sword' is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

:wine:"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

This is the death, the curse that will be no more when Jesus comes and destroys the antichrist, the triune edible mangod, ends the tribulation, and creates a new heaven and a new earth so finally, on earth, Satan will be crawling on his belly like the low life he is and instead of being heralded and praised like a star, a celebrity, royalty, or the pope, he'll finally be condemned by humans as the lowest form of human life possible in of all creation, lower than cattle and the wild beasts of the field, just as God condemned the talking serpent from the beginning (of the fairy tale).

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." to understand the will of God see Genesis 3:14

Who do you think Jeremiah is talking about?
Who do you think Jeremiah is talking about?
It doesn't matter. Obviously Jesus the unarmed party animal love thy enemy guy who said that he came to bring a sword was inspired by this prophecy and understood that it was a curse in a cup.

What cup if not this cup do you think that Jesus prayed to God to avoid in Gethsemane showing that he did not want to curse the nations?
It doesn't matter. Obviously Jesus the unarmed party animal love thy enemy guy who said that he came to bring a sword was inspired by this prophecy and understood that it was a curse in a cup.

What cup if not this cup do you think that Jesus prayed to God to avoid in Gethsemane showing that he did not want to curse the nations?

Jeremiah is talking about Cyrus not Jesus.

Cup in Gethsemane is figuratively "destiny" or experience..It not a firey cup of God's wrath.
How many of you are there?

How many of you are there?

Yay! Wooo Hoooo! This isn't good news. This is Great News!

Amen! Allelujah! Praise God! Thank you Jesus! Yippee ki yo ki yay!
Except it doesnt stop until the end. This world is in trouble. Its on the verge of the tribulation, that is the closing of the door. Its good news for the righteous. Jesus teaches they are FEW.

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