There is NO need for a Federal Minimum wage...

Which factored for inflation is $16.55 today.
When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
Yes, minimum wage workers tend to be young
Doesn’t mean they should be exploited

I worked minimum wage jobs in my teens and early twenties. They were the only jobs available. Even though I lived with my parents, I needed money to pay my way for college. That $2 minimum wage paid for my college just working three months over the summer. I graduated with no debt

Today’s $7.25 wage would take a whole year to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, students and parents have to take on debt

Given for not even inflation colleges are waaaaayyyy more expensive today , who are you fooling?
They are more expensive because states are contributing less than they did in the 60s and 70s

Don’t like college? Look at the cost of gas compared to what I paid in the early 70s. It would cost $20 an hour to get the gas I could buy for $2

How about an apartment? I paid $165 a month for a one bedroom. You could afford an apartment on minimum wage.

I don't dispute what you are being very very subjective about i.e. your rent etc.
But did you read the statistics I quoted where less than 500,000 of people working on minimum wage under age 25 are living with their parents!
Which factored for inflation is $16.55 today.
When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; allegedly low tax red States have further to go regarding infrastructure.

Which factored for inflation is $16.55 today.
When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; allegedly low tax red States have further to go regarding infrastructure.

So much for that noise blue state bridges are falling down

View attachment 219950
that is why we need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; so Labor can afford to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

And again I don't dispute a $15 minimum wage in NYC is valid. Or in other states. But THAT's the POINT!
There are 50 distinct states each with different demographics, standards of living so WHY this desire to make it a FEDERAL law that MS pay $15.00 that will totally
blow the budget of the fast food place THUS laying off people?
Doesn't it make MORE sense to let the STATES determine their own minimum wage?
Why does the Federal government with ONE SIZE fits all have to be involved?
Minimum wage has always been a deterrent for FAIR pay for work performed. While an entry level worker gets into the job market, he has no skills or education for said job, while someone who has been there 2 or three years has both knowledge and experience for what is required for profit. But with minimum wage, it doesn't allow for this, so liberal employers keep both entry and 2 year workers at the same wages, because it is federally mandated, thus the 2 year vet FEELS resentment for the new guy. I know because while I was a short order chef, and knew the whole kitchen, when minimum, wage was increased, yeah, I got a 15 cent raise, but every new guy was paid the same as me. That was when I learned to not be a minimum wage liberal victim but got skills that enabled me to move to a better paying job.....

ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

That is a big fat lie, the $2.00 bucks my aunt put under her bed in 1962 is worth $2 bucks today .

So, economics isn't your strong suite.

Here's the point:

What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
Minimum wage has always been a deterrent for FAIR pay for work performed. While an entry level worker gets into the job market, he has no skills or education for said job, while someone who has been there 2 or three years has both knowledge and experience for what is required for profit. But with minimum wage, it doesn't allow for this, so liberal employers keep both entry and 2 year workers at the same wages, because it is federally mandated, thus the 2 year vet FEELS resentment for the new guy. I know because while I was a short order chef, and knew the whole kitchen, when minimum, wage was increased, yeah, I got a 15 cent raise, but every new guy was paid the same as me. That was when I learned to not be a minimum wage liberal victim but got skills that enabled me to move to a better paying job.....

ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

I didn't BITCH about them getting $15.00/hour from AMAZON DID I????
My point was the Federal government ONE SIZE fits all is stupid in Mississippi where the cost of living is 87% of what the standard versus NY City where it is 140% above the Standard of living!
It is dumber then hell to make an employer in Mississippi pay the same as an employer in NY city!
Because idiot.... I know you don't comprehend this but the standard of living ALSO applies to other expenses that an Employer in Mississippi doesn't have compared to the employer in NY City! Everything in MS will be lower than it is in NYC! Dummy!
So why do you idiots not comprehend that distinct in the standards of LIVING between say MS and NYC?
And this applies to varying degrees around the country!
For example in Texas and Florida where the standard of living is less than NYC but higher than MS, guess what? NO STATE personal income tax in those states versus NY and NYC has an income tax also!
So you idiots that think ONE SIZE fits ALL have no ability to discriminate regarding operating costs, standard of living and other measures that dumb as one size fits all $15/hr minimum wage would impose!

Just for once be a little comprehending of distinctions.
But if you don't, they won't.
When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; allegedly low tax red States have further to go regarding infrastructure.

When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; allegedly low tax red States have further to go regarding infrastructure.

So much for that noise blue state bridges are falling down

View attachment 219950
that is why we need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; so Labor can afford to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

And again I don't dispute a $15 minimum wage in NYC is valid. Or in other states. But THAT's the POINT!
There are 50 distinct states each with different demographics, standards of living so WHY this desire to make it a FEDERAL law that MS pay $15.00 that will totally
blow the budget of the fast food place THUS laying off people?
Doesn't it make MORE sense to let the STATES determine their own minimum wage?
Why does the Federal government with ONE SIZE fits all have to be involved?
i am also advocating for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, to improve the efficiency of our labor market and economy.
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
why subsidize Capitalists with an artificially low minimum wage, when social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.
Minimum wage has always been a deterrent for FAIR pay for work performed. While an entry level worker gets into the job market, he has no skills or education for said job, while someone who has been there 2 or three years has both knowledge and experience for what is required for profit. But with minimum wage, it doesn't allow for this, so liberal employers keep both entry and 2 year workers at the same wages, because it is federally mandated, thus the 2 year vet FEELS resentment for the new guy. I know because while I was a short order chef, and knew the whole kitchen, when minimum, wage was increased, yeah, I got a 15 cent raise, but every new guy was paid the same as me. That was when I learned to not be a minimum wage liberal victim but got skills that enabled me to move to a better paying job.....

ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

I didn't BITCH about them getting $15.00/hour from AMAZON DID I????
My point was the Federal government ONE SIZE fits all is stupid in Mississippi where the cost of living is 87% of what the standard versus NY City where it is 140% above the Standard of living!
It is dumber then hell to make an employer in Mississippi pay the same as an employer in NY city!
Because idiot.... I know you don't comprehend this but the standard of living ALSO applies to other expenses that an Employer in Mississippi doesn't have compared to the employer in NY City! Everything in MS will be lower than it is in NYC! Dummy!
So why do you idiots not comprehend that distinct in the standards of LIVING between say MS and NYC?
And this applies to varying degrees around the country!
For example in Texas and Florida where the standard of living is less than NYC but higher than MS, guess what? NO STATE personal income tax in those states versus NY and NYC has an income tax also!
So you idiots that think ONE SIZE fits ALL have no ability to discriminate regarding operating costs, standard of living and other measures that dumb as one size fits all $15/hr minimum wage would impose!

Just for once be a little comprehending of distinctions.
But if you don't, they won't.
Who won't? The states? You telling me that the states don't already have minimum wage laws?
Currently, 29 states and D.C. have minimum wages above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Five states have not adopted a state minimum wage: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee.Jan 2, 2018

So simple to find out that 45 states HAVE state minimum wages with 29 HIGHER than Federal law!

So again you say they won't? Only 5 states don't have a minimum wage law and these 5 states average 88.7% of the national Living standard.
This Map Shows the Average Income in Every State—and What It's Really Worth

So by making these 5 states have a minimum wage of $15.00! GEEZ talk about putting people out of work!
Do you have any idea what it cost to run a fast food place?
Here take a look...
Now look at the salaries and wages... 15% of the gross profit.
Doubling the wages from $7.25 to $15.00... means then 30% of gross profit.
Look at the bottom line...
Without raising the wages net profit is 5.6%
Raising to $15.00... completely wipes out the profit which means going out of business.
Well thank you for "saving" these kids jobs!!!
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
why subsidize Capitalists with an artificially low minimum wage, when social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

You tell me where this fast food place can stay in business if the salaries and wages and double i.e. $7.25 to $15.00?
Right NOW salaries and wages take the largest chunk of the gross profit at 15%.
Double the $7.25 to $15.00 NO PROFIT. No eating place. NO JOBS!
This is the greatest country in the world. No one willing to work 40 hours a week should ever need government assistance.
When I made $2 an hour, I could buy seven gallons of gas for an hours wage. Today’s minimum wage worker would have to make $20 an hour for the same buying power

Minimum wage workers gotta drive too

OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
Yes, minimum wage workers tend to be young
Doesn’t mean they should be exploited

I worked minimum wage jobs in my teens and early twenties. They were the only jobs available. Even though I lived with my parents, I needed money to pay my way for college. That $2 minimum wage paid for my college just working three months over the summer. I graduated with no debt

Today’s $7.25 wage would take a whole year to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, students and parents have to take on debt

Given for not even inflation colleges are waaaaayyyy more expensive today , who are you fooling?
They are more expensive because states are contributing less than they did in the 60s and 70s

Don’t like college? Look at the cost of gas compared to what I paid in the early 70s. It would cost $20 an hour to get the gas I could buy for $2

How about an apartment? I paid $165 a month for a one bedroom. You could afford an apartment on minimum wage.

I don't dispute what you are being very very subjective about i.e. your rent etc.
But did you read the statistics I quoted where less than 500,000 of people working on minimum wage under age 25 are living with their parents!
I read it and did not find it relevant to the subject
Whether you live with your parents or not does not justify exploitation.
Those who do not are relying on public support

College graduates have over $1 trillion in student loan debt that would not have been necessary if minimum wage had kept pace with inflation
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
why subsidize Capitalists with an artificially low minimum wage, when social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

You tell me where this fast food place can stay in business if the salaries and wages and double i.e. $7.25 to $15.00?
Right NOW salaries and wages take the largest chunk of the gross profit at 15%.
Double the $7.25 to $15.00 NO PROFIT. No eating place. NO JOBS!
View attachment 219979
All the other expenses went up significantly over the last decade
Wages didn’t.

Business adapted, so did the market

A business that needs to pay $7.25 to survive doesn’t belong in business
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
why subsidize Capitalists with an artificially low minimum wage, when social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

You tell me where this fast food place can stay in business if the salaries and wages and double i.e. $7.25 to $15.00?
Right NOW salaries and wages take the largest chunk of the gross profit at 15%.
Double the $7.25 to $15.00 NO PROFIT. No eating place. NO JOBS!
View attachment 219979
All the other expenses went up significantly over the last decade
Wages didn’t.

Business adapted, so did the market

A business that needs to pay $7.25 to survive doesn’t belong in business

RIGHT business expenses go up.

But that doesn't alter the percentages!

Also the AVERAGE AVERAGE is higher than $7.25...

Fast Food Worker Hourly Pay | PayScale

Right that makes sense coming from someone who's president said and did the attached statements and policies.
OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
Yes, minimum wage workers tend to be young
Doesn’t mean they should be exploited

I worked minimum wage jobs in my teens and early twenties. They were the only jobs available. Even though I lived with my parents, I needed money to pay my way for college. That $2 minimum wage paid for my college just working three months over the summer. I graduated with no debt

Today’s $7.25 wage would take a whole year to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, students and parents have to take on debt

Given for not even inflation colleges are waaaaayyyy more expensive today , who are you fooling?
They are more expensive because states are contributing less than they did in the 60s and 70s

Don’t like college? Look at the cost of gas compared to what I paid in the early 70s. It would cost $20 an hour to get the gas I could buy for $2

How about an apartment? I paid $165 a month for a one bedroom. You could afford an apartment on minimum wage.

I don't dispute what you are being very very subjective about i.e. your rent etc.
But did you read the statistics I quoted where less than 500,000 of people working on minimum wage under age 25 are living with their parents!
I read it and did not find it relevant to the subject
Whether you live with your parents or not does not justify exploitation.
Those who do not are relying on public support

College graduates have over $1 trillion in student loan debt that would not have been necessary if minimum wage had kept pace with inflation

OK... prove that statement "College graduates have over $1 trillion in student loan debt that would not have been necessary if minimum wage had kept pace with inflation"

Because your stupidity is showing!
A) how many "college graduates" worked for $7.25/hour? Come on tell me HOW MANY?
B) How much of that "student loan debt" is repaid? Come tell me FACTS please!
C) How much would the minimum wage have to be to keep pace with inflation? COME on... Give me the facts!

BUT your ignorance is very obvious as YOU have totally totally IGNORED my major premise being THERE IS A NEED for a minimum wage for sure...
NOW I'm going to shout!


It is totally stupid to think that $15.00/hour is appropriate for a state that has a standard of living that is 86% of the national level while $15.00 is NOT
enough for a state NY for example where standard living is 140% of the standard!

If people want the minimum wage raised in 45 of all the 50 states... GET THEIR STATE legislature to do it NOT Federal.
Again... I'm all in favor of a minimum wage... but NOT at the Federal Level because the USA is so diverse, so big and so economically different in each state!
Minimum wage has always been a deterrent for FAIR pay for work performed. While an entry level worker gets into the job market, he has no skills or education for said job, while someone who has been there 2 or three years has both knowledge and experience for what is required for profit. But with minimum wage, it doesn't allow for this, so liberal employers keep both entry and 2 year workers at the same wages, because it is federally mandated, thus the 2 year vet FEELS resentment for the new guy. I know because while I was a short order chef, and knew the whole kitchen, when minimum, wage was increased, yeah, I got a 15 cent raise, but every new guy was paid the same as me. That was when I learned to not be a minimum wage liberal victim but got skills that enabled me to move to a better paying job.....

ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

That is a big fat lie, the $2.00 bucks my aunt put under her bed in 1962 is worth $2 bucks today .

So, economics isn't your strong suite.

Here's the point:

What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
Back when I was a burger flipper at McD's working for $2.10 an hour, a burger, small fry and small drink totaled 95 cents and a trans am fire bird was $6,000.. Today with minimum wage at $10 an hour, a burger, small fry, and small drink are over $3.50 and if you could buy a trans am, it would be well over $50,000. Because of the dollars spent to give people trillions of dollars to sit on their liberal lazy asses, this printed money(not earned) has caused all this INFLATION. So who ends up hurting? The working people, because they have to work harder for those smaller dollars, and the poor, still sit on their asses, collecting FREE money for nothing....
Minimum wage has always been a deterrent for FAIR pay for work performed. While an entry level worker gets into the job market, he has no skills or education for said job, while someone who has been there 2 or three years has both knowledge and experience for what is required for profit. But with minimum wage, it doesn't allow for this, so liberal employers keep both entry and 2 year workers at the same wages, because it is federally mandated, thus the 2 year vet FEELS resentment for the new guy. I know because while I was a short order chef, and knew the whole kitchen, when minimum, wage was increased, yeah, I got a 15 cent raise, but every new guy was paid the same as me. That was when I learned to not be a minimum wage liberal victim but got skills that enabled me to move to a better paying job.....

ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

That is a big fat lie, the $2.00 bucks my aunt put under her bed in 1962 is worth $2 bucks today .

So, economics isn't your strong suite.

Here's the point:

What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
Back when I was a burger flipper at McD's working for $2.10 an hour, a burger, small fry and small drink totaled 95 cents and a trans am fire bird was $6,000.. Today with minimum wage at $10 an hour, a burger, small fry, and small drink are over $3.50 and if you could buy a trans am, it would be well over $50,000. Because of the dollars spent to give people trillions of dollars to sit on their liberal lazy asses, this printed money(not earned) has caused all this INFLATION. So who ends up hurting? The working people, because they have to work harder for those smaller dollars, and the poor, still sit on their asses, collecting FREE money for nothing....
Well, your prices are pretty close to right, but the rest of that is simply a regurgitated rwnj talking point.
I believe that there should be a "Minimum Wage" but it should stay where it is now and not raised to $15.00 an hour.

"Minimum Wage" is for entry level workers and retired people looking for a little extra cash and something to do.

Also, "Minimum Wage" will always, ALWAYS be just that...the minimum amount of money an employer can pay you to work.

Raising "Minimum Wage" does nothing except create more people making "Minimum Wage". Sorry to say but someone making $15.00 an hour now will still be making $15.00 an hour if "Minimum Wage" is raised. An employer is not going to raise that persons wage the equivalent to $22.50, lol.

Democrats just can't see the big picture on anything. They can only see the tip of their noses.
why subsidize Capitalists with an artificially low minimum wage, when social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.

You tell me where this fast food place can stay in business if the salaries and wages and double i.e. $7.25 to $15.00?
Right NOW salaries and wages take the largest chunk of the gross profit at 15%.
Double the $7.25 to $15.00 NO PROFIT. No eating place. NO JOBS!
View attachment 219979
Seattle is already doing it. And, States have State boards of equalization, to help capitalists get equalized.

Besides, capitalists get tax breaks for simply doing their normal job and paying Labor.
OK... Let's talk about that.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates,
AGAIN with Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1/5th of the 79 million hourly wage workers are 16 to 19 or 8 million.
So 10% of the 8 million or 800,000 are under age 25 and make minimum wage. 16 to 25 year olds. 800,000.
And you are concerned about "gas money"?
Some 55% of 18-24-year-olds live in their parents’ home, reports the Census Bureau in a recent data release, down slightly from a peak of 56% in 2012, but up from 50% in 2001.
The Majority of 18-24-Year-Olds Live in Their Parents' Home, As Do 1 in 6 Older Millennials - Marketing Charts
So they nearly 500,000 don't have to pay rent, buy food, pay for utilities, etc. and YOU are concerned about their "gas money"???

See the problem with people like you is YOU don't deal with reality!
The reality is less than 2.2 million people over half under age 25 with over half living at home and YOU want to increase minimum wage for that?

AGAIN I have NO problem with Amazon paying $15.00/ hr and ANY other organization.
I have a BIG problem when people like you want across the board, in EVERY STATE MS with 87% of cost of standard living to NYC with 150% and you want BOTH states
to pay per federal law $15.00? WHY? Less than 550,000 people are affected and YET you want FEDERAL LAWS!
Why can't you accept the diversity of America? Why must EVERYONE think like YOU? Truly an Un-American truly responsible attitude!
Yes, minimum wage workers tend to be young
Doesn’t mean they should be exploited

I worked minimum wage jobs in my teens and early twenties. They were the only jobs available. Even though I lived with my parents, I needed money to pay my way for college. That $2 minimum wage paid for my college just working three months over the summer. I graduated with no debt

Today’s $7.25 wage would take a whole year to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, students and parents have to take on debt

Given for not even inflation colleges are waaaaayyyy more expensive today , who are you fooling?
They are more expensive because states are contributing less than they did in the 60s and 70s

Don’t like college? Look at the cost of gas compared to what I paid in the early 70s. It would cost $20 an hour to get the gas I could buy for $2

How about an apartment? I paid $165 a month for a one bedroom. You could afford an apartment on minimum wage.

I don't dispute what you are being very very subjective about i.e. your rent etc.
But did you read the statistics I quoted where less than 500,000 of people working on minimum wage under age 25 are living with their parents!
I read it and did not find it relevant to the subject
Whether you live with your parents or not does not justify exploitation.
Those who do not are relying on public support

College graduates have over $1 trillion in student loan debt that would not have been necessary if minimum wage had kept pace with inflation

What the hell does the MW have to do with student loans?
Yes, minimum wage workers tend to be young
Doesn’t mean they should be exploited

I worked minimum wage jobs in my teens and early twenties. They were the only jobs available. Even though I lived with my parents, I needed money to pay my way for college. That $2 minimum wage paid for my college just working three months over the summer. I graduated with no debt

Today’s $7.25 wage would take a whole year to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, students and parents have to take on debt

Given for not even inflation colleges are waaaaayyyy more expensive today , who are you fooling?
They are more expensive because states are contributing less than they did in the 60s and 70s

Don’t like college? Look at the cost of gas compared to what I paid in the early 70s. It would cost $20 an hour to get the gas I could buy for $2

How about an apartment? I paid $165 a month for a one bedroom. You could afford an apartment on minimum wage.

I don't dispute what you are being very very subjective about i.e. your rent etc.
But did you read the statistics I quoted where less than 500,000 of people working on minimum wage under age 25 are living with their parents!
I read it and did not find it relevant to the subject
Whether you live with your parents or not does not justify exploitation.
Those who do not are relying on public support

College graduates have over $1 trillion in student loan debt that would not have been necessary if minimum wage had kept pace with inflation

What the hell does the MW have to do with student loans?
capital and capitalism?
ME TOO! I worked in a predecessor of McDonalds in 1961 - 1962 and my hourly wage was $2.00. And I was the boss' nephew!
Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1962 is equal to $16.43 in 2018.
Annual inflation over this period was 3.83%.

You were making more than what the workers you are bitching about are getting a raise to.

Calculate the value of $2.00 in 1962. How much is it worth today?

That is a big fat lie, the $2.00 bucks my aunt put under her bed in 1962 is worth $2 bucks today .

So, economics isn't your strong suite.

Here's the point:

What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
Back when I was a burger flipper at McD's working for $2.10 an hour, a burger, small fry and small drink totaled 95 cents and a trans am fire bird was $6,000.. Today with minimum wage at $10 an hour, a burger, small fry, and small drink are over $3.50 and if you could buy a trans am, it would be well over $50,000. Because of the dollars spent to give people trillions of dollars to sit on their liberal lazy asses, this printed money(not earned) has caused all this INFLATION. So who ends up hurting? The working people, because they have to work harder for those smaller dollars, and the poor, still sit on their asses, collecting FREE money for nothing....
Well, your prices are pretty close to right, but the rest of that is simply a regurgitated rwnj talking point.
In 1932 an ounce of gold was $20. FDR couldn't do his raw deal, so took the US off the gold standard for the first time so then he could buy an ounce of gold for $25 an ounce, or confiscated it if you didn't turn it in. So what did he do for the gold? Make it more valuable? No he made the dollar 25% less valuable, but he could print more so he could put a chicken in ever pot and start the Ponzi Scheme of Social Security where people didn't live very long past 60. Then the gold standard was put back limiting the government so it couldn't continue to print more dollars, thus preventing the government from growing like a cancer tumor. But then liberal Republican Richard Nixon(who got US out of the VN war while the Dems got US in and escalated the war for the liberal war machine) took the dollar off the gold standard permanently so he could spend like a Democrat on social programs like the Dept of Ed. Thus since then, the government has grown to the point that the host was almost killed, until the US voter woke up and voted against the corrupt bitch that would of given US 4 more years of $1.15 trillion dollar debt per year as Obama did over his 8 years with no hope of larger GROWTH.

At one time, people actually wanted to be trusted for what they say, but with you liberals, you have no honor and will lie about everything. Then you complain when no one trusts you, not even your own, as with Bernie Sanders, who had his election stolen from him by the DNC machine...Oh you already forgot about that???

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