There is NO need for a Federal Minimum wage...

You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.
we have laws. it is about equal protection of the law, not your lack of Good Christian morality toward the Poor.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

Nice sob story.
In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.7 percent of all wage and salary workers.
Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum.

Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Now WHAT was the average hourly wage in August 2018?
August 2018 $27.16 per hour. Up from August 2017 of $26.39

The range of AVERAGE hourly rate also depends on the Industry... The highest hourly rate is the Utilities in August 2017 was $38.50 In August 2018 $40.86
Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

So the major point from these FACTs is: It depends on your skill set and with less that 2.2 million working at minimum or less than I'd bet these people were
A) NOT skilled. B) Probably never had a job.
In fact the actually breakdown is this: Age.
Minimum wage workers tend to be young. Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers,
they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
Among employed teenagers (ages 16 to 19) paid by the hour, about 10 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared with about 2 percent of workers age 25 and older. (See tables 1 and 7.)
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So with less than 3% of the hourly work force being under age 25 or unskilled, people are all wanting the minimum wage to be raised for workers that either never worked before
or had no skill sets. Just plain economic stupidity on you people!
So you have no problem raising the minimum wage since it affects so few
Minimal impact

Why did you say it would have minimal impact? Remember SKILLED people get paid more because they are SKILLED.
So why should UNSKILLED people get paid more JUST because it makes people "feel" good?
Actually what will happen will be this:
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

So we are debating then in raising the minimum wage to $15.00 for those 1.15 million that truly don't have to earn a living to survive.
They buy tennis shoes, music... not food or shelter.

Q3. The types of jobs these 3.3 million are entry level, very little skills and fundamentally require the
employee to A. Be on the job.....B. Be on the job on time.......C. Be able to read/write.
So can these people be replaced by robots/kiosks?
A3. YES... if the costs of operating robots/kiosks are less then $15.00!

So looking at the below standard operating costs of a restaurant with over 30% of expenses being
salaries,wages and employee benefits what would an owner of the restaurant do if the salaries,wages and benefits jumped to say 50%?
GO OUT OF BUSINESS! or let the lower level employees go and replace with robots/kiosks.
Don't need a waiter to take an order or deliver the food.

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

So actually I have no problem with these robots replacing the unskilled teenagers.
Minimum wage workers use their money to pay for college, a car or other transportation. Their wage used to foot the no longer does
They take on more debt so that employers can have low cost labor

Other minimum wage workers use it to support themselves or a family (single mothers). In the absence of a fair wage.....the taxpayer must make up the difference

And the tax payer will make up the difference no matter what the national minimum wage is, because they will be making minimum wage

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison anyway.

Did they cost that much in 1983?? Or did they cost $5 bucks an hour when minimum wage was $3.35?


You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

Nice sob story.

Not a sob story as obviously no one in my family nor I ever looked for help much less useless "sobbing"!
Get to work and do your job was the major mantra in our household!
That is a big fat lie, the $2.00 bucks my aunt put under her bed in 1962 is worth $2 bucks today .

So, economics isn't your strong suite.

Here's the point:

What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
What you can buy with those two dollars has changed a lot.
Back when I was a burger flipper at McD's working for $2.10 an hour, a burger, small fry and small drink totaled 95 cents and a trans am fire bird was $6,000.. Today with minimum wage at $10 an hour, a burger, small fry, and small drink are over $3.50 and if you could buy a trans am, it would be well over $50,000. Because of the dollars spent to give people trillions of dollars to sit on their liberal lazy asses, this printed money(not earned) has caused all this INFLATION. So who ends up hurting? The working people, because they have to work harder for those smaller dollars, and the poor, still sit on their asses, collecting FREE money for nothing....
Well, your prices are pretty close to right, but the rest of that is simply a regurgitated rwnj talking point.
In 1932 an ounce of gold was $20. FDR couldn't do his raw deal, so took the US off the gold standard for the first time so then he could buy an ounce of gold for $25 an ounce, or confiscated it if you didn't turn it in. So what did he do for the gold? Make it more valuable? No he made the dollar 25% less valuable, but he could print more so he could put a chicken in ever pot and start the Ponzi Scheme of Social Security where people didn't live very long past 60. Then the gold standard was put back limiting the government so it couldn't continue to print more dollars, thus preventing the government from growing like a cancer tumor. But then liberal Republican Richard Nixon(who got US out of the VN war while the Dems got US in and escalated the war for the liberal war machine) took the dollar off the gold standard permanently so he could spend like a Democrat on social programs like the Dept of Ed. Thus since then, the government has grown to the point that the host was almost killed, until the US voter woke up and voted against the corrupt bitch that would of given US 4 more years of $1.15 trillion dollar debt per year as Obama did over his 8 years with no hope of larger GROWTH.

At one time, people actually wanted to be trusted for what they say, but with you liberals, you have no honor and will lie about everything. Then you complain when no one trusts you, not even your own, as with Bernie Sanders, who had his election stolen from him by the DNC machine...Oh you already forgot about that???
Just more rwnj talking points.

Not worth my time kid.
You really hate the fucking truth, that is why you have no time for it. Wont refute you, just run away like the little "Girl" pansy as liberal you are.. Then shut up and stop fucking posting your bullshit here.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.
Twisting words again, I see, it is fuck the liberal lazy ass tard who does nothing but sit in his parents basement, smoking dope, bitching about how he/she/it is a victim. They can rot in hell for all I care, that is their(liberals) choice to be fucking worthless, just I shouldn't have to support them...
So you have no problem raising the minimum wage since it affects so few
Minimal impact

Why did you say it would have minimal impact? Remember SKILLED people get paid more because they are SKILLED.
So why should UNSKILLED people get paid more JUST because it makes people "feel" good?
Actually what will happen will be this:
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

So we are debating then in raising the minimum wage to $15.00 for those 1.15 million that truly don't have to earn a living to survive.
They buy tennis shoes, music... not food or shelter.

Q3. The types of jobs these 3.3 million are entry level, very little skills and fundamentally require the
employee to A. Be on the job.....B. Be on the job on time.......C. Be able to read/write.
So can these people be replaced by robots/kiosks?
A3. YES... if the costs of operating robots/kiosks are less then $15.00!

So looking at the below standard operating costs of a restaurant with over 30% of expenses being
salaries,wages and employee benefits what would an owner of the restaurant do if the salaries,wages and benefits jumped to say 50%?
GO OUT OF BUSINESS! or let the lower level employees go and replace with robots/kiosks.
Don't need a waiter to take an order or deliver the food.

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

So actually I have no problem with these robots replacing the unskilled teenagers.
Minimum wage workers use their money to pay for college, a car or other transportation. Their wage used to foot the no longer does
They take on more debt so that employers can have low cost labor

Other minimum wage workers use it to support themselves or a family (single mothers). In the absence of a fair wage.....the taxpayer must make up the difference

And the tax payer will make up the difference no matter what the national minimum wage is, because they will be making minimum wage

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison anyway.

Did they cost that much in 1983?? Or did they cost $5 bucks an hour when minimum wage was $3.35?


that was then, this is now; we have to work in the now. besides, we know more about economics now.
Why did you say it would have minimal impact? Remember SKILLED people get paid more because they are SKILLED.
So why should UNSKILLED people get paid more JUST because it makes people "feel" good?
Actually what will happen will be this:
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

So we are debating then in raising the minimum wage to $15.00 for those 1.15 million that truly don't have to earn a living to survive.
They buy tennis shoes, music... not food or shelter.

Q3. The types of jobs these 3.3 million are entry level, very little skills and fundamentally require the
employee to A. Be on the job.....B. Be on the job on time.......C. Be able to read/write.
So can these people be replaced by robots/kiosks?
A3. YES... if the costs of operating robots/kiosks are less then $15.00!

So looking at the below standard operating costs of a restaurant with over 30% of expenses being
salaries,wages and employee benefits what would an owner of the restaurant do if the salaries,wages and benefits jumped to say 50%?
GO OUT OF BUSINESS! or let the lower level employees go and replace with robots/kiosks.
Don't need a waiter to take an order or deliver the food.

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

So actually I have no problem with these robots replacing the unskilled teenagers.
Minimum wage workers use their money to pay for college, a car or other transportation. Their wage used to foot the no longer does
They take on more debt so that employers can have low cost labor

Other minimum wage workers use it to support themselves or a family (single mothers). In the absence of a fair wage.....the taxpayer must make up the difference

And the tax payer will make up the difference no matter what the national minimum wage is, because they will be making minimum wage

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison anyway.

Did they cost that much in 1983?? Or did they cost $5 bucks an hour when minimum wage was $3.35?


that was then, this is now; we have to work in the now. besides, we know more about economics now.

Lol you stupid, 20 years from now when the national minimum wage will be $15 an hour you will say it's $18 an hour for welfare.

Minimum wage workers use their money to pay for college, a car or other transportation. Their wage used to foot the no longer does
They take on more debt so that employers can have low cost labor

Other minimum wage workers use it to support themselves or a family (single mothers). In the absence of a fair wage.....the taxpayer must make up the difference

And the tax payer will make up the difference no matter what the national minimum wage is, because they will be making minimum wage

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison anyway.

Did they cost that much in 1983?? Or did they cost $5 bucks an hour when minimum wage was $3.35?


that was then, this is now; we have to work in the now. besides, we know more about economics now.

Lol you stupid, 20 years from now when the national minimum wage will be $15 an hour you will say it's $18 an hour for welfare.

You are right
20 years from now, minimum wage will be stuck on $15 when it should be $30
Minimum wage workers use their money to pay for college, a car or other transportation. Their wage used to foot the no longer does
They take on more debt so that employers can have low cost labor

Other minimum wage workers use it to support themselves or a family (single mothers). In the absence of a fair wage.....the taxpayer must make up the difference

And the tax payer will make up the difference no matter what the national minimum wage is, because they will be making minimum wage

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison anyway.

Did they cost that much in 1983?? Or did they cost $5 bucks an hour when minimum wage was $3.35?


that was then, this is now; we have to work in the now. besides, we know more about economics now.

Lol you stupid, 20 years from now when the national minimum wage will be $15 an hour you will say it's $18 an hour for welfare.

inflation happens; we merely need an Institutional upward pressure on wages not Individual.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
That is why Conservatives call the. 50s the good ole days
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
On ounce of gold in the 50s was about 30 dollars, today it is over $1,200. What changed? The ounce of gold or the 22 trillion dollars spent on the war of poverty to keep people in poverty? Those dollars didn't produce shit, except lazy liberal assholes who don't do shit.
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
That is why Conservatives call the. 50s the good ole days

healthmyths Father enjoyed Union scale pay, and healthmyths bashes the Union. HYPOCRITE I say!
You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
On ounce of gold in the 50s was about 30 dollars, today it is over $1,200. What changed? The ounce of gold or the 22 trillion dollars spent on the war of poverty to keep people in poverty? Those dollars didn't produce shit, except lazy liberal assholes who don't do shit.

You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
That is why Conservatives call the. 50s the good ole days

Damn right, no 20 million illegals, women stayed bare foot , pregnant in the kitchen, the world was in ruins and any American could build a manufacturing empire out of his garage, no EPA no ISO9000/quality was heaven on Earth .

You gotta love the "fuck the worker" mentality around this place.

What a dumb ass comment!

My Dad was a Union factory worker in the 50s and made about $500/month for 4 kids and my mom.
He hated the Unions though because they seemed to always take the side of the lazy, ignorant worker.
So when my Dad worked hard did his job, others he talked about were able to slough off, not do their jobs and the UNION protected them.
So during the 50s when I was being raised WE as a family had 4 gardens shared with neighbors. We worked them and the neighbors got the produce as well as we.
My family had a paper route for 20 years. I mowed lawns for 10 years from age 8 till I went to college at 18.
We shoveled snow for about 10 people one of which was to pay a medical professional in lieu of paying cash.
We would be categorized TODAY as living at the poverty level.
WE never considered ourselves POOR though!
What we did was as a FAMILY worked to put food on the table, to get experiences of being on time and being there.
BUT not once did we consider ourselves poor.

This is the major difference between people like us and evidently like you that expect to be taken care of by the corporation or the govt. everything else but by yourself!
LAZY people look for other people to take care of them.

A salary of $500.00 in the 50's equates to $5k in 2017.
On ounce of gold in the 50s was about 30 dollars, today it is over $1,200. What changed? The ounce of gold or the 22 trillion dollars spent on the war of poverty to keep people in poverty? Those dollars didn't produce shit, except lazy liberal assholes who don't do shit.
An ounce of gold has no value to a society
Helping those people who need help provides value

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