There is no GW hysteria -- Except for the webbed feet thingy..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
To adapt to a 'water world', Dr Skinner expects humans would develop webbed hands and eyes like those of cats to help us see in the poor lighting conditions underwater.
We would also retain a layer of baby fat into adulthood as an insulator for spending long periods submerged.
Regular foraging in shallow waters could lead us to develop artificial 'gills' to help us breathe, extracting oxygen from the water and delivering it to the bloodstream.
This would also lead to our lung capacity becoming greatly reduced, and our rib cages shrinking.
An additional layer in the retina - like cat's eyes - could develop to help us see in poor light under water. We might also evolve an extra translucent eyelid to protect the eyes from water.

Read more: Humans could evolve to have to deal with a 'water world'
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Now PANIC --- and go check yourself.. Could wake up tomorrow and find yourself foraging in shallow waters without FLIPPERS and a SNORKEL. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nope.. Nobody is HYPING the claims for GW.. Nah uh.. Doesn't happen. Except I wager the good Prof got a bag of GW gold grant money for producing that entertainment.

The INTERESTING part of this work is how much Darwin DIDN'T know about evolution. Since it's generally agreed on now that massive genetic changes can occur VERY RAPIDLY. Even spontaneously in the timeframe of evolution or climate.
To adapt to a 'water world', Dr Skinner expects humans would develop webbed hands and eyes like those of cats to help us see in the poor lighting conditions underwater.
We would also retain a layer of baby fat into adulthood as an insulator for spending long periods submerged.
Regular foraging in shallow waters could lead us to develop artificial 'gills' to help us breathe, extracting oxygen from the water and delivering it to the bloodstream.
This would also lead to our lung capacity becoming greatly reduced, and our rib cages shrinking.
An additional layer in the retina - like cat's eyes - could develop to help us see in poor light under water. We might also evolve an extra translucent eyelid to protect the eyes from water.

Read more: Humans could evolve to have to deal with a 'water world'
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Now PANIC --- and go check yourself.. Could wake up tomorrow and find yourself foraging in shallow waters without FLIPPERS and a SNORKEL. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nope.. Nobody is HYPING the claims for GW.. Nah uh.. Doesn't happen. Except I wager the good Prof got a bag of GW gold grant money for producing that entertainment.

The INTERESTING part of this work is how much Darwin DIDN'T know about evolution. Since it's generally agreed on now that massive genetic changes can occur VERY RAPIDLY. Even spontaneously in the timeframe of evolution or climate.


Settled Science
Science Settled

Feet are webby
Webby feet
To adapt to a 'water world', Dr Skinner expects humans would develop webbed hands and eyes like those of cats to help us see in the poor lighting conditions underwater.
We would also retain a layer of baby fat into adulthood as an insulator for spending long periods submerged.
Regular foraging in shallow waters could lead us to develop artificial 'gills' to help us breathe, extracting oxygen from the water and delivering it to the bloodstream.
This would also lead to our lung capacity becoming greatly reduced, and our rib cages shrinking.
An additional layer in the retina - like cat's eyes - could develop to help us see in poor light under water. We might also evolve an extra translucent eyelid to protect the eyes from water.

Read more: Humans could evolve to have to deal with a 'water world'
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Now PANIC --- and go check yourself.. Could wake up tomorrow and find yourself foraging in shallow waters without FLIPPERS and a SNORKEL. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nope.. Nobody is HYPING the claims for GW.. Nah uh.. Doesn't happen. Except I wager the good Prof got a bag of GW gold grant money for producing that entertainment.

The INTERESTING part of this work is how much Darwin DIDN'T know about evolution. Since it's generally agreed on now that massive genetic changes can occur VERY RAPIDLY. Even spontaneously in the timeframe of evolution or climate.


Settled Science
Science Settled

Feet are webby
Webby feet

I suspect there's a few warmers who are already getting webby from the fear.. Fear and stress are proven accelerators of evolution.. Anyone check Dr Mann lately??
To adapt to a 'water world', Dr Skinner expects humans would develop webbed hands and eyes like those of cats to help us see in the poor lighting conditions underwater.
We would also retain a layer of baby fat into adulthood as an insulator for spending long periods submerged.
Regular foraging in shallow waters could lead us to develop artificial 'gills' to help us breathe, extracting oxygen from the water and delivering it to the bloodstream.
This would also lead to our lung capacity becoming greatly reduced, and our rib cages shrinking.
An additional layer in the retina - like cat's eyes - could develop to help us see in poor light under water. We might also evolve an extra translucent eyelid to protect the eyes from water.

Read more: Humans could evolve to have to deal with a 'water world'
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Now PANIC --- and go check yourself.. Could wake up tomorrow and find yourself foraging in shallow waters without FLIPPERS and a SNORKEL. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nope.. Nobody is HYPING the claims for GW.. Nah uh.. Doesn't happen. Except I wager the good Prof got a bag of GW gold grant money for producing that entertainment.

The INTERESTING part of this work is how much Darwin DIDN'T know about evolution. Since it's generally agreed on now that massive genetic changes can occur VERY RAPIDLY. Even spontaneously in the timeframe of evolution or climate.
I was born and raised in Seattle Washington. Webbed Feet is an evolution advancement. Oh and we don't tan we rust. There ARE drawbacks you know.
Speaking of hysteria, this thread and the denier comments on it certainly qualify.

But then, if you're a denier, it's not like you can point to any real science to back up your conspiracy theories, hence pointing to tabloid stories like this will be your choice.

Deniers, any other tabloids you'd like to reference today? On the plus side, it is a step up from your usual sources. Flac's Mann-smears, of course, are just more of the gutter-diving that's starting to define him.
Speaking of hysteria, this thread and the denier comments on it certainly qualify.

But then, if you're a denier, it's not like you can point to any real science to back up your conspiracy theories, hence pointing to tabloid stories like this will be your choice.

Deniers, any other tabloids you'd like to reference today? On the plus side, it is a step up from your usual sources. Flac's Mann-smears, of course, are just more of the gutter-diving that's starting to define him.

This is SCIENCE man. You calling that Prof a quack?

Al Gore "preyed on his fears" and now it apparently affects his work.
This is SCIENCE man. You calling that Prof a quack?

Pretty much, yeah.

First, he's not a climate scientist. He's an anthropologist. The piece had nothing to do with climate science. It was about pushing a new show on SyFy by making some outlandish "predictions."

Second, the science stank. Evolution doesn't work that quickly. For example, humans can't just "evolve" gills.

But hey, if you want to get hysterical about Hollywood pseudoscience, go right ahead. Let me guess. You thought "The Day After Tomorrow" was actual science, right?
On a more on point note...

Global Warming IS crap. It MIGHT go up 2/10ths of a degree MIGHT in 20 years. That is NOT a problem alright? Not to us NOT to plant life. Those ARE just FACTS. 2/10ths of a degree is NOT going to kill you.


T he FACT of the matter is that SAME GW money was better spent and invested when it WAS in the NASA budget. When it comes to tax dollars NASA has given us MORE then any other tax payer program.

ALL to often and FAR to often democrats go around yelling we republicans cut this or that. We WANT to cut things that LOSE money and offer NOTHING. Its a POOR investment of "The Peoples" money.

NASA is a great place to spend money WHEN they do their job and NOT politics. And THEIR JOB is going "out there". And they are NOT doing that. Russia has keys to the space station and a way there. China has keys and a way there. We got keys and dick.

And BEFORE any democrat says otherwise NOT one of those private companies has transported and put a LIVE human being on the space station. And in the space race the fact you have UPS don't mean sh8t.

And the SAME idiots that RE-directed that money gave me a damn light bulb that costs 600% MORE and is considered toxic waste. Science, math and logic are TRULY great things.
But so is common sense.
This is SCIENCE man. You calling that Prof a quack?

Pretty much, yeah.

First, he's not a climate scientist. He's an anthropologist. The piece had nothing to do with climate science. It was about pushing a new show on SyFy by making some outlandish predictions.

Second, the science stank. Evolution doesn't work that quickly. For example, humans can't just "evolve" gills.

But hey, if you want to get hysterical about Hollywood pseudoscience, go right ahead.

LOTS of paleontolgists involved in Climate Science. Where do you think all those hockey sticks come from?
He's just jumping the shark to put some pizzazz into paleo -- and lord knows -- paleo needs pizazz..

So does the Prez, who also needs to constantly exaggerate and hype global warming -- but that's another matter.

The concept of accelerated evolution is well founded. There are VERY QUICK gene activations that don't involve actual mutation. Can be activated by stress or chemicals in the enviro. A lot that Darwin didn't know. Not the EXACT topic of this thread, but there's a good probability that there are actually a lot less "missing links" than we ever assumed..
Speaking of hysteria, this thread and the denier comments on it certainly qualify.

But then, if you're a denier, it's not like you can point to any real science to back up your conspiracy theories, hence pointing to tabloid stories like this will be your choice.

Deniers, any other tabloids you'd like to reference today? On the plus side, it is a step up from your usual sources. Flac's Mann-smears, of course, are just more of the gutter-diving that's starting to define him.

You talk a lot for a person soon to be web footed

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