There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.
You call everyone who criticizes Israel a "jew-hater". Even jews who criticize Israel, you call them "jew-hating-jews". You're doing your best to get people to believe any criticism of Israel is a result of "jew-hate" and nothing more.

When someone say's, "Israel is in violation of international law", it's because they hate jews, not because they are, in fact, in violation of international law? That's basically what you're trying to get people to believe. I'm sorry, but that dog don't hunt.

Sherri's not a "jew-hater". You just call her that, because you ain't got the chops to go toe-to-toe with her in a debate.

Not true but I do focus on Jew-hatin' scumbags.
Evidently that bothers you.
Tough titties, Bitch.
No rational personal is required to "debate" one who depends, as Sherri does, on to support her hate and if you can't understand that it's your prob.
Did you learn to worship Nazi websites in your "bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind?"

I learned I need to more often look for authority in Biblical Scriptures by going to the original Greek texts.

There is nothing in any texts which suggests, requires or recommends using known Nazi websites as you do in support of your hate for Jews. The fact that you must use to justify your hate would tell any rational person they are barking up the wrong tree. Pretending you have a prob with Israel is laughable. Your prob is clearly with the fact that Jews exist. Wake up and smell the hate you're shoveling. It's obvious.
:clap: :clap:

Couldn't have said it better.
Not true but I do focus on Jew-hatin' scumbags..
I have no argument against a statement like that.

Evidently that bothers you..
Actually, it's the opposite. Arguments are my Disneyland.
Tough titties, Bitch..
Man, I like that kinda talk!

No rational personal is required to "debate" one who depends, as Sherri does, on to support her hate and if you can't understand that it's your prob.
Your personal feelings towards a particular website, has nothing to do with the truth of falsehood of a claim.

Even Fox news can say something that is true.
You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.
You call everyone who criticizes Israel a "jew-hater". Even jews who criticize Israel, you call them "jew-hating-jews". You're doing your best to get people to believe any criticism of Israel is a result of "jew-hate" and nothing more.

When someone say's, "Israel is in violation of international law", it's because they hate jews, not because they are, in fact, in violation of international law? That's basically what you're trying to get people to believe. I'm sorry, but that dog don't hunt.

Sherri's not a "jew-hater". You just call her that, because you ain't got the chops to go toe-to-toe with her in a debate.
Yeah right! Sherri hates Jews with every ounce of her fact she hates Jews more than she loves life (mostly because she doesn't really have a life anyhow) which is why her hate will one day totally consume her.

Inshallah, sooner rather than later. Ameen. Ha ha.
There is nothing in any texts which suggest, require, or recommend using known Nazi websites as you do in support of your hate for Jews. The fact that you must use to justify your hate would tell any rational person they are barking up the wrong tree. Pretending you have a prob with Israel is laughable. Your prob is clearly with the fact that Jews exist. Wake up and smell the hate you're shoveling. It's obvious.
The only reason you want it to be about the jews, is because you're too pussy to take responsibility for the shit things Israel has done to the Palestinian's.

You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.

Criticism of the Zionist Regime/Israel is not hate of Jews.

If Israel would end her Occupation and Apartheid and human rights abuses, people of conscience would be happy to stop addressing these egregious social justice issues of our century.

I know of no greater social justice issue the world faces today than the Israeli Occupation of Palestine/Israeli Palestinian conflict.
The only reason you want it to be about the jews, is because you're too pussy to take responsibility for the shit things Israel has done to the Palestinian's.

You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.

Criticism of the Zionist Regime/Israel is not hate of Jews.

If Israel would end her Occupation and Apartheid and human rights abuses, people of conscience would be happy to stop addressing these egregious social justice issues of our century.

I know of no greater social justice issue the world faces today than the Israeli Occupation of Palestine/Israeli Palestinian conflict.

If I'm correct about the line of socio-politico logic that prevents decent human beings from acting against morons and staunchly resisting bigots such as Sherri types (apologists for fascist ideologies), those sorts will continue to disgust thinking humans who desire only to be left alone from hateful killers and repressive politico-religious ideologies until those killers and fascists bring violence. The tradition of private citizens acting in support of justice and public order has been enervated over the past decades. Certainly our criminal courts show it little favor. In no reality does "them Joooooos need killin'" remain a viable defense against a murder charge, except in the alternate reality of islamist fascism.
A Palestinian is anyone who lives in the geographical area known as Palestine, Jews, arabs, Christians.... Just like some people are grouped European or South American.
If I'm correct about the line of socio-politico logic that prevents decent human beings from acting against morons and staunchly resisting bigots such as Sherri types (apologists for fascist ideologies), those sorts will continue to disgust thinking humans who desire only to be left alone from hateful killers and repressive politico-religious ideologies until those killers and fascists bring violence. The tradition of private citizens acting in support of justice and public order has been enervated over the past decades. Certainly our criminal courts show it little favor. In no reality does "them Joooooos need killin'" remain a viable defense against a murder charge, except in the alternate reality of islamist fascism.
If you wanna be left alone, stop occupying their property.
If I'm correct about the line of socio-politico logic that prevents decent human beings from acting against morons and staunchly resisting bigots such as Sherri types (apologists for fascist ideologies), those sorts will continue to disgust thinking humans who desire only to be left alone from hateful killers and repressive politico-religious ideologies until those killers and fascists bring violence. The tradition of private citizens acting in support of justice and public order has been enervated over the past decades. Certainly our criminal courts show it little favor. In no reality does "them Joooooos need killin'" remain a viable defense against a murder charge, except in the alternate reality of islamist fascism.
If you wanna be left alone, stop occupying their property.

You're a bit confused about both property ownership and islamist (fascist), ideology.
Yeah right! Sherri hates Jews with every ounce of her fact she hates Jews more than she loves life (mostly because she doesn't really have a life anyhow) which is why her hate will one day totally consume her.

Inshallah, sooner rather than later. Ameen. Ha ha.
"Ha ha", is right.
You're a bit confused about both property ownership and islamist (fascist), ideology.
I'm not confused at all.

And neither is every nation on the planet, which has considered these areas "occupied territories", for the last 47 years.

There is no one (including the Israeli High Court), that takes your side on this issue.
You're a bit confused about both property ownership and islamist (fascist), ideology.
I'm not confused at all.

And neither is every nation on the planet, which has considered these areas "occupied territories", for the last 47 years.

There is no one (including the Israeli High Court), that takes your side on this issue.

You're totally confused.

The disputed territories are termed disputed for a reason.
The only reason you want it to be about the jews, is because you're too pussy to take responsibility for the shit things Israel has done to the Palestinian's.

You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.

Criticism of the Zionist Regime/Israel is not hate of Jews.

If Israel would end her Occupation and Apartheid and human rights abuses, people of conscience would be happy to stop addressing these egregious social justice issues of our century.

I know of no greater social justice issue the world faces today than the Israeli Occupation of Palestine/Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Posting your "facts" from a Nazi website like, while your perogative, exposes you for the mindless anti-Semitic twit we all know you to be and renders you and your arguments irrelevant.
If I'm correct about the line of socio-politico logic that prevents decent human beings from acting against morons and staunchly resisting bigots such as Sherri types (apologists for fascist ideologies), those sorts will continue to disgust thinking humans who desire only to be left alone from hateful killers and repressive politico-religious ideologies until those killers and fascists bring violence. The tradition of private citizens acting in support of justice and public order has been enervated over the past decades. Certainly our criminal courts show it little favor. In no reality does "them Joooooos need killin'" remain a viable defense against a murder charge, except in the alternate reality of islamist fascism.
If you wanna be left alone, stop occupying their property.

Hollie cannot be bothered with the Facts.

She is consumed with Hate of Muslims.

Her Hate even renders her incapable of spelling either Muslim or Jew correctly.

I expect she writes from a mental hospital.
You choose to ignore the hate spewed by anti-Semitic twits like Sherri and Nazi skanks like Holston because you're too pussy to stand up to those who share your hate. If you want credibility you're gonna have to repudiate the Jew-haters.

Criticism of the Zionist Regime/Israel is not hate of Jews.
If Israel would end her Occupation and Apartheid and human rights abuses, people of conscience would be happy to stop addressing these egregious social justice issues of our century.

I know of no greater social justice issue the world faces today than the Israeli Occupation of Palestine/Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Posting your "facts" from a Nazi website like, while your perogative, exposes you for the mindless anti-Semitic twit we all know you to be and renders you and your arguments irrelevant.

The original Biblical texts prove the word Jew did not appear there.

I know Zionists cannot face uncomfortable truths.

But the fact is truth is always brought into the light.
If I'm correct about the line of socio-politico logic that prevents decent human beings from acting against morons and staunchly resisting bigots such as Sherri types (apologists for fascist ideologies), those sorts will continue to disgust thinking humans who desire only to be left alone from hateful killers and repressive politico-religious ideologies until those killers and fascists bring violence. The tradition of private citizens acting in support of justice and public order has been enervated over the past decades. Certainly our criminal courts show it little favor. In no reality does "them Joooooos need killin'" remain a viable defense against a murder charge, except in the alternate reality of islamist fascism.
If you wanna be left alone, stop occupying their property.

Hollie cannot be bothered with the Facts.

She is consumed with Hate of Muslims.

Her Hate even renders her incapable of spelling either Muslim or Jew correctly.

I expect she writes from a mental hospital.

Aside from your usual tactic of spamming the thread when your arguments fail, I noticed you could construct no argument to refute my comments.

Your feelings may be hurt when your islamist ideology is exposed as self-defeating, but that's no excuse for your inability to address the facts.
You're a bit confused about both property ownership and islamist (fascist), ideology.
I'm not confused at all.

And neither is every nation on the planet, which has considered these areas "occupied territories", for the last 47 years.

There is no one (including the Israeli High Court), that takes your side on this issue.

You're totally confused.

The disputed territories are termed disputed for a reason.

Not called disputed territories.

ZIONIST fantasies on display again!
I'm not confused at all.

And neither is every nation on the planet, which has considered these areas "occupied territories", for the last 47 years.

There is no one (including the Israeli High Court), that takes your side on this issue.

You're totally confused.

The disputed territories are termed disputed for a reason.

Not called disputed territories.

ZIONIST fantasies on display again!

Your islamist fantasies are indefensible.
If you wanna be left alone, stop occupying their property.

Hollie cannot be bothered with the Facts.

She is consumed with Hate of Muslims.

Her Hate even renders her incapable of spelling either Muslim or Jew correctly.

I expect she writes from a mental hospital.

Aside from your usual tactic of spamming the thread when your arguments fail, I noticed you could construct no argument to refute my comments.

Your feelings may be hurt when your islamist ideology is exposed as self-defeating, but that's no excuse for your inability to address the facts.

I saw no arguments or facts to respond to, just Hollies normal hate rant.

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