There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

UN We Still Consider Gaza Occupied

How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when "Palestinian" arabs voted in a terror syndicate?

How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when Israel has no presence in Gaza?

You're suffering from delusions again, right?

The legal concept is Israel exercises effective control of Gaza, they control her borders and impose an unlawful Blockade on Gaza.

I accept the conclusions of the International authorities that Israel occupies Gaza.

You can keep hanging onto those Zionist Fantasies of yours, you seem too much of a weakling and wimp to face the truth about Zionist Israel.

It's just a shame that cannot perceive a reality based worldview. You are so consumed with conspiracies involving the Zionists™, that your every post is an attempt to implicate the Zionists™ in some strange, alternate reality that you invent.
What are you talking about?

Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

And this is not a Cowboys and Indians struggle.

Israel does not occupy Gaza. You insist on furthering this silly notion of which you are utterly ignorant and clueless.

Both the West Bank and Gaza were previously areas controlled by Israel after being annexed from war mongering arabs.

How many times do you need to be corrected on these issues?

Yes, they do.

I already addressed The Intl Court of Justice Opinion that makes that finding and the UN confirms the Occupation of Gaza continues.
Court of Justice? Who the F are they? Are they associated with those superheroes from the Justice League or something? Does Ironman know about this?! :lmao:
How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when "Palestinian" arabs voted in a terror syndicate?

How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when Israel has no presence in Gaza?

You're suffering from delusions again, right?

The legal concept is Israel exercises effective control of Gaza, they control her borders and impose an unlawful Blockade on Gaza.

I accept the conclusions of the International authorities that Israel occupies Gaza.

You can keep hanging onto those Zionist Fantasies of yours, you seem too much of a weakling and wimp to face the truth about Zionist Israel.

It's just a shame that cannot perceive a reality based worldview. You are so consumed with conspiracies involving the Zionists™, that your every post is an attempt to implicate the Zionists™ in some strange, alternate reality that you invent.
She has a very vivid imagination, if she put this crap on paper it would fill up the fiction / conspiracy section of a bookstore.

True story. :cool:
How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when "Palestinian" arabs voted in a terror syndicate?

How is Gaza occupied (by other than Islamic terrorists), when Israel has no presence in Gaza?

You're suffering from delusions again, right?

The legal concept is Israel exercises effective control of Gaza, they control her borders and impose an unlawful Blockade on Gaza.

I accept the conclusions of the International authorities that Israel occupies Gaza.

You can keep hanging onto those Zionist Fantasies of yours, you seem too much of a weakling and wimp to face the truth about Zionist Israel.

It's just a shame that cannot perceive a reality based worldview. You are so consumed with conspiracies involving the Zionists™, that your every post is an attempt to implicate the Zionists™ in some strange, alternate reality that you invent.

I am simply addressing the fact that intl authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Deal with the Facts in the real world.

The International Court Of Justice exists and they released an Opinion finding there is an Occupation. That is real, not a conspiracy.

The UN is real and they released a video making it 100% clear they still consider Gaza occupied. That is real, not a conspiracy.

You seem to live in a Fantasyland where Reality is all conspiracies.

Do us all a favor, get help for all these delusions you are living with which prevent you from distinquishing fantasies from reality and lead you to see conspiracies everywhere.
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The legal concept is Israel exercises effective control of Gaza, they control her borders and impose an unlawful Blockade on Gaza.

I accept the conclusions of the International authorities that Israel occupies Gaza.

You can keep hanging onto those Zionist Fantasies of yours, you seem too much of a weakling and wimp to face the truth about Zionist Israel.

It's just a shame that cannot perceive a reality based worldview. You are so consumed with conspiracies involving the Zionists™, that your every post is an attempt to implicate the Zionists™ in some strange, alternate reality that you invent.

I am simply addressing the fact that intl authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Deal with the Facts in the real world.

You are simply ignoring the fact that an "occupation" absent any occupying force begs the question: how do you invent a conspiracy involving the Zionists™ occupying Gaza when the the Zionists™ are not occupying Gaza?
Sadly there are such things as Palestinians. When I think of 9/11 I still see innocent Americans jumping hundreds of feet to their deaths. And then I see the Palestinian things dancing in the street and passing out candy. And people wonder why I can't stand the vermin.
It's just a shame that cannot perceive a reality based worldview. You are so consumed with conspiracies involving the Zionists™, that your every post is an attempt to implicate the Zionists™ in some strange, alternate reality that you invent.

I am simply addressing the fact that intl authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Deal with the Facts in the real world.

You are simply ignoring the fact that an "occupation" absent any occupying force begs the question: how do you invent a conspiracy involving the Zionists™ occupying Gaza when the the Zionists™ are not occupying Gaza?

Intl legal authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies Gaza.

That is Reality and not a conspiracy.
I am simply addressing the fact that intl authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Deal with the Facts in the real world.

You are simply ignoring the fact that an "occupation" absent any occupying force begs the question: how do you invent a conspiracy involving the Zionists™ occupying Gaza when the the Zionists™ are not occupying Gaza?

Intl legal authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies Gaza.

That is Reality and not a conspiracy.

So, we're left with you insisting that there is an "occupation" of Gaza when there is no occupier.

An occupation of none, as it were.

Did you know that the Black Helicopters are hovering overhead?
You are simply ignoring the fact that an "occupation" absent any occupying force begs the question: how do you invent a conspiracy involving the Zionists™ occupying Gaza when the the Zionists™ are not occupying Gaza?

Intl legal authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies Gaza.

That is Reality and not a conspiracy.

So, we're left with you insisting that there is an "occupation" of Gaza when there is no occupier.

An occupation of none, as it were.

Did you know that the Black Helicopters are hovering overhead?

I maintain Gaza is occupied because intl legal authorities have universally concluded it is occupied, The Intl Court of Justice and the UN and others such as The Intl Red Cross.

The video released by the UN mentions two resolutions and says there are others confirming Gaza is occupied. Security Council Resolution 1860 confirms this, as does a General Assembly Resolution from October of 2010.

Get help for your inability to distinquish reality from your delusions.
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Israel and the occupied territories: providing support in Gaza and monitoring detainees on hunger strike

15-08-2012 Operational Update

The ICRC continues to monitor the humanitarian consequences of Israeli policies and practices in the occupied territories. In the Gaza Strip, the escalation of violence and fuel shortages have exacerbated the already precarious living conditions. What follows is an update on ICRC activities in Israel and the occupied territories between January and the end of May 2012.In the first half of 2012, the deadlock in the peace process persisted despite Jordan's efforts to facilitate talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. *In addition, the stalled reconciliation process between Hamas and Fatah proved too great an obstacle and talks on a unity government and elections had to be postponed. *Early March 2012 saw one of the most intense escalations of violence between Gaza and Israel since the 2008/2009 Operation 'Cast Lead'. The killing of a high-ranking official from the Popular Resistance Committees by the Israel Defense Forces triggered barrages of rockets fired from Gaza, injuring some civilians.The closure of Gaza, now in its fifth year, continues to affect every aspect of life in the coastal enclave and to rule out any possibility of economic recovery, despite concessions made by the Israeli authorities. The lengthy permit process and the rigorous security checks required to exit Gaza, whether for treatment, education or training, remain a particular cause for concern. Through cash-for-work and livelihood-support programmes, the ICRC helps impoverished people cope with their precarious circumstances. *Initially, Palestinian detainees in Israeli places of detention staged a series of individual hunger strikes to protest against administrative detention and to call for their release. A mass hunger strike of over 1,500 detainees then began on 17 April. They demanded the resumption of family visits for detainees from Gaza, an end to solitary confinement, and a number of improvements to their conditions of detention. The ICRC stepped up its visits and closely monitored the medical condition of the detainees involved.The ICRC also focused on the humanitarian consequences of restrictions on movement and access to land, of the increase in settler violence, and of Israeli military and law enforcement operations.

Israel and the occupied territories: providing support in Gaza and monitoring detainees on hunger strike
Intl legal authorities are in universal agreement that Israel occupies Gaza.

That is Reality and not a conspiracy.

So, we're left with you insisting that there is an "occupation" of Gaza when there is no occupier.

An occupation of none, as it were.

Did you know that the Black Helicopters are hovering overhead?

I maimtaim Gaza is occupied because intl legal.authorities have universally concluded it is occupied, The Intl Court of Justice and the UN and others such as The Intl Red Cross.

The video released by the UN mentions two resolutions and says there are others confirming Gazs is occupied. Security Council Resolution 1860 confirms this, as does a General Assembly Resolution from October of 2010.

Get help for your inability to distinquish reality from your delusions.

You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.
So, we're left with you insisting that there is an "occupation" of Gaza when there is no occupier.

An occupation of none, as it were.

Did you know that the Black Helicopters are hovering overhead?

I maimtaim Gaza is occupied because intl legal.authorities have universally concluded it is occupied, The Intl Court of Justice and the UN and others such as The Intl Red Cross.

The video released by the UN mentions two resolutions and says there are others confirming Gazs is occupied. Security Council Resolution 1860 confirms this, as does a General Assembly Resolution from October of 2010.

Get help for your inability to distinquish reality from your delusions.

You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.
I maimtaim Gaza is occupied because intl legal.authorities have universally concluded it is occupied, The Intl Court of Justice and the UN and others such as The Intl Red Cross.

The video released by the UN mentions two resolutions and says there are others confirming Gazs is occupied. Security Council Resolution 1860 confirms this, as does a General Assembly Resolution from October of 2010.

Get help for your inability to distinquish reality from your delusions.

You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.

Your endlessly repeating an absurdity doesn't minimize the absurdity.

Why do you refuse to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place?

These are the Facts! You have no Facts!

Did you see that I capitalized the "F" in facts and also added the exclamation point for emphasis?
You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.

Your endlessly repeating an absurdity doesn't minimize the absurdity.

Why do you refuse to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place?

These are the Facts! You have no Facts!

Did you see that I capitalized the "F" in facts and also added the exclamation point for emphasis?

I keep repeating that Gaza is occupied under intl law, you seem to lack intelligence or mental ability to accept that .

Get help for your problem please.

I have provided links to sources that establish East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are occupied, which are The Intl Court of Justice Opinion on The Wall in 2004, the UN ( and the Occupation is established through both Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions) and The International Red Cross.

Facts: Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel occupies these territories by presence and control, effective control exercised, with respect to Gaza.
Sadly there are such things as Palestinians. When I think of 9/11 I still see innocent Americans jumping hundreds of feet to their deaths. And then I see the Palestinian things dancing in the street and passing out candy. And people wonder why I can't stand the vermin.
Assuming there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I have learned the Arabs from Jordan, Syria and Egypt who call themselves 'Palestinian' were taught to say that by Hero Arafat.
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Sadly there are such things as Palestinians. When I think of 9/11 I still see innocent Americans jumping hundreds of feet to their deaths. And then I see the Palestinian things dancing in the street and passing out candy. And people wonder why I can't stand the vermin.
Assuming there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I have learned the Arabs from Jordan, Syria and Egypt who call themselves 'Palestinian' were taught to say that by Hero Arafat.

Absolutely true!

Your self definition is determined by what, exactly? If you don't mind me asking

We know the land was called Palestine by the writings of Greeks like Herodotus and Jesus contemporaries like Josephus.

yes---a large area of land was called "palestine" by Herodotus-----it included the land
once occupied by "philistines" who were aegean people------and also Israel/Judea,
large parts of lebanon and what is today Syria SO? The romans
continued to use the term Palestina ------and JOSEPHUS who lived in rome----also
used that term. Later on----the term Palestina was used to describe what was
generally the erstwhile Israel/Judea-----by the ROMANS -----and by the rest of the
world and------for almost 2000 years EVERY PERSON CALLED A PALESTINIAN----was a
JEW LIVING IN PALESTINE -------sometime in the 1960s -----arab muslims stole the
term for themselves SO????? If I call myself a MARTIAN ----does
that make me the owner of MARS?. Josephus was a pharisee jew as was Jesus-----
and an ardent zionist. I once read a bit about Josephus written by an idiot of the calibre
of our board lawyer. He decided that although he LOVED THE WRITINGS of JOSEPHUS----that JOSEPHUS made a "mistake" (just a mistake) by his fervent
praise of the PHARISEES poor sherri-----so desperate

for the record----the romans renamed SHECHEM----"NEOPOLIS" which the
current arab invaders occupying that town blurred into "nablus"-----since the desert
garble of arabia excludes the "P" sound -------The romans did not call Jeruslaem


The " Christian" :lol: who knows nothing but hate is talking about " Jesus" again :cuckoo:
I maimtaim Gaza is occupied because intl legal.authorities have universally concluded it is occupied, The Intl Court of Justice and the UN and others such as The Intl Red Cross.

The video released by the UN mentions two resolutions and says there are others confirming Gazs is occupied. Security Council Resolution 1860 confirms this, as does a General Assembly Resolution from October of 2010.

Get help for your inability to distinquish reality from your delusions.

You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.

Doesn't matter what you " think " Frau Sheri . Israel is never going to leave E. Jerusalem :smiliehug:
You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.

Doesn't matter what you " think " Frau Sheri . Israel is never going to leave E. Jerusalem :smiliehug:

Very true. Not in a million years.
You can maintain whatever delusions you like - and they are many.

I just find it interesting that you stutter and mumble every time you are required to identify how an occupation is taking place when you can't identify how an occupation is taking place.

I think your emotions are occupied with insensate Juice hatreds which prevent you from confronting a reality based worldview.

I repeat, it is the universal position of international legal authorities that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

These are Facts.

Doesn't matter what you " think " Frau Sheri . Israel is never going to leave E. Jerusalem :smiliehug:

It seems like no matter what the topic of a thread about Muslims, it all comes down to the fact that Muslims are brainwashed. Of course Muslims deny this. So, how do we prove it?

Check out this little girl and her answers to questions. This kind of brainwashing at that age can not be reversed. I am afraid that this little girl is not only a lost soul, but she will be an enemy of my country, and the Western way of life. Sadly, there is only one way to deal with this kind of brainwashing. This is why there are mass graves.

[ame=""]brainwashed little muslim girl [must see] original - YouTube[/ame]

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