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There is no rapture, Jesus is not coming back in the clouds

Anyone who thinks the NT is not guide to daily living needs to read it again and without prejudice.
I should spend all day talking shit about Rabbis and healing withered hands.
Have you REALLY read TNT?
See, I know you have not.
Read it 6 times...laughed my arse off at all the mistranslations and misquotes.
But you wouldn't know that because you never the Torah, even in English, let alone Hebrew.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.

Yet they say Jesus or Joshua is a jew, what say you?
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.
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I should spend all day talking shit about Rabbis and healing withered hands.
Have you REALLY read TNT?
See, I know you have not.
Read it 6 times...laughed my arse off at all the mistranslations and misquotes.
But you wouldn't know that because you never the Torah, even in English, let alone Hebrew.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.

You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate.
How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
See, I know you have not.
Read it 6 times...laughed my arse off at all the mistranslations and misquotes.
But you wouldn't know that because you never the Torah, even in English, let alone Hebrew.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.
Read it 6 times...laughed my arse off at all the mistranslations and misquotes.
But you wouldn't know that because you never the Torah, even in English, let alone Hebrew.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..
You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..

In other words, you have no reply.
I apologize if I am coming off too heavy.
You can't help where you're coming from because you started reading Book 36 and really never read Book 1 through 35, so you have no idea that the Book of Deuteronomy actually warns against a Jesus type of situation.
God is not a fool, people are, or can be made out to be fools by others more powerful or charismatic than themselves.
I actually feel sorry for Christians who have to live with a Cannon of such shallow depth.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.
Then you know very few Christians.

The Christians I've known during my lifetime have a bigger problem than reading the bible. The way they live doesn't even remotely resemble the way they're instructed to do:

Matthew 5:

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Ephesians 4:

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Luke 16:

19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried, in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he called out, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us. 27 And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house— 28 for I have five brothers so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”
Yet they say Jesus or Joshua is a jew, what say you?
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.

The worst thing a people could do is hide their warts.
We learn from our errors, not from hiding them.
I know about the provisions being burned but I don't know about the town.
In fact, they were stuck in the walls of Jerusalem so nobody COULD wipe out a town.
I think you're confusing this with Shaul wiping out the Levite City of Nov.
You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.

Yet they say Jesus or Joshua is a jew, what say you?
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

wrong---the bible ---at least the one you call the "old testament" was on the list of books that catholics were not permitted to
read------circa 1960. For this reason catholic kids who transferred to the public schools in my town were exempted
from reading before the class. At that time the rule was --someone read five verses. The teacher or a pupil could do it. The rule had little effect---most of the transferees from
the catholic school could barely read------the catholic schools did not tolerate the mentally deficient unless their parents paid full price which was exorbitant. Getting to hear selected
verses during a religious service is, IN NO WAY, the same
as reading a book on one's own. Interestingly----muslims I have encountered in the USA got their knowledge of the koran
in the same way. I cannot understand why this simple fact
bothers you. I could PROVE my assertion to you if we were face to face with simple quiz questions
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.

So tell me, Penelope, why do you think all the Prophets and the Talmud, with all their warts, were preserved as is?
There is one Yeshua who was a Jew whose character traits did not match his depth of knowledge.
Problem is there's a number of Yeshuas.
Whoever composed The Gospels and Epistles knew nothing about The Jewish Scriptures.

Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
no wonder no one reads it -----so true----I never met a Christian who actually READ the NT-----but there are some---
(not catholics) that quote the OT INCESSANTLY. For the record----Muslims do not read the koran either---They claim the "KNOW" it ----but somehow never read it.

Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.

Every word that you post regarding jews, history, the 'old
testament' and the Talmud can be EASILY traced to islamo-
Nazi 'literature'. It is very easy for me to recognize you for
what you are because I grew up in a town which-----before their STRONG DESIRE to sell lots of little houses to
BABY BOOM FAMILIES ----had been completely "restricted"----NO KIKES, NO N^%%ers, NO NUTHIN' that Saint Adolf
refused. The town was riddled with tattered old pamphlets
explaining your POV. I was an avid reader------lived far
from the public library, could not be satisfied with the superman comics my brothers collected----or the "COMPLETE
WORKS OF Percy Bysshe Shelley"
I read PROMETHEUS UNBOUND at least 20 times before
I was ten years old (never got to the Aeshchylus version)
It was a disaster-----I scattered all the fragments of
my mom's wedding corsage. The crap your kith and
kin elaborated in the 19th and 20th century about
DA JOOOOS------was kinda funny-----something like the
MAD MAGAZINES that my brother began collecting
sometime in the 60s. Your crap is lot easier to read than
is the poetry of Shelley and almost as funny as
is Mad Magazine
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..

In other words, you have no reply.
I apologize if I am coming off too heavy.
You can't help where you're coming from because you started reading Book 36 and really never read Book 1 through 35, so you have no idea that the Book of Deuteronomy actually warns against a Jesus type of situation.
God is not a fool, people are, or can be made out to be fools by others more powerful or charismatic than themselves.
I actually feel sorry for Christians who have to live with a Cannon of such shallow depth.
You literally have trouble reading and understanding others' points of view.

That's OK. That means you are not a scholar is all.

So no offense is taken. Stay calm and keep on.
I should spend all day talking shit about Rabbis and healing withered hands.
Have you REALLY read TNT?
See, I know you have not.
Read it 6 times...laughed my arse off at all the mistranslations and misquotes.
But you wouldn't know that because you never the Torah, even in English, let alone Hebrew.
No, you have not. So easy to see. If I am not qualified to read the Torah, then you are not qualified to read the New Testament, even in Greek. :lol:

You can't win this debate as you don't even know Hebrew.
You can't read 3 sentences in TNT without running into hostility towards Rabbis or someone with a withered limb.
Qualified to read TNT?
It's written for a 5 year old.
You are not the rule maker, my friend, and the debate is over. You don't know the NT. The ecclesiastical leaders represent the dead law. You clearly don't under Jesus. So yell all you want, but it means nothing.

I understand Jesus----and he never stated that the laws represented by what you call "the ecclesiastical leaders"
is dead--------greek and roman writers did and the mass
murderer CONSTANTINE was delighted
Really they seemed to know quite a bit. Have you noticed the references to it. It was really wrote for the Jews.

if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
Then you know very few Christians.

Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.

The worst thing a people could do is hide their warts.
We learn from our errors, not from hiding them.
I know about the provisions being burned but I don't know about the town.
In fact, they were stuck in the walls of Jerusalem so nobody COULD wipe out a town.
I think you're confusing this with Shaul wiping out the Levite City of Nov.

islamo Nazis do not know "shaul"------say SAUL
You came to a Brain Surgeons Conventions as a High School graduate. How can you possibly argue something you have never read?
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..

In other words, you have no reply.
I apologize if I am coming off too heavy.
You can't help where you're coming from because you started reading Book 36 and really never read Book 1 through 35, so you have no idea that the Book of Deuteronomy actually warns against a Jesus type of situation.
God is not a fool, people are, or can be made out to be fools by others more powerful or charismatic than themselves.
I actually feel sorry for Christians who have to live with a Cannon of such shallow depth.
You literally have trouble reading and understanding others' points of view.

That's OK. That means you are not a scholar is all.

So no offense is taken. Stay calm and keep on.

Christian Scholarship...
About 20 years ago the New York Time had a headline akin to...
Christian Scholarship...An Oxymoron
The 20th Century caught up with, and passed by, Christianity.
if the perverted romans (and a few greeks) were writing for jews for some sort of perverted agenda----they SUCCEEDED.
The agenda was empire and some really backward assholes FELL FOR IT-----of course----for jews it is the piece of crap that it is

Philo of Alexandria was a Jew and so were his relatives, one was Titus's right hand man. According to Josephus , the fire was started by zealot Jews, and neither Vespasian nor Titus wanted to destroy Jerusalem but they had to.
Why Jews will never admit that their actions were and still are " inabitly to assimulate into a society without controlling it , is beyond me.

Israelites (Hebrews) stole land from others in the OT and fought each other. Not much has changed.
Penelope who has admitted that she never read the bible,
endorses jake's denial of my statement----When I was a child---
catholics were NOT PERMITTED to read the bible----it was on some sort of LIST along with LOLITA------

We were permitted to read the Bible, where to you get this stuff from. It was not necessary as the Church would teach us everything we needed to know and well they did. The Bible is read every Mass, OT and NT.

The Talmud has the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza which resulted in the Romans aggression against Israel.
Zealots started the fire that destroyed the 23 years of provisions.

The fire that destroyed the Temple was started by the Romans.

And that's what you get when you don't read any Talmudic literature.

No not true, Zealots did start the fire and also destroyed the food supply and also killed a whole town of pacifist Jews because they would not fight against the Romans. There have been zealots since the Maccabees against Rome. Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is putting the blame on one Jew, not true.

Oh I have read parts of your Talmud, which is worst than the OT.

The worst thing a people could do is hide their warts.
We learn from our errors, not from hiding them.
I know about the provisions being burned but I don't know about the town.
In fact, they were stuck in the walls of Jerusalem so nobody COULD wipe out a town.
I think you're confusing this with Shaul wiping out the Levite City of Nov.

islamo Nazis do not know "shaul"------say SAUL

Aw, shucks!
You prove my point.

You don't understand the NT. Theoretically, if you had read it, you could discuss the role of the leaders of the law without getting so anxious. But you can't.

Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..

In other words, you have no reply.
I apologize if I am coming off too heavy.
You can't help where you're coming from because you started reading Book 36 and really never read Book 1 through 35, so you have no idea that the Book of Deuteronomy actually warns against a Jesus type of situation.
God is not a fool, people are, or can be made out to be fools by others more powerful or charismatic than themselves.
I actually feel sorry for Christians who have to live with a Cannon of such shallow depth.
You literally have trouble reading and understanding others' points of view.

That's OK. That means you are not a scholar is all.

So no offense is taken. Stay calm and keep on.

Christian Scholarship...
About 20 years ago the New York Time had a headline akin to...
Christian Scholarship...An Oxymoron
The 20th Century caught up with, and passed by, Christianity.
JS does a smiley when he has no retort.
How sad.
Then the Scripture which needs no laws should not have a Book of Acts.
In fact, every bad behavior enumerated in TNT should be erased from the Cannon.
Now you are a litterateur? :lol: You have trouble with writing understandable English much less being an expert in hermeneutics..

In other words, you have no reply.
I apologize if I am coming off too heavy.
You can't help where you're coming from because you started reading Book 36 and really never read Book 1 through 35, so you have no idea that the Book of Deuteronomy actually warns against a Jesus type of situation.
God is not a fool, people are, or can be made out to be fools by others more powerful or charismatic than themselves.
I actually feel sorry for Christians who have to live with a Cannon of such shallow depth.
You literally have trouble reading and understanding others' points of view.

That's OK. That means you are not a scholar is all.

So no offense is taken. Stay calm and keep on.

Christian Scholarship...
About 20 years ago the New York Time had a headline akin to...
Christian Scholarship...An Oxymoron
The 20th Century caught up with, and passed by, Christianity.
JS does a smiley when he has no retort.
How sad.
You say nothing that requires retort.

You are a propagandist, nothing more, to make a predetermined point.

That's what you so.

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