There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

The title of this thread was placed by "beachboy" It is a quotation
from a Muslim who lived in the land that was once called "palestine"
and referred to the fact that muslims did not identify themselves as
"palestinians" until the 1960s

Sherri insists that it is a statement of hatred and seems to hope that the
muslim who made it ---------may someday "turn to a ''god"" "
I doubt it------he is probably just another genocidal isa-respecter----but
his statement is certainly not a statement of "hatred" It was a statement
of fact If he was an isa-respecter-----at least he was an honest isa-respecter---
there is HOPE

for almost 2000 years the only people called "palestinians" were jews living
in the land that the romans renamed PALESTINA when they invaded and STOLE
it. -------they certainly did not call THEMSELVES "palestinians" even whilst
they occupied it and engaged in genocide. The term PALESTINE appears
so much in JEWISH WRITINGS -----post 300 AD------that as a child I thought
it was a hebrew word -------it is a latin derivation of a word coined by a greek
When wirtten out in hebrew it is an OBVIOUSLY foreign word in that it
It is also foreign to the persons sherri claims ARE THE "PALESTINIANS" of today.
and for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. They cannot even pronounce it

Herodotus would probably bust a gut laughing if he heard an arab refer to
the land he dubbed "PALESTINA"

In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel.


This is a map of the United States before the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. Note the areas where America's Southern Border is today. That is because the United States won that war, and it has been our land for 165 years.

Let the Israeli government do what it wants with the West Bank. After all it is their country. Why should the Arabs of Palestine get a do-over? Sorry, he who wins the war writes the history. Here are some rare 1948 photos of that glorious Israeli victory. Ignore the Muslims in the West Bank, they have no ground to stand on. Palestinians? Kiss my ass. That's the take of this Independent WASP.

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are Palestine.

Palestine in the time of Jesus was also called Canaan.

Oh, and by whom? Where are the copious citations and references for that assertion?

I'm guessing that's just one more 'fact' the sherriliarwhore pulled out of her voluminous pus-dripping pestilential................................. well, out of some random orifice or other.........
I want to thank everyone here for the opportunity to examine these questions and look at History from another perspective.

I know I have studied in bible studies of the progressive revelation of God to mankind, over time.

I am now thinking more fully about how there is also a similar progressive shifting and evolving of mankind over time, as well.

And it is all part of Gods plan and purpose, that we always see through a glass darkly.

The world it is a changing.

Let's all thank the lying sherriKKKins for showing its true KKKolors yet again. It uses hate speech sites as 'references' for its spewage.

Still, there's a grain of truth in the mound of lying shit the filthy sherrithing posted above. Humanity is indeed evolving................... I just wish the l'il sherriturd would join the movement!
The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

And the rest of us have been hoping exactly that about you, l'il sherrithing. Turn away from Satan and truly follow Jesus....... at least stop lying about who your Master is now.
The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

When do you plan on doing it?:confused:

Are you a Zionist capable of comprehending English?

If so, go to Pg 1 of the thread and see for yourself who the comments were directed to.
The title of this thread is an illustration of Hate, a statement made that robs others of human dignity and their very identity.

I would hope the poster who started this thread will one day turn from hate and turn to God.

When do you plan on doing it?:confused:

Are you a Zionist capable of comprehending English?

If so, go to Pg 1 of the thread and see for yourself who the comments were directed to.

He was simply addressing the comment to the poster to whom it actually applied.

You wrote:

"In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel."

My response:

Your account of what happened is inaccurate. Egyptian land was not occupied until 1967 after Israel started a war with Egypt that year.

And the land has been called Palestine since the time of Herodotus.

You really should get your facts straight.

And the history of the US has nothing to do with the Zionist colonial terrorist enterprise in Palestine.

Today, we have intl laws that state sovereignty of land cannot be obtained by military conquest.

Any land Israel grabbed by military conquest, she occupies under intl law, and has no sovereignty rights in that land.
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You wrote:

"In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel."

My response:

Your account of what happened is inaccurate. Egyptian land was not occupied until 1967 after Israel started a war with Egypt that year.

And the land has been called Palestine since the time of Herodotus.

You really should get your facts straight.

And the history of the US has nothing to do with the Zionist colonial terrorist enterprise in Palestine.

Today, we have intl laws that state sovereignty of land cannot be obtained by military conquest.

Any land Israel grabbed by military conquest, she occupies under intl law, and has no sovereignty rights in that land.

You spew your Jew hatred everyday here.

You wrote:

"In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel."

My response:

Your account of what happened is inaccurate. Egyptian land was not occupied until 1967 after Israel started a war with Egypt that year.

And the land has been called Palestine since the time of Herodotus.

You really should get your facts straight.

And the history of the US has nothing to do with the Zionist colonial terrorist enterprise in Palestine.

Today, we have intl laws that state sovereignty of land cannot be obtained by military conquest.

Any land Israel grabbed by military conquest, she occupies under intl law, and has no sovereignty rights in that land.

You spew your Jew hatred everyday here.

Facts are facts, respond to them for a change instead of resorting to your regular Zionist personal attack script.

You wrote:

"In 1948 when Israeli's were attacked by Arab countries, the Israeli Army pushed into land occupied by Egypt, and took it as their own. A prize of war that gave Jews a larger country. The people that were defeated now lived in Israel. The defeated Arabs grabbed onto the name "Palestinians," but there were no Palestinians before 1948. The whole thing was and still is an Arab ploy to take land that they lost when they attacked Israel."

My response:

Your account of what happened is inaccurate. Egyptian land was not occupied until 1967 after Israel started a war with Egypt that year.

And the land has been called Palestine since the time of Herodotus.

You really should get your facts straight.

And the history of the US has nothing to do with the Zionist colonial terrorist enterprise in Palestine.

Today, we have intl laws that state sovereignty of land cannot be obtained by military conquest.

Any land Israel grabbed by military conquest, she occupies under intl law, and has no sovereignty rights in that land.

You spew your Jew hatred everyday here.

Facts are facts, respond to them for a change instead of resorting to your regular Zionist personal attack script.

This is the thing about posting with brainwashed Muslims and their third world educations. Dramatic statement denying what offends them, but we never see any fact/links to justify a word they post.


Without a doubt, Muslims are the dumbest beings on planet Earth.


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This is the thing about posting with brainwashed Muslims and their third world educations. Dramatic statement denying what offends them, but we never see any fact/links to justify a word they post.
You're a fuckin' liar!

I posted links and you just acted like they weren't there. But that's all it act!

You obviously don't have the chops to debate a complex issue, so you just constantly repeat these bullshit mantra's over and over and over... you know who constantly repeats the same shit over and over?

Trolls, that's who. So your a little fuckin' troll, just passing through trying to stir up shit.
This is the thing about posting with brainwashed Muslims and their third world educations. Dramatic statement denying what offends them, but we never see any fact/links to justify a word they post.
You're a fuckin' liar!

I posted links and you just acted like they weren't there. But that's all it act!

You obviously don't have the chops to debate a complex issue, so you just constantly repeat these bullshit mantra's over and over and over... you know who constantly repeats the same shit over and over?

Trolls, that's who. So your a little fuckin' troll, just passing through trying to stir up shit.

And that last post of his I responded to he spewed out a bunch of false claims and presented nothing to support those claims.
This is the thing about posting with brainwashed Muslims and their third world educations. Dramatic statement denying what offends them, but we never see any fact/links to justify a word they post.
You're a fuckin' liar!

I posted links and you just acted like they weren't there. But that's all it act!

You obviously don't have the chops to debate a complex issue, so you just constantly repeat these bullshit mantra's over and over and over... you know who constantly repeats the same shit over and over?

Trolls, that's who. So your a little fuckin' troll, just passing through trying to stir up shit.

Apparently, you chose your usual name-calling alternative rather than reposting your links if I had missed them.

Actually, not a surprise, emotional over-reaction is typical of primates at the bottom of the food chain. Like to try again?

If we get links supporting a Muslim argument, they will be the first I have seen since I have been in USMB. $5 says we will never see an appropriate, credible link from Billo_Really.

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UN Documents confirm there is a Palestine.

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem:1917-1988PART I1917-1947- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)

The question of Palestine was brought before the United Nations shortly after the end of the Second World War.*The origins of the Palestine problem as an international issue, however, lie in events occurring towards the end of the First World War. These events led to a League of Nations decision to place Palestine under the administration of Great Britain as the Mandatory Power under the Mandates System adopted by the League. In principle, the Mandate was meant to be in the nature of a transitory phase until Palestine attained the status of a fully independent nation, a status provisionally recognized in the League's Covenant, but in fact the Mandate's historical evolution did not result in the emergence of Palestine as an independent nation.The decision on the Mandate did not take into account the wishes of the people of Palestine, despite the Covenant's requirements that "the wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory". This assumed special significance because, almost five years before receiving the mandate from the League of Nations, the British Government had given commitments to the Zionist Organization regarding the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, for which Zionist leaders had pressed a claim of "historical connection" since their ancestors had lived in Palestine two thousand years earlier before dispersing in the "Diaspora".*During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)
UN Documents confirm there is a Palestine.

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem:1917-1988PART I1917-1947- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)

The question of Palestine was brought before the United Nations shortly after the end of the Second World War.*The origins of the Palestine problem as an international issue, however, lie in events occurring towards the end of the First World War. These events led to a League of Nations decision to place Palestine under the administration of Great Britain as the Mandatory Power under the Mandates System adopted by the League. In principle, the Mandate was meant to be in the nature of a transitory phase until Palestine attained the status of a fully independent nation, a status provisionally recognized in the League's Covenant, but in fact the Mandate's historical evolution did not result in the emergence of Palestine as an independent nation.The decision on the Mandate did not take into account the wishes of the people of Palestine, despite the Covenant's requirements that "the wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory". This assumed special significance because, almost five years before receiving the mandate from the League of Nations, the British Government had given commitments to the Zionist Organization regarding the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, for which Zionist leaders had pressed a claim of "historical connection" since their ancestors had lived in Palestine two thousand years earlier before dispersing in the "Diaspora".*During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)

Those so-called documents were created in 1964 by the Russians, as a propaganda ploy, and it worked. The link is in the OP. Why not try reading it.

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Apparently, you chose your usual name-calling alternative rather than reposting your links if I had missed them.

Actually, not a surprise, emotional over-reaction is typical of primates at the bottom of the food chain. Like to try again?

If we get links supporting a Muslim argument, they will be the first I have seen since I have been in USMB. $5 says we will never see an appropriate, credible link from Billo_Really.

I'm not going to re-post them!

Go back to my original post and see for yourself.

I'm not going to gift wrap my argument in a shiney box with a big red bow for you.

I posted my rebuttal with corroborating evidence that showed you're full of shit. And to date, you're too pussy to address the points I made.
Apparently, you chose your usual name-calling alternative rather than reposting your links if I had missed them.

Actually, not a surprise, emotional over-reaction is typical of primates at the bottom of the food chain. Like to try again?

If we get links supporting a Muslim argument, they will be the first I have seen since I have been in USMB. $5 says we will never see an appropriate, credible link from Billo_Really.

I'm not going to re-post them!

Go back to my original post and see for yourself.

I'm not going to gift wrap my argument in a shiney box with a big red bow for you.

I posted my rebuttal with corroborating evidence that showed you're full of shit. And to date, you're too pussy to address the points I made.

I called it. No links. Hit and run poster unsupported by facts. God I love posting against Muslims. It makes me look twice as smart as I am!


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