There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

I called it. No links. Hit and run poster unsupported by facts. God I love posting against Muslims. It makes me look twice as smart as I am!


There's links. Right where I said there were. And anyone with half a brain can see that. You're playing word games, troll.

BTW, I'm not a muslim, shit-for-brains.

You wrote:

"In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel."

My response:

Your account of what happened is inaccurate. Egyptian land was not occupied until 1967 after Israel started a war with Egypt that year.

And the land has been called Palestine since the time of Herodotus.

You really should get your facts straight.

And the history of the US has nothing to do with the Zionist colonial terrorist enterprise in Palestine.

Today, we have intl laws that state sovereignty of land cannot be obtained by military conquest.

Any land Israel grabbed by military conquest, she occupies under intl law, and has no sovereignty rights in that land.

You spew your Jew hatred everyday here.

Facts are facts, respond to them for a change instead of resorting to your regular Zionist personal attack script.

Facts?:lol: from Jew hating websites? Please....Illuminati?..Jewish conspiracy? You're joke here, other than to your fellow Jew haters and the clueless Coyote
You spew your Jew hatred everyday here.

Facts are facts, respond to them for a change instead of resorting to your regular Zionist personal attack script.

Facts?:lol: from Jew hating websites? Please....Illuminati?..Jewish conspiracy? You're joke here, other than to your fellow Jew haters and the clueless Coyote

My post set forth facts you seem to be too ignorant to respond to.
Facts are facts, respond to them for a change instead of resorting to your regular Zionist personal attack script.

Facts?:lol: from Jew hating websites? Please....Illuminati?..Jewish conspiracy? You're joke here, other than to your fellow Jew haters and the clueless Coyote

My post set forth facts you seem to be too ignorant to respond to.

Which post was that again? Illuminati or Jew conspiracy?
Facts?:lol: from Jew hating websites? Please....Illuminati?..Jewish conspiracy? You're joke here, other than to your fellow Jew haters and the clueless Coyote

My post set forth facts you seem to be too ignorant to respond to.

Which post was that again? Illuminati or Jew conspiracy?

No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?
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I want to thank everyone here for the opportunity to examine these questions and look at History from another perspective.

I know I have studied in bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind, over time.

I am now thinking more fully about how there is also a similar progressive shifting and evolving of mankind over time, as well.

And it is all part of Gods plan and purpose, that we always see through a glass darkly.

The world it is a changing.

Did you learn to worship Nazi websites in your "bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind?"
My post set forth facts you seem to be too ignorant to respond to.

Which post was that again? Illuminati or Jew conspiracy?

No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?

Your post #25 your link:eusa_whistle:

Origin of the Word Jew
The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

You Nazi types crack me up.
You use known Nazi websites to support your mindless hate and then lecture others on turning from hate.
You need to remove the log from your own eye before noting the splinter in another's.
The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

You Nazi types crack me up.
You use known Nazi websites to support your mindless hate and then lecture others on turning from hate.
You need to remove the log from your own eye before noting the splinter in another's.

She cant think straight, too much hate to see through, she doesn't even remember what she posts:cuckoo:
I called it. No links. Hit and run poster unsupported by facts. God I love posting against Muslims. It makes me look twice as smart as I am!


There's links. Right where I said there were. And anyone with half a brain can see that. You're playing word games, troll.

BTW, I'm not a muslim, shit-for-brains.

Yes, all the rest of us know you're not a Muslim but a SFB. Thanks for the announcement, though!
This is the thing about posting with brainwashed Muslims and their third world educations. Dramatic statement denying what offends them, but we never see any fact/links to justify a word they post.
You're a fuckin' liar!

I posted links and you just acted like they weren't there. But that's all it act!

You obviously don't have the chops to debate a complex issue, so you just constantly repeat these bullshit mantra's over and over and over... you know who constantly repeats the same shit over and over?

Trolls, that's who. So your a little fuckin' troll, just passing through trying to stir up shit.

Wow. Billo's so drunk tonight he's posting to himself........
My post set forth facts you seem to be too ignorant to respond to.

Which post was that again? Illuminati or Jew conspiracy?

No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?

So if the l'il pious pustule itself didn't hear about something down there in Bumfuk, Ark - then it presumes to declaim that such a thing doesn't exist???

What does that l'il sherriliar think it is - Britannica and the OED, with a bag of chips???
I want to thank everyone here for the opportunity to examine these questions and look at History from another perspective.

I know I have studied in bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind, over time.

I am now thinking more fully about how there is also a similar progressive shifting and evolving of mankind over time, as well.

And it is all part of Gods plan and purpose, that we always see through a glass darkly.

The world it is a changing.

Did you learn to worship Nazi websites in your "bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind?"

I learned I need to more often look for authority in Biblical Scriptures by going to the original Greek texts. A Concordance helps. But the fact is language has changed in the past 2000 years and our understanding of the meaning of words has changed too, rendering it very difficult to be able to understand the meaning of certain words, as intended 2000 years ago. I can read Scriptures now more fully realizing my own limitations. And I can try harder to understand what Bible verses mean, at the same time being much more aware of my limitations.

Consider the word Caananite used to describe an individual in The New Testament, in modern versions of the Bible. That may not have been the actual term in the original Greek text. And that word Caananite can be interpreted differently, and the meaning may well not have been the same 2000 years ago as it is today.

The perspective we approach words from can give us new and fresh understandings of Scriptures.

Understanding who God is happens to be a big part of what I try to do when I study Scriptures.

Another thing I see more clearly is a more striking difference between The Old and New Testaments. We start with ethnicity substantially defining relationship with God, like in Judges for example, and move to a much more inclusive path to God, with Jesus message. And the progression of mankind continues into today, as we are able to tear down walls that divide. As who a person is, example a Jew or a Caaananite, becomes less clear, for me it becomes clearer it really does not matter.

I think seeing ourselves as different from each other fuels hate. The Internet and ability to talk to people all over the world is a positive thing. We see our similarities and can have a greater potential to tear down the walls that divide us from each other.

Of course, each individual is left with choices to make and its those choices that define their destiny.
Which post was that again? Illuminati or Jew conspiracy?

No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?

Your post #25 your link:eusa_whistle:

Origin of the Word Jew

What are the factual inaccuracies in the paragraph I quoted?

There was no word Jew when any Scriptures were originally written.
No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?

Your post #25 your link:eusa_whistle:

Origin of the Word Jew

What are the factual inaccuracies in the paragraph I quoted?

There was no word Jew when any Scriptures were originally written.

Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a*"Jew,"*moreover, that he was**"King of the Jews."*Thus, by inference, that the*"Jews"*were the*"Chosen People"*of the*Holy Bible*and so ancient possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ's Mission and Passion no such people existed called*"Jews"*nor indeed did the word*"Jew."*In short: Jesus was NOT a*"Jew"*nor was he**"King of the Jews."In fact, Jesus is referred as a*"Jew"*for the first time in the*New Testament*in the 18th century; in the revised 18th century English language editions of the 14th century first* English translations of the*New Testament. The etymology of the word*"Jew"*is quit clear. Although*"Jew"*is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word*"Jew"*is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin*"Iudaeus"*found in St. Jerome's*Vulgate Edition*and derived from the Greek word*"Ioudaios."*The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century, which illustrate not only the origin of the word*"Jew"*found in the Latin word*"Iudaeus"*but also its current use in the English language.* Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin*"Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" the*evolution of these English forms is:*"Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow," "Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew,"*and then, finally, the 18th century,"Jew."*Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for*"Jews"*is:*"Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows," "Iouis," "Iews,"*and then, finally, in the 18th century,*"Jews.""

There is the paragraph I quoted.

What is factually incorrect?

I keep asking you to respond to facts I set forth and you keep refusing.

No response to the facts in post 25 or 170 either.
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Sherri-----who according to the essay copy and pasted by the ISA-RESPECTER ------
actually believes that the person called "JESUS" ----which is a greek corruption of
the aramaic YESHUA-----which is the aramaic form of the hebrew yehoshua----
spoke GREEK or LATIN She spits on the book called the NEW TESTAMENT --
whch makes it absolutely clear that the person called "JESUS" spoke aramaic and
was also literate in Hebrew-------but NOT GREEK AND NOT LATIN.

She also asserts that HE--HIMSELF declared himself a JUDEAN ---in hebrew
YEHUDI-------which in english is always rendered ****JEW*****----
for the record-----Jesus called himself a "JEW" according to sherri.

One of the important issues of the christmas story is the detail that
Jesus was BORN IN BETHLEHEM. ------the birthplace of DAVID-----
DAVID is----in history ------one of the MOST IMPORTANT
members of the HOUSE OF JUDAH (YEHUDAH) In fact the new
Testament writers went to pains to describe a FAMILY LINK between
JESUS and DAVID-----both of the HOUSE OF JUDAH---(YEHUDIM)

Our very own sherri----the BIBLE SCHOLAR----spits on the basic
assertions found in the book called the NEW TESTAMENT-----i doubt
that she ever read it-------I have a lot more respect for that book than
does sherri She should be careful-----if she also spits on the koran
to the same extent----she might be ----beheaded.......
The blah blah blah of Dr, Martin Luther King

By fadi Kiblawi

OMG OMG OMG. so they hired this Muslim scumbag to do historical revisionism on Dr. King who was obviously Zionist.
No posts that are "Illuminati or Jew conspiracy" , never heard of such things, more Zionist fantasies , I guess.

Post 170 is the post you seem incapable of responding to.

Another poster alleged Israel militarily took land from Egypt in 1948 that is part of Israel today. (And they compared it to the US acquiring land in America. ) This is a false allegation.

Is it your claim that Israel acquired land from Egypt in 1948 that rightfully belongs to Israel today?

Your post #25 your link:eusa_whistle:

Origin of the Word Jew

What are the factual inaccuracies in the paragraph I quoted?

There was no word Jew when any Scriptures were originally written.

As usual this is much ado about nothing. Sherri sound some anti Semitic website to validate her hate. Typical.

The term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah, or "Jew". This was translated into the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later became the English word Jew.

The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah (Yehudah יהודה).
Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribe descended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odeh אודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudah יהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] Thereafter Judah vouchsafes the Jewish monarchy, and the Israelite kings David and Solomon derive their lineage from Judah. In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.

Yehudi in the Hebrew Bible
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther 2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushan the capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Late Antiquity
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.
In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

That makes the word Jew at least 3000 years old. Case closed.
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